So... Gared x Talia or Gared x Sylvi?



  • I would ship this harder than I ship Rhysha lol. I would pay 5 bucks for a dlc telling us the adventures of Gared and his lover potato.

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    How about Gared X potato? Imagine the drama! Potato: "I love you Gared" Gared: "I love you too potato" BUT THEN COTTER WALKS IN Cotter: "P...potato!!! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL!!!"

  • I think the problem people have is less with the ~6 years gap and more about Talia's age. As in, if Talia was 20 and Gared was 26, nobody would complain. That's why people are okay with Mira/Morgryn even if the gap is wider; because Mira is on her late teens, not on her early teens like Talia.

    I'm saying I understand, not that I agree. I don't ship Gared or Talia (or Sylvi) with anyone but I also don't think her being 14 is an issue in Westeros.

    I don't know how someone can be okay with the Sansa/Littlefinger ship and not with Talia/Gared ship since Talia and Sansa are about the same age (at least on the books Sansa is 14).

    Predictable, even considering all Mira/Morgrin Sansa/Littlefinger shippers and "ooh, but it's all cool just because good ol' times and ASOIAF" sort of folks out there. And i'd rather it stayed that way, though.

  • I thought of Talia and Ethan as 12-13, considering how Ethan is treated by the adult characters. They refer to him as a boy, so he is not close to 16, or they'd call him a man. Sylvi, I think is about the same age, maybe 13-14.

    Barthanax posted: »

    By looks alone, Gared is about 17-19, Talia 15-16 and Sylvi 12-14.

  • edited September 2015

    That's a great and valid point. I actually forgot about that.

    That would make Talia 10-12 if Ethan is still considered a boy until 16, but girls are considered woman at first blood so Talia would be younger than 12 or right at the cusp of it, Ryon about 4-6, Sylvi would be 9-12, meaning Cotter is 15-17, same age as Gared most likely and Finn would maybe be 24 due to his size, voice and fact he looks older than anyone else we've seen (besides Asher and Rodrick)

    Jpork18 posted: »

    I thought of Talia and Ethan as 12-13, considering how Ethan is treated by the adult characters. They refer to him as a boy, so he is not close to 16, or they'd call him a man. Sylvi, I think is about the same age, maybe 13-14.

  • Wait. There's a Sansa/Littlefinger ship?

    Abeille posted: »

    I think the problem people have is less with the ~6 years gap and more about Talia's age. As in, if Talia was 20 and Gared was 26, nobody wo

  • Who said the x had to lead to an official marriage?

    Nobody talks about bloody weddings here, Talia won't marry a lowborn and the free folk don't marry much anyway. Would Talia somehow have a

  • edited September 2015

    No,all the Potatoes belong to Cotter.

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    How about Gared X potato? Imagine the drama! Potato: "I love you Gared" Gared: "I love you too potato" BUT THEN COTTER WALKS IN Cotter: "P...potato!!! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL!!!"

  • Claiming the first night is more of a Joff-ish thing to do (also can't remember this being a thing in Westeros), i've been thinking Ramsay would more likely marry Mom, claim their lands, kill her next day and then torture Talia or (after her last older brother's death) marry Talia and claim Forrester lands, like with lady Hornwood.

    Abeille posted: »

    They do see them as women grown enough to marry and to have children after they flowered. Take a look at the Customs page of the Wiki for re

  • It just seems to be the most popular justification that pedo/ephebophiles were medieval norm because forced economically-driven child marriages, so let the love flourish, guise, it ok.

    SazukeEX posted: »

    Who said the x had to lead to an official marriage?

  • edited September 2015

    Roose claimed the first night of the miller's wife (and killed the miller) and she got pregnant. That's where Ramsay came from.

    It is illegal in Westeros, but then again so is flaying.

    Claiming the first night is more of a Joff-ish thing to do (also can't remember this being a thing in Westeros), i've been thinking Ramsay w

  • Never saw it, I'm going by what TwentyGoodmen said.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Wait. There's a Sansa/Littlefinger ship?

  • Oh that, i thought it happened just because Roose wanted to punish them, not by right, my mistake.

    Abeille posted: »

    Roose claimed the first night of the miller's wife (and killed the miller) and she got pregnant. That's where Ramsay came from. It is illegal in Westeros, but then again so is flaying.

  • But... It's Game of Thrones.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I'm tired of the 'It's Game of Thrones' excuse for doing weird things. I'm only willing to accept that Talia had a crush on Gared. Nothing else.

  • whisper

    gared x bacon

  • Sorry, Gared and Cotter, but Bacon x Potatoes is the bestest pairing ever
    [NSFW, too hot]
    enter image description here

    whisper gared x bacon

  • I think in the book Tyrion is really torn about his feelings for Sansa. That is, he's very attracted to her but feels that shouldn't be. Her feelings towards him are crystal clear. She hates all Lannisters for what they did to her family, and she's disgusted by his looks. I wish Sansa could see past the physical, but I totally understand why she'd resent Tyrion. Then again, Tyrion wasn't the one who did any of the horrible things to her family.

