Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • So uh, hi y'all... (Am I going to be shot for posting this with nothing to do with Rhyiona?)

  • He wasn't in Ep 4 almost at all, so it's understandable ;[

    I hope he'll be showing up more in the upcoming episode.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I just realized I have forgotten Loader Bot completely! I am shame

  • Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday

    Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

    enter image description here

  • You’re welcome ^_^ You seem like a really nice person.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

  • Bro, we got your back :)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Alright, alright... I started feeling pretty bad lately, and I can barely keep my eyes open as I speak. Combine that with a headache, and it

  • Happy birthday!!! :33

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

  • Thanks Harry, now I'm considering finishing that Nick for you :') (It would still take a lot time but you are so nice to me and you deserve it)

    So this guy didn't only steal from you but he also was lazy and didn't edit it at all... well I think he got what he deserved. Losing your face is the worst thing ever :) Well at least one of the worst things ever..

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Don't, I mean what I say One day perhaps... Yeah this has all been resolved now: Back in December there was an author on FF.net who A


    I know you're here just for a couple minutes, but I was waiting all day to tell you! :D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

  • You nearly got kicked out of high-school for being angry?

    I'm even more scared of you now... :'(

    Kruzii posted: »

    Kiddo? I think I am older than you or at least as old as you Kiddo haha, i am actually a really relaxed person, I stay quite till I am really pissed. got me nearly kicked out of highschool back in the days. we are cool?

  • We'll be waiting for your rhysponse

    And yes, let it be a surprise, rhystrain yourself

    Seriously tho you deserved this, girl!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

  • If we only knew how to rhywind to yesterday and find it. :B

    buntingsir posted: »

    Where did he come from anyway? We have to rhysolve this.

  • well those annoyances are in the past. :) Have a nice day as well! ^^

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Thanks I’ve had my fair share of annoyances here before but I’m starting to take the better route now,Have a nice day ^^

  • i fall to sleep on goddam chair again anyway how are you all today ?

  • Yes. Same pronunciation to Ellie. xD

    Eryka posted: »

    Elly? That's a beautifull nickname for Elliot ^^

  • Yes, that's such a shame we don't know how to do that... if only we could rhystore that time.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    If we only knew how to rhywind to yesterday and find it. :B

  • Yeah. I also hope that we'll see more Vaughn. I'm still kinda worried of how they are gonna finish this game only in one episode.. :/

    buntingsir posted: »

    He wasn't in Ep 4 almost at all, so it's understandable ;[ I hope he'll be showing up more in the upcoming episode.

  • Hehehehe....

    Imagine Rhys trying to flirt with Fiona, but Fiona is oblivious to it, until Sasha explains it to her

  • You deserve it Kristi! :D Once again, happy birthday! :D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

  • Awwwwww that is too cute!!! :3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    imagine this

  • enter image description here

    Happy birthday, Kristi <3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

  • Neither, just shut the fuck up!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Okay so enough of this "rhackiona" and "sarhyiona" (although u can vote here :^)) let's get some rhyiona. So Rhys and Fiona getting marri

  • Oh nooooo how could I forget my favourite buddy Vaughn, yess, I miss him soo much, I was so sad that I couldn't interact with him at all in Ep 4 ;__;

    I'm worried for him. But I don't doubt TTG for some reason, TfTB was brilliant so far and the finale has to be just as great.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeah. I also hope that we'll see more Vaughn. I'm still kinda worried of how they are gonna finish this game only in one episode..

  • Only if you feel like it, I like it the way it is :)

    He was really apologetic about it, it kinda made me feel bad for him cuz he obviously wasn't feeling good about his skills as a writer. Anyways, that's over now.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thanks Harry, now I'm considering finishing that Nick for you :') (It would still take a lot time but you are so nice to me and you deserve

  • Or maybe we should rhyspect its privacy. I'm not sure if spreading the pun-epidemic is a good idea :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yes, that's such a shame we don't know how to do that... if only we could rhystore that time.

  • goddammit Jane >:D We need some medicine for you!

    buntingsir posted: »

    We'll be waiting for your rhysponse And yes, let it be a surprise, rhystrain yourself Seriously tho you deserved this, girl!

  • edited September 2015

    OhmyGodwhywasthiscutImustknowimmediately!!!! XD

    lottii-lu posted: »

    there is unused audio of Fiona and Gortys at the gift shop and now I'm wanting to know why it was removed!

  • I like these rules :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Here's a preview of the new speech. It's literally just the new rules dont worry though you little shitposters these go into effect tomorrow

  • Oh she's a paramedic? That's a cool job :D

    She told me last night that her work is becoming more hectic, she had to go into a school because someone collapsed twice in the last week.

  • Lol.

    Please tell me you don't ship it. Please ;-;

    Marika? Sure, I really like Marika bestgirl of Nisekoi.

  • yes please i'm starting to rhysemble a maniac

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    goddammit Jane >:D We need some medicine for you!

  • enter image description here

    Fiona blogging, take 64.


  • I guess you're right. He's a rhyspectable monster, it's not his fault that his rhyspiration is so contagious.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Or maybe we should rhyspect its privacy. I'm not sure if spreading the pun-epidemic is a good idea :P

  • Happy birthday Kristi, you deserve it! <3

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

  • I trusted Jack (he's a jerk but a lovable jerk) so I got to interact with my bro Vaughn..but not enough! D:

    At first I thought Vaughn is the Stranger but now I don't believe in that theory anymore. In fact I'm tired of speculating Stranger's identity at this point (he/she could be anyone :D)

    Yes, TfTB was brilliant so far but there are so many unanswered questions!! I just hope that this episode will be as long as the first episode..

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh nooooo how could I forget my favourite buddy Vaughn, yess, I miss him soo much, I was so sad that I couldn't interact with him at all in

  • Aw darn I totally forgot about that :/

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    There's so many people missing the thread's birthday. ;-; So sad.

  • Holy crap that is a good drawing!!! XD

    Rhys is just a little chubby I see :3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Happy birthday @kristi78968 !!!!!!!!! I wish you are having a good day

  • She's 17

    Hellmen posted: »

    @kristi78968 Happy birthday) How old r u now?)

  • edited September 2015

    @nohuhuh I'm back now :^)


  • No, I do not. The girl in the pic is called Marika.

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lol. Please tell me you don't ship it. Please ;-;

  • As I said I'll consider it. :P

    Yeah it's good to be able to forgive and forget. He probably learnt his lesson.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Only if you feel like it, I like it the way it is He was really apologetic about it, it kinda made me feel bad for him cuz he obviously wasn't feeling good about his skills as a writer. Anyways, that's over now.

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