The Game of Thrones, Criticism thread!



  • edited September 2015

    Deanerys is in the game for no reason.

    Jon Snow is in the game for no reason.

    Traitor is daft.

    I think the Rodrick/Asher choice was fine but that can all change depending on how it's handled in the final episode. If it changes nothing and it's just there for a shock because... you know... GoT, then I'll be disappointed.

  • That was bluff that we could adress and after that Ludd gave that kind of a look to Gwyn.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    You sure? "You think I give a shit about my fooking forthborn?!" Sounds like somethin Tywin would say

  • A Lannister is still a Lannister - Tywin

    And this isn't even season 2 yet

    That was bluff that we could adress and after that Ludd gave that kind of a look to Gwyn.

  • I really enjoy game. It just has faults, would you prefer everyone to say positive things rather than state any of the problems?

  • As a Telltale game GOT kind of disappoints me. I'm not very interested in the story and most of the characters are just OK, they aren't bad, but they don't stand out. I mean there are a few stand outs but a lot of the cast is just there, especially in Ironrath and King's Landing. I don't really care about choices mattering, but I can really feel the railroading in this game and it really takes me out of the game at times.

    I guess I have more criticism but those are really the most important bits.

  • edited September 2015

    Maybe, sure. I don't mind criticism. Big or small, I don't mind. Every game has a problem.

    But when you go this far, I just fucking lose it. There have been plenty of Threads talking about the same problem over and over, and I just get sick of it everytime I keep reading it.
    I don't care how the game's Story is weak. Just enjoy what Telltale worked hard to offer, or just fuck off.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I really enjoy game. It just has faults, would you prefer everyone to say positive things rather than state any of the problems?

  • So you are literallly saying not to pulic criticise at all? I'm sorry but I don't see the problem with criticising something, not everything is perfect, there are problems with this game and all of the telltale games, but like me and others there are quite a few problems and we want to discuss them. As I've said this thread was made to contain all of the criticism, so people like you don't get offended and start being agressive.

    Maybe, sure. I don't mind criticism. Big or small, I don't mind. Every game has a problem. But when you go this far, I just fucking lose

  • [removed]

    kaza125 posted: »

    So you are literallly saying not to pulic criticise at all? I'm sorry but I don't see the problem with criticising something, not everything

  • I can't tell if you're trolling now or not.
    You said, 'Here's a tip, how about everyone just keep the damn criticism to themselves'. That is keeping all criticism private and being able to discuss it.
    In no way will this destory the section, you're being dramatic, rude and completely absurd. I should know better, this is the internet

  • About the last bit, it shouldn't be there. I accidentally put that there, anyways.

    No, I'm not a Troll. I do not want to see dumb crap posted on the forums everytime, I understand this is the thread for it. But like I said people would rather talk about how people keep posting criticism threads rather than actually pointing the flaws out.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I can't tell if you're trolling now or not. You said, 'Here's a tip, how about everyone just keep the damn criticism to themselves'. That i

  • 'people would rather talk about how people keep posting criticism threads rather than actually pointing the flaws out.'
    Urr no. There are more people who are actively discussing the problems they personally feel about the game. More so than people talking about people who are criticising the game.
    You really aren't helping with this thread, you're being rude, very agressive and just saying stuff that isn't true.
    Le door is that way sir.

    About the last bit, it shouldn't be there. I accidentally put that there, anyways. No, I'm not a Troll. I do not want to see dumb crap po

  • Disagree about the Jon Snow and Daeneyrs characters being pointless

    Jake360 posted: »

    Deanerys is in the game for no reason. Jon Snow is in the game for no reason. Traitor is daft. I think the Rodrick/Asher choice was

  • I love them in the show! I just felt Daeneyrs was a face to link Asher into the GoT TV series as she didn't have more than a couple of lines and didn't really help at all. And Jon is a fan favourite, but again i felt he didn't serve any purpose other than linking it to the show which was not needed as everyone is familiar with the wall. Having him milling around in the background would have been a good enough nod to the show for me!

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Disagree about the Jon Snow and Daeneyrs characters being pointless

  • I can agree when it comes to Daenyres...

    But Jon Snow, I hope not. I feel like he hasn't seen the last of Gared. The wildlings are close to attacking the wall, and winter is coming. (Plus I told Jon about the North Grove, lol)

    Jake360 posted: »

    I love them in the show! I just felt Daeneyrs was a face to link Asher into the GoT TV series as she didn't have more than a couple of lines

  • I completely forgot you can tell Jon. Maybe it'll come into play but it feels like if he did pop up and save the day it would interrupt into the shows canon!

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I can agree when it comes to Daenyres... But Jon Snow, I hope not. I feel like he hasn't seen the last of Gared. The wildlings are close to attacking the wall, and winter is coming. (Plus I told Jon about the North Grove, lol)

  • He is going to kill the traitors at Crasters keep... So they could slide Gared and Sylvi into the mix

    Jake360 posted: »

    I completely forgot you can tell Jon. Maybe it'll come into play but it feels like if he did pop up and save the day it would interrupt into the shows canon!

  • I hope so. And hopefully we could see Grenn, he's awesome :D

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    He is going to kill the traitors at Crasters keep... So they could slide Gared and Sylvi into the mix

  • I think Jon would drag Gared back to the wall if they were to cross paths!

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    He is going to kill the traitors at Crasters keep... So they could slide Gared and Sylvi into the mix

  • edited September 2015

    That was a lie that Rodrik can call him out on. Ludd actually does care about Gryff. Gwyn also says Ludd always defended him

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    You sure? "You think I give a shit about my fooking forthborn?!" Sounds like somethin Tywin would say

  • Even better, he wants to hate his kid but can't deep down because it's still his son no matter what.

