Is novelty of "Telltale Formula" wearing off?



  • Nah, I still love the "Telltale formula". I've never cared about choices mattering very much, I'm in it for the story. That said, I do think it's a bit jarring when you can tell when you're being railroaded, which is a small part of the reason I think GOT is one of Telltale's weaker games. Choices having an affect would just be a bonus for me, which is why I'm always shocked to find something new in TFTB on another playthrough, even with things I'd thought would be the same for everyone.

  • Hey guys, Tales from the Borderlands actually does have meaningful choices with impact, so they lost their way with TWD S2 and by the time GoT Episode 5 came about we realized just how linear and meaningless the choices were - but its not that their formula is failing, their latest games have simply forgotten how to properly apply it to the same extent that was done for their masterpiece TWD S1 - but at least the team on TWAU and TFTB actually do get how to bring Telltale's vision to its full story and character driven potential.

  • I'm so sick of people commenting on a whiny post about a whiner.

    I'm so over people whining about people whining about people whining.

  • I'm so irritated with people being sick of people commenting on a whiny post about a whiner.

    I'm so sick of people commenting on a whiny post about a whiner.

  • Well can you really blame them after Episode 5?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    We don't have a problem with criticism except the fact that half of the section's thread are complains and criticisms about Game of Thrones!

  • edited September 2015

    But after episode 5, they say that the whole game is weak and not just that episode.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Well can you really blame them after Episode 5?

  • I'm sick of people. In general.

    I'm so irritated with people being sick of people commenting on a whiny post about a whiner.

  • I see no problem here.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm sick of people. In general.

  • I don't buy that. Looking through threads here, I see multiple people who seem to be offended every time someone dares criticize a Telltale Game. It doesn't matter how well reasoned their criticism is, it's constantly dismissed as "hate" or "whining." Tell me, if people were constantly praising the game, and they made topics talking about how awesome a certain thing was over and over, when you still be complaining about people making the same topic? I doubt it, and people who criticize the game should be given the same courtesy. Asking people to stop making a certain type of topic NEVER works, so you're better off ignoring them if you don't like them. When you're dealing with short, episodic games with a month or more between installments, big shock, you're going to get some repeat topics.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    We don't have a problem with criticism except the fact that half of the section's thread are complains and criticisms about Game of Thrones!

  • How can I even ignore those kind of threads when they are everywhere?!

    Austin P posted: »

    I don't buy that. Looking through threads here, I see multiple people who seem to be offended every time someone dares criticize a Telltale

  • Episode 5 individually as a let down - the game as a whole was therefore affected to some extent by Ep. 5 failings - though storywise the game was still pretty strong, before Episode 5, when a Nest of Vipers came out I guess some people ran out of patience with how no matter which choice they made too many major events would forcefully occur and Episode 5 didn't do anything to improve that, rather it must have felt like a snub, especially with that Stab Ramsay option... why Telltale... why would you do that to us....

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    But after episode 5, they say that the whole game is weak and not just that episode.

  • No one is offended by criticism, but I'm annoyed of people repeating the same thing over and over. Keep it in one thread.

    Austin P posted: »

    I don't buy that. Looking through threads here, I see multiple people who seem to be offended every time someone dares criticize a Telltale

  • Negativity! Negativity everywhere in this section!

    If an episode was bad but the other episodes were not, you don't just criticise the whole game and say the game is verybad cuz one episode was weak. LMAO

    Harian96 posted: »

    Episode 5 individually as a let down - the game as a whole was therefore affected to some extent by Ep. 5 failings - though storywise the ga

  • This is the internet... keeping it all in one organized and civil thread is kind of.... an impossible wish fulfillment.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    No one is offended by criticism, but I'm annoyed of people repeating the same thing over and over. Keep it in one thread.

  • Only way that's going to happen is if they sticky a general criticism thread to the top of the forums, and that's never going to happen. I don't expect people who are new to the board and want to share their thoughts to go searching through several pages worth of topics to find one that's related to what they want to say.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    No one is offended by criticism, but I'm annoyed of people repeating the same thing over and over. Keep it in one thread.

