The Game of Thrones, Criticism thread!

So I've seen quite a few people getting annoyed by the amount criticism of the game, mainly the whole episode 5 stuff. Even though there have been people (like me) criticising the entire game. I made a thread like this a little while ago, but it got ignored.
So hey, lets try again shall we?
Any criticism about the game you have? Well, stick it in here where you can discuss it with other people who share your views without people being offended and very agressive.
Let's talk :)



  • Normally I'd say 'Ugh, another thread', but if people can keep all their stuff to this thread, then I'd be happy.

  • nothing works. the visuals are choppy, the dialogue only works 10% of the fucking time. i really want my money back but of course illl never get it.

  • I agree we need a merger. So I'll kick start this thread, Episode 5 was the worst written part in any part of the ASOIAF/GOT franchise and the weakest episode by Telltale and I stand by it

  • One of my problems with the game, is that it took four episodes for me to be interested in Mira. That should not happen :D

  • Meh. Never gave a rat's ass about Mira. She's just one of those one dimensional, development lacking, Telltale characters

    kaza125 posted: »

    One of my problems with the game, is that it took four episodes for me to be interested in Mira. That should not happen

  • What else about the game have you found not up to par? Apart from episode 5 :D

    Clemenem posted: »

    Meh. Never gave a rat's ass about Mira. She's just one of those one dimensional, development lacking, Telltale characters

  • Despite it's choice system being the second worst (still above TWD S2) and short episodes, I can't really say I mind anything else. I like it as a whole and have enjoyed most of the episodes apart from episode 5 of (which was a hard hit to my enjoyment of the game)

    kaza125 posted: »

    What else about the game have you found not up to par? Apart from episode 5

  • edited September 2015

    Not a big fan of the final choice at the end of Episode 5. I care about Beshka. I care about Elena. Rodrik dying at the hands of Gryff is a terrible sight to behold. Asher dying right after he got to Westeros would be considered horrible writing in any other linear storytelling format. It felt unnecessary and entirely predicated on the now-tired tendency of screwing Forresters over because... reasons.

  • edited September 2015

    Ive had to convince myself to like Mira... Mostly because it's obvious that out of all the PCs, she's here to stay. I like the whole political side, I get it it's GoT, but even the Corronation Feast part was boring. I still like my Sassy Mira, but she can die at any point in the series and I won't bat an eye.

    Also one thing I really don't like about the whole plot, is the Whitehills and their philosophies. They are a poor mans Lannisters, with a fat, untactful father and a fourth born carbon copy of Joffrey. Gwynn is really unoriginal and bland, especially for someone who was in love with Asher of all people.

    "A whitehill is a whitehill"? Omg get out of here, leave those sentiments to the lannisters.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Meh. Never gave a rat's ass about Mira. She's just one of those one dimensional, development lacking, Telltale characters

  • I honestly think you got unlucky with your game..

    jonricco posted: »

    nothing works. the visuals are choppy, the dialogue only works 10% of the fucking time. i really want my money back but of course illl never get it.

  • edited September 2015

    I also think it was not smart to include Erik as someone Gared can talk to on the wall, but not someone Rodrik can talk to at Ironrath. I mean whether you cut his fingers off or not, he's still alive according to the developers who put him there in episode 2/3.

    It makes me assume that Rodrik is less important then Gared

  • edited September 2015

    Beskhas story is the most interesting storyline in the game

  • After replaying episode 5 about 4 times now... I can confidently say that episode 5 was one of the worst episodes produced by telltale. The best made sequence in episode 5 is Lucan stabbing Mira. Even the pit fighter scene in the episode was just.. Ughh

    Clemenem posted: »

    I agree we need a merger. So I'll kick start this thread, Episode 5 was the worst written part in any part of the ASOIAF/GOT franchise and the weakest episode by Telltale and I stand by it

  • Something else that I found annoying, more so if you have watched the show. Is that you know the fate of certain characters, so you know what exactly will happen with them, meaning what you say or do has no impact at all.

  • The best example for this is Tyrion. In my opinion, the scenes with him, especially in Episode 5, felt very forced.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Something else that I found annoying, more so if you have watched the show. Is that you know the fate of certain characters, so you know what exactly will happen with them, meaning what you say or do has no impact at all.

  • Ugh,another thread.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Normally I'd say 'Ugh, another thread', but if people can keep all their stuff to this thread, then I'd be happy.

  • Is it your PC? Because, really, it's one of the best Telltale Games for no problems I've ever played.

    jonricco posted: »

    nothing works. the visuals are choppy, the dialogue only works 10% of the fucking time. i really want my money back but of course illl never get it.