    What makes that any different from Tywin

    That was a lie that Rodrik can call him out on. Ludd actually does care about Gryff. Gwyn also says Ludd always defended him

  • All Tywin cares about is his family name. He would disown all of his children if he felt the Lannister legacy was on the line

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Even better, he wants to hate his kid but can't deep down because it's still his son no matter what. What makes that any different from Tywin

  • He was willing to let Tyrion go free in the season 4 finale because why? (He said something along the lines of) you are my son, I wouldn't do that to you.

    Which would bring shame upon the family name, not enrich it. Tywin cares about his kids, even Cersei

    All Tywin cares about is his family name. He would disown all of his children if he felt the Lannister legacy was on the line

  • edited September 2015

    He was only saying that to save himself since Tyrion had a crossbow aimed at him.

    And in season 3 after Tyrion asked for Casterly Rock, Tywin makes it pretty clear that he despises Tyrion. " You are an ill-made, spiteful little creature full of envy, lust, and low cunning. Men's laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors since I cannot prove that you are not mine. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud lion that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor men will ever compel me to let you turn Casterly Rock into your whorehouse. Go, now. Speak no more of your rights to Casterly Rock. Go!".

    If that is not a hate speech, then I don't know what is

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    He was willing to let Tyrion go free in the season 4 finale because why? (He said something along the lines of) you are my son, I wouldn't d

  • Ok touché, got me there. Tywin is a super dick.

    Ludd isn't that much of a dick, but he's still a poor mans Tywin in my eyes.

    He was only saying that to save himself since Tyrion had a crossbow aimed at him. And in season 3 after Tyrion asked for Casterly Rock, T

  • No offence intended but i think a exclusive thread dedicated to criticism comes off as kind of presumptuous since there's no exclusive thread to praise the game either, this might just encourage more criticism threads rather than controlling them.

    Perhaps there's a reason for all this - these criticism threads sprung up after Episode 5 - which may have in fact shattered many player's faith in Telltale's adaption of ASOIAF, though ts yet to be seen if Episode 6 will restore it. Nest of Vipers was a legitimately disappointing episode that brought down the whole game with it even if individual episodes were good on their own.

    Telling Episode 5 haters to shut up and keep all there dread focused in on one thread was wishful thinking, this is an internet forum, the concept of civil organized discussions is a pipe-dream - I don't believe in criticizing the critics by telling them to shut up - if you really want to make an effort to counter this continued back-lash against Episode 5 and its affect on the overall game, then maybe more people should open more threads highlighting just exactly what they found so amazing and enjoyable in this game series, the critics become aware of your viewpoints and perhaps they'll change their own.

    There's going to be more threads about how this game has been a major let down from Telltale, there's no point in fighting a futile battle to resist it - people will speak their minds, except Episode 5 Haters are more vocal than Episode 5 Lovers, or it could just indicate that the majority in fact were very much displeased with Episode 5.

    Episode 5 was bad, there's no denying that - but was it awful? Well, by the time I finished playing it I realized how little impact my choices had over anything, and yes, you're probably going to say its not about player choices its about the story moving forward and it affects you, but this is coming from that same company that made Tales - yet GoTwhich is based on a bigger more well known IP cannot reach its level of sheer awesomeness.

    GoT is not as good as Tales though it didn't need to be - I think a lot of people are mad about Episode 5's ending - not because it was 'bad' but more like the overall episode was pretty bad, then in such a bad episode we end in the middle of the most important decision in the game, Asher/Rodrik's death was almost akin to shock value, the Episode had almost nothing else going for it except to exploit our attachment to the two main characters from the work of the previous episodes while doing just abut nothing for the characters or story until the very end - essentially all the choices in Episode 5 were meaningless except the ending - such an episode almost doesn't deserve to be riding on the success of its predecessors by having nothing of merits of its own and instead piggybacking it all on the ending.

    Episode 1 was very promising, Episode 2 was mostly filler, Episode 3 moved the plot forward, Episode 4 was meh, still felt like it was dragging the Essos storyline, Episode 5 just wasn't written well though at least it did move the plot along - now all thats left to see if the resolution in Episode 6.

  • k

    Harian96 posted: »

    No offence intended but i think a exclusive thread dedicated to criticism comes off as kind of presumptuous since there's no exclusive threa

  • I bet it won't matter.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Did anyone break their promise to Gregor and tell the Maester or Lady Forrester about the North Grove? Does anyone know how it effects the game/decisions? I told Jon Snow in one of my playthroughs, although it didn't change much of the game... yet

  • edited September 2015

    No one is asking people to not speak their mind, all they ask is to please do it in this thread. I know it was to be expected that it wouldn't work out in the long run, but it was still a good idea and more people should use this thread for their criticism. That isn't much asked, really.

    If you're missing a praise thread, then feel free to create one ;)

    But right now it looks like people would rather hate the game than praise it.

    Harian96 posted: »

    No offence intended but i think a exclusive thread dedicated to criticism comes off as kind of presumptuous since there's no exclusive threa

  • There is a praise thread. it's called the appreciation thread, I've posted in there a tew times :)

    Harian96 posted: »

    No offence intended but i think a exclusive thread dedicated to criticism comes off as kind of presumptuous since there's no exclusive threa

  • But think about that. He would drag him back to the wall, right before the wilding attack on castle black. It would be pretty epic storytelling

    Jake360 posted: »

    I think Jon would drag Gared back to the wall if they were to cross paths!

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