Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • we can defeat him later, he's a weakling anyway

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    man, adam sandler is a real danger man you want him to roam free?

  • edited September 2015

    only cool ppl use "lmao"

    so you should stop using it.

    cause u're not cool

    get rekt

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    it means lmao is cooler

  • People have to set their priorities straight, I can't be the only one...

    aww shucks

  • just ask

    Another check up on this thread, another just........I, I....don't even know

  • Such a weakling, Rhys, oh my god... (saved)

    I was worried, where've you been? ;A; You doing well? ;3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Weak Rhys is weak hi everyone!

  • enter image description here

    Btw, I sent you a voice clip on Skype, so whenever you go there you will be able to hear my voice. Such a mystery.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Haha, nope! I'm sure more people ship us! We're even setting up a day where we can watch some anime. I just gotta hear his voice first so I'm not caught off guard when we get into a call. So there, shipping material.

  • ayy lmao

    Kawaiii posted: »

    only cool ppl use "lmao" so you should stop using it. cause u're not cool get rekt

  • truuu nothing unusual :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Just another normal day in here lmao

  • guess what?


    Kawaiii posted: »

    only cool ppl use "lmao" so you should stop using it. cause u're not cool get rekt

  • edited September 2015

    it was pretty quick


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • nah, ur not the only one, dont wurry

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    People have to set their priorities straight, I can't be the only one...

  • gtfo crybaby

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    shut up weenie

  • You think so? I'd probably find myself annoying xD

    I knew a kid like that once, now he speaks really well and seems clever, but those years were wonderful :)

    sorry for stupid questions they're not stupid at all, JJ they're pretty fun tbh Especially when they're completely confide

  • yeah but rhys is a weakling too, that's kind of the problem here

    we can defeat him later, he's a weakling anyway


    Kawaiii posted: »


  • Kimmi, I hope you don't mind but what's your name on Skype? xD

    Btw, I sent you a voice clip on Skype, so whenever you go there you will be able to hear my voice. Such a mystery.

  • be quiet

    Kawaiii posted: »

    gtfo crybaby

  • Pfff, I'm absolutely not sure about me looking nice and all too, but you're saying it so confident, so I'm not gonna doubt my statement about you as well. :P

    It does, I guess some of us could orginize a meeting someday [insert i want to believe meme here].

    That party must've been hilarious. :D I suppose when it comes to meeting people, if you really want to, you'll be able to eventually. Just need to pick time and plan out all the expenses and you're set (haha, if only it'd be that easy, but there're examples, so it's really not that impossible...). Don't let your dreams be dreams and all that.

    That's only natural, If I were you I'd freak out probably, I'm such a coward about meeting someone new. Dx Surely it's gonna be fine.

    Man, something strange is happening to the weather everywhere, wow. 30+ degrees inside the house sounds awful.

    By the way, that song you posted is great!

    Hah, glad you liked it! I've discovered that band last weekend actually, and I thiiiink I'm a little obsessed, I instantly fell in love with their songs, it's never happened to me before.

    HellFish posted: »

    Not sure about that, but thanks. Rhyiona con sounds awesome! The only problem is how far are we all from each other, even the Euros, let

  • great now u just made "lmao" unrad


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    guess what? lmao

  • 9/11 of ocurse

    9/11 or christmas?

  • You think so?

    of course i do :)

    seems clever

    hahaha xD

    "seems"? :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    You think so? I'd probably find myself annoying xD I knew a kid like that once, now he speaks really well and seems clever, but those years were wonderful

  • ayy lmao xD

    Kawaiii posted: »

    great now u just made "lmao" unrad stupid

  • lmaooooooooooo

    Kawaiii posted: »

    great now u just made "lmao" unrad stupid

  • oh, that's a pity, now he thinks we're spooky :(

    and I just wanted to give him some candy, damn

  • Welp, good night my favorite peeps in the world.

  • but he's a saiyan now, that means at least something, amirite? ;_;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    yeah but rhys is a weakling too, that's kind of the problem here

  • lmfaooooooooo

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Good, you deserve it ^-^

    nah, ur not the only one, dont wurry

  • yeaaaaah

    there's more place for them there so that's why :)

  • im afraid he's too weak even in saiyan form

    that's why beyonce needed to help him

    but he's a saiyan now, that means at least something, amirite? ;_;

  • ayyyyyyyyyy

    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • noice

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    interesting choices cara x brawl??

  • rofl

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Aw, thanks man :D

    He's five! I can't really judge him at that age. Plus, I only see him once every two months or something.

    You think so? of course i do seems clever hahaha xD "seems"? :P

  • Goodnight! :)

    Welp, good night my favorite peeps in the world.

  • edited September 2015

    I was talking about candies.

    I even have the ones Beyonce made herself, wanna try?

  • aw thanx bruh <3

    nighty night ^-^

    Welp, good night my favorite peeps in the world.

  • Oh god wasn't expecting someone to respond. Really putting me on the spot here.

    Well I guess, first off: when did all these memberxmember pairings become canon cause now I feel silly cause it came from left field? How did I miss it? And now that their canon, is Telltale going to tear them apart like I'm betting they will with the final episode? I mean this all just happening so fast?

    fire away, bruh

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