How do you want the final battle to play out?

The way I want it to play out is that it takes up at least half the episode. They have built it up so much that if it isn't at least 40 minutes to an hour I think i'll be disappointed. I also hop TT doesn't pull some Tolkien shit and have Rodrik\Asher get knocked out right before the battle starts. But what I want in the battle is for it to be gigantic. I want the Whitehills to have hundreds of soldiers on there side. And you side to have hundreds. You yell at your men to charge, right before you hit the whitehill soldiers you get to choose which soldier to kill. Kind of like the scene near the end of TWDS1E5 when lee runs into all of those zombies and you pick between three or four to kill and you have to be fast or you get hurt, just like that. If you aren't fast enough than you will get stabbed and cut up. and if you get too hurt than it will effect you later on. I also want there to be huge consequences, before the battle you pick how you want your troops to fight, EX: for your troops to be defensive or offensive. And also huge choices on the battle field you yelling at your soldiers to do specific thing and if you make the wrong choice even a small one than a major character or several will die. And after the battle I want it to feel like I was in a huge battle. like at the end of the Hobbit part 3 when all of the survivors of the battle are covered in blood and sitting down or helping the injured, I want something like, I want it to feel like I was just in a battle. Sorry for the long description, and for any spelling mistakes I wrote it very quickly. also if you have any question i'll answer them.


  • edited September 2015

    i wanna have whitehills overpower the forresters and then, out of nowhere, gared comes in, riding on his ice dragon, blasting everybody to oblivion ^-^

  • That would be cool.

    i wanna have whitehills overpower the forresters and then, out of nowhere, gared comes in, riding on his ice dragon, blasting everybody to oblivion ^-^

  • There wont be hundreds of soldiers.The Whitehills have like 200 men in total max and the Forresters have 40 if we count the pit fighters.I also doubt there will be a field battle.There will be a siege of Ironrath as the Forresters are too weak to venture out.Imagine negotiations form the walls.Ludd showing you Rodrik/Ashers head or Ryon hostage telling you to yield.Imagine directing archer fire towards enemies and defending the walls from ladders then fighting Harys or Gryff or Ludd as final boss.I also want it to appear like the Forresters lost and the Whitehills taking over the walls but somehow the situation turns and we win.

  • The greatest game of ultimate frisbee.

    Seriously, I don't expect hundreds of soldiers killing each other or a massacre like The Red Wedding. I would love for all the major players to just kill and kick the shit out of each other till only a small handful (Forresters) left standing. Got a broken arm? Keep fighting! Got a cut off arm? Swing it like a club, Keep fighting! Obviously it will mostly be in the point of view of Rodrik/Asher and he'll be doing most of the ass kicking. Maybe some choices mid-battl to keep the QTES interesting. Like weapons or who to save/help out. Here's hoping it'll be good.

  • That'd be cool, but you know what is better?

    Gared VS a piece of Bacon. A QTE segment of him trying to eat a hard and chewy piece of Bacon.

  • That would be... Actually pretty amazing.

    i wanna have whitehills overpower the forresters and then, out of nowhere, gared comes in, riding on his ice dragon, blasting everybody to oblivion ^-^

  • Yeah, that's what I was thinking would happen. I was just saying what I would want the battle to be like.

    greensenpai posted: »

    There wont be hundreds of soldiers.The Whitehills have like 200 men in total max and the Forresters have 40 if we count the pit fighters.I a

  • Yeah, here's hoping.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    The greatest game of ultimate frisbee. Seriously, I don't expect hundreds of soldiers killing each other or a massacre like The Red Weddi

  • Though I don't want them as full playable characters, it'd be cool if you could play as Royland/Duncan for a few minutes during the battle.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    The greatest game of ultimate frisbee. Seriously, I don't expect hundreds of soldiers killing each other or a massacre like The Red Weddi

  • That could be cool, but just suddenly introducing them as a POV character would be weird, but it could work, because you don't want the battle to become boring and only follow one character in this case Rodrik\Asher. The great thing about the GoT tv show's battles is that they aren't done from just one perspective, the battle is shown from several different characters perspectives.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Though I don't want them as full playable characters, it'd be cool if you could play as Royland/Duncan for a few minutes during the battle.

  • Maybe as Rodrik/Asher you could command them mid battle and watch it unfold.

