This game is awful and getting worse



  • For fuck's sake, I also hate episode 5 but do people really have to create a "game suks bcuz ep5" thread every day? Not even gonna read it, it's almost the same as other hate threads anyway.

  • You don't have to worry about how I feel or apologize, trust me, I'm more perplexed and bemused than upset or offended.

    That said, that's very kind of you, and I may take you up on the PM offer. I recognize you from TFTB threads and you always struck me as one of the more reasonable posters with level-headed, intelligent things to say. You seem like a cool dude, so I may hit you up.

    Aye, sometimes I feel like that too. All of these hate threads is like hater doesn't want ANYONE to say something positive or show love to t

  • I feel bad, because I agree with everything you said.

  • Why are people so upset with episode five, it's like episode five comes out, and it's a little worse than the other episodes (even though I really liked it) and all of the sudden TTGoT is the worst fucking, piece of shit game that anyone has ever fucking created, Keep your GoT hating bullshit in the proper thread. I'm so sick of these GoT hate threads.

  • I agree, episode 5 was kinda bad, but I don't think it deservs the hate it gets. :/

    soysauce posted: »

    Why are people so upset with episode five, it's like episode five comes out, and it's a little worse than the other episodes (even though I

  • What's your problem? Are you even on this forum for the right reasons, or is it just to vent your frustrations out to everyone?

    If the mods wanted the thread stickied they would have and I would have seen it and posted there. Anyways, if a mod has a problem with what I did feel free to move it. I'm not really worried if a bunch of wannabe mods have a problem with it.

  • I'm always trying to catch him saying something even remotely antagonistic :p I've been a member a while now, still hasn't happened.

  • edited September 2015

    This guy is all about hate. Hence the word "hate" in his name.

    What's your problem? Are you even on this forum for the right reasons, or is it just to vent your frustrations out to everyone?

  • Episode 5 is like a kid who gets bullied at school.

  • Lmfao kudos

    SerMarve posted: »

    Episode 5 is like a kid who gets bullied at school.

  • I can see why some people thought the traitor reveal could've been changed, but I don't feel that ruins the whole episode - let alone the whole Season. Episode 5 was actually one of my favorite episodes of the series, even.

  • Yeah, I feel like some people are just being unnecessarily salty if that's their main reason for hating the game as a whole.

    I can see why some people thought the traitor reveal could've been changed, but I don't feel that ruins the whole episode - let alone the whole Season. Episode 5 was actually one of my favorite episodes of the series, even.

  • Yeah, I saw zero hate before episode 5 was released. It's kind of unfair. Like TWD S2 got hate because episode 4 was bad.

    soysauce posted: »

    Why are people so upset with episode five, it's like episode five comes out, and it's a little worse than the other episodes (even though I

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Yeah, I feel like some people are just being unnecessarily salty if that's their main reason for hating the game as a whole.

  • ...which is why hes aboard it. if you look carefully, he's the one on the side.

  • Oh please, people only started 'hating' the game after Episode 5.

    No, but seriously. Just, all, stop commenting on this thread. I'm tired of seeing it. Let's just allow it to die.

  • Haha that's great.

    Brodester08 posted: »


  • edited September 2015

    Another hate thread? I can probably guarentee each and every one of you episode 5 haters will flood the forums after the finale and make threads about how amazing the game is after the finale.

    See this painting before he throws the stuff on it? It doesn't look like it's going to be any good at all....but then all of a sudden it's fucking brilliant and amazing. Ep1-5 is like the painting before he throws the glitter on it. I'm expecting episode 6 to be do the same thing as the glitter.

    enter link description here

  • Same I really liked episode five.

    I can see why some people thought the traitor reveal could've been changed, but I don't feel that ruins the whole episode - let alone the whole Season. Episode 5 was actually one of my favorite episodes of the series, even.

  • lmao

    Wigams posted: »

    Another hate thread? I can probably guarentee each and every one of you episode 5 haters will flood the forums after the finale and make th

  • It doesn't. I don't where the idea that episode five was the only bad episode is coming from.

