Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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  • It randomly came on my mind.

    Crips posted: »

    That's lewd

  • I'm sure the same goes for most of us here. Well, I can say for myself that it's true!

    And seriously, I'm glad we can help you somehow, it's great that we can rely on each other here like that.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    im glad to have ppl like u that keep me going u don't even know how much everyone's words on this thread mean to me...

  • Yeah, it's pretty obvious.

  • enter image description here

    that escalated quickly

  • Do you remember the cut dialogue of Vaughn saying Rhys was ripped and had a rippling line down the middle of his stomach? :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I just want to see him shirtless and poke his chubby tummy. Yeah you heard me right..

  • Well I guess you shouldn't try to play games like Cat Mario, it's frustrating as hell! :D

    It makes me feel like a loser who can't do anything when I play it. ;>

    I just recently got back into gaming and I feel like this with every damn game! I'm so bad at playing with PS4 but I won't give up just yet :)

    It's so frustrating! Especially when I usually just waltz through any game at any difficulty like it's nothing, but Isaac is way too annoying. It makes me feel like a loser who can't do anything when I play it. ;>

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    that's it.

    im gonna die.

    Kawaiii posted: »

    stop this brutalitea please mastear i can't hold back these tears

  • i died

    buntingsir posted: »

    I bet you're not, you just gotta rhysearch.

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    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Everything's gonna be fine ;-;

  • don't worry i can rhysurrect you

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    i died

  • Hey there! :D

    Crips posted: »

    Hi everyone, I've returned from the darkness.

  • I ACTUALLY PLAYED Cat Mario with my friends once and I aced it before anyone else! :D All hail the king haha.

    Well yea, no one can be a master instantly! Just need to keep playing. ;> Would you mind if I added you on PSN? Well you could add me too, I have the same name there.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well I guess you shouldn't try to play games like Cat Mario, it's frustrating as hell! It makes me feel like a loser who can't do any

  • I should do it someday, but also so I can finally discover what my blood type is :P

    Kawaiii posted: »

    what a nice day to give blood amirite

  • Haha yeah :D

    (nah, we are just curious and theorizing is fun)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I know right! sasha would hurt her kneck... badly (does this count as rhysha?)

  • Alright, I promise. Just my visits may be a bit shorter.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    aw! Promise to not go away for a while okay? >:D

  • Too much tea 4/10


    Kawaiii posted: »

    stop this brutalitea please mastear i can't hold back these tears

  • I wouldn't be too surprised if that's what they do next. I think it'll either be a remake of MG1 or maybe a reboot of the series. Hopefuly the next Metal Gear isn't a pachinko machine.

    I'd like to see them add the ability to run on walls, since they did remove that. I trust in Platinum to make a damn good sequel.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I see... Well I personally want them to remake the very first Metal Gear games (on the NES) for next-gen consoles, maybe even update them to suit the subtle changes to the storyline as well I hope so too, and hopefully with improved gameplay!

  • Oh you are tall! :D I've never had a boyfriend (yeah I'n not afraid to admit it) but most of my male friends are shorter than me (I'm 180cm)

    That was basically me (191cm) and my ex-girlfriend (152cm). Pretty hilarious when you think about it.

  • like what

    Kawaiii posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf i'm your mom do something @Wolfenus54 im your sister do something

  • I have heard this line before....

    But it's the title of a song by the Black Dahlia Murder (Saints Row 2 had great music!)

    Crips posted: »

    What a horrible night to have a curse. Someone get what I'm referencing...?

  • edited September 2015

    Charlotte is a beautiful name!

    Charlotte is a beautiful name! ;> My sister's name is Charlotta lol.

  • This should take over from that emoji tbh :D

    It's perfect!!!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This was one of my first posts on Tumblr haha! Feels weird to see this again but it's pretty cheerful and this is a cheerful day so..... anyway, Rhys is supposed to look like this emoji:

  • edited September 2015

    “Why are you stressing out? Everything will be fine, Rhys. She’s just in pain.” Vaughn comforted his lifelong best friend as he gripped the wheel anxiously in the car they were in, which was driving to the nearest - and most reliable - hospital.

    “Yeah, I’m totally good. Nothing is wro- Nnng.” Fiona clutched her large belly in sudden pain, jerking her body forward as another twang of kicking occurred. Rhys instantly drove as fast as the speed limit would let him, rallying up some other drivers as he cut them off.

    As soon as they reached the reception of the hospital and Rhys frantically described the situation, they were sitting in a very clean, pristine, white room with nothing but each other to comfort them. Rhys was sweating profusely and Vaughn was trying to lighten the mood, but as soon as the door swung open they went quiet, in order to check who was there.

    The doctor had decided to make a grand entrance, smiling softly at the three in the room before him. Sasha was at his heels with the most concerned face Fiona had ever saw her pull, but her expression was wiped off and replaced with relief when she saw Fiona laying on the bed with a light-hearted smile. No words were spoken except each other’s pet names ‘Fi’ and ‘Sash’, but the action of her sister running toward her and hugging her cautiously told Fiona that she was happy and safe.

    The doctor, and the presence of a few nurses, all droned on, asking questions for what seemed like an eternity to Rhys, and he was no doubt ready for Fiona to pop out a new child. Some weird contraption came out, something which was foreign to Rhys, but he soon discovered that Fiona’s legs would sit on it as it spread them apart, readying the area for a new baby to arrive.

