Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • nope we still have to wait for it :)

    Uh, hey... Did I miss Green's Speech?

  • You really want him to notice you, don't you? ;)

    enter link description here @HandsomeChef

  • Oh Fiona fails at flirting? Oh yeah, definitely >:D

    She'd be too 'manly' for his liking I think, Rhys seems like a guy who wants a girly girl so he can be the tough one imo :P

    Kruzii posted: »

    imagine Fiona tries to flirt with Rhys but is reeeaaaally bad at it

  • You will be :)

    If it makes you feel better, lottii is the shittest big sister you can get.

    Thank you! I'm gonna try my best!

  • ouch

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • #Noticed

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You really want him to notice you, don't you?

  • The silence worries him.

    As he steps closer to home, all he can hear are his footsteps and it makes him raise a brow unconsciously.

    It's not often that he spends a night away but duty calls and he can hardly do anything about it -- but he knows, from the few times this has happened, that things are never this quiet in the morning.

    She's away too, sometimes, and she tells him the exact same thing.

    So as Rhys stands next to the front door, he tries to listen in for any sound but he's greeted by silence with each passing second instead and he can feel a frown forming.

    Gortys is never this quiet.

    Quickly reaching for his pocket, he picks the right key and it takes him a few agonising seconds to make it fit the lock before twisting it carefully. He opens it slightly, just enough to peek inside and there's still silence but there's also dark and he's starting to get freaked out now.

    Fiona is not a morning person but Gortys would never let her sleep past seven when he's missing; he knows this because he's been a victim of it far too many times for his taste.

    If the light's are still off half an hour after that then something was clearly up.

    He swings the door open with a little more force than necessary in his worried stupor and it hits the broom leaning against the wall (he's a little more than sick of whatever creatures their skag likes to bring in), knocking it over. The sound of it hitting the floor prompts a little gasp that sounds suspiciously robotic and Rhys is suddenly very confused.

    Slowly, he reaches for the wall and flicks on the light.

    Gortys is covering her mouth with her hands and he's pretty sure she's regretting something. Fiona's facepalming and Loader Bot seems like he doesn't even remotely understand what's happening -- Rhys has never related to him this much.


    The way she says it makes it sound like she's disappointed.

    "What..." he rubs his temples, already being able to tell the headache that's coming isn't going to be kind, "what is going on here?"

    Fiona just gestures around to an arragement of balloons and food and, suddenly, it clicks in his mind.

    "Wait," he can see her tapping her foot, "this is for me?"

    "Today is the sixth." She rolls her eyes but he can still tell there's a vague disappointment in her tone. "Only you would forget your own birthday. Did you even know we're in September?"

    "I was busy..." he huffs at the jab but he can't stop the corners of his mouth from tugging up, "but it's worth forgetting if I'm gonna be greeted like this every time."

    "Yeah, don't count on it."

    But she's winking at him for a split second so he knows exactly how she's going to be playing her game.

    The decorations are nice and the food is tempting after a night of nothing but work but he can't bring himself to make anything other than his family a priority after this.

    Stepping forward, he extends his arms in a silent offer of a hug. The smaller robot is the first one to take it and the jump she somehow manages to do almost knocks him over but a hand keeps him in place before Fiona joins in, arms wrapping around his torso and leaning in for a brief kiss. Loader Bot is gentle but they still hang in the air when he decides hugging is a synonym for picking them up.

    It's awkward.

    It's the best birthday he's ever had.

    "I'm sorry," Gortys suddenly chirps up in his arms, "it was supposed to be a surprise but I ruined it... please ground me! Oh, it sounds exciting!"

    "It's okay, Gortys, " he laughs, "when you break half the house then I'll ground you."

    He almost yelps when she jumps off.

    "On it!"

    "I was joking!"

    short birthday/family story seems appropriate idk; excuse any typos please

    Didn't wanna write something long and boring so I settled for something short and that made sense considering the date.

  • edited September 2015

    Yeah, you're right, Hanna. Thank you so much!

    I guess I should try to look at this as a valuable experience... and that guy will learn something from this too (something like never talk to random girls on the street who's obviously in a hurry with earphones and music turned on).

    Hopefully both of us will be able to get out of our shells and socialize like normal people. :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Don't feel ashamed Jane, this has happened to me too. I'm not used to attention either and I don't have enough courage to talk to guys.

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You really want him to notice you, don't you?