  • Hypothetically, if the finale was somehow worse than the penultimate episode, would that affect the overall standing of the game itself?

    Not that I think the finale will be bad - in fact I think no matter what Telltale does now they can only do better than what they did with Episode 5 - the finale will probably be either good or meh.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Negativity! Negativity everywhere in this section! If an episode was bad but the other episodes were not, you don't just criticise the whole game and say the game is verybad cuz one episode was weak. LMAO

  • edited September 2015

    Considering that TellTale has multiple people moving from project to project and episode to episode, I don't think it is the teams that are the "issue" (if you are one of the ones upset with the way TellTale does their games). I believe it has more to do with the overall scope of the story. On the Walking Dead side of the forums, I think I can speak for the majority when I say that the original or previous version of Season 2 that we pieced together with leaked and axed files was better than what we presented. It would have had the same people working on it, but the story line would have gone a different direction. So with that, I don't TellTale has "lost their way" or "forgotten how to properly apply [their formula]."

    In my opinion from what I have seen with TWD and GOT, it seems like their downfall was that the scope of the season was too big to encompass. I stated in the TWD side of the forums in a thread that Season 2 looked like it could have benefited from and extra 2 to 3 episodes. The Carver story arc could have been it's own season whereas the Jane/Kenny/post-Howe's story arc could have been a good 3-4 episodes on its own. TFTBL seems to thrive because it is really focused; here is the story of Rhys, Fiona, and a plan gone awfully wrong. There is no extra Vallory mini-arc in the middle. The time spent with Athena was kept minimal and only focused on the main later story while the rest was colorfully and humorously summarized in the Main Title card scene. The main plot is moving and not having to speed up towards the end to fit it all together (there is still one last episode left, so this is more of hopefully expectation than fact).

    I think TellTale is trying out different types of stories to see how they work in the "TellTale Formula." Unfortunately, they never know how well things will until the first episode or two are released, which may explain the speculated major early to mid season story adjustments. With that being said, this also sometimes results in games that not only fail to meet our expectation, but TellTales as well. TellTell has recently come into the main stage. They are the "rookies" in this aspect.

    As a side note, I saw online via an anonymous job review site some interesting tidbits. Apparently during the TWD: S2 and TWAU phase, TellTale was growing and expanding. Many reviews during that time noted an internal organizational structure that was not conducive to this growth and thus result in projects that felt pushed and rushed. Around the time when TFTBL and GOT was released, there seemed to be less negative remarks towards TellTale. Several reviews cited management structure overhauls and even some citing that TellTale is just simply going through some "growing pains." I'm only mentioning this because you mention TellTale's "teams" so I thought this might give an idea of what is going on behind the scene and may correlate with how different years fared. With that being said, reviews aren't always an accurate depiction of a place. If I find the like to the site, I'll add it here.

    I digress...

    TL:DR - TellTale's teams aren't the issue for some of the bad seasons, it's the scope and focus of the story. As TellTale grows and experiments, they will see what kind of story styles work well with the TellTale model.

    This has been a presentation of eRock92 Productions with support from the TFTBL Shippers Association of America, Clementine's Hat Foundation, and from viewers like you. Thank You.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Hey guys, Tales from the Borderlands actually does have meaningful choices with impact, so they lost their way with TWD S2 and by the time G

  • I actually made a critism thread, but it got ignored :D

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Exactly THEY ARE BASICALLY THE SAME THREAD. Why don't they make a criticism thread and just use that.

  • Too be honest it feels kinda meh. If I wanted a story then I'd watch a movie. I'm playing these games because they're supposed to make me feel as if I have a part in the whole story, not just being a pawn and have an inevitable end every time.

    Plus, this was pretty much the reason why people play these types of games, being that choices have consequences. The whole mechanic makes the game have way more replay value.

