If Gared survives to see Ironrath again but Royland is your sentinel



  • So... does your computer just not have an "Enter" button? When typing out dialogue "Enter" is your friend.

    Person #1: "Example dialogue"

    Person #2: "Dialogue in response to above dialogue"

    Player character: [Choice #1] [Choice #2]

    Person #1: "Dialogue or action in response to Player choice."

  • how does it being a name change anything? he still spells it in ENGLISH which may not be his main languige.

    Her name isn't just an English word, it's a name. A proper noun. It should be spelt perfectly 100% of time.

  • edited September 2015

    I hope this is sarcasm. People misspell names all of the time. It's common. No one is perfect.

    Her name isn't just an English word, it's a name. A proper noun. It should be spelt perfectly 100% of time.

  • yeah but keep in mind the whitehill bolton and axis of evil killed gareds family and half of the forresters and tried to kill mira. and the same axis killed gareds family. Most if not all Rodriks want revenge Asher wants revenge their mom and talia want revenge duncan royland agree they want revenge but duncan is a poison where royland is a face stabber kinda guy. Gared basically did what Everyone in house forrester wanted to do to the boltons and whitehills. So lets not really use "Gareds a murderer" as the reason they'd turn him into the night's watch. Honor before reason and all is much more likely. Besides one major factor to consider is if they abandon the wall to come get gared the wildlings win if they sends a couple crows those crows are probably abandoning their post. i cant see any way for them to collect gared save for the family actually turning him in or another army taking him back and doing it just to be spiteful. But then i dont know the series as well as some maybe there are branches of the nights watch all over westeros. Or maybe crows can leave the nest and go south of the wall to get deserters or they work with a league of deserter catchers?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I don't think you remember that we didn't only desert, but we escaped our imprisonment where Gared was to be executed.

  • Jon snow and a group of crows (finn technically if he rats on you is still a volunteer) are going to Crasters keep the same morning that Gared was to be executed. Gared and Cotter (and finn for some) leave the night before. It's really not that farfetched to think that Gared didn't really get that far from the wall, and in fact could be on his way to Crasters keep, if not near enough for Snow and the crows to see the horde of white walkers attacking other crows. This is also part of the time where Snow takes lead at the wall, right before the wilding attack.

    But that doesn't take away the fact that when Gared got to the wall, he killed Britt and killing a brother is subject to death. Then he ran away from his trial, which I'm pretty sure is another death sentence. Now one can argue that Jon Snow lets him off the hook for his crime (which would happen in episode 6), but just like Duncan said, putting someone on the wall puts them out of the seven kingdoms' control. House Forrester can't force the nights watch to stop their rightful trial of Gared... But Jon can.

    I believe we won't see the North Grove until the end of episode 6... But it won't matter to the Forresters because their war with the whitehills will only be beggining. (Have a big feeling another Forrester will die this episode)

    CapnJay posted: »

    yeah but keep in mind the whitehill bolton and axis of evil killed gareds family and half of the forresters and tried to kill mira. and the

  • What i'm saying is where is crasters located in comparison to ironrath. and gared is currently north of the wall. Crows go north of the wall. "listen bob i need you to go north pick up some milk kill some wildlings and if you find the traitor kill him" is one thing. If Gared is blessed by the magical plot fairy to get back to ironrath and the forresters dont give two shits about britts death or his desertion from the wall what are his chances?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Jon snow and a group of crows (finn technically if he rats on you is still a volunteer) are going to Crasters keep the same morning that Gar

  • Well one thing I remember cotter and Gared saying was that wherever the North Grove was, it was close on the map. Crasters keep is pretty far I presume because it is close to the mountains and the wilding campsites. That's why no one should bet on Gared getting anywhere near the other side of the wall and just bank on him, Cotter, and Jon snow running into Mance ryder or whoever in the North Grove. The Forrester story can't finish yet, so why should he go back to Ironrath when he hasn't seen anything pertaining to the north grove.

    CapnJay posted: »

    What i'm saying is where is crasters located in comparison to ironrath. and gared is currently north of the wall. Crows go north of the wall

  • Assuming TTG even does a GoT season 2. But in the purely hypothetical situation he got back to ironrath and was not executed?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Well one thing I remember cotter and Gared saying was that wherever the North Grove was, it was close on the map. Crasters keep is pretty fa

  • I'm pretty sure they made enough money at this point to be confident in a season 2. Just cause we post the same threads everyday about the little things we don't like doesn't mean the game itself lost value

    CapnJay posted: »

    Assuming TTG even does a GoT season 2. But in the purely hypothetical situation he got back to ironrath and was not executed?

