What borderlands character(s) annoys you that most?



  • Shade, that guy's overall design is weird enough for me but add on his annoying as hell personality, please go the **** away!

  • I only hate Pickle because he does the cockney rhyming slang AND THEN IMMEDIATELY SAYS THE ACTUAL WORD ANYWAY.

    I don't know if the developers just thought players would be too stupid to figure out what he's saying, but it completely defeats the purpose of him using rhyming slang in the first place...

    I think they would have been better served having a little bogan Aussie kid, who grew up wrestling Kraggons (yay, stereotypes!) rather than an inexplicably Dickensian Brit.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Pickle fo sure

  • You called?

    enter image description here

    Flog61 posted: »

    EDIT: Double

  • It's not until I started doing side-missions for Tassiter in TPS that I truly appreciated Jack as a character/just how difficult it is to make a character who's a prick seem likeable.

    Jack has said far worse things to the player than Tassiter ever does (including in TPS and Tales when he's supposedly on the player's side), and yet I want to be BFF's with one and strangle the crap out of the other...

    The man himself sums it up best:

    "Sure, it's a tough universe, but there's no excuse for being an asshole. Unless you're funny with it, then it's kinda totally fine."

    Tassiter, by the time Jack strangled him I was ready to help him.

  • What Moxxi says to Ellie is nagging though, and does not have anything to do with her being 'concerned for her health' - it's outright stated in the game that Moxxi only wants Ellie to lose weight so that men will find her attractive.

    And it's not just the weight, Moxxi bugs her about not wearing make-up, too (which obviously has nothing to do with her health).

    I understand that you have struggled with your own weight, and applaud you for being able to take charge and get healthy, but not everybody has that luxury - as Flog has said, a lot of obese people have medical conditions that contribute to their weight, and for them I think a character like Ellie is a positive role model.

    We don't know Ellie's situation (though given the body types of fellow Hodunks such as Tector there's a good chance genetics play a large role), but what we do know is that she is comfortable with who she is, and isn't going to let anyone dictate how she should or shouldn't look, or how she should feel about herself. That's a really positive message, and something that applies to far more than weight.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I was dangerously close to being that morbidly obese about 3 years ago. I've worked hard to lose weight because obese bodies are NOT pleasan

  • Hmm.. Didn't find anyone annoying in BL 1, In BL 2 however, Ellie, Claptrap (who i liked in BL 1, he was adorable), Tina and Torgue are annoying to me. Im probably forgetting someone : U In TPS i didn't really find anyone annoying, disliking characters is a different thing after all - in tftbl the only characters that annoyed me were felix and shade i guess.

  • As much as I understand his character and his flawed and incomplete programming, Claptrap annoys me.

    Scooter used to annoy me, then Telltale came and wrote him a lot better and show more positive sides of him.

  • edited August 2015

    The oh so obvious Oliver Twist thing was too over the top; however he totally redeemed himself by calling the Bosun creepy. That makes me laugh every time, and Jack getting fired because he totally admits that he hired an 11 year old to help them. I guess you have to be there to appreciate it.

    I only hate Pickle because he does the cockney rhyming slang AND THEN IMMEDIATELY SAYS THE ACTUAL WORD ANYWAY. I don't know if the develo

  • Jack is written and played very well. You get more the feeling that he only means about half of what he says when he insults you and and it usually is more about getting a rise out of you. It's school yard bravado and one-upsmanship more than anything else. Tassiter believes you are a totally inferior, unintelligent, monkey who is beneath his contempt, who doesn't insult you more than tell you exactly what he believes you are.

    It's not until I started doing side-missions for Tassiter in TPS that I truly appreciated Jack as a character/just how difficult it is to ma

  • Even though they're not characters Threshers and Rakks are the only things that annoy me.

  • Fuck claptrap


  • Pickle
    And Tiny Tina(Only in TPS. She was way cooler in BL2!)

  • And rats!

    Even though they're not characters Threshers and Rakks are the only things that annoy me.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Threshers can go fuck themselves

    Especially wormhole ones

    Even though they're not characters Threshers and Rakks are the only things that annoy me.

  • They once took 500 grand from me. Stupid shits.

    And rats!

  • Yeah, when you first come across Rats it sucks.

    And rats!

  • Agreed

    Deltino posted: »

    Threshers can go fuck themselves Especially wormhole ones

  • I hate Claptrap, why would I want to fuck him?

    Fuck claptrap

  • edited August 2015

    hyperion JET loaders enter image description herewell at least I haven't come across this

  • Both of them can go fuck themselves, God those things suck.

    Even though they're not characters Threshers and Rakks are the only things that annoy me.

  • If we're also counting enemies, I'd like to add Constructor bots to my list of annoying characters, especially when they launch nukes.

  • That and when they activate their critical spot shields,so fucking frustrating.

    If we're also counting enemies, I'd like to add Constructor bots to my list of annoying characters, especially when they launch nukes.

  • Fiona. I've been doing the best I can with what I've been given in her segments, but I find her flat, clichéd and not particularly interesting, and trying to roleplay her consistently is a chore sometimes. She has her moments, but as the female player character I really feel that she drags the game down.

  • WITCH DOCTORS. Especially the Chupacabra ones.

  • I still hate Claptrap, I don't care if they made a whole DLC to try to guilt me into liking him.

  • Tiny Tina. Never understood why she is so popular. I really hate it when she speaks !

  • I just know I'm gonna get flak for this, but Psychos. Just in general.

  • edited September 2015

    Even though I love her VA, Ellie (how did she make it out of Moxxi?)

    Also Pickle, the fake cockney accent really made it hard to like him and then I just found him really bland.

  • enter image description here

    She's not everyone's cup of tea

    Nukledus posted: »

    Tiny Tina. Never understood why she is so popular. I really hate it when she speaks !

  • Claptrap, Lilith and those friggin threshers are so annoying! Everyone else is okay.

  • Maybe you’ll change your mind after watching this:

    enter link description here

    Courtenay posted: »

    I just know I'm gonna get flak for this, but Psychos. Just in general.

  • edited September 2015

    It didn't change my mind, but it did increase the list of questions I have about the universe.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Maybe you’ll change your mind after watching this: enter link description here

  • Come on,this is the best thing in the world,it shows you that psychos still have a heart after all.

    Courtenay posted: »

    It didn't change my mind, but it did increase the list of questions I have about the universe.

  • But I like Tiny Tina. She's so psychotic it's just... awesome.

    Nukledus posted: »

    Tiny Tina. Never understood why she is so popular. I really hate it when she speaks !

  • I never knew I needed this in my life so much. :D

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Maybe you’ll change your mind after watching this: enter link description here

  • Shade.

  • I thought Lilith was very annoying in BL2. She was bitchy, obnoxious, and I truly blame her partially for Roland's death. If she had listened, he might not have been distracted when handsome Jack shot him. I also get annoyed with moxxi. The sexual innuendo gets overplayed way too much. I mean, only time you hear from moxxi in tftbl is a sexual innuendo. She wasn't that bad in the pre sequel, until the end, and then what I thought was 'wow, typical hoe.' That's all for me, really.

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