Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • @kristi78968
    Happy birthday)

    How old r u now?)

  • It can be troublesome finding a working rom of game, though look up the dolphin emulator. It's used for Gamecube and Wii games. Some games can be buggy on it though.

    Oh no...

    Konami ceases triple-A console production on all but PES - report


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh yeah that one needs a remake right now!! I don't know how to emulate games Here's hoping

  • Thing is is that I play games by myself a lot as well; those friends I told you about, I like to show them the console games I play but sometimes they aren't interested. I have always enjoyed single-player over multiplayer, but sometimes I would like a buddy next to me :(

    I like to search around for clues, Totems are always in your path so they're kinda hard to miss... Maybe when I'm done with this playthough I'll try a speedrun on my next playthrough and see how quickly I can do it. But people managed to beat the game this quickly on their very first playthrough as well! T_T

    You're a good person, Hanna. Remember that the next time someone puts you down ok :)

    I used to write 2 chapters a day, then when my work got stolen I lost interest for fear of it getting stolen again. My flare for writing comes and go's now, and some people don't like waiting. Yes it's unfair to have them wait so long, but I can't just sit down and bust out 2,000 word chapters of a suitable quality every day!! Trust me I wish I could!

    @armis37 will remember the time I broke down and told him over Skype how deeply sorry I was that it was taking me so long to update his NerissaxBigby love fic on FF.net, and when I did the chapter wasn't as good as I could've made it out to be... He's a good guy but I bet he's getting impatient now.

    I'm not sure if I'll take a break tbh. I miss this thread a lot when I'm not on it so it may do more harm than good :I

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I was crying because I looked at how people spoke about it on here, and their experiences with the game, and I felt left out. Aw I w

  • So how does an emulator work?

    Oh dear, no new games anytime soon from them it seems :(

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It can be troublesome finding a working rom of game, though look up the dolphin emulator. It's used for Gamecube and Wii games. Some games c

  • How's everyone today?

    Happy birthday @kristi78968!

  • Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children

    enter image description here

    u all know why im posting this r n

    its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tunes to these, so listen to this while reading thanks)

    enter link description here

    As with the tradition, I shall list of the many achievements we have passed throughout the past month/the entire threads lifespan.

    -6 months living (half a year and we still in there baby)

    -267 likes (that's 47 more likes over the past month)

    -171 members (13 new people, not too shabby given the circumstances)

    -any 69 mumbo jumbo u kids have thought up in the last month i dunno how many times u fuckers brought up a 69 achievement

    -1M+ views (who cares tho they're just views)

    -500+ more pages (jesus f)

    -Successfully created a family tree to keep track of members (still waiting on some people)

    And I think that's good for now (let's celebrate, we achieved a lot this month.)

    enter image description here

    Now, now kiddos, it's that time of month again. (no, not that time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

    Rhyiona member of the month time

    Last months Rhyiona member of the month: @kristi78968 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BTW, EVERYONE WISH HER A GOOD ONE!!!)

    This months Rhyiona member of the month is: @John_Smith13

    Even though our beloved lewd lord (lord, not god) is fallen right now, we must respect everything he's brought to the thread. He's funny, friendly, and overall a dank person for the thread. He definitely brings the light humored joy to this thread and we all love him for it, so give him a few claps for being so dank. Hopefully I don't get rekt by the mods for this. Come back soon you fucking donkey. Keep being lewd till the end of time for us.

    Again, come back to us soon bby

    enter image description here

    So, now that that is past us. Let's talk episode 4, and what's to come. So at this point, in my mind, it's pretty obvious Telltale has nothing in store for us. We may have worked hard to get this thread to the point it is today, but it wasn't all for nothing! We still all have each other right? :3

    Anyway, if episode 5 does come out, with some Rhyiona as well (really holding my breath on that) I'll probably die and you'll all never see me again. Yeah, that sounds about right.

