Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hard, of course

  • Hey there guys! Got out of school early so I'm a bit bored sitting here in the car listening to music. Thinks of Rhyiona every time a romance/cutesy song plays

  • enter image description here


    strawpollcalypse 2.0

  • And you're not lewd

    I don't get the question.

  • Well, I liked S2 a lot but I'm just scanning for news concerning Clementine's fate on this whole thing first. :/

    Yap it's good that TWD is continuing at least. It better not be worse than S2 lol.

  • you said that last time...

  • I've been expecting a gif from you :')

  • corrrect :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    WTF? You can't kill Beyonce!

  • Well thank you, I'm honored. ;>>

    And I do like anime haha, even though I haven't been watching that much lately. I enjoy watching anime with others, so I'm trying to find people with Skype so we can watch together! : >

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hello there! The President of Rhyiona welcomes you to the thread. I hope you can join our wonderful ship. P.S. I saw you like anime (?) so confirm this. I need more anime watchers here.

  • hum you can't kill me wolfsei

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    She better help Rhys or I'll take a spear and throw it to her face.

  • lolz not 2 much 4 me

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there guys! Got out of school early so I'm a bit bored sitting here in the car listening to music. Thinks of Rhyiona every time a romance/cutesy song plays

  • srsly, my padawan? -.-

    I don't get the question.

  • Wow... just wow ._.

    Then fuck Beyonce. I'm just going to throw a spear to someone. Especially to Adam ._.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    WTF? You can't kill Beyonce!

  • Read Fifty Shades of Grey

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there guys! Got out of school early so I'm a bit bored sitting here in the car listening to music. Thinks of Rhyiona every time a romance/cutesy song plays

  • i never disappoint :P

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I've been expecting a gif from you :')

  • hey kristi

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there guys! Got out of school early so I'm a bit bored sitting here in the car listening to music. Thinks of Rhyiona every time a romance/cutesy song plays

  • yes :D

    Eryka posted: »


  • Hey, Kristi, how are you?

    Thinks of Rhyiona every time a romance/cutesy song plays


    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there guys! Got out of school early so I'm a bit bored sitting here in the car listening to music. Thinks of Rhyiona every time a romance/cutesy song plays

  • Fifty Shades of Kristi* ;)

    Eryka posted: »

    Read Fifty Shades of Grey

  • What kind of question is "just answer it", how do I answer something without context.

    srsly, my padawan? -.-

  • Then fuck Beyonce.

    (?) Beyonce will remember that.

    If she doesn't help Rhys now then you know why, Wolfenus. :P

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Wow... just wow ._. Then fuck Beyonce. I'm just going to throw a spear to someone. Especially to Adam ._.

  • I need people to watch anime with too, DUDE OR GURL, WE GOTTA TALK ANIME.

    I would add you on Skype but we barely know esch other. Hm...Key to my heart question.

    Have you heard of or watched/listened/read Kagerou Project?

    Well thank you, I'm honored. ;>> And I do like anime haha, even though I haven't been watching that much lately. I enjoy watching anime with others, so I'm trying to find people with Skype so we can watch together! : >

  • It's okay, I totally understand how you're feeling, because I feel the same. I mean, I'm too shy and awkward, I can't do anything. .-. But It's always just in our heads, your feelings will change and you'll feel better someday, I'm sure. :3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    yeah maybe but it's just sad to realize how little I think of myself. I have met many great guys in my life but I never let them to be more than just friends. Sorry for all this depressing talk, this has been again one of those bad days :P

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited September 2015

    So it means Kristi is one of the main character in the book?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Fifty Shades of Kristi*

  • Lol kinda xD

    Eryka posted: »

    So it means Kristi is one of the main character in the book?

  • yeah... tbh it's lacking context...

    ur right, student, but the lewdest of people must always find an innuendo even in cleanest of sentences..

    What kind of question is "just answer it", how do I answer something without context.

  • edited September 2015

    I'll make a new post after all, so you don't have to keep refreshing this page. :)

    Okay, here we go. Well, as I've said already, once upon a time I had a girlfriend. She was a friend of my friend and I've met her at his birthday party (she was 15 and I was 17 at the time; not important to the story, just a bonus if you want to know the timeline). We started talking to each other and after a month I somehow mustered the courage required to ask her out. And she said yes. It was my first relationship, so I was pretty clueless about everything, but it was working out great for four years. I was so optimistic (and naive), I thought it was never gonna end. But, well, it did. She started talking to some other guy and in the end, she decided our relationship has no future and broke up with me. And started dating the other guy the very same day. I think I don't need to say how heartbroken I was...

    But, the problem is, that was just one of the things going on at that time. Just a week before that, my parents suddenly decided to get a divorce, because apparently my father found out my mother was cheating on him. My mother, who is a sweet and caring person and who I couldn't (and still can't) imagine ever doing such a thing. But apparently, she did it. I always thought our family was the best and that there's no way something like this could happen...

    Basically, I felt like my whole life was falling apart. And, well, it sort of was. Up until that point, I felt like my life was perfect... I had everything I ever wanted... and then, with a snap of fingers, it was all gone. Forever. Until this day, I have no clue how I managed to pass all my final exams in midst of all this mess. I was a mess back then and I was really struggling to deal with all of it. I'm pretty sure I never contemplated ending it all up until that week. I just thought it's never gonna be as good as it was... I was even thinking about how to do it... but in the end, when I was standing in the middle of a shooting range (it was my birthday gift) with a freakin' loaded Glock in my hands, I decided not to go through with it. It's pretty funny (and stupid) when I think about it now - it was the easiest decision of my life. I was having so much fun there... and that was reason enough in the end. Guns saved my life, I suppose. :P

    I hope it was worth the read, since remembering it all made me cry for a bit again. It all happened two years ago now and life is going alright, I guess. :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    K... My experience isn't as painful as yours, but uh... sooo... I had a friend who really wanted me to start going out with someone and a

  • ayy hows life, bruh

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there guys! Got out of school early so I'm a bit bored sitting here in the car listening to music. Thinks of Rhyiona every time a romance/cutesy song plays

  • (?) Wolfenus won't forget what you said. EVER!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Then fuck Beyonce. (?) Beyonce will remember that. If she doesn't help Rhys now then you know why, Wolfenus. :P

  • Oh, interesting ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lol kinda xD

  • yes, in my lewdlord attire.

    i should probably change it..

  • Bro, I'm good and my birthday is next Friday so I'm excited! :D

    ayy hows life, bruh

  • I'm good! I'm getting hyped for my birthday, 10 MORE DAYS GUYSSSS.

    How have you been Wolf? :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hey, Kristi, how are you? Thinks of Rhyiona every time a romance/cutesy song plays Accurate.

  • Hey, Kristi.

    How are you, today? ~-^

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there guys! Got out of school early so I'm a bit bored sitting here in the car listening to music. Thinks of Rhyiona every time a romance/cutesy song plays

  • It's always just in our heads,

    yeah this is true. little confidence boost wouldn't hurt either.

    your feelings will change and you'll feel better someday, I'm sure. :3

    Thanks! :') I hope the same for you too! :3

    buntingsir posted: »

    It's okay, I totally understand how you're feeling, because I feel the same. I mean, I'm too shy and awkward, I can't do anything. .-. But It's always just in our heads, your feelings will change and you'll feel better someday, I'm sure.

  • I ain't about that life.

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Fifty Shades of Kristi*

  • Sup Kawaiii.

    Kawaiii posted: »

    hey kristi

  • I'm good, you? :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, Kristi. How are you, today? ~-^

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