Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • BRAVO BRAVO!!!!!

    And I agree with all of those rules! XD

    Green613 posted: »

    Alrighttyyyyy, good morning children u all know why im posting this r n its speech time fuckers (gonna start adding some chill tun

  • What the fuck did you do to Big Boss?! :O

    Thank you for this very inspiring speech. :')

  • I don't think you should feel bad for taking longer to complete the game than us. You've said it yourself: you're very busy and you're not lazing around; you simply don't have time to put into the game every single day and that's okay. Also, you seem like the type that likes to explore everything to the core and that's fine too, it's going to take you longer. It doesn't mean you're a worse player than the rest of us but I do understand the problem you're feeling. :)

    You're not pathetic, it's called venting and most people wouldn't even have the courage to do it on a public forum so I applaud you for it.

    About the writing, I agree with that. It's nice enough of you to do something for free; beggars can't be choosers, afterall!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey there... So before I start my catch up on just over 500 comments, I need to say what's been on my mind for the whole morning: I wi

  • Life... Family.

    Eryka posted: »

    What's the Rhyiona thread? http://strawpoll.me/5517352

  • You're one day late but you can still party. ;P

    Quiff posted: »

    Aw darn I totally forgot about that

  • Oh thank god. :)

    No, I do not. The girl in the pic is called Marika.

  • So Fiona's home smells like a dumpster?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona blogging, take 64. smellslikehome.png

  • I only heard Vaughn talking about eating drakefruit with Cassius ;__; At least he's alive, so I'm happy to some extent.

    Yeah, I've never really understood the point of guessing who the Stranger is, because other than the fact that he needs both Rhys and Fiona and that he probably was known by them at some point, there's not much information. Oh yeah, and that he has Conference Call calls for suspense.

    Me too, I want to play it, but I don't at the same time, it's so difficult ;-;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I trusted Jack (he's a jerk but a lovable jerk) so I got to interact with my bro Vaughn..but not enough! At first I thought Vaughn is th

  • She wrapped him up for Kristi?

    What does she do to him when it's her birthday I wonder?.... >:)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Happy Birthday, Kristi, you're awesome! Let there be more happy days and Rhyiona to come in your future! @kristi78968 And keep up the good work as miss president of the Rhyiona thread! ^-^

  • welcome back, nurse duck

    enter image description here

    Quiff posted: »

    @nohuhuh I'm back now :^) Also, @kristi78968 HAPPY BIRTHDAY I HOPE YOU EAT LOTS OF GOOD FOOD ETC.

  • yes

    Leluch123 posted: »

    So Fiona's home smells like a dumpster?

  • something very irrhysponsible probably

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    She wrapped him up for Kristi? What does she do to him when it's her birthday I wonder?....

  • Kristi you're adorable and that fab scarf too!!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I hope my adorableness doesn't go away after I tell you guys that this is me. ;~;

  • I sent you 2 birthday messages! One on here and a Note on DA :D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

  • brb getting a gun

    So uh, hi y'all... (Am I going to be shot for posting this with nothing to do with Rhyiona?)

  • Vaughnderful!

    buntingsir posted: »

    something very irrhysponsible probably

  • enter image description here

    It's good to be back, liar.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    welcome back, nurse duck

  • wtf ur not even using naruto anymore?

    im disappointed in you

    Quiff posted: »

    It's good to be back, liar.

  • I need a plan for my day. Choose when I'm gonna write or come here or play games... I do like to explore; how you did it in 8 hours has me confused beyond reason.


    I'm sure reddit is already finding a way to rip me apart for this :(


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't think you should feel bad for taking longer to complete the game than us. You've said it yourself: you're very busy and you're not l

  • edited September 2015

    I will turn into a maniac too because I just rhyad too many of these pun posts xD (I know, this is lame, I couldn't come up with anything better)

    buntingsir posted: »

    yes please i'm starting to rhysemble a maniac

  • Oh then don't mind if I do :^)

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You're one day late but you can still party. ;P

  • Thank you! :D

    Yep, just the way Kristi likes him :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Holy crap that is a good drawing!!! XD Rhys is just a little chubby I see

  • I'm finally home omg its 12:07 am now

    ...gonna catch up on the thread then sleep and I have to wake up early tomorrow for a convention.

