Finale Ending - What do you expect?

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

What do u guys think the endings are going to be?



  • This happens with every Telltale finale, I just can't imagine how it'll end.

  • Depends on who you let live, but honestly they will likely be closely related, maybe not

  • I'm going for two things,

    1) Rodrik/Asher sees Gwyn sat in Highpoint with Ryon now held captive by House Bolton. Rodrik is then killed, Gwyn asks Asher to sit to have a "little talk".
    2) Rodrik dies, Asher loses a hand.

  • Not sure, But I really hope that there's more than 1 ending.

  • edited September 2015

    yeah and not "decide your enemies fate" kind of multiple endings like they had in twau, the differents was a 10 seconds scene

    Not sure, But I really hope that there's more than 1 ending.

  • George R. R. Martin walks in and gives us all book six!

  • edited September 2015

    he's trying to finish book 6 before season 6 starts, so like maybe march

    Demarcoa posted: »

    George R. R. Martin walks in and gives us all book six!

  • edited September 2015

    I've been wondering. What does GRRM like? People should get together and give him some incentive you know. Like a lifetime supply of steak or something if he's into eating.

    Pabster23 posted: »

    he's trying to finish book 6 before season 6 starts, so like maybe march

  • What would be awesome (if Rodrik survives)

    We kill Gryff and Ludd (making Torrhen the new lord of the Whitehills)
    Rodrik and Elena have a wedding right before the end of the game.
    The Boltons "send their regards" (aka Elena and Rodrik die, and maybe Lady Forrester)

    If Asher survives, then maybe he gets married to Gwynn (though this would make little sense, but would happen to match Rodrik and Ashers animations) and the Boltons still invade the wedding and "send their regards"

    The Iron Wedding.

  • This is still before Tyrions trial meaning the Boltons will be busy with Moat Cailin at this time.We wont see them again this season

  • Talia or Ryon still thinking like that,because they're ttg.

  • Hopefully not a cliffhanger.

  • You know Telltale. They will surely going to end the season with a cliffhanger :P

    Miklaus posted: »

    Hopefully not a cliffhanger.

  • I won't speculate on the surviving brother because I change my mind about what I think that will happen to them every five minutes and I don't want to keep editing this post.

    For the others...

    1) Lord Morgryn will do something really bad that will make Mira's life really hard after being sweet for the whole episode. People that didn't see it coming or that ignored his "Littlefinger-esque" personality will come here to complain that he acted out of character. Tom will betray Mira because his boss told him to, and it will be a very heart-breaking scene. Mira will be taken away of King's Landing against her will and end up on a situation similar to Sansa's.

    2) Gared will find the North Grove and stay there. We won't know what happens to him or to the North Grove until the next season.

  • He loves weddings.

    diain posted: »

    I've been wondering. What does GRRM like? People should get together and give him some incentive you know. Like a lifetime supply of steak or something if he's into eating.

  • I was thinking bacon and cupcakes. Maybe bacon cupcakes.

    diain posted: »

    I've been wondering. What does GRRM like? People should get together and give him some incentive you know. Like a lifetime supply of steak or something if he's into eating.

  • edited September 2015

    Then I'll be very pissed. It's like buying a game without an ending, that will be released next year as a dlc. Sorry but the Forresters vs Whitehills plot has to end with ep 6, and in a proper way since the episode release is taking forever.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You know Telltale. They will surely going to end the season with a cliffhanger :P

  • Telltale just cant leave it on a cliffhanger since it will take years for a dlc or second season to come out 2-3 months I can handle but a year and a bit ill lose interest

  • A happy end of course. But it will turn out to be much worse than TWDS1 finale. Of course.

  • I'm still expecting a big revenge payoff. We'll probably get to decide the fate of the Whitehills, being made to feel bad about Gwyn and shit. Hahaha they are soooo dead.

  • Bacon from Cupcake!

    Abeille posted: »

    I was thinking bacon and cupcakes. Maybe bacon cupcakes.