  • So again no valid point, just same old thing that people are bitching about while the game is ongoing project.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Despite it's choice system being the second worst (still above TWD S2) and short episodes, I can't really say I mind anything else. I like i

  • Whitehills are far from Lannisters. They have very few of similar traits.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Ive had to convince myself to like Mira... Mostly because it's obvious that out of all the PCs, she's here to stay. I like the whole politic

  • Another thread about how much the game sucks.

    Just please stop..

  • honestly i would say the same thing but this is the 3rd or 4th thread saying that this is "the main criticism thread" - just please contain it to a single place and we will all be happy

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Normally I'd say 'Ugh, another thread', but if people can keep all their stuff to this thread, then I'd be happy.

  • edited September 2015

    I didn't think the game would be judged this much... Surely it's not perfect, but come on now. I personally find it a lot more enjoyable than The Walking Dead: Season 2.

  • • Gryff killed his mom during childbirth

    • "A whitehill is still a whitehill" sentiment completely identical to the Lannisters

    • father resentful of his last born son

    And that's enough besides the other points I made for me to make this conclusion.

    Besides, I said a POOR MANS' Lannisters, not an exact replica of them

    Whitehills are far from Lannisters. They have very few of similar traits.

  • edited September 2015

    You know nothing, Jon Snow

    P.S: this is supposed to be the thread that contains all the criticism, so you won't see multiple threads

    Another thread about how much the game sucks. Just please stop..

  • Exactly! My first playthrough I hadn't watched the show so I was blindsided by everything (making it really enjoyable), but after catching up with the show, it's just completely predictable

    The best example for this is Tyrion. In my opinion, the scenes with him, especially in Episode 5, felt very forced.

  • It's not that we don't like the game, I've played it 4 times all the way through, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize the game. This thread is to contain all the criticism.. If you can't

    SerMarve posted: »

    I didn't think the game would be judged this much... Surely it's not perfect, but come on now. I personally find it a lot more enjoyable than The Walking Dead: Season 2.

  • I dont think Ludd resents Gryff after all Gwyn said he always defended him.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    • Gryff killed his mom during childbirth • "A whitehill is still a whitehill" sentiment completely identical to the Lannisters • fathe

  • Bit harsh mate. People have criticsing the whole game, not just episode 5.

    So again no valid point, just same old thing that people are bitching about while the game is ongoing project.

  • This is the thread to contain the criticism, that's what people wanted ;D

    Another thread about how much the game sucks. Just please stop..

  • I understand, but what I'm saying is that some people don't really focus on anything else besides criticizing the game. Critique is okay as long as it doesn't overflood this forum, in my opinion.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    It's not that we don't like the game, I've played it 4 times all the way through, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize the game. This thread is to contain all the criticism.. If you can't

  • True I understand and respect that

    SerMarve posted: »

    I understand, but what I'm saying is that some people don't really focus on anything else besides criticizing the game. Critique is okay as long as it doesn't overflood this forum, in my opinion.

  • I think the majority of us talking about parts of the game we don't like, we still enjoy it :)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    True I understand and respect that

  • You sure?

    "You think I give a shit about my fooking forthborn?!"

    Sounds like somethin Tywin would say

    I dont think Ludd resents Gryff after all Gwyn said he always defended him.

  • Without the fookin I think :D

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    You sure? "You think I give a shit about my fooking forthborn?!" Sounds like somethin Tywin would say

  • It's reasonable, definitely. I think it's fine for any one of us to criticize the game on this forum, just as long as it doesn't fill multiple threads.

    I guess the main point of my original comment was that I was surprised by how many people found the fifth episode disappointing. I personally liked it, but that's just me. I can see why people aren't too happy with it though.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I think the majority of us talking about parts of the game we don't like, we still enjoy it

  • [removed]

    kaza125 posted: »

    This is the thread to contain the criticism, that's what people wanted ;D

  • I'm not gonna lie I did enjoy episode 5 the first and even second time I played it.

    But compared to episode 4 of TftB (that they're developing at the same time) this episode was just lacking. Not a huge deal.. Yet. But episode 6 has to deliver

    SerMarve posted: »

    It's reasonable, definitely. I think it's fine for any one of us to criticize the game on this forum, just as long as it doesn't fill multip

  • Oh Jon Snow....

    You Know Nothing

    P.S: I just wanna keep saying this, nothing against you lol.

    P.S.S: The people that post the most about something tend to have the bigger connection to it. If anything we love the game.

  • edited September 2015

    Oh no. We lost him.

    Do you see now, people of the forums, do you see what happens when you criticise too much? We lose good people... To their own minds.

    I don't know what I'm doing. XD

  • Did anyone break their promise to Gregor and tell the Maester or Lady Forrester about the North Grove? Does anyone know how it effects the game/decisions?

    I told Jon Snow in one of my playthroughs, although it didn't change much of the game... yet

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