  • It is confirmed on the Telltale GoT wiki that Jon snow is only in episodes 2-4... Aka Gared has no chance to survive (in GoT reality)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I'm pretty sure they made enough money at this point to be confident in a season 2. Just cause we post the same threads everyday about the little things we don't like doesn't mean the game itself lost value

  • What do Wikis, Tv Tropes, and Reddit have in common?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    It is confirmed on the Telltale GoT wiki that Jon snow is only in episodes 2-4... Aka Gared has no chance to survive (in GoT reality)

  • edited September 2015

    They are men of the North. None of the descendants of the First Men would serve a lord who took in a deserter (who wasn't from an important family which had been wiped out recently and was the sole surviving member), and the current Warden of the North would certainly not allow it (not for someone so insignificant to the realm). There would have to be a Warden of the North who really wanted him to live, or the King (or maybe the Hand, or the High Septon would have the influence). Jon Snow would not be able to let him leave the watch; he would face mass desertion and mutiny by those remaining. He was also raised by Ned Stark.

    House Forrester is much too low a house to protect him, even if they were to somehow take over all of Whitehall and Glenmoore as their demesne (not very likely, since Glenmoore lands are in the Reach, which is a separate one of the seven kingdoms all together and incredibly far away- the Boltons and the Tyrells wouldn't be very happy to have a vassal house with conflicting allegiances); they would still not be a Lord Paramount.

    If you are thinking about Sam, Jon Snow sending Sam to the Citadel to become a Maestor didn't relieve him of being a brother of the NW. He has a letter bearing the lord commanders seal to allow him safe passage (like recruiters carry), but if he tried to use it for more than just studying and then returning within an acceptable time frame then he would be hunted down. There is no Maestor, so it can be justified to have one study to fill the role. There is no justification for pardoning Gared at all, let alone allowing him to remain away from his post.

    And Talia will probably marry a lord (or at the very least the relative of one, someone highborn), not the nephew of a lowborn even before Gared was an outlaw and his uncle a traitor. Marriages are about alliances, not about emotions; that is just a benefit when they align such as the Glenmoore engagement.

    They are his fucking family at this point, they could care less that he deserted a Watch full of back-stabing assholes, if he saves their fooking house.

  • A traitor sent Gared to the wall without permission, and then sent him on a mission to find the north grove. That small technicality of his Lord not giving leave to join the NW might have allowed him to return (especially after he was revealed a full blown traitor), but he'd be resented by all the other small folk for the rest of his life for being an oathbreaker. I wrote might have, because it was a tiny chance if played at the right time by the Forresters when they had enough clout to get the Warden/King's (through Talia->Margaery) blessing, but not now that he killed a brother of the watch and deserted.

    No, Rodrik would not execute Gared since he knows of Gared's mission, his house SEND him there and the Night's Watch unjustly planned to exe

  • That's why his only hope of surviving is if somehow is lord commander was also a deserter and an oath breaker...

    (Telltale Jon is our only hope here, don't steer us wrong on the wiki)

    A traitor sent Gared to the wall without permission, and then sent him on a mission to find the north grove. That small technicality of his

  • Warden of the North is a real title going back to the King Who Knelt. There are four wardens in the Seven Kingdoms (you can guess the rest of their titles).

    Ned Stark was Warden of the North and just coincidentally Lord Paramount of the North and Lord of Winterfell. The three titles don't have to be held by the same person (although they always have all been titles held by Starks until Bolton usurped at least two titles, for sure Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, but I think he also took the Lord Paramountship or it could sit vacant).

    It is kind of confusing in the show, since they pretty much always called the Starks Lord of Winterfell and omitted the Warden of the North part (especially when Robb became King in the North, which effectively left Warden of the North a vacant title since obviously a rebel can't be your warden).

    An example of a warden title being held by someone not the Lord Paramount of the typical region associated would be Warden of the East, which Robert had been planning to make Jamie (who wasn't a Lord of anything at the time, or even eligible to become Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, and definitely not going to be Lord Paramount of the Vale which is the traditional WotE's lands). The warden of the is the one who controls the vassal military forces of all the lords of that area in the King's name.

    The Lannisters are the Wardens of the West and the Tyrell's the Wardens of the South. I think Littlefinger is Warden of the East, but not sure if that's official; either way he is de facto WotE.

    Very well. Let's go trough this. First, the current "Warden" of the North couldn't give two fooks about 1 deserter from the Scrub's Watch

  • edited September 2015

    Interesting, I was not aware that English is the only language that uses Latin characters.

    It being a name changes everything.

    how does it being a name change anything? he still spells it in ENGLISH which may not be his main languige.

  • The "spelt perfectly 100% of the time" was sarcasm/assholery. The part about it being a proper noun and not an English word was 100% serious.

    I hope this is sarcasm. People misspell names all of the time. It's common. No one is perfect.