    All just imagination though.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Though I don't want them as full playable characters, it'd be cool if you could play as Royland/Duncan for a few minutes during the battle.

  • I think I've built it up too much in my head, I don't think it will live up to my expectations. although I hope it does.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Maybe as Rodrik/Asher you could command them mid battle and watch it unfold. All just imagination though.

  • edited September 2015

    It'll probably be a siege at Ironrath. A field battle would be suicide for the Forresters, and sieges are known to be worse than field battles. Why?

    If you're going to siege a place, you're actually at a huge disadvantage as the attacker. While you may have a larger force, in this case the Whitehills with 150 men (You don't want to leave your own castle without a garrison, so 50 would stay behind out of 200, which is actually a large force by medieval standards) the defenders (Forresters with 40-60 men) have the advantage of:

    1) Knowing the land around them, so they could use the sally port to leave out the back end of the keep to flee into the Ironwood Grove where they could use guerrilla warfare.

    2) Battlements. You have both the higher ground and better defenses from archers and siege equipment then those below you.

    3) The defenders have a lot of food, usually lasting months before they starve. At this time with the Whitehills burning the farmland around the Forresters, this is actually null and void as they are already on the verge of starving.

    4) The actual siege of the place. Archers are valuable, and they'll pick off the men pushing up ladders. With a battering ram it could depend, but I doubt they'll take the time to put a proper cover on it to block arrows. A siege tower would be impossible with Ironrath if you've seen the picture of it. It's on a rocky hill, and the only way to get a siege tower up there would be to go straight into the gatehouse, a mass suicide attempt if the Whitehills are that stupid. So catapults and trebuchets would be about the only real weapons they could use to good effect.

    5) Ravens. G.R.R.M's email service for Westeros. The Glenmores would roll over the Whitehills, and any bannermen to them would just slaughter the Whitehills if they fled.

    6) A siege is not quick. It takes a lot more time then how Hollywood depicts it, usually taking weeks to months to do so (planning, building the engines, etc)

  • Though I kinda hoped for a epic field battle, a siege would make more sense logically.

    Barthanax posted: »

    It'll probably be a siege at Ironrath. A field battle would be suicide for the Forresters, and sieges are known to be worse than field battl

  • I would want to be controlling the entire army, making decisions on how I use the men attack according to orders. It be epic and

  • Mhm.....that'd be fucking stupid :P

    i wanna have whitehills overpower the forresters and then, out of nowhere, gared comes in, riding on his ice dragon, blasting everybody to oblivion ^-^

  • A secret character will appear near the end of the game...............................Clementine.

  • God people have weird ass theories. We're going to capture Gryff within the first chapter and go along with the trade as planned. Only when we do the trade, someone will kill Ryon and then ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE on NEUTRAL GROUND.

  • edited September 2015

    It could happen if the Glenmores want to kill some Whitehills with the Forresters in revenge for Arthur's death, but if they're leaving you to hang high and dry it'll be a siege.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Though I kinda hoped for a epic field battle, a siege would make more sense logically.

  • I expect the Forresters to be significantly outnumbered, and only win because they have the tactical advantage. Ironrath.

  • edited September 2015

    There won' be any siege

    "there's not going to be a siege" ;)

    greensenpai posted: »

    There wont be hundreds of soldiers.The Whitehills have like 200 men in total max and the Forresters have 40 if we count the pit fighters.I a

  • I think a siege battle would make more sense. Look back on almost all of the battle in the GoT books\show they have been mostly siege battles with a few exceptions here and there.

    Barthanax posted: »

    It'll probably be a siege at Ironrath. A field battle would be suicide for the Forresters, and sieges are known to be worse than field battl

  • edited September 2015

    I wanted my battle to play out without a battle, but the war is forced onto the player no matter how diplomatic you try to be. (: Meh... however annoyed I am, this is one thing I feel like TTG couldn't avoid depending on how they want the story to end.

  • Remember not everyone has seen Season 5, may want to put a spoiler.

  • Oh whatever lol. Its been out for months. One accidental google search "Game of Thrones" and you will be spoiled.

    Remember not everyone has seen Season 5, may want to put a spoiler.

  • Company of Heroes: Forresters?

    I would want to be controlling the entire army, making decisions on how I use the men attack according to orders. It be epic and

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