  • edited September 2015

    I hope to see Rodrik (or Asher) killing Ludd and Gryff, Ryon freed and reunited with is family and Rodrik marrying Elaena; I'm also hoping to see Mira foil the plan of the Whitehill in King's Landing, to see Ludd waiting for his reinforcements and getting none when is the moment to fight the Forresters.

  • I usually avoid inflicting any unnecessary suffering to npcs in this kind of game and I don't plan to wipe them out of the map or to hurt Gwyn in any way, but I think that I might let my anger get the best of me this time and that will end up badly to them.

    I'm still expecting a big revenge payoff. We'll probably get to decide the fate of the Whitehills, being made to feel bad about Gwyn and shit. Hahaha they are soooo dead.

  • edited September 2015

    Or better yet, a notification pops up telling fans to be patient for GRRM and let him finish his book series at his own pace because he originally began writing it to simply share a story he wanted to share on his own time!

    Demarcoa posted: »

    George R. R. Martin walks in and gives us all book six!

  • I'm actually hoping for a happy ending and some closure on the story, and would much rather see a new family next season and let the Forresters get some peace and rest so that the surviving brother may actually be able to survive this thing.

    Unfortunately, since people always incorrectly assume Game of Thrones ≠ everyone dying and the bad guys winning, most of the Forresters will probably die and really unwarranted consequences to our "actions" will arise that cause us serious losses that were probably unavoidable in the first place no matter what you do. (Prove me wrong, Telltale. I believe in you!)

  • The ending will be determined by your choices. If you sided with the whithills, they will be less forceful which makes you win, if you did not they are more forceful and harder. "Choices Matter"

  • Ramsay not to die.

  • I expect to hear The Rains of Castamere

  • And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low? ;)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I expect to hear The Rains of Castamere

  • NO, FUCK NO. They cannot end a game with a cliffhanger, I liked TWAU alot and that cliffhanger gave me a very bad impression on the game itself. It's like they are leaving it to YOU to decide what will happen next (As seen in some cartoons/animes/shows/movies), which just CANNOT happen in a game that focuses on the story.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You know Telltale. They will surely going to end the season with a cliffhanger :P

  • Only a cat of a different coat
    That's all the truth I know


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?

  • Unfortunately for Gryff and Ludd, my Rodrik is going to kill them. Too much has happened to where if we don't all but take out their house, it will never stop. Besides, Rodrik said he'd kill them both and I'd be disappointed if we didn't at least get the opportunity to follow through. ;) I really don't want to hurt Gwyn because Asher loved her once and my headcanon is she's been very sweet to Ryon and trying her best to minimise Ludd's mind games and general abuse. However, if she gets in my way or tries to interfere, I respect her wanting to protect her family but she may just have to die with them... The thing that scares me is there's still Torrhen out there somewhere and with our luck he may show up and be worse than his father and brother. D:

    Abeille posted: »

    I usually avoid inflicting any unnecessary suffering to npcs in this kind of game and I don't plan to wipe them out of the map or to hurt Gw

  • In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
    a lion still has claws.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Only a cat of a different coat That's all the truth I know

  • I agree. Unless there's a Season 2 of TWAU at some point, I'll be very disappointed with the ending.

    NO, FUCK NO. They cannot end a game with a cliffhanger, I liked TWAU alot and that cliffhanger gave me a very bad impression on the game its

  • edited September 2015

    And mine are long and sharp, my Lord. As long and sharp as yours


    darko22 posted: »

    In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws.

  • This is Game of Thrones. There are no happy endings.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    A happy end of course. But it will turn out to be much worse than TWDS1 finale. Of course.

  • Well, the ending of Season 4 was not Really "depressing". Except the thing with the hound. It ended Pretty epic.

    This is Game of Thrones. There are no happy endings.

  • Hopefully there will be plenty of Whitehill corpses, including Lard, Gryff, and Harys

  • I am going to fix Gryff's face bug for Telltale, in roughly the same manner Kenny fixed Carver's face.

  • lol it was a joke

    Or better yet, a notification pops up telling fans to be patient for GRRM and let him finish his book series at his own pace because he originally began writing it to simply share a story he wanted to share on his own time!

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