Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited August 2015

    Yes, the black lines that detail clothes, hair, and face lines you mean. This is the same thing I sent to Artic0ne regarding (in my experience) the best looking black lines (also keep in mind this was copy and pasted so it might be bad)

    I use photoshop CS2, I load the detail lines and normal texture make sure they are both layers in the bottom right tab and not background,select the detail lines. I then select the "select" tab and go to "Color Range" once I do that, click on any white part of the detail lines. make sure your settings for color range is fuzziness is 200, and and selection preview is "GrayScale".once you click the white,click 'Ok" and then press delete.
    Once you do that, select the magic wand and right click the detail lines and click "select inverse" once you do that, go to the top right and click "edit, Copy" Now, click the other texture you have, and go to edit again, but this time click paste.once you do that, it should be the same size as the texture and fit good. However sometimes, they have to be moved to the correct spot. Just move the best you can to fit the texture. once your done, you might notice the lines have gray around them,to fix that,go to
    "edit, Fill" make it fill to black.

    Example, Carlos's shirt with detail lines and Kenny/Vitali Jacket with detail lines.
    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I hope that's what you mean :P Edit changed pic so the lines are easier to see

    Deltino posted: »

    I meant the detail for characters as in facial hair and stuff. All of the detail that goes on top of the base model. Troy or Pete with their beards, for example. All of those details are kept on a separate file from the textures themselves.

  • Nope, but here is some lake and an unfinished house

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    town....tooooooooown....give me, toooooown.

  • On the "Long Road Ahead" picture I thought it said LOL at first, where Lee is at xD

    Deltino posted: »

    Here's one of the most interesting finds I came across going through the files. These are super old work-in-progress concepts of the episode

  • Don't post screenshots from 3DS Max, as that 3D software only lowers the quality of the textures.

    Deltino posted: »

    Tavia has an unused model where she has a huge stitched up gash on her side. Makes me wonder what they were originally planning to do with her. Here's the raw texture, zoomed in on the stitching (since it's not the best quality up above)

  • Thanks for the instructions, I'll try that method instead of what I do in Paint.NET for a change.

    I'll compare the quality after I finish the freaking render that's taking so long.

    AGentlman posted: »

    Yes, the black lines that detail clothes, hair, and face lines you mean. This is the same thing I sent to Artic0ne regarding (in my experien

  • In Episode Four in the first season, you are given the option to leave Clementine behind with a gun. If doing so, she would shoot a zombie to protect Omid. Now, if you hide your bite at the end of episode four, Omid and Christa will argue about going. Omid would want to go, since Clem protected him, but Christa doesn't want him to go because of his bum leg.

    Granted, Omid will still stay, but now you can see he cares more if Clem helped him.

  • ;.; aw, that is so sweet.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    In Episode Four in the first season, you are given the option to leave Clementine behind with a gun. If doing so, she would shoot a zombie t

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited August 2015

    Most people already know that Lee starts to grow a stubble in Long Road Ahead, but did you know that all of the other characters, with the exception of Clementine, also change slightly in appearance?

    Their skin becomes more pale and dirty, and they start developing dark circles around their eyes

    It's not that easy to see in game, but it's there. For the sake of comparison, here's a couple of side-by-sides of the textures themselves. 101-102 appearance on the left, 103 appearance on the right (open in another tab for bigger images, obviously):

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Also while we're on the note of textures, if Kenny beats up Lee on the train, he actually gets bloody knuckles from it. It's such a small detail, though, that it's near impossible to actually see in game:

    enter image description here

    There's also an unused texture of Clementine crying, which I'm guessing was going to be used when Duck died. And if anyone is wondering, it's not the same as her crying in No Time Left:

    enter image description here

  • sorry, i just can't take these pictures seriously

    enter image description here

    Deltino posted: »

    Most people already know that Lee starts to grow a stubble in Long Road Ahead, but did you know that all of the other characters, with the e

  • That might be the most terrifying thing I've ever seen.

    Deltino posted: »

    Most people already know that Lee starts to grow a stubble in Long Road Ahead, but did you know that all of the other characters, with the e

  • This is scary.

    Deltino posted: »

    Most people already know that Lee starts to grow a stubble in Long Road Ahead, but did you know that all of the other characters, with the e

  • There is something eerie and funny about these pictures.

    Deltino posted: »

    Most people already know that Lee starts to grow a stubble in Long Road Ahead, but did you know that all of the other characters, with the e

  • edited September 2015

    Did you know the "Hard Ass Bandit" model appears in the 400 days dlc and in the same episode he have a blank shirt texture

    enter image description here enter image description here

    This one bandit called BanditF appears in 400 days files as well

    enter image description here

    And Lastly, Here is an blindfoldless Roberto (his face changes skin tones because of the blindfold, since we never seen his eye color im using clementine's eye color for reference)

    enter image description here

  • I dunno, the guy in the poster seems to have a mustache.

    I think that Dennis poster is a reference to Dennis Nedry, that fat bastard form Jurassic Park. Fun fact: his corpse, (second picture) appeared in TellTale's Jurassic Park: The Game.