  • Was looking up lord Andros on the wiki. According to the Wiki Cersei offers to take care of "The Whitehill Sellswords" if Mira gets information i may not have chosen the right dialogue choices to get details of her offer but i'm pretty sure her offer was to have Andros killed and nothing more. So perhaps the Wiki isn't accurate?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    That's why his only hope of surviving is if somehow is lord commander was also a deserter and an oath breaker... (Telltale Jon is our only hope here, don't steer us wrong on the wiki)

  • Ugh no, you aren't. Even with as weak as the Night's Watch is Ironrath is no match for it. The Night's Watch has very few men as. Overlooking Gared would set a bad precedent for both them and the Boltons. If Gared returns he will be executed. He is a murderer in the eyes of the Boltons and took an oath before the Old Gods (which are worshipped by the Forresters).

    Rodrik was raised the same way Ned Stark was. Eddard was willing to go to the Wall for a crime he didn't commit, purely because he swore he would. Honourable lords like the Forresters take laws and oaths seriously, those that don't would still oppose Gared on account of him being a murderer.

    ASOIAF probably isn't the series for you.

    No, Rodrik would not execute Gared since he knows of Gared's mission, his house SEND him there and the Night's Watch unjustly planned to exe

  • Information?

    CapnJay posted: »

    What do Wikis, Tv Tropes, and Reddit have in common?

  • Pretty sure it's a bit unfair of you to say all Rodriks are the same so they'll all reach have the same reaction.

    Ugh no, you aren't. Even with as weak as the Night's Watch is Ironrath is no match for it. The Night's Watch has very few men as. Overlookin

  • For the most part they are all the same. We choose dialog and some actions but his character remains the same.

    If I could play Rodrik as even remotely dishonorable then I would. I don't like that he's 100% good guy no matter what.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Pretty sure it's a bit unfair of you to say all Rodriks are the same so they'll all reach have the same reaction.

  • Actually, I was aiming for more assholey than sarcastic.

  • You can't spell a name in English... It's a proper noun that's spelt with Latin characters. Evidently my name (Wilhelm) is an English name because I can use it in an English sentence using the same letters.

    As @LordGoss1138 has said, it being a name/proper noun changes everything

    how does it being a name change anything? he still spells it in ENGLISH which may not be his main languige.

  • edited September 2015

    Ugh no, you aren't. Even with as weak as the Night's Watch is Ironrath is no match for it. The Night's Watch has very few men as. Overlooking Gared would set a bad precedent for both them and the Boltons. If Gared returns he will be executed. He is a murderer in the eyes of the Boltons and took an oath before the Old Gods (which are worshipped by the Forresters)

    That is the stupidest thing I heard today, you cannot seriously think that with the wildlings marching on Castle Black, the Night's Watch would drag their traitorous arses to Ironrath, and again for all they know Gared is dead. And I am sure the Boltons could care less about what the Night's Watch thinks, they are the most DESPISED house in the North as it is. Gared was to be UNJUSTLY executed as the Night's Watch betrayed HIM. He even can say that damnit! And Rodrik? My Rodrik would THANK Gared, he would make him one of his men, since Gared remained LOYAL the entire time.

    Rodrik was raised the same way Ned Stark was. Eddard was willing to go to the Wall for a crime he didn't commit, purely because he swore he would. Honourable lords like the Forresters take laws and oaths seriously, those that don't would still oppose Gared on account of him being a murderer.

    You don't know that. Rodrik is NOT Ned Stark and more importantly he KNEW Gared and he would surely rather THANK him than execute him. Murderer? Gared a murderer? He killed Britt in a fair fight and even if he didn't who would care? So he murdered the man that KILLED his FAMILY, they'd rather stand beside Gared then execute him.

    ASOIAF probably isn't the series for you

    ASOIAF? You mean A Song Of Ice And Fire? YOU don't know shit about me.

    Ugh no, you aren't. Even with as weak as the Night's Watch is Ironrath is no match for it. The Night's Watch has very few men as. Overlookin

  • Night´s Watch doesnt have to go up north. They can just simply wait until Gared returns and then they strike. If you think Boltons would pass opportunity to kill somobody then you wasnt paying attention. And finaly you may play as Rodrik but his character is always the same which means that he would execute Gared just becuase he is honorable lord and also players (not me) are always complaining how Telltale doesnt give them real possibility to affect story, if they want they will kill Gared and wont ask.

    Ugh no, you aren't. Even with as weak as the Night's Watch is Ironrath is no match for it. The Night's Watch has very few men as. Overlookin

  • nope, he still uses english charcters. he may have never typed the name in english before and dosent know how to spell it. how does that any different then spelling a word? spelling in other languiges isnt the same, im saying that as someone who speaks more then 1 languige. example: in some languiges there is no vowels or very few and that changes the way you spell the name.