    The only tolerable episodes so far of the series for me has been episode four and two. Thats it! One was completely pointless. Three had the same problem where the player formulates a plan and is ready, then the plot stalls. Mira is pigeonholed into siding with Tyrion so when he is arrested her plot stalls.

    I was also getting tired of getting slapped around by the Whitehills and Boltons repeatedly. It's almost like Telltale was trolling the player by having the same scenario rehashed over and over again. Then just when he was arrested and you got to slap HIM around a bit he escapes and kills one of you and of course there is no way to prevent it eventhough the character had the hindsight of knowing it was coming. So very frustrating.

    I can see why some people thought the traitor reveal could've been changed, but I don't feel that ruins the whole episode - let alone the whole Season. Episode 5 was actually one of my favorite episodes of the series, even.

  • Episode 1 was more a set up for the plot (epecially for those who didn't watch the show or read the books).

    But I have to agree with you on most parts, though episode 4 wasn't that good for me either. I liked episode 1 because I caught feels for Ethan, but other than that I agree. But this games writing is only sub-par when you compare it to the show/book.

    Telltale could learn a thing or two from Square Enix

  • Lets look at the aggregate scores on metacritic (professional critics not user reveiws).

    Episode 1: 75
    Episode 2: 73
    Episode 3: 77
    Episode 4: 77
    Episode 5: 74

    Reviews have been mixed from the very beginning.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Oh please, people only started 'hating' the game after Episode 5. No, but seriously. Just, all, stop commenting on this thread. I'm tired of seeing it. Let's just allow it to die.

  • I'm talking about forum opinions.

    And, uh, the main reviewers always rate the game as great. Episode 5 actually was rated highest out of all Telltale episodes by some websites.

    Lets look at the aggregate scores on metacritic (professional critics not user reveiws). Episode 1: 75 Episode 2: 73 Episode 3: 77 Episode 4: 77 Episode 5: 74 Reviews have been mixed from the very beginning.

  • Telltale could learn a thing or two from Square Enix

    You mean Dontnod or however they are called. Square Enix didn't develop LiS. They published it.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Episode 1 was more a set up for the plot (epecially for those who didn't watch the show or read the books). But I have to agree with you

  • edited September 2015

    Eh, 7/10 is awful? None of the episodes have been rated below six. Ever. And I always check TellTale twitter after an episode launches and I see tons of great reviews.

    Simply, i pity you that you don't see the game's true beauty. You're missing out.

    Here's a list of things that make the game awesome:

    1. The voice-acting. Probably the best thing about TellTale games is that the have an excellent taste and NEVER I have seen a TellTale game where the voice-acting wasn't perfect. They add to the game 100 percent.
    2. The Atmosphere. No matter what are their games based on, they always make you feel... amazed. They know what they are doing, and their success proves that.
    3. The sound-track. No one can deny that, their soundtracks are top-tier. I can't tell you how many minutes I've spent listening to themes like Armed with death, One Bullet or the intro of Wolf Among Us. Kudos to Jared Emerson-Johnson.
    4. The Characters. So this is the reason why you feel so attached to the characters (talking about protagonists primaly) They are amazingly written, and what's more YOU add to their depth. You play them as YOU want, YOU make their personalities and YOU cry when they (sometimes) meet their end, or are suffering. Honestly its so hard to make a list of your favourite characters, since so many of them are simply amazing.
    5. QTEs. I haven't heard people complaining about this topic that much. They are some of the funniest QTEs ever and whilst maybe not as cinematic as God Of War they are still quite hard sometimes, so it keeps you frosty.
    6. Hard choices. No, scratch that. THE HARDEST CHOICES. Every one had one. That choice that you still aren't quite sure of. Should I end Lee's suffering? Or should I protect Clementine from the horrors of such act? Should I arrest the guy that we saw beating the murdered victim, or should I arrest the guy that's covered in blood and gave US a beating? Should I trust Handsome Jack- the devil in the human form or should I trust Fiona- the con-artist with a shoddy plan? Asher or Rodrik. Nuff said.
    7. The thirst for more. Every time you finish an episode you want more. You want to see what happens next, you want to see your favourite characters again. That's a mark of an awesome game.