  • Indeed

    I know... Like Lee... And Luke. Iwanted them to live but hey... Telltale is an asshole.

  • I wish they kept the angry business men in-game.

    Deltino posted: »

    Here's one of the most interesting finds I came across going through the files. These are super old work-in-progress concepts of the episode

  • Nightmares for days

    Deltino posted: »

    Most people already know that Lee starts to grow a stubble in Long Road Ahead, but did you know that all of the other characters, with the e

  • infinite pockets

    So thats how he carried the BLOWTORCH while returning to the bridge and climbing the ladder (S1 E3)

    Pipas posted: »

    S1 Ep4 - When Lee's group goes to Crawford, Kenny can be seen holding a rife, this rifle is never seen again. Don't you know? Kenny put it in his pocket and then just forgot about it. He has infinite pockets like Lee.

  • I agree. He looks more like MIKE's younger brother

    It's weird to see Lee like this...

  • If Carley is saved, she will be alive. xD

  • OMG really? It's not like there were 60 other comments mentioning that.. :O

  • Idk why the pics are not showing up on my screen, can you put them up again or just link me a video, cause I really want to see this.. xD
    Thanks. :D

    Remember back at the motel when Lee chopped the head off that zombie? But, of course you gotta kill the brain right? So guess what co

  • The video got removed..

    There is a hidden /unused option to look at Sarita's arm in Episode 3 Discovered by BetterChoice from the OtherTwdforum


    Couldn't be raccoon because Mike would eat the shit out of it in that case

  • edited September 2015

    I just want to mention one detail that no one mentioned.. (read the whole discussion today, maybe someone did mention it but I forgot, pl0x don't h8 xD)
    Luke got dragged down into the lake/drowned and ended up on the bottom of the lake.. No one, literally no one made sure he won't turn.. Just imagine the picture of him down at the bottom as a walker, floating around.. Just awful.. He was my favorite TWD character and I definitely didn't want him to go like that.. Bull. Shit.
    Just to cheer you up here's a picture of Derpy Clem! :D


  • The pics aren't showing because they were probably removed from whatever site they originated from.

    Idk why the pics are not showing up on my screen, can you put them up again or just link me a video, cause I really want to see this.. xD Thanks.

  • Okay, thanks anyway. ;)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The pics aren't showing because they were probably removed from whatever site they originated from.

  • Do you have a link to this? I'd like to see for myself :3

    Nope nope nope!His voice actor confirmed that Mike was Ralph.

  • Here's a dumb video of what happens if you stay silent during the Roberto choice in Shel's story, and Roman decides to kill him

    enter link description here

  • How about YOU search this on your own,this is WHY google EXIST.

    Ercajayme posted: »

    Do you have a link to this? I'd like to see for myself

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited September 2015

    If Lee goes alone to find Clementine, and doesn't cut off his arm, the bite gets progressively worse-looking as the episode goes on. This only happens if Lee went alone. For whatever reason, it doesn't happen if Lee goes with someone.

    Beginning of episode:

    enter image description here

    Middle of episode:

    enter image description here

    End of episode:

    enter image description here

  • I love this thread but there are only so many things people don't know about, which is a shame.

    I hope the new episode comes soon because I need more of this!

  • edited September 2015

    Finally, I found the secret of Lee's pocket !!!

    Lookey here


    Remember DORAEMON's 4D pocket, well, he stole it from him...and before dying, he passed it down to Clem (offscreen). And this proves that all these are true...

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • edited September 2015

    Another detail everyone missed...


    enter image description here

    caused him to become this

    enter image description here

    He didn't die but mutated. Then he shaved his beard and became the protagonist of PROTOTYPE 2

  • Ugh

    enter link description here

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited September 2015

    So there's an unused model of the church in Amid The Ruins. The one that's apparently part of the elusive town, and the one showcased on the achievement image:

    enter image description here

    It doesn't have any of it's own textures, and I honestly can't figure out what textures are meant to go on it (if any). So I slapped on a few that fit and colored in the rest of it to give you a general idea of what it looks like.

    Further points of interest:

    • There's only windows along the front and right side of the church, which suggests that it was meant to be seen from the above perspective.

    • It was meant to show up at the end of episode 4, along the same road where you get into the shoot-out.

    • It's pretty low detail/low poly, which suggests it was nothing more than a background prop that was meant to be seen from a distance.

    • The model is only in the files for episode 4. It was completely removed from the episode 5 files.

    And while I'm here, here's a super obscure (and stupid) game over death from Around Every Corner:

    enter link description here

  • Might explain the 'beyond the trees' for the achievement image if it's only seen from one angle in the distance. I wish they'd kept it in.

    Deltino posted: »

    So there's an unused model of the church in Amid The Ruins. The one that's apparently part of the elusive town, and the one showcased on the

  • It would be very interesting to have a Father who was insane because of the infected in Amid The Ruins

    Deltino posted: »

    So there's an unused model of the church in Amid The Ruins. The one that's apparently part of the elusive town, and the one showcased on the

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