  • your right but i hate kenny i never understood why everyone loved him so much lol

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Just wait until the last episode to say that the decisions have no effect on the characters Everyone loved Kenny in TWD, but he's also on

  • "If i wanted Story Then i'd watch a Movie" this statement is so overused and wrong. You can say this to everything. "If i wanted story Then i'd read a book" It's Not only about the plot. It's about Characterization of the people around you. Btw it's nearly impossible to make choices matter the way you want it to. There Are hundreds of choice combinations in ONE episode. Even Bioware, who was published by EA, couldn't Do it right with ME3, because it would take to long and it would be to expensive. It would take several years of writing and programming to make it happen. But i have faith in TTGs super-show and TWDS3 to get us one Step closer to the "let him live and this world burns, let him die and this is Heaven" situation.

    Sandflow posted: »

    Too be honest it feels kinda meh. If I wanted a story then I'd watch a movie. I'm playing these games because they're supposed to make me fe

  • :0 So you're saying people prefer makin 10 or 20 thread ABOUT THE SAME EXACT TOPIC than to use 1 thread that was already made. Wtf?

    kaza125 posted: »

    I actually made a critism thread, but it got ignored

  • Nope not at all. My thread was glanced at by a few users, but was buried by a ton of of other threads, which happens all the time to everyone on here. Nothing wrong with that, it just means people are actively discussing the game.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    :0 So you're saying people prefer makin 10 or 20 thread ABOUT THE SAME EXACT TOPIC than to use 1 thread that was already made. Wtf?

  • that's true. I just don't feel that involved or caring for any of the characters besides a few and I'm not really all that happy with the interactions we got with those characters because it felt very limited, short or unmoving. except for Jon I was happy with his interactions. Daenerys was always kinda bitchy (I love her in the show tho), Cotter is okay but I don't really care for him, Finn was a dick and i don't know why everyone loves him so much lol, haven't seen enough of sylvi yet but i like her character so far, and Eleana is hot i like her and rodrick together. Tom cool I guess.

    You can affect your relationship with your family, Cotter, Finn and Jon, Sylvi, Eleana, your people at Ironrath, Deanerys and Tom.

  • Actually choice for Finn is either coming with you or staying at Castle Black. Well even though it wasn't the most perfect choice it was kinda good on Telltale's part for improving the determinant character. I mean if u think about it, that Finn COULD have lived if u didn't bring him along with Gared and Cotter. That was your choice.

    I expect them to have an at least SLIGHT impact. There is none in GoT. Finn was a great potential but then he got Nick-ed.

  • BioShock will teach you everything you'll need to know about choices in gaming: Suppress your unrealistic expectations, would you kindly?

    Then they shouldn't advertise the whole "your choices tailor your story" thing.

  • Well tbh idk why I loved him so much. Maybe it was after he saved me in the drug store (me being Lee) that I realized he might not be such a useless asshole. Maybe it was after Kat and Duck died that I truly felt his pain and became a real friend.

    Or maybe it was the beard lmao

    Regardless, he is a perfect example of a character who barely is effected by your decisions (until maybe season two when he finally begins to reminisce about Lee) that was still widely loved.

    Pabster23 posted: »

    your right but i hate kenny i never understood why everyone loved him so much lol

  • edited September 2015

    It definitely is for me. I just caved and bought GoT (haven't finished it yet), and it feels much worse than their earlier stuff. TWD S1 really fooled me about choices mattering, TWAU and TWD S2 kinda got me, and now I can just see where they're tricking you into thinking that your choices matter. So I think they need to change up the format.

    I really like how the new King's Quest did it. King's Quest doesn't have nearly as many choices, but what's there feels more important. Also, when I replayed King's Quest, I was surprised that things I thought were meaningless actually had effects throughout the rest of the game. Like solving puzzles in different orders changed how certain characters treated you. It was kind of the opposite feeling I had when replaying TWD, where I was disappointed by how little changed based on my choices. It probably helped that King's Quest wasn't constantly screaming at you that your choices mattered. They shone a spotlight on the first choice, then kind of left the player to figure out what was and wasn't important.

