William Carver vs Ramsay Bolton

Ok so I'm doing a match up between two characters I'm interested in seeing interact. Let's make the rules here. I think Ramsay is less phase able but hasn't experienced an apocalypse like Bill has. There are 3 rounds

  1. Both start with switchblades, 20 feet away in an open field

  2. A face to face conversation. Who can get into the other's head?

  3. Ramsay and 20 Good Men vs Carver's Camp


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  • Ramsay, all three. A little girl was able to get in his mind and "A bunch of crippled fucks" destroyed his camp.

  • Yes, but does Carver get a tall building to throw people off of?

  • Carver only lasted three episodes technically, and two we saw him.

    Gimme Ramsay for 100

  • Carver isn't a glorified, invincible villain like Game of Thrones has made Ramsay, though. Telltale knew where to draw the line for the most part, at least.

  • Carver had so much more potential as a villain in TWD that wasn't realized. He just felt like your old run-of-the-mill Governer-type character.

  • They could have easily kept him around for the last two episodes and die in the shootout in NGB

    Lokoso posted: »

    Carver had so much more potential as a villain in TWD that wasn't realized. He just felt like your old run-of-the-mill Governer-type character.

  • Ramsay has plot armor and 20 good men, so he wins

  • Ramsay, all three.

    1. Ramsay was raised in Westeros, as the son of a lord, even as a bastard he would have been trained in combat from an early age with a variety of weapons. Carver was raised in modern society, and while the apocalypse might have brought out psychopathic tendencies, that doesn't make him a trained fighter.

    2. Ramsay was able to convince Theon to give up his entire identity and every loyalty he once had. Yes, he had time and torture to do it, but he's no stranger to psychological manipulation. He does it as a hobby. Carver's psychological manipulation on the other hand is predicated on promising desperate people what they need - safety, shelter, food, medicine - and the threat of losing it once he has them in his grasp. What could Carver offer Ramsay? Carver has nothing he needs. An appeal to emotion won't work either - Ramsay has no empathy.

    3. Again - lifelong trained fighters vs. a bunch of people who are a sampling of people who were just ordinary men and women before the zombie apocalypse. Not soldiers, not fighters. Now, if you're allowing Carver's camp their assault rifles vs Ramsay & co.'s medieval steel weaponry, that's another story. But in a fair fight, Ramsay and his men, no question.

  • I won't say anything, I'll just leave this here...
    enter image description here

  • Ramsey all the way

  • Even though Ramsay is better than Carver in basically everything, I'd rather be in Carver's camp than be near Ramsay.

  • Ramsay. Carver may have been sick, but not quite Ramsay sick. Ramsay wins all three. He wins in the one on one because he's a better fighter due to his training and experience, Carver fights corpses and only beats people he already has an advantage over (Ramsay does too, but we still see him fight on occasion.) Ramsay wins the psychological torture because that's right up his alley, Carver may have been abusive but he doesn't come close to Ramsay and his cruelty. Ramsay's 20 Good Men™ win on account of being trained and experienced fighters... Carver's group has guns and they struggle against corpses

  • Convince is an extremely mild way of putting it. Regardless, Ramsay never received the tutelage you seem to be describing. If it could be said he received it at all then he was a late starter at best or is still learning on the job at worst.


    Despite all of that, plot Armour prevails. It's a win for Ramsay.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Ramsay, all three. * Ramsay was raised in Westeros, as the son of a lord, even as a bastard he would have been trained in combat from a

  • He didn't get quality training. He's still likely better at it than Carver but in a 1 on 1 fight against someone else in the ASOIAF universe (Stannis, Jon, Robb, Jaimie, etc.) or a competent fighter in TWD (like Molly and literally no one else) he'd probably git rekt.

    I think Show Ramsay is probably well trained. Though it wouldn't make a difference because of his extremely thick Valyrian Steel plot armour.

    fruitnveg posted: »

    Convince is an extremely mild way of putting it. Regardless, Ramsay never received the tutelage you seem to be describing. If it could be sa

  • It's just a scratch.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I won't say anything, I'll just leave this here...

  • Plot armor aside - in a one on one match up Ramsay would both figuratively and literally make mince meat of Carver. End of story.

  • Ramsay. Nothing need to be said about that. If these two ever met, Carver would probably be flayed alive ;3

  • Considering both are fairly blood thirsty, I imagine a knife fight would be fairly brutal and drawn-out between the two. They both have a pretty high tolerance for pain (from what's been seen), so I imagine that neither would go down easy either. Ramsay would win though, because he's more batshit. As far as I'm concerned, the craziest motherfucker in a knife fight will be the winner.

    I really don't think either of them would be able to get inside the other's head. Neither are strangers to psychological manipulation, so I imagine it'd largely be them tip-toeing around what the other one says. I don't think either would be able to convince the other of anything, so this would end in a stalemate, where they both realize they're too good at this, shake hands, and go have a beer or some shit.

    Since you didn't specify weapons, I'm just going to assume that Carver's people have guns. So Carver.

    So it'd be a tie, I guess.

  • What if we would put Ramsay against Gregor Clegane, but in the forest near Dreadfort and Gregor is fully equipped?

  • 1 on 1 Gregor wins easily

    With psychological torture neither wins, Gregor is too stupid and brutish to get into Ramsay's head and too stupid and brutish for Ramsay to manipulate.

    Ramsay's Twenty Good Men™ against the Mountain's Men? I'd say the Mountain and Co. tear them apart with their armour, training, and experience.

    What if we would put Ramsay against Gregor Clegane, but in the forest near Dreadfort and Gregor is fully equipped?

  • 'Tis but a flesh wound!

    It's just a scratch.

  • Definitely Ramsay for all 3, although I think that conversation may turn more into them throwing insults at each other and just seeing who laughs first. And I can easily see Ramsay 'playing with his food' in a knife fight with Carver. Even if Carver and his gang had guns, Ramsay demonstrated quite well he and his band are prime for guerrilla warfare, everyone in Carver's camp would be dead as soon as nightfall drew.

  • Ramsay is a mental case, he'd completely destroy Carver. Did you see the fight between him and his men VS Yara and her men? He owned them big time, shirtless.

    It's a shame Carver was so easily taken down by Clementine's group, though. He had so much potential to be a better villain.

  • i don't know who carver is (but by the looks of the comments he looks like hes a walking dead person) but ramsay 1,000 times fold for the reasons mentioned above and also just because (in my opinion) he is one of the best (if not the best) modern tv villain out there in a while

  • Ramsey would cheat in all three scenarios and fuck over Carver and his whole goddam community before they even could get ready.

  • I wanted to write my post a bit differently, like what if Ramsay would hunt armed and armored Gregor in his house's forest where he oft hunted weak and helpless, but never mind.

    1 on 1 Gregor wins easily With psychological torture neither wins, Gregor is too stupid and brutish to get into Ramsay's head and too stu

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