    And now your complaints:

    you simply spin a conversation in a certain direction before arriving at a pre-determined outcome

    Choices don't matter, right? Wrong. Choices work the same way they worked with Walking Dead and the same way they work with Tales From The Borderlands. And the choices are about THE CHARACTERS! You chose what are their personalities, you chose them as you want them to be, you create their stories. And the characters are none's but yours. Anyone saying the characters are same for everyone is simply wrong. You choose if the Rodrik you're playing as is Rodrik is the unbreakable and strong but stubborn. Or you play as a smart Rodrik, making careful decisions but risking your honor. And the characters around you remember that. YOU remember that. So choices goddamn matter! Get that trough your fucking skulls!

    Also, while it is obvious that the world of Game of Thrones is very grim and unjust, it's quite frustrating to see our characters not be able to achieve any success at all despite the player's best efforts to make the right choices in the game. Not only are you unable to take your characters to a better position by making sound decisions, but the slightest success is always followed by antagonists being able to regain the upper-hand

    That's the point. You are trying to SAVE a house from certain doom. Every time the Whitehills do something bad to you, you start to hate them more. And more. And the revenge will be that much sweeter. Take it this way, when you feel like the enemy has constant upper hand, then moments when YOU have the upper hand feel that much greater. You need this slow buildup, this road to that certain moment when you make yourself proud. Like standing up to Gryff for instance. Or... you didn't stand up to Gryff and you didn't even feel this great moment. The first time's the charm. No matter how much you replay that scene, you have it fixed in your memory that you stayed down the first time. And that feeling will never change. If you were flodding with Epic Moments, you would soon start to aprecciate them less and less until you don't value them at all. Again choices matter.

    ...and I think that should count for something!

    I can understand allowing a traitor to operate under your midst. I mean how can you expect Rodrick to predict the traitor actions when the traitor himself didn't have a good reason but to allow yourself to be caught unaware in a trap you knew was coming.

    Didn't you ever tried to think as the traitor? First, the Sentinel is his prime nemesis. I think he was both sad and angry when Ethan didn't choose him. He obviously was in depression. And now his lord AND the next lord died while he lived. Add that to the Sentinel thing and you've got a pretty strong depression. Next thing, the Whitehills are in your home making mess and the traitor felt like he wasn't needed since Rodrik was more agreeing with his sentinel. Then he started thinking like they don't value him enough, that Rodrik is leading the House to certain doom. So out of grief and frustration mixed with delusion, he started informing the Whitehills of Rodrik's plans, feeling like he was helping his house. When confronted about his actions he states that Rodrik is reckless/weak, but that was just an excuse for the traitor's actions. Deep down he felt sad that this is what he has become, and now with the House no longer being his friend he let all his anger out and Rodrik got it. You all think that the traitor thing was poorely written? It really has much more sadness, anger and story to it then you realize.

    > What's the most important thing in this world? Family.

    Well the traitor had none left and well sunk deep into depression which led to his actions.

    You had to die Rodrick the writers made you too stupid to let live.

    First, there was a choice between Rodrik and Asher so it wasn't just Rodrik who suffered. Second, The writers didn't make him stupid... if you think he was stupid then you made him stupid, because I certainly didn't feel the same way.

    • It's choices that define who we are Asher. *

    That line is the truth about all TellTale games. You define your characters, your story and those choices reflect on you.

    P.S. : It's RODRIK, not RODRICK, just a minor detail but if you do not care about the game enough that you can't remember Rodrik's name right, then you don't care about the game enough to make such a thread.

    Lets look at the aggregate scores on metacritic (professional critics not user reveiws). Episode 1: 75 Episode 2: 73 Episode 3: 77 Episode 4: 77 Episode 5: 74 Reviews have been mixed from the very beginning.

  • Oh yeah, my bad

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Telltale could learn a thing or two from Square Enix You mean Dontnod or however they are called. Square Enix didn't develop LiS. They published it.


  • Also, uh, them are pretty high scores.

    Lets look at the aggregate scores on metacritic (professional critics not user reveiws). Episode 1: 75 Episode 2: 73 Episode 3: 77 Episode 4: 77 Episode 5: 74 Reviews have been mixed from the very beginning.