    If I were Telltale, I would focus on having fewer choices that have a big impact, rather than a lot of choices with little impact. The question, then, is what to have the player do in between choices. King's Quest had puzzle solving to lean on. I would hate more QTEs, and they can't just fill it with cinematics. I would love them to mix in their old style of puzzle solving and exploration, but I'm not sure if that would fly with their new fans. Maybe just more walking around and exploring would work. Maybe they could try their hand at a proper action game. I honestly don't know, just spit-balling here.

    Edit: punctuation

  • I defintely agree and one thing they need to bring back is exploration! I know it makes more sense for TWD and less for other games (which it shouldn't honestly) but how else can we interact with our NPCs and find out what they think about.

    That's one of my favorite things about Fallout NV, just talking to ppl seeing how many ppl hate the NCR/Caesars legion

    mosfet posted: »

    It definitely is for me. I just caved and bought GoT (haven't finished it yet), and it feels much worse than their earlier stuff. TWD S1 rea

  • edited September 2015

    Wow, you just completely butchered the English language.

    sorry i've never EVER should critize TTG games . what criticism is good for anyways right?

  • edited September 2015

    If ur a dick to Finn, he doesn't even show up by the sword stand.

    10% of us were dicks to Finn lol

    P.S: He also doesn't lie to Frostfinger so hes never in danger if your a dick to him. Which is a good thing for Finn.

    TDF16 posted: »

    Actually choice for Finn is either coming with you or staying at Castle Black. Well even though it wasn't the most perfect choice it was ki

  • I'd definitely enjoy more exploration and hubs, definitely an element I miss, but I like that TFTB has a few. I'd agree with you that puzzles won't work with a lot of the newer fan base. I enjoy puzzles but at times they definitely halt the progression of the story.

    By the way, have you tried Tales from the Borderlands? I'd say it handles the Telltale formula really well. It's even surprised me a few times with how some of the choices have affected the game.

    mosfet posted: »

    It definitely is for me. I just caved and bought GoT (haven't finished it yet), and it feels much worse than their earlier stuff. TWD S1 rea

  • Everyone loved Kenny in TWD, but he's also one of the worst characters when it came to your interactions/decisions effecting his relationship with you

    Wait what

    The relationship you had with him in S1 was one of the most mechanically dynamic relationships in the game, what are you talking about

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Just wait until the last episode to say that the decisions have no effect on the characters Everyone loved Kenny in TWD, but he's also on

  • Yeah i know but it just bothers me that they're so many threads about it.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Nope not at all. My thread was glanced at by a few users, but was buried by a ton of of other threads, which happens all the time to everyone on here. Nothing wrong with that, it just means people are actively discussing the game.

  • Ehh... I mean his dialogue was great but I disagree.

    Deltino posted: »

    Everyone loved Kenny in TWD, but he's also one of the worst characters when it came to your interactions/decisions effecting his relationshi

  • Wow, my native language isn't english who knew?

    No_username posted: »

    Wow, you just completely butchered the English language.

  • "You will take on the role of different members of the Forrester household, and determine their fate through the choices you make; your actions and decisions will change the story around you."

    what do you make of this then? i know that changing the whole story based on your choices is going to hard for a small studio, but saying shit like this and not doing it is bad.

    Kateis posted: »

    It's literally a false advertisement. No it isn't. All they have ever said is that it tailors the way the game plays (dialogue for e

  • "You will take on the role of different members of the Forrester household, and determine their fate through the choices you make; your actions and decisions will change the story around you."

    this is what they said

    BipedalP posted: »

    Tailoring doesn't flat out change what something is. By analogy if I were to get my suit tailored to fit me better the goal isn't to change

  • Yeah no. Sera leaves you no matter what, Beshka comes with you no matter what, Tyrion knows you lying no matter what, Margaery doesn't like you no matter what, Gryff's face heals no matter what,

    There is no impact? Realy? Your choices affect how other character´s view at us and whole relationship with those characters.

  • Is King's Quest any good?

    mosfet posted: »

    It definitely is for me. I just caved and bought GoT (haven't finished it yet), and it feels much worse than their earlier stuff. TWD S1 rea

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