    Abeille posted: »

    Never saw it, I'm going by what TwentyGoodmen said.

  • n O sobbing

    Brodester08 posted: »

    But... It's Game of Thrones.

  • Gared works his ass off to try to satisfy her high-born tastes, can't manage it, and she ends up leaving him for a wealthier man? Do we know that Talia is a snob or is that a thing people are assuming just because she was born into a noble house?

    I think they were referring more to Jorah's first wife Lynesse Hightower.

  • Doesn't look like there's any onion on those home fries. 5/10, would eat but not be entirely satisfied.

    Sorry, Gared and Cotter, but Bacon x Potatoes is the bestest pairing ever [NSFW, too hot]

  • edited September 2015

    Neither. Both Talia and Sylvi are like 12 wtf

    Edit: Okay, maybe not 12, but they look young and isn't Gared like 25?

  • Ryon is confirmed to be 7, I believe in unused audio Sylvi is 13

    Barthanax posted: »

    That's a great and valid point. I actually forgot about that. That would make Talia 10-12 if Ethan is still considered a boy until 16, bu

  • Silvy is 13, Talia is 14-15, Gared is 18-21

  • edited September 2015

    They're just assuming.

    I don't see the comparison either. It just makes more sense then Dany and Jorah to me.

    Talia is demanding IMO, but she's more demanding of a person's character. Which can only be a good thing. She'd keep whoever she marries honest.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Gared works his ass off to try to satisfy her high-born tastes, can't manage it, and she ends up leaving him for a wealthier man? Do we know that Talia is a snob or is that a thing people are assuming just because she was born into a noble house?

  • Tyrion is still a Lannister and he never bets against his family. And he is in King's Landing, so Sansa's dreams of getting far away from Lannisters to the sunny and friendly Highgarden are ruined and she stays a hostage. And she might be afraid of giving a birth to a freak (and a Lannister) and maybe dying during childbirth (don't remember i she knows Tyrion's story). Sansa's tastes aren't the biggest problem here.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I think in the book Tyrion is really torn about his feelings for Sansa. That is, he's very attracted to her but feels that shouldn't be. Her

  • Sylvi is just a child.

  • Welcome to Game of Thrones. Insert deal with it gif

  • Not in Game of Thrones.

    Sylvi is just a child.

  • Did you read the books? Her disgust of his appearance is mentioned several times in her sections. Also, he's far less attractive in the books than Peter Dinklage. For one thing, he's far more disfigured in the books and has heterochromia...

    Tyrion is still a Lannister and he never bets against his family. And he is in King's Landing, so Sansa's dreams of getting far away from La

  • Why do you have to be right tho?!

    I mean Gwynn and Elena aren't half bad.. But they don't have the jon snow lions mane

    Sandflow posted: »

    Hot? How? Jon Snow is hotter than any female in the game. Your opinion is invalid.

  • why would be, it dosent count as a big deal in game of thrones universe

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I don't know why they even made him like little girls like that in the show, there's no signs of him being a creep on girls in the books.

  • This is so fucked up, thats just wrong on so many levels, a kid dating an adult. No just no delete this god forsaken thread.

  • Just how old do you think Gared is? He could be just out of his teens for all you know. His age range is 18-20. Talia is petite, but she' most likely in her mid-teens herself.

    This is so fucked up, thats just wrong on so many levels, a kid dating an adult. No just no delete this god forsaken thread.

  • Its still wrong on many levels, and 18 year old dating someone in mid teens? No just no, how dare you defend something as messed up as this.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Just how old do you think Gared is? He could be just out of his teens for all you know. His age range is 18-20. Talia is petite, but she' most likely in her mid-teens herself.

  • Not saying it isn't a problem, but still if she could look past his ugliness, she would have too many reasons not to want him.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Did you read the books? Her disgust of his appearance is mentioned several times in her sections. Also, he's far less attractive in the books than Peter Dinklage. For one thing, he's far more disfigured in the books and has heterochromia...

  • Yes.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    (Clears throat loudly) ..... No

  • She isn't considered a child in Game of Thrones uniiverse.

    This is so fucked up, thats just wrong on so many levels, a kid dating an adult. No just no delete this god forsaken thread.

  • If you waited about ten years that would barely be considered an age gap.

    Its still wrong on many levels, and 18 year old dating someone in mid teens? No just no, how dare you defend something as messed up as this.

  • Is it Cluke all over again?

  • This thread creeps me out, why do some people feel the need to defend a very young teenager dating a grown man?

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