Telltale's Game of Thrones Cast Questions

Hello everyone!

Telltale is going to be sitting down with several cast members of Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series pretty soon to chat and we want to know what pressing questions the community has for them!

We'll be sitting down with the following amazing people:

  • Robin Atkin-Downes and Brian George (Duncan and Ser Royland) TOGETHER!
  • Russ Bain and Alex Jordan (Rodrik and Asher) TOGETHER!

Feel free to post anything you're curious about in regards to Game of Thrones and we'll do our best to get them to answer in some upcoming videos we'll be producing!



  • edited September 2015

    What were their favorite moments from the game or what was their favorite part to record?

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited September 2015

    For Robin:

    How do you think Duncan would act in a fight?

    For Brian:

    How do you think Ser Royland's family's death by ironborn changed him? And that scar, is there any story to that, besides that it looks sick.

    For Russ and Alex:

    How do you think the family would react to each of your characters' deaths, and who in the Forrester household would be affected the most by them.

    Everyone: Do you know how old your characters are?

  • edited September 2015

    Question for everyone:
    Do you ship Ludd x Ryon?

    That is all.

  • edited September 2015

    For all of them: Can you connect with your character? Is there something similiar between you and the character you voice?

  • enter image description here

    No_username posted: »

    Question for everyone: Do you ship Ludd x Ryon? That is all.

  • Background background background! You've all done a great job informing us who these characters are, now what else can you tell us about them? Any headcanons about your characters' histories or personalities that you want us to know or little tidbits Telltale's told you that we haven't heard? Like how exactly did Duncan and Gregor become such good friends and what did they bond over? Did Royland have a temper before or did his family's deaths make him quicker to anger/react when he perceives a threat to people he cares about? How did Rodrik and Asher get along when they were younger? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

  • edited September 2015

    A question for all the voice actors, If you had the choice to voice any other character in the series, who would you want to voice and why?

  • Ill ask the same as TFBL

    If you could add one idea or scene of yours, what would it be?

    Also, like before, if you could sign a cheez it box or something and send it to me, that'd be great.

  • No cheez it box, only Sweet Sue's

    enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Ill ask the same as TFBL If you could add one idea or scene of yours, what would it be? Also, like before, if you could sign a cheez it box or something and send it to me, that'd be great.

  • dont disrespect my cheez its.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    No cheez it box, only Sweet Sue's

  • I remember this picture.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    No cheez it box, only Sweet Sue's

  • They better answer my fuckin question.

    • Alex: Do you personally think Asher holds any anger towards his family for exiling him?
    • Russ: Does Rodrik even know how to give up?
    • Everyone: Favourite line recorded for your character?
  • Robin: Do you think Duncan is more fitting and dramatic as the traitor?

    Brian: What do you think about Royland's thought if Asher is the lord of Ironrath?

    Russ: Do you think Rodrik would be a good husband for Elaena had the marriage succeed?

    Alex: Does Asher really seeing Beskha as his sister in arms and nothing more than that?

  • edited September 2015

    For everyone:

    -Favourite character?

    -Favourite moment?

    -Did you improvise some lines yourself that ended up in the game?

    -Which brother would you choose in the end?

    For Robin and Brian:

    -Ask them something about their other characters, Gregor and Tazal.

    -Ask Robin about Duncan's relationship with Gregor.

    I dunno what else...

    Also, tell them that they did an amazing job and that we appreciate it.

  • edited September 2015

    Thanks for doing this, TellTale!


    • For Robin and Brian: So how do you two feel about the traitor scene? Obviously, both of you recorded the lines for that, so how did you feel when you were told that Duncan/Royland was going to betray House Forrester? Thanks!

    • For Russ and Alex: The two brothers of House Forrester! (excluding Ethan and Ryan ;) ) So, episode five's ending left me sobbing because I'm a woman who can get very attached to video games, and I was wondering how you both felt about the choice? And how you think Rodrik and Asher would react to watching Ramsay Snow murder Ethan? Thanks!

    Thank you all for your amazing voice work! We all appreciate the effort and brilliant vocal performances you do for TellTale!

  • edited September 2015


  • edited September 2015
    • For Robin and Brian: So what do you think about the 'relationship' between Royland and Duncan. Do you think that they were like friends or 'enemies'?
    • For Russ and Alex: What title do you think should be given to Asher/Rodrik after one of them sacrificed himself to save his brother in episode 5?

    So my questions may not be understandable, sorry for the bad english. All of you are doing a great job and I can't wait for the finale of Game of Thrones ^-^

  • edited September 2015

    To Russ Bain: Hello Russ! First off, I'm big fan of your voice acting! Rodrik is my favorite character because of his immense love toward his family and that is definitely thanks to your voice, filled with compassion and empathy. What is most fun and enjoyable about voicing Rodrik? :)

    To Alex Jordan: Hi Alex! I love how much strength yet humor that you can bring to Asher. I know that Asher loves his family, but I notices that when he reunited with Rodrik, one dialogue option where he greet Rodrik as "My lord", there seem to be a lot of sarcasm and tension in his voice. Do you think that the two brother's relationship are stained? Oh and what is most fun and enjoyable about voicing Asher? If you don't mind me asking you the same question too. :)

    To Brian George: Hi Brian! I never thought the nice father of Raj from Big Bang Theory is the voice of my Sentinel. I love Royland's blunt personality. He may be aggressive and blunt, but to me, that makes him honest and trustworthy. What is your opinion about Royland? How would you describe his character?

    To Robin Atkin-Downes: Hello Robin! You are one of the most talented and versatile voice actor, that I know. You voiced Gregor and Andros but primarily known as Duncan. What is your opinion about Duncan? How would you describe his character?