    I'm really thankful for everyone here over the half year for helping me keep this thread alive, I may have had my down times but I'm so glad most of you kept it together and kept the train rolling. So for that you should all congratulate yourselves, you did good kids. On the otherhand, there have been some bad things going on lately and you're all still very naughty children for it, and for that I'm creating a set of rules to keep this place in order (they aren't ready yet as I would have hoped by now, but stay tuned sometime soon for those EDIT: NEVERMIND, THEY’RE READY CHECK EM OUT BELOW). We're going to try and keep this thread's quality rather than losing it, so those rules if effective, will help filter out all the nasty garbage you guys post all the time. (shame on u)

    enter image description here

    its time for the thick and meaty part of the speech now

    enter image description here

    If you’re a lurker and just fall in love at the sight of Rhyiona, what are you waiting for!? Please, join up with us, we welcome all newcomers and would be delighted to see anyone who wants to join in on the conversation.

    WHILE I’M SAYING THIS THOUGH, LET IT BE KNOWN THAT I AM A LIKE WHORE. Your only price of admission into the thread is giving it a like, so do so newcomers please. You’ll be quenching my thirst.


    -Keep off topic posts within limit, (attempt to have a good morning, and good night post, I won’t enforce this as much, but it’s a good way of tracking a limit)

    -No “dead thread” comments, they’re overdone at this point, and only take up space in the thread. They’re unneeded.

    -Quality check your comment (think if you were in the reader’s shoes, would your post interest them? Or anyone in the thread?)

    -Completely unrelated dank memes are not allowed, they add nothing to the discussion, and there’s already a thread for them. Use it. https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/93118/whatever-makes-you-laugh-post-pictures-gifs-etc-here-mobile-warning

    -Posts about how your day was/how you are doing, are definitely still allowed. Though remember, keep them in limit for the day.

    -If you have an off topic post about something that interests you, those are definitely still allowed as well, but remember keep them in limit, AND try to tie them in with the topic of the thread (Rhyiona.).

    -Adding the word “Rhyiona” under a post that’s completely off topic does not make it on topic. So don’t try it.

    -To other shippers that are stumbling by the thread: Keep your other ship to your damn self please. We are the Rhyiona thread, so hearing about how much Rhys and Sasha are in love isn’t exactly my/our cup of tea, and it will get me to slap you into last tuesday. So if you don’t want a scolding from me, remember, we all have opinions, and nobody here cares about yours.

    enter image description here'

    I guess that’s enough rules for now, I’ll add onto them if I see a case that begs for new ones. Hopefully I don’t though.

    Again, I think these rules will prove very useful in giving the thread way more quality than it had before, and hopefully we can all get past this stupid little phase of dank unoriginal memes. Seriously, this place really needs some more Rhyiona.

    Speaking of more Rhyiona, I get that it’s hard to talk about Rhyiona when Telltale doesn’t even acknowledge us in the game. But, we have survived all this time on our creativity, SO USE YOURS, seriously, anything Rhyiona is good. A funny simple joke, fine by me. A fanfic, that’s great. Art, even cooler. Any idea that pops into your mind, just pop it down into something and just go with it, it doesn’t hurt to try. We’re all friends here, so we won’t make fun of anyone for what they did. Hell, the fact that you took time out of your day to do something speaks for itself, so just be creative and have fun. That’s what the thread is and always has been about.

    Well, that about wraps up my speech, I’ll just share my closing thoughts, and send you all on your way for the next month. :]

    From this day forward I declare a rebirth of this thread. Something bigger and better, I'll call this half year point in our thread, the revolution period. As we continue on, big changes will be made, for better or for worse, but the big important thing is that we all stick together as we always have, this can only be done as one group. We wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't a group effort. To another half year of Rhyiona, and then 9 more years.


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  • Feliz cumpleanos @kristi78968!!\(^-^)/

    I'll present my gift after I get back from school!

  • Good morning, Green.

    Well, I actually wanted to say about the off topic posts.

    Blind Sniper made me consider about it and I think it will be a good idea if we could talk something off topic in the Rhyiona Skype Chat instead of here. I think it would be better if we could keep an off topic chat there IMO.

