The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oh god, I'm sorry. I'll fix that.

    I think you wrote it wrong there dude. I don't think people should off themselves because that means they're just killing themselves.

  • lol

    Oh god, I'm sorry. I'll fix that.

  • RIP I hear of youtubers committing suicide a lot I hope the reason was nothing to do with the pressure of his channel or nasty comments I really wish his family strength in this time

    Today is a sad day in YouTube, No, History in general. Daniel Kyre of Cyndago was rushed to the hospital in critical condition on September

  • Same reason I do the same, you never know when you'll want to watch the original un-edited Star Wars trilogy that isn't available on DVD or Blu-Ray obviously, I mean it's either that or Laser Disc and those take even more space, so VHS it is.

    Now that the question of what was in the time capsule has been answered, there's an even bigger and more important question, why was that guy carrying around a VHS player?

  • Is anyone else having problems with Skype? I keep getting the "Skype can't connect" error whenever I try to sign in.

  • edited September 2015

    You're not the only one. I tried to get on Skype but it didn't connect. And my internet connection works well.

    Edit: Strange. I don't have problems with Skype right now, yet it shows to me that it's still connecting :|

    Is anyone else having problems with Skype? I keep getting the "Skype can't connect" error whenever I try to sign in.

  • It doesn't work at all on mobile, even when I reinstalled the app. And the computer version always has a connecting symbol. I don't get it :/

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You're not the only one. I tried to get on Skype but it didn't connect. And my internet connection works well. Edit: Strange. I don't have problems with Skype right now, yet it shows to me that it's still connecting

  • edited September 2015

    I think Skype has problems. Well, we'll see if Skype's gonna be fixed soon ;D

    I really enjoy my conversations with you xD

    It doesn't work at all on mobile, even when I reinstalled the app. And the computer version always has a connecting symbol. I don't get it

  • I dunno why you would, I'm pretty insane lol

    Jk, I do too :3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I think Skype has problems. Well, we'll see if Skype's gonna be fixed soon ;D I really enjoy my conversations with you xD

  • I dunno why you would, I'm pretty insane

    You mean lewd? xD ;D

    Lol, seriously, though, if you ever checked out the Rhyiona thread, you would know that I'm lewd everyday xD

    I dunno why you would, I'm pretty insane lol Jk, I do too

  • I'm lewd everyday

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I dunno why you would, I'm pretty insane You mean lewd? xD ;D Lol, seriously, though, if you ever checked out the Rhyiona thread, you would know that I'm lewd everyday xD

  • enter image description here

    Okay, now I like you even more ;D

    I'm lewd everyday

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

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    enter image description here

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    enter image description here

    Preach it Obama :'D

    enter image description here

    Top comment on this XD

  • My school work is piling on top of each other it's nauseating...

    How df do I make a 10-page essay about the history of the world in under 6 hours? HOW?!

    enter image description here

  • I've been having the same problems all day, I logged out and now it won't let me back in again. Sucks :c

    Is anyone else having problems with Skype? I keep getting the "Skype can't connect" error whenever I try to sign in.

  • Whaaaaaaaaaaa? Man, that's depressing, i really like "Man In A Red Mask".

    Today is a sad day in YouTube, No, History in general. Daniel Kyre of Cyndago was rushed to the hospital in critical condition on September

  • AYY LMAO, shouldn't have wasted time on the fucking forum.

    My school work is piling on top of each other it's nauseating... How df do I make a 10-page essay about the history of the world in under 6 hours? HOW?!

  • Go to this site. You can thank me later.

    My school work is piling on top of each other it's nauseating... How df do I make a 10-page essay about the history of the world in under 6 hours? HOW?!

  • enter link description here

    Update off Markiplier

    Today is a sad day in YouTube, No, History in general. Daniel Kyre of Cyndago was rushed to the hospital in critical condition on September

  • I can see that as being possible with swift enough handwriting.

    My school work is piling on top of each other it's nauseating... How df do I make a 10-page essay about the history of the world in under 6 hours? HOW?!

  • Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

  • I took some pictures of my school as they're setting up for Pope Francis' visit (damn these pictures are big, my bad).

    enter image description here
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    enter image description here
    enter image description here

  • Carley and Lee :( ()

  • For everything he gets criticized for, I'm glad he doesn't support the 'disagreeing=oppressing' way of thinking.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Preach it Obama :'D Top comment on this XD

  • So I've been looking literally everywhere for an Avengers hoodie and I finally found one. And I can't even right now. I'm so happy.

  • enter link description here

    I can't stop listening to this song. It's like one of my favorite songs <3

  • So you're not allowing me to relax, even just for a few minutes?

    I ain't no robot, k.

    papai46 posted: »

    AYY LMAO, shouldn't have wasted time on the fucking forum.

  • edited September 2015

    For the past week I've been having trouble on choosing which $60 game I should get. Here's the strawpoll if you want to help. The game with the most votes is the one I'll buy first.

  • edited September 2015

    Several things I found interesting that I like to share (mostly Resident Evil) before I scoot (couldn't resist making another post afterwards... oops >.>).

    First thing's first I found this on the wikia (I know, I know it can be edited. But it seems to be untouched from unwanted edits, regardless the art makes it real interesting to look at.), it's the Art Director's Notebook of Resident Evil 6. Some might've missed these (I did) so I thought it'd be cool to see the monster designs that would've been used (I honestly felt the 4 final bosses' forms looked way more interesting in concept art. Shame the budgets didn't allow some of these.).

    And here's some news regarding future Resident Evil projects. Here ya go.

    And lastly, here's the pizza origins of TMNT! :D

    enter link description here

  • I love this song.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    enter link description here I can't stop listening to this song. It's like one of my favorite songs

  • O' I am Death and none can tell if I open the door to heaven or hell.

    No wealth, no land, no silver nor gold, nothing satisfies me but your soul. ;)

    I love this song.

  • I'm Death, I come to take the soul, leave the body and leave it cold.

    ^ Fave line

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    O' I am Death and none can tell if I open the door to heaven or hell. No wealth, no land, no silver nor gold, nothing satisfies me but your soul.

  • Mine is No wealth, no land, no silver nor gold, nothing satisfies me but your soul.

    It sounds so evil to me and I love evil >:)

    I'm Death, I come to take the soul, leave the body and leave it cold. ^ Fave line

  • Have you played the previous Metal Gears?

    For the past week I've been having trouble on choosing which $60 game I should get. Here's the strawpoll if you want to help. The game with the most votes is the one I'll buy first.

  • Not really, I've played the first part of Ground Zeros where you go save someone named Paz I think that's her name.

    kaleion posted: »

    Have you played the previous Metal Gears?

  • Pope Francis has a sick Fiat 500. I'm sorry for everyone in D.C. right now, including my dad. It'll take him a while to get home.

  • Just watching the news, they mentioned you guys. :)

    I took some pictures of my school as they're setting up for Pope Francis' visit (damn these pictures are big, my bad).

  • Just get Metal Gear Solid 5.

    For the past week I've been having trouble on choosing which $60 game I should get. Here's the strawpoll if you want to help. The game with the most votes is the one I'll buy first.

  • U suk!

    Not really, I've played the first part of Ground Zeros where you go save someone named Paz I think that's her name.

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