How to not get Elena's betrothal?

Ok, so I have to save files for this game. In my first save file, I won her betrothal. In my second save file, I tried to screw it up, but I still managed to win it anyway. Can you guys tell me all the ways that you can fuck up the betrothal?


  • If you don't forge the letter as Mira in episode 2, you will have lower chances to win Elaena's betrothal. And when as Rodrik, before Ludd comes in, just choose all the dialogue options except "I'll pay your father with ironwood" or something like that.

  • Okay thanks, but do you also know how to fail the betrothal if you actually forged the letter?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    If you don't forge the letter as Mira in episode 2, you will have lower chances to win Elaena's betrothal. And when as Rodrik, before Ludd c

  • I'm not sure if you can actually fail to win the betrothal if you forge the letter as Mira. I actually never tried it. But I think it's possible. I don't know :/

    No_username posted: »

    Okay thanks, but do you also know how to fail the betrothal if you actually forged the letter?

  • I read somewhere that there is an option to tell Eleana that she has no choice or something like that if you forged the letter, and if you do so, you will lose it.

    But don't quote me on that. I didn't forge the letter, I promised her the ironwood.

    No_username posted: »

    Okay thanks, but do you also know how to fail the betrothal if you actually forged the letter?

  • If you forge the letter, she'll be a little perturbed feeling like her hand is forced. If you tell her she's free to make her own choices, she'll agree to marry you.

    I can't remember the exact wording of the other dialogue choices, but I think if you don't tell her she's free to choose, and try and force her hand, you'll lose the betrothal.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm not sure if you can actually fail to win the betrothal if you forge the letter as Mira. I actually never tried it. But I think it's possible. I don't know

  • I don't think there's a way to fail if you have Mira forge the letter.

    I guess you could try being a huge douche. There's a point where Elaena asks if a forced marriage is what Rodrik really wants. You can then choose to either say she's still free to choose or you can pretty much tell her she has no choice like a mustache twirling villain.

    I've never really tried that cause I didn't want Rodrik to be a dick, but it could work.

  • edited September 2015

    If I remember correctly, there isn't really a way to lose the betrothal if you do forge the letter, but if you force the marriage and tell her she has no other choice, that will greatly put a strain on your relationship with her. She will express her anger by telling Rodrik it won't be a happy marriage, and it even changes the dialogue a bit when she comes back to visit you in the grove during Episode 4.

    If you didn't forge the letter, you can choose to go with the "I love you." option, and she will respond with "I wish that was enough." or the "My family will die..." option and her response then would be "I need to think about my family too."

  • When you forge the letter, you can get her to marry you for two dialogue options: "you are free to choose" which she will appreciate, or something like "my family needs this", which will be successful but she will not appreciate it. If you outright deny her a freedom of choice in the third dialogue option, I believe you lose the betrothal.

  • but if you force the marriage and tell her she has no other choice, that will greatly put a strain on your relationship with her.

    Telling her she has no choice actually has her break the marriage off. Saying "Yes, my family needs this." is the option that puts a strain on the relationship.

    If I remember correctly, there isn't really a way to lose the betrothal if you do forge the letter, but if you force the marriage and tell h

  • So I didn't remember correctly. Haha, thank you!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    but if you force the marriage and tell her she has no other choice, that will greatly put a strain on your relationship with her. Te

  • Pick "You have no choice" and she'll be furious and refuses to marry you even if she has to risk angering the Tyrells. If you pick "for my family" then you'll successfully force her to marry you.

    No_username posted: »

    Okay thanks, but do you also know how to fail the betrothal if you actually forged the letter?

  • Just stay silent?..

  • I promised her the ironwood

    enter image description here

    Abeille posted: »

    I read somewhere that there is an option to tell Eleana that she has no choice or something like that if you forged the letter, and if you do so, you will lose it. But don't quote me on that. I didn't forge the letter, I promised her the ironwood.

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