    Anyways, nice speech as always, Green =)

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • 10/10

    Also, happy birthday @kristi78968! Keep being so amazing!

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • If there's one thing I have, it's patience bruh ^^

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Thing is is that I play games by myself a lot as well; those friends I told you about, I like to show them the console games I play but some

  • I don't really know how to explain, though I can give ya some links.

    Yep, doesn't seem like it. :( Just pachinko.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So how does an emulator work? Oh dear, no new games anytime soon from them it seems

  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • Revolution? That's great.

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • but your pots and pans.....

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • What's the Rhyiona thread? http://strawpoll.me/5517352

  • Family.

    Eryka posted: »

    What's the Rhyiona thread? http://strawpoll.me/5517352

  • Damn, Green, that's a hell of a glorious speech. The best one. So proud of this thread ;~~~;

    Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY @kristi78968 STAY AWESOME MISS PRESIDENT YOU'RE THE COOLEST (present is going to be there a bit later)

    Also sooo happy for John, he deserved to be the shipper of the month ^-^

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • You forgot to add "Love and Life" ;-;

    Eryka posted: »

    What's the Rhyiona thread? http://strawpoll.me/5517352

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited September 2015

    Family is Love and Life

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You forgot to add "Love and Life" ;-;

  • Oh. Okay then xP

    Eryka posted: »

    Family is Love and Life

  • :-P

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh. Okay then xP

  • Thank you for this very inspiring speech. :')

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • yikes m8

    Thank you for this very inspiring speech. :')

  • Well, I play most of my games alone as well, because there's only one friend of mine who played the same kind of games on Steam. But now we can't play together, since we both always busy, so I feel ya.

    And don't be so hard on yourself, we've told you several times before that we're all friends and here to support each other. Sometimes people can speak harsh words, but that's just natural, you shouldn't take this so close to your heart... or at least try not to. I'm not actually the right person to say that, since I'm really sensitive myself and can't get over some things for years, but oh well. I hope you get my point.

    Anyway, taking a break sounds nice, it will surely help you and I hope you'll feel better soon!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey there... So before I start my catch up on just over 500 comments, I need to say what's been on my mind for the whole morning: I wi

  • a second home with family

    Eryka posted: »

    What's the Rhyiona thread? http://strawpoll.me/5517352

  • 3spooky5me

    Thank you for this very inspiring speech. :')

  • 7touching0me ;_;

    ZapThroat posted: »


  • 420/69

    Great speech, Green.

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • Well I've returned from school. Sigh, worst day today. :D

    Back to Rhyiona ;)

  • TBH,I expected this speech to be longer but who cares?Happy Rhyiona birthday and happy birthday @kristi78968 ^_^

    Also,little question.Is it okay if someone not a member here came and shared something with you (not spam)?

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • No. Just stop. Seriously, this time.

    Wolfenus (Mario) x Lilium is deconfirmed. End of story. Let's not upset Green now with... "shitposting."

    Eryka posted: »

    @Wolfenus54 @LiliumAmaranta

  • Deconfirmed isn't a word, Wolfenus how dare you shitpost like this! o^o

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    No. Just stop. Seriously, this time. Wolfenus (Mario) x Lilium is deconfirmed. End of story. Let's not upset Green now with... "shitposting."

  • Happy Birthday, Kristi, you're awesome! Let there be more happy days and Rhyiona to come in your future! @kristi78968

    And keep up the good work as miss president of the Rhyiona thread! ^-^

    enter image description here

  • You know what I mean >_>

    Deconfirmed isn't a word, Wolfenus how dare you shitpost like this! o^o

  • Looks amazing <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Happy Birthday, Kristi, you're awesome! Let there be more happy days and Rhyiona to come in your future! @kristi78968 And keep up the good work as miss president of the Rhyiona thread! ^-^

  • Awww, this is so cute. <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Happy Birthday, Kristi, you're awesome! Let there be more happy days and Rhyiona to come in your future! @kristi78968 And keep up the good work as miss president of the Rhyiona thread! ^-^

  • Thanks, buddy ;3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Looks amazing

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