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    So many awesome questions, thanks everyone! Keep 'em coming as inspiration strikes, and I'll do my best to get them worked in.

  • edited September 2015
    • For Asher and Rodrik: If you played the game (or if you are playing) which brother you'd choose to stay ?
    • For everyone: What's in your opinion the most badass line on the game ?
    • For Duncan and Royland: For who of the traitors you feel sorry the most ? And would you let him live after this ?
  • This are my questions. Forgive me, i'm using Google Translator

    For everyone:

    1- The deaths of your characters were planned during the development of EP5, or earlier?

    2- Are you satisfied with the deaths of your characters in EP5, or think Telltale could have done it better?

    3- If the game could have give you the chance to save both Asher and Rodrik at the cost of another character's life, who would have choose and why?

  • edited September 2015

    random but relevant side question, @kenjisalk is this going to be available to watch on the forums or on youtube and if so when?

  • -AsherGrin--AsherGrin- Banned
    edited September 2015

    For Russ Bain and Alex Jordan:

    Who would win in a fight, between Asher and Rodrik? (Assuming, they are both at their full strength, at the time of the fight)

    Also, I know this is a quite a long-winded one... but could we hear every major decision from the episodes, both voice-actors go for? :-D

  • For Alex Jordan and Russ Bain:
    How did you both prepare for your roles as Asher and Rodrik?
    Love your voice acting by the way :)
    Keep up the fantastic work, you two!

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    I believe the plans are to put the video footage out there as sort of a 'get ready for the awesome finale' type thing, but I don't have all the logistics just yet. We'll definitely keep you posted as things solidify! : )

    sbk12345 posted: »

    random but relevant side question, @kenjisalk is this going to be available to watch on the forums or on youtube and if so when?

  • For Alex and Russ how old are Rodrik and Asher

  • edited September 2015

    OMG.... I can't believe this is actually happening, I'm so excited to post questions... and for some reason can only think of a few at the moment...

    Russ Bain: 1). Hypothetically, in a pre-Red Wedding scenario how would Rodrik Forrester hold up in a one on one sword fight against Jaime Lannister (with both his hands still intact)?

    2). What's your favorite noble House in Westeros?

    Alex Jordan: 1). How do you feel about Asher's determinant death in Episode 5 - if chosen do you feel that it ended his story on a satisfying note where he effectively redeemed himself to his family after his exile (and died as he lived, fighting to the last stand)?

    2). Another hypothetical scenario: how well would Asher and Daenerys have worked as a couple?

    Duncan and Royland: Both of you mourned with the Forresters in Episode 2 and either of you were even willing to kill Ludd Whitehill in Episode 4 given the chance, so in your opinion what is each of your character's individual justifications for betraying the Forresters without this behavior contradicting this previous loyal behavior?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2015

    For Russ Bain: The delivery of Rodrik's more serious lines is great, such as when Rodrik was talking about how not even the Red Wedding could break him. What do you find the most interesting about getting into character as Rodrik when voicing him, and what are some of your personal favorite lines from his character?

    [EDIT: Corrected the phrasing of my question]

  • When did Rodrik talk about the Red Wedding not being able to break him in EP4?

    For Russ Bain: The delivery of Rodrik's more serious lines is great, such as when Rodrik was talking about how not even the Red Wedding coul

  • For Russ Bain & Alex Jordan : If your character could meet any one from the other character's stories who would you want it to be?

  • Any possibility for romantic feelings between Asher and Beskha?

    When is the finale releasing?

  • For Royland: you play one of my favorite characters, partly due to his passion and emotion. Do you really psych yourself up when becoming Royland or does it come naturally?

    Basically, are you as upset as Royland is about the Forresters??

  • I think it's during the meeting at Highpoint when Rodrik is talking to Ludd, depending on what dialogue you choose as a player. I could be a little rusty on that, so if somebody wants to correct me then please do. :P

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    When did Rodrik talk about the Red Wedding not being able to break him in EP4?

  • I feel like you're mistaken. In that scene if Rodrik mentions the Red Wedding it's because Ludd asked "you're not nervous are you?" Rodrik replies "Robb Stark went to a feast and look what happened" basically implying that Ludd would try to kill them. However in EP3 Rodrik can comment on what he went through at the Red Wedding and still didn't die.

    I think it's during the meeting at Highpoint when Rodrik is talking to Ludd, depending on what dialogue you choose as a player. I could be a little rusty on that, so if somebody wants to correct me then please do. :P

  • However in EP3 Rodrik can comment on what he went through at the Red Wedding and still didn't die.

    That was the line I was thinking of; I thought it was in Episode 4, although I was already familiar with the other line towards Ludd you mentioned.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I feel like you're mistaken. In that scene if Rodrik mentions the Red Wedding it's because Ludd asked "you're not nervous are you?" Rodrik r

  • Ahh, so you were referring to when Rodrik stands up to Gryff? Sorry for the lecture :p.

    However in EP3 Rodrik can comment on what he went through at the Red Wedding and still didn't die. That was the line I was thinking

  • For Alex Jordan.Do You like bacon?

  • Rodrik is 25.
    Asher is 21.

    lavablood24 posted: »

    For Alex and Russ how old are Rodrik and Asher

  • edited September 2015

    For Alex Jordan: Can you do the infamous "Asher grin?"

    To both Russ Bain and Alex Jordan: At that final choice in episode 5, who do you think would actually stay behind and why?

    EDIT: I added a second question just in case the first one is a bit too odd. :D

This discussion has been closed.