Dear Telltale, Can We Please Meet Lee's Wife in Season 3?
As the title suggests I could love to meet the former Mrs Everett in TWD Season 3 - her fate wasn't exactly touched upon in S1 and considering she's been an unseen character so far I think it would be awesome for Lee Fans like myself to have her character appear in Season 3 (and hopefully meet Clementine) - you know since obviously Lee can't ever come back. It was really nice to see him one last time in that segment in Season 2 (probably not the afterlife, most likely just a dream) but its unlikely that he'll make a cameo appearance in every season (I still hope Season 3 retains his narrative voice-over) but Lee's wife would make for an interesting living substitute in his place.
What do you guys think, should Season 3 finally introduce Clementine to Lee's unnamed wife?
Very unlikely. They need to keep it somehow realistic. I mean what is the chance of her being alive, meeting Clem and be at the same part of the country as her?
It's a cool idea and could be very interesting, but the chance of it happening are very slim and would be a huge coincidence. It was a miracle to run into Kenny again, but we can't just keep running into people that we either knew from the past or knew them in some way.
Meh,I don't think so and I really hope we don't because I think that it would be too far-fetched. Even if they did meet, it's not like they would recognise each other or anything. That maybe could be a DLC or Comic or something if Telltale was bored but it's pretty irrelevant to Clem's story.
Shouldn't you be playing Episode 3 right now?
I'm trying dammit, my computer is going all shit on me and it will go through the Episode 2 Recap but then take me back to Desktop Hopefully I can get it working in a few minutes....
EDIT: It's working now
Good to hear, now get to it.
I wish in season 3 we have a flashback of her, I have a feeling that season 3 will be the concluding season and we deserve all of the questions regarding characters to be revealed.
I don't really see the point, her character doesn't have much to offer.
Wasn't it rumoured that she was also killed by Lee along with the senator?
Yes, she dead.
Everyone whose aware that Lee is a convicted felon know that he was arrested for murdering a senator who was sleeping with his wife - never does anyone say that he killed them both - its always stated he killed the senator who had an affair with his wife, while the game never says anything about Lee killing his wife.
The chances of thy are 1 in a million, but it would be really cool if we met her and had no idea it was Lee's life till the end or something
Na man, they shouldn't depend on season 1. Season 3 needs to be unqiue
Damn it, Lee. I like you and all, but damn.
Now I can't see his potential romance option with Carley as heart-warming now, considering that she likely didn't even know that Lee murdered his wife as well as the senator, since she never brings it up once whenever the two talks. Suppose if Lee caught Carley speaking to an attractive man, who to say that he would have overreacted and assumed that Carley was cheating on him just as his wife did with a senator?
Dave Fennoy said in interview an also Sean Vanaman (lead writer of Season One) said It in video-interview.
enter link description here
more like a prostitute..
Lee' wife is DEAD as a dodo. He killed her along with the speaker he shot dead before his fateful car journey to the prison.
Obi wan Kenobi came back mad times, why can't Lee?
Because Obi wasn't shot in the head or bit by a zombie.
Well she did learn about it from the news stories. I don't think the news would leave out the part about killing his wife.
Why do you need another unfaithful woman, another Rebecca? She'd know nothing about Lee and Clementine relation. Or maybe you want to see Lee's clone wearing wig and hear Fennoy's girly voice? I don't. This idea is pointless and stupid.
Great idea! I would like to see her death scene since I believe her to be a bad person. Even though Lee was "convicted", I think maybe he hadn't actually killed anyone when we first saw him in TWD.
the wiki doesnt say anything of that though...
Well, if she did know about Lee murdering his wife, then I would have to question her logic about having a romantic relationship with a man who's anger drove him to murder his wife and the senator. If I was a woman, I sure as hell wouldn't form any romantic feeling towards Lee with this knowledge in mind.
If they were going to use her, it would've been in season one. It's too far gone to bring her into the game now. Lee is dead so what purpose would she serve ?
Bringing Lee's wife back when we know nothing about her other than that she was married to Lee and had an affair will run the risk and will essentially be, LET'S EXPLOIT SEASON 1 FEELS AGAIN.
It's time to stop using season 1 as an emotional crutch. Lee flashbacks? Yes, because they can have an impact on Clem's choices as she remembers Lee's advice.
Bringing back characters who were talked about but not mentioned in season 1 because they have a connection to a dead character. Nope.
and hope to see molly's sister but probably she's dead or undead.. :'/
blind snoper even ozzy nk fell free to delite if you thack that this is giving to mush of the souse code out, but it was not my intent to do so thacks for your understanding.
that is because if you look at the the walking dead seasion 1 episode 2 game deta under
2_WalkingDead102_english_pc_voice there was a delited scene that dong or carley; masene that lee shoot sam. that's his wife before the appcelse.
even this is known as the lee fake out scene, after the st' joines hit the lee with the gun that scine will activite but it got delited and I don't knoew why.
It may be cool but my suspension of disbelieve is already stretched with TWD, i dont think it could go much further
but he was dead