    You can't spell a name in English... It's a proper noun that's spelt with Latin characters. Evidently my name (Wilhelm) is an English name b

  • Ok that's cool but this is what I'm sayin

    Gared is on the other side of the wall right now running from white walkers, after he ran away from a (wrongfully charged) execution and in the Watchs' eyes, "deserted". Take into account that he has already been punished for his episode 1 crimes, by going to the wall in the first place (Even britt acknowledges when you spared his friends life).

    But when you are apart of the watch, I am pretty sure that they have authority over the trials of their men, and not the seven kingdoms. This is why I say Jon snow (season 5s lord commander of the nights watch) is so pivotal in Gareds survival. He doesn't have to be pardoned from his crimes, when the lord commander realizes no crime was committed. He will never be known for desertion if he travels back to castle black with his lord commander (which would be late season 2, after the north grove is secured). Why does everyone want Gared to go back to Ironrath? That's the only way he'd die!

    Ugh no, you aren't. Even with as weak as the Night's Watch is Ironrath is no match for it. The Night's Watch has very few men as. Overlookin

  • Completely disagree, I have two different rodriks in my playthroughs. I got the Vegeta Rodrik and I have the Krillin Rodrik. Which one do you think died in episode 5?

    For the most part they are all the same. We choose dialog and some actions but his character remains the same. If I could play Rodrik as even remotely dishonorable then I would. I don't like that he's 100% good guy no matter what.

  • I know, I wasn't questioning that, only the part about it being spelled correctly all of the time.

    The "spelt perfectly 100% of the time" was sarcasm/assholery. The part about it being a proper noun and not an English word was 100% serious.

  • edited June 2017


    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Ok that's cool but this is what I'm sayin Gared is on the other side of the wall right now running from white walkers, after he ran away

  • This is true, it is too early for Jon to be lord commander. But some interaction with Jon in either episode 6 or the next season is the only way for Gared to have his life secured. Whether Jon is lord commander immediately, or he goes back from the Crasters keep mission with Gared in mind, and after he defends the wall and becomes lord commander (season 2) he pardons Gared (or holds a trial and finds him innocent).

    But at this point, Gareds best bet is to find Mance ryder or other wilding groups at The North Grove. It can't be all white walkers north of the wall

    Jovoltrot posted: »


  • edited September 2015

    They aren't "English characters" they're Latin. It's different from spelling a word because it can be spelt in multiple languages

    Wilhelm's name is German, just because it's composed of the same letters this English sentence is made doesn't change that. My name (Trysten) is Gaelic regardless of the language of the sentence is in.

    I'm saying this as someone that speaks multiple languages (Korean, Scottish Gaelic, German, and Arabic) and I know that Wilhelm speaks German (he mentioned it in another thread)

    It is impossible to spell a name "in English" because not all names are English, even those that use the same (Latin) characters. It being a proper noun changes everything

    When writing a name that uses Latin characters in Arabic and Korean I've seen people just put the name as it is into the middle of the sentence. It's also extremely common in China and Japan, you'll see [Whichever language you have in mind] - [Name in its original Latin characters] - [The same language used in the beginning]

    nope, he still uses english charcters. he may have never typed the name in english before and dosent know how to spell it. how does that any

  • Yup. Judging by your childish and incorrect response I was right. You should probably look for another series. Evidently you haven't paid much attention to the story or the characters and politics within.

    Might I recommend something more your reading level? I hear the works of Dr. Seuss can be quite enjoyable.

    Ugh no, you aren't. Even with as weak as the Night's Watch is Ironrath is no match for it. The Night's Watch has very few men as. Overlookin

  • Although to be fair Amanwholovestelltale look at LordGoss1138's avatar. This is Ser Royland mocking you in the GoTverse that's practically affection.

    Yup. Judging by your childish and incorrect response I was right. You should probably look for another series. Evidently you haven't paid mu


    CapnJay posted: »

    Although to be fair Amanwholovestelltale look at LordGoss1138's avatar. This is Ser Royland mocking you in the GoTverse that's practically affection.

  • enter image description here

    Yup. Judging by your childish and incorrect response I was right. You should probably look for another series. Evidently you haven't paid mu

  • edited September 2015

    thats just nitpicking, you know what i ment by english charcters. say in hebrew you will spell talia this way "tlia" (in hebrew charcters) because the vowels works differently. obviously its incorrect to type it this way in english. thats what i ment.

    They aren't "English characters" they're Latin. It's different from spelling a word because it can be spelt in multiple languages Wilhelm

  • Then you'd prove me entirely right and I've won this argument. So it makes no difference, the result is the same. I'm right.

    If you have to resort to that then you've lost


  • I told you, I don't care. What's your frickin' problem man?

    I think what I wrote was more then sensible and your opinion isn't going to change that.

    So let's move on.

    Then you'd prove me entirely right and I've won this argument. So it makes no difference, the result is the same. I'm right. If you have to resort to that then you've lost rekt

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