    Rhys pulled Vaughn to the side of the room and jittered nervously, “Will it - Will it just, y’know, pop out of her?” He asked, clearly clueless and embarrassed at what was going on. Vaughn only smiled sweetly and shook his head, “It’s not that easy, bro. She’ll be lucky if it takes one minute to come out.” And with that, Rhys made a discomforted noise, raising his eyebrows in concern and worry. He walked back over to beside his wife and sat his hand on her shoulder in comfort, “I’m sorry for the pain,” He spoke awkwardly, and Fiona gave him a strange glance.

    “Um, what?” She asked, smirking at Rhys’ obliviousness to her situation. Once her legs were securely strapped in, the doctor examined her, testing to see if she was ready to start pushing.

    “Give it a few more minutes,” He turned to one of the nurses who began to scribble onto her clipboard, “We’ll start soon.” Then he walked out of the room. Rhys started laughing, “What are you chuckling at?” Fiona leaned her head back and turned to the side which Rhys was standing at, before smiling herself, “I’m going to be a dad, that’s pretty cool.” He stated, giggling to himself even more. Fiona merely rolled her eyes and turned to face Sasha, only to hear Rhys gasp and repeat what he had just said, only with the realisation of new life entering this world. Although he was trying to appear strong, Fiona could swear she saw his eyes glaze over with happy tears, but he blinked them away all too quickly for her to make a remark.

    Another ounce of pain wriggled through Fiona, and soon enough, the doctor was back and leaning over her, nodding his head ever so slowly, “You’re ready, Mrs McLoser.” He smirked slightly at her last name , but Fiona solemnly sighed and let out a small ‘okay’.

    “You can do this, darling. I know you can.” Rhys dragged a white stool - the only thing to colour the albino room was them - and sat beside Fiona, gripping her hand in his bionic one and kissing it gently. She only smiled at him and took in a deep breath. Once the doctor said ‘push’, she squeezed her eyes shut and abided, pushing with utmost pressure. She stopped to catch her breath, Rhys’ sweet whispers and encouraging words soothing her, but as soon as she became stable again, she had to push even harder.

    The doctor muttered something to the nurse helping him, but Fiona could only pick up the words ‘head’ and ‘almost there’. Everyone was a mess, including Rhys, who’s cheeks were painted with fresh tears as the room filled with the cries of a baby. Fiona chucked her head back and gasped, and Rhys, along with Vaughn and Sasha, slowly prowled over to see the new child. Before the doctor could deliver the gender, Rhys beat him to it, “A b-baby girl,” Was all he managed to choke out as the umbilical cord was cut and the baby was taken to be cleaned.

    Rhys was handed his baby, wrapped in a white ensemble while it’s green eyes stared up at him. He knew he was spluttering everywhere, but he was happy. Elated, even. The third person to hold her was Fiona, but she wasn't crying. She was laughing tiredly as she gazed lovingly at her child sat on her chest, “Charlotte?” She muttered, not taking her eyes off of the baby girl. Rhys nodded, wiping his eyes, “Charlotte.” He confirmed, sitting on the stool once again and taking in the pure bliss of this moment in life.

    How lucky he was, how wonderfully and utterly thankful he was for these people to be in his life.

    I've never been in a delivery room, so if this is not accurate, I apologise profusely. <3

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    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Fuck! The feels ;-;

  • fuk, why can't I think any Rhys puns? :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    don't worry i can rhysurrect you

  • Why do you want me to cry?! ;-;

    I swear to god, if you post at least one gif with Shireen, I'm going to cry right now ;-;

  • It's a good thing I took that screenshot while it lasted.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lol xD

  • Yeah, it is xD

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It's a good thing I took that screenshot while it lasted.

  • Oh right I completely forget that!

    But it would be funnier if Rhys was little chuby while Vaughn is the ripped one :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Do you remember the cut dialogue of Vaughn saying Rhys was ripped and had a rippling line down the middle of his stomach?

  • She wears heels and is still a good 6 inches shorter than him!!!! I call it that Fiona is at that adorable height where you can pick her up for a kiss!!! :3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Height difference... talk.

  • edited September 2015

    Please don't let tea become the next coke. Please. That was enough innuendo for five lifetimes.

    I'm scared

    Discuss how rad Rhyiona is instead. Think about Fiona making Rhys trip and fall into a pool.

  • You're 6'2 and your ex was 4'9? Jesus Christ dude!!! XD

    That was basically me (191cm) and my ex-girlfriend (152cm). Pretty hilarious when you think about it.

  • Hey you an inch taller than me Hanna :D

    You're 5'9

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh you are tall! I've never had a boyfriend (yeah I'n not afraid to admit it) but most of my male friends are shorter than me (I'm 180cm)


    Kawaiii posted: »

    all this shit reminds me of you know the 2 girls

  • Wow, well you are kinda tall! :D And oh, shorter than you? I just had a wild image of you surrounded by various Tyrions lmao, I don't know why. But we don't probably yet live in the world of GoT. ;>

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh you are tall! I've never had a boyfriend (yeah I'n not afraid to admit it) but most of my male friends are shorter than me (I'm 180cm)

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