  • Well, actually I think TWD S2 got hate because episodes 1-5 were bad.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Yeah, I saw zero hate before episode 5 was released. It's kind of unfair. Like TWD S2 got hate because episode 4 was bad.

  • From what I've seen on here, people seemed to have thought Episode 3 was disappointing, Episode 4 was a piece of trash that should be burned (I personally didn't mind it), and Episode 5 wasn't popular because most people didn't like the Jane/Kenny conflict and wanted it to be Luke/Kenny, which would've been much, much better in my opinion.

    Well, actually I think TWD S2 got hate because episodes 1-5 were bad.

  • A Luke/Kenny conflict certainly would have been much better.

    From what I've seen on here, people seemed to have thought Episode 3 was disappointing, Episode 4 was a piece of trash that should be burned

  • Guys, let's just let the thread to die so we can be done with it :|

  • Agreed. Enough is enough, we get it by now - some people don't like the game, some do. No need to beat a dead horse here.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Guys, let's just let the thread to die so we can be done with it

  • If Episode 6 turns this around and turns out to be a ridiculously amazing episode, I'm going to laugh at all these people trying to take down their hate threads.

  • edited September 2015

    The narrative/story is weak even compared to the low bar of previous episodes and on the whole the series does a poor job conveying sense of importance to choices you are offered; you simply spin a conversation in a certain direction before arriving at a pre-determined outcome.

    Also, while it is obvious that the world of Game of Thrones is very grim and unjust, it's quite frustrating to see our characters not be able to achieve any success at all despite the player's best efforts to make the right choices in the game. Not only are you unable to take your characters to a better position by making sound decisions, but the slightest success is always followed by antagonists being able to regain the upper-hand. Which would be less frustrating if these events were well written. For example, Ramsey comes in and makes mention of him not understanding why you are causing problems despite him allowing you to keep half the Ironwood. Nowhere was the option to say hey the Whitehill didn't honor your decision and stole our half. Would be kind an obvious response don't ya think? Not to the telltale writers who were so focused on the storyline playing out a certain way they ignored such an obvious response.

    Another such instance chest of gold which depending on the choices you've made, she may rewarded. The gold really seemed like a large amount to me, yet it changes NOTHING. You can recruit the pit fighters without any gold! In the end, Asher just sails off to the North with 7-8 fighters while he should have been able to afford an army -- an army that would have been able to possibly prevent or mitigate the ambush that Rodrick KNEW was coming but still allowed to happen.

    Just as an FYI I killed my Rodrick, I can understand allowing a traitor to operate under your midst. I mean how can you expect Rodrick to predict the traitor actions when the traitor himself didn't have a good reason but to allow yourself to be caught unaware in a trap you knew was coming. You had to die Rodrick the writers made you too stupid to let live.

    Personally, I think whatever team is working on Game of Thrones could learn a thing or two from Tales from the Borderlands. They don't try to present every decision as important. Choose a custom outfit. Rig your ride. Then present maybe two meaningful choices you have to branch out from. Would I prefer the Game of Thrones have important decisions that play a role in how events play out like the Witcher and Mass Effect? Yes. But if Telltale can't or won't do this then they need to rethink the way in which they present the choices because the writers aren't half as smart as they think they are and it becomes apparent to the player early on then that there choices in large part don't matter removing the suspense from the dialogue decision making process and replacing it with emptiness.

    enter image description here

  • ^ My point exactly.

    The narrative/story is weak even compared to the low bar of previous episodes and on the whole the series does a poor job conveying sense of

  • Yeah. And to be 100% honest, I didn't want to be rude to the Poster, but I have seen way to many of these fucking threads to take it seriously anymore. I respect everyone's opinion of the game, but this is a bit much.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    ^ My point exactly.

  • edited September 2015

    That's why a GoT criticism thread has been created yet people still are posting hate or criticism threads in the GoT section. :|

    Yeah. And to be 100% honest, I didn't want to be rude to the Poster, but I have seen way to many of these fucking threads to take it seriously anymore. I respect everyone's opinion of the game, but this is a bit much.

  • Fun, right?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    That's why a GoT criticism thread has been created yet people still are posting hate or criticism threads in the GoT section.

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