Why is Robb and Catelyn hated here, but Ramsay Glorified?

I've seen multiple threads bashing Catelyn for releasing Jaime and Robb for breaking his vow. Yes, it was stupid for him to do that but you realize that he was little over 15 when his father was killed? And he won EVERY battle he was in. Catelyn gave good advice, she told Robb to not break his vow, she told him to not trust Theon, she told Brandon to not climb. But Ramsay, who castrated Theon, was stupidly cruel to him and Sansa, is DESPISED through the ENTIRE North and even his own father dislikes him, is glorified.



  • Well I just typed out about fifty thousand words in defense of Robb, but then I clicked on something by mistake and when I tried to click back it was all gone, so I'll just skip that and get to my final question: what glorification of Ramsay? Have I just missed it? I thought it was nearly universally acknowledged he is a terrifying psychopath. I mean, I enjoy a good villain even more than I enjoy a good hero sometimes, and Iwan Rheon is fan-fucking-tactic in that role, but glorified? How so?

  • edited September 2015

    Catelyn I just hated for never liking Jon and generally found her a pain. Though I'm not sure about the hate Robb gets I really liked him but he was to much of a Stark to win the game. Ramsey is just interesting. I don't think anyone glorifies his acts.

  • edited September 2015

    With 20 good men he pratically defeated Stannis a hardened battle commander, without wearing a shirt defeated 50 of the best warriors on the Iron Islands. D&D basically think he is Euron.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Well I just typed out about fifty thousand words in defense of Robb, but then I clicked on something by mistake and when I tried to click ba

  • I don't hate them at all. The red wedding still haunts my dreams.

    Though people tend to love smart and interesting characters, it doesn't really matter if they're good or evil. And apparently Catelyn and Robb weren't that smart... we can't say the same about Ramsay and his twenty good men though.

  • because

    Ramsay is bae

    enter image description here

  • I hate Robb because he doesn't listen, he risk the lose of Frey Support (Which he really needs) to marry for love and kills his best General which he knew would cause mass desertion. Catelyn is just a complete idiot, she doesn't listen, she risk the lives of stark soldiers and her sons war to save her daughters which would never be returned and even has to be imprisioned by her own son because she is reckless.

  • Don't you dare questioning our Lord Ramsay Bolton, Lord of Winterfell and trueborn son of Lord Roose Bolton our beloved Warden of the North.

    enter link description here

  • edited September 2015

    I think it's the right place to ask :D
    Why do everyone love so much Jon Snow ? I don't hate him but also don't like him.

  • 1) @Kennyslosteye, where do you see robb / catelyn bashing on here? personally, robb is my favorite of the starks (and is probably my 6th favorite character in total) but he did make some very stupid decisions and cost himself his own life when he knowingly went back on the deal with walder frey.

    catelyn was also great but i just was never a big fan of the stark family with the exception of ned and robb. i don't personally hate any of the starks but just cared about other stories / thought other stories were more interesting to follow.

    also, while i do like ramsay more than the starks as a whole (he's in my top 5 favorite characters), where is there the glorification of ramsay on these forums? there's even a thread about fan art of him being flayed...

    2) yes @jeff07hardy i'm so happy that i'm not the only one that feels that way because the instant i say im not infatuated with jon snow i get so much criticism for that from my friends

  • Because Robb was inexperienced and immature. He made very dumb moves that put him at risk. The Red Wedding was inevitable

  • His quote is the reason why I like Ramsay ;D

    enter link description here

    because Ramsay is bae

  • Immaturity in the forums. Just saying.

  • I'm watching the show, so maybe that effects my knowledge of each character.

    But I can't deny that my love for Littlefinger, Jon Snow, Jaime and Tyrion Lannister made it easier for me to never have interest in Cats character. Robb is a usurper (check my avatar) so that's why I didn't like him. But honestly I just think I don't like the Starks in general (besides Rickon, Arya, and Jon). They are all to proud and honorable, and they act as if they are better then other people in the realm. To me, especially Ned, they cared more about honor then about communication. To not tell Cat about Jon Snows supposed parents, to not tell Jon Snow about his parents, to denounce Jaime after he killed the mad king without asking why (which I'm pretty sure they woulda did anyway) etc. They just seemed like they were doomed, especially Ned and Sansa, so tried my best not to fall in love with them.

    (and this is just my opinion, not fact. I don't have countless lines that I can use to back up my statements).

  • But

    there was a whole thread about posting fanart of Ramsay dead

  • that's exactly what i said in my response to this

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    But there was a whole thread about posting fanart of Ramsay dead

  • and that's exactly what I said, too

    sbk12345 posted: »

    that's exactly what i said in my response to this

  • He is the mvp when winter comes. :)

    enter image description here

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    I think it's the right place to ask Why do everyone love so much Jon Snow ? I don't hate him but also don't like him.

  • I've noticed this too. You'd think Robb Stark (my favourite GoT character) would be beloved by the fandom, while a character like Stannis would have a niche sure, but nothing more.

    Yet nearly everyone seems to despise Robb, and adore Stannis. While, also, glorifying Ramsay. :-S It does get a little tiring...

    And it baffles me like it does you, but whatever. People are entitled to their opinions. Still, I personally hate Ramsay (as a person, obviously, not as a character) I don't mind Catelyn (Though I never warmed to her, in either the books or the show) and as I said, Robb Stark remains my favourite character. So there you go :)

  • edited September 2015

    Trust me, a lot of people hate Ramsay...