    Good night guys ;-; <3

  • edited September 2015

    imma tel you why brotha

    there ain't even one happy gif version of narto as a kid

    so i had to use burrito instead

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wtf ur not even using naruto anymore? im disappointed in you

  • I guess we have to accept our fate and not become rhysentful because of it (it's not lame, it's really rhysonant!)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I will turn into a maniac too because I just rhyad too many of these pun posts xD (I know, this is lame, I couldn't come up with anything better)

  • Hi Kristi, happy cake day!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Sees I have14 notifications wishing me a happt birthday Y-you guys are too nice to me...I wish I can reply to you all but I'm at school at the moment. I haven't seen my feed yet to keep it a surprise. Thank you so much!

  • Oh yeeees.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Fiona blogging, take 64. smellslikehome.png

  • Only good thing Naruto had was Laura Baeley

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    wtf ur not even using naruto anymore? im disappointed in you

  • So wait, did you tell Athena to not kill Cassius? I think that also had an effect to the story.

    Yeah, I've never really understood the point of guessing who the Stranger is,

    I don't knooow, maybe because speculating and making up theories is fun? :B But that's maybe just me :D But I'm tired of guessing who he/she is.

    All I know is that I'm gonna cry a lot :D This game is too good!

    buntingsir posted: »

    I only heard Vaughn talking about eating drakefruit with Cassius ;__; At least he's alive, so I'm happy to some extent. Yeah, I've never

  • laura baeley makes everything better

    Only good thing Naruto had was Laura Baeley

  • well narto doesn't deserve happiness, what a lil shit

    Quiff posted: »

    imma tel you why brotha there ain't even one happy gif version of narto as a kid so i had to use burrito instead

  • I give up xD

    buntingsir posted: »

    I guess you're right. He's a rhyspectable monster, it's not his fault that his rhyspiration is so contagious.

  • Good night Kimmy, sweet Rhyiona dreams!

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I'm finally home omg its 12:07 am now ...gonna catch up on the thread then sleep and I have to wake up early tomorrow for a convention. Good night guys ;-;

  • Actually, if you check youtube, most playthroughs are done between 8 and 10 hours so it's not hard to finish it within that timeframe :P

    Ugh, reddit.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I need a plan for my day. Choose when I'm gonna write or come here or play games... I do like to explore; how you did it in 8 hours has me c

  • Amen!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    laura baeley makes everything better

  • She did a better job in Soul Eater tho B)


  • As little of Naruto I've watched, I've seen less of Soul Eater, even though I know both Laura and Cherami are in it

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She did a better job in Soul Eater tho

  • Yes I did. I'm guessing you didn't?

    Well, I guess so, maybe it's just that I've never could come up with who he/she could be, because I personally couldn't find any solid evidences to support any guess. At some point I too thought that it could be Vaughn, but now I don't know what to think anymore. What I know for sure though is that I'll be very disappointed if their identity will be determinant (which I highly doubt, but nevertheless).

    And yes, I'm pretty sure I'll cry my eyes out ;__;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    So wait, did you tell Athena to not kill Cassius? I think that also had an effect to the story. Yeah, I've never really understood the

  • Soul Eater is much better than Naruto could ever hope to be. The manga, at least. Naruto was a disaster.

    As little of Naruto I've watched, I've seen less of Soul Eater, even though I know both Laura and Cherami are in it

  • Furry convention?

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I'm finally home omg its 12:07 am now ...gonna catch up on the thread then sleep and I have to wake up early tomorrow for a convention. Good night guys ;-;

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