  • enter image description here

    You will be If it makes you feel better, lottii is the shittest big sister you can get.

  • I ship it so hard.

    enter link description here @HandsomeChef

  • RhyionsIsLife x HandsomeChef

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I ship it so hard.

  • True, but I am speaking for me, and you are talking to me here :)


    buntingsir posted: »

    You can't speak for everyone though ;~~~; Thank you, friend! Hugs

  • edited September 2015

    I lurk here a lot and once in a while comment.

    I'm mostly silent though because; 1) I'm socially awkward and 2) I'm not particularly creative like most people here are with showing their love of Rhyiona xD

    I don't really know how to interact here without talking about something completely off topic, so I don't say anything at all.

    It feels like this thread is getting less active everyday. I mean there's tons of people online but no one is saying anything, which is s


    You will be If it makes you feel better, lottii is the shittest big sister you can get.

  • YES


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    RhyionsIsLife x HandsomeChef



  • Same right here, it's on the 30th.


    So... Next month is my birthday...

  • without talking about something completely off topic

    That makes both of us.

    doesn't mean I don't say it tho lmao

    xValkyx posted: »

    I lurk here a lot and once in a while comment. I'm mostly silent though because; 1) I'm socially awkward and 2) I'm not particularly cre

  • edited September 2015

    Holy 69 is everywhere

    This is amazing, Wolfie, definitely worth waiting for! I love how you made it birthday themed.

    Edit: Man, Gortys is the best, haha, so much naivety <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The silence worries him. As he steps closer to home, all he can hear are his footsteps and it makes him raise a brow unconsciously. It

  • I kinda feel bad for RhyionsIsLife. :(

    And you know why ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • ... I have no problem with either of you, and I'm British/American :)

    Kruzii posted: »

    so und nicht anders! Ich hoffe nur das Deutschland hart durchgreift alle Schmarotzer rausschmeißt. Es ist schon schlimm genug das man schräg

  • How many siblings do you have? XD

  • I will think about it...

    OreoAnarchy posted: »

    So since a few people seem to be using them right now, if anyone wants a red/blue profile picture, just let me know! ^^

  • Happy half year anniversary!! <3

    enter image description here

    I'm sorry I couldn't stay active on this thread as much as I like now. But here have this really quick doodle of a young teen Rhyiona?? (I didn't used any references ;--; RIP anatomy)

    I Love you all <3

  • Oh, I'm sorry Rabbit. :(

    At least you always get to go first right? :P

    I am so happy for you #onlychild #unlucky

  • edited September 2015

    Just give him time.

    He will notice you soon :)

    Edit: I read it as "SENPAI NOTICE ME" .___.

    I really need some glasses ;-;


  • Whoa a defector?!

    Wow... That's new :/

    Asylum told us something in the chat...

  • Thank you, I'm glad! I remember making a story for Fiona's birthday so I figured I'd switch it around this time. :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Holy 69 is everywhere This is amazing, Wolfie, definitely worth waiting for! I love how you made it birthday themed. Edit: Man, Gortys is the best, haha, so much naivety

  • yeah we all make mistakes, don't worry about it. :)

    Hopefully both of us will be able to get out of our shells and socialize like normal people. :)

    yeah I'm still waiting for that day to came :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah, you're right, Hanna. Thank you so much! I guess I should try to look at this as a valuable experience... and that guy will learn so

  • Senpai noticed her though. :^)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I kinda feel bad for RhyionsIsLife. And you know why ;-;



    lottii-lu posted: »


  • Yeah, but not for long ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Senpai noticed her though. :^)

  • I just gotta believe! <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Just give him time. He will notice you soon Edit: I read it as "SENPAI NOTICE ME" .___. I really need some glasses ;-;

  • This is so beautiful, Kimmy!

  • We can only hope. ;-;

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, but not for long ;-;

  • Yeah, that story was great, I remember it too!

    Good call, buddy. B)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Thank you, I'm glad! I remember making a story for Fiona's birthday so I figured I'd switch it around this time.

  • I don't even know what that means, but I probably would if I had siblings ;~~;

    Oh, I'm sorry Rabbit. At least you always get to go first right? :P

  • Ah amazing always! <3

    you just reminded me why I love Gortys so freaking much!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The silence worries him. As he steps closer to home, all he can hear are his footsteps and it makes him raise a brow unconsciously. It

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