  • Says the man with his face as a profile pic ^^

    SerMarve posted: »

    Trust me, a lot of people hate Ramsay...

  • I was just making a point that I said it first but it's okay because 1) imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and 2) great minds think alike :)

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    and that's exactly what I said, too

  • Hey, I never said I hated him. xD

    alikir34 posted: »

    Says the man with his face as a profile pic ^^

  • I agree. :)

    sbk12345 posted: »

    I was just making a point that I said it first but it's okay because 1) imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and 2) great minds think alike

  • Because people like to support rapists, I guess

    But in all honesty I have no idea

  • I want Robb defenders to think of this. Ramsay won a war against thousands of a pretty impressive army with just 20 good men. Robb couldn't win the war against Tywin with the thousands of his men behind his banner. Who seems like the better, more intelligent and resourceful leader, fighter, warrior?

  • edited September 2015

    Which war did Ramsay win with just 20 good men? Was that in the book?

    Cause to my knowledge, he raided Stannis' camp prior to their huge battle at Winterfell, and destroyed most their food sources and in turn Stannis had a lot of his men desert the battlefield. But I won't deny that Ramsay is still the better commander. Robb had great ideas, but his emotions got in the way of his goals

    Clemenem posted: »

    I want Robb defenders to think of this. Ramsay won a war against thousands of a pretty impressive army with just 20 good men. Robb couldn't

  • edited September 2015

    Well not everybody agrees that Rob and Catelyn suck. I like most of the characters in GoT because the thing I like about this story is nobody is perfekt, so all characters can be argued over and picked a part. Nobody is imperfect either, so characters can pretty well equally defended. Unless you haven't read the books...

    enter image description here

  • You should ask the writers that... I think here, people are just having fun with it more than glorifying it, but i dunno...

    With 20 good men he pratically defeated Stannis a hardened battle commander, without wearing a shirt defeated 50 of the best warriors on the Iron Islands. D&D basically think he is Euron.

  • Robb,being the Young Wolf,is too cocky and doesn't listen,he went against the ''pack'' (His mother told him to spare Rickard Karstark's life,and he didn't listen,he ''Doomed'' Edmure to marry Roslin,which was a thing he needed to do. I honestly do not remember if he ever did something right...if you ask me,the best Stark is Bran,and let's hope Rickon will appear next season

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    I hate Robb because he doesn't listen, he risk the lose of Frey Support (Which he really needs) to marry for love and kills his best General

  • If only Ned fled kings landing instead of marching into the throne room to confront Joffery

    Robb,being the Young Wolf,is too cocky and doesn't listen,he went against the ''pack'' (His mother told him to spare Rickard Karstark's life

  • cause rob was a fuckin idiot. i understand the moms position

  • in fairness they take that nobody is perfect crap to a whole new level.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Well not everybody agrees that Rob and Catelyn suck. I like most of the characters in GoT because the thing I like about this story is nobo

  • i dont trust littlefinger

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I'm watching the show, so maybe that effects my knowledge of each character. But I can't deny that my love for Littlefinger, Jon Snow, Ja

  • what ruined Robb was well Robb-himself. i loved the red wedding and was well deserved. big but here i hate the boltons and the frey's.

    DillonDex posted: »

    I've noticed this too. You'd think Robb Stark (my favourite GoT character) would be beloved by the fandom, while a character like Stannis wo

  • Lie. Sam is perfect.

    enter image description here

    in fairness they take that nobody is perfect crap to a whole new level.

  • I've never seen Ramsay glorified??? He's just a villain who D&D made invincible.

  • I love Rob Stark. He's a bit like his dad and since Karstark was insubordinate... he did what he thought was right. As for breaking the deal that his mom made with Walder Frey. Eck. Marriage is supposed to be for life, right? Can we really blame him for not wanting to marry a Frey? Okay, so a lot of people do because if they were in that position of course they would ALWAYS do the smart thing and marry for the sake of the house and not take love into consideration Of course!

  • TV show Robb is stupid. He marry a girl for her appearance. But, I still like him. Book Robb marry to honor Jeyne and himself, but Lorde Walder didn't like that very much. But, he ignore a amount of warnings of Grey Wind, decapitate Lord Karstark, and other things. So there you have it. I still like the damn boy. The King who Lost the North. :'(

    About Catelyn... She only make mistakes. If weren't her, maybe the Starks would survive just a little more. Of course, that's my opinion.

  • Is this a joke, it must be a joke because i can`t believe it. Do you have any idea how many Stark fanatics there are. That said there is a big difference between book Robb and show Robb.

  • Where does this invincible thing come? O_o Because he won Stannis? Bolton's have somewhat stable situation in the show now but that doesn't make them invincible - for starters it's unclear if the other houses, like Umbers and Karstarks, really support them. And then there is LF and his Vale army. And there are also some wildlings in the North now, and who knows maybe certain resurrected bastard will lead them against the Boltons. Anyway, the point is that the situation of the Bolton's doesn't make them look invincible at all.

    Maybe this all comes from that infamous rescue mission from s4 that kinda did make Ramsay look like he had a thick plotarmor on. Not sure if D&D even wrote it though - I think it was Cogman's episode.

    I've never seen Ramsay glorified??? He's just a villain who D&D made invincible.

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