Does anyone else think Robb Stark was an idiot?



  • Does anyone else think Robb Stark was an idiot?

    Well yes, everyone does. Or so it feels like. The GoT fandom is getting quite monotonous to be honest. Used to be, there was a delightful mix of Baratheon supporters, Stark supporters, Targaryen supports. It was really fun socialising with them all, hearing different views, but now 99.99% of it is some combination of:

    1. Stannis is the bestest thing evar
    2. Robb Stark is stupid and deserved to die just like his Mum
    3. Fuck Daenerys shes a bitch

    The whole thing that attracted me to Game of Thrones in the first place, was the fact no-one side or person is wholly in the right, or wholly in the wrong, and it's up to personal interpretation (just like with history). So seeing just the same opinion over and over again, is quite disappointing, and definitely dull.

    Ultimately, Robb Stark is my favourite character. A true northerner who did his best, in the situation he was in, but in the end was ill-equipped for the adversary he was up against (the Lannisters) and paid the price. He's not perfect, no, and he made mistakes like anyone else... but this "idiot" was little more than a boy, and yet rallied the entire north together, and won every battle he fought against House Lannister. Until he was betrayed. He deserved better, from both the people around him, and the people in the actual GoT fandom. No, he's not a mastermind like Varys, Littlefinger or Tywin, but anyone who honestly thinks Robb was an idiot, is clearly one themselves.

    So there's my opinion :P

  • So what if Ned acknowledged Stannis ? Maybe he wanted to be King? And if won the war he would've

    For you after watching the show trusting Theon is a mistake, but Robb grew up with him so I think he had reasons to trust him

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    He made 3 stupid mistakes * Starting the war * Trusting Theon * Not supporting the one, true king (that even Ned acknowledged): Stannis Baratheon

  • Stannis was the rightful heir, and if the Lord of Winterfell acknowledged it, then so should his house and banner men. They are usurpers for that and if Ned was still around, he wouldn't have allowed it.

    And you can have your reasons to trust him, it doesn't make you any less of an idiot.

    If you like him that's cool man, I'm not tryna convince you to dislike him, and I hope you aren't trying to convince me to like him. I'm just stating how I feel about the matter,

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    So what if Ned acknowledged Stannis ? Maybe he wanted to be King? And if won the war he would've For you after watching the show trusting Theon is a mistake, but Robb grew up with him so I think he had reasons to trust him

  • So your saying he's idiot because he trusted someone who is almost a brother ?

    But didn't the Baratheons took the Iron Throne without right? If so Dany is the rightful Queen

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Stannis was the rightful heir, and if the Lord of Winterfell acknowledged it, then so should his house and banner men. They are usurpers for

  • i believe ned's stupidest move was not leaving kings landing with his soldiers and the girls when renly made the offer to back him (if he wasn't stupid enough to stay in kings landing because of honor and blood line succession, and don't get me wrong i loved ned, he would have still had his head and renly's forces may have been bolstered by the support of the north -> no demon shadow baby -> a better king sitting on the iron throne than tommen or joffrey)

    and i agree with you @jeff07hardy that he wouldn't have known not to trust theon because he didn't really know what greyjoys were really like but @shanegrimes that was probably one of his biggest mistakes (because theon's betrayal set the bolton's plan into action)

    but i think he was right to start the war to come to his father's cause and (pre-red wedding / pre-jaime freeing) the war was success for the north as he won every battle he was in & they managed to catch jaime early on in the war

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    He made 3 stupid mistakes * Starting the war * Trusting Theon * Not supporting the one, true king (that even Ned acknowledged): Stannis Baratheon

  • From the shows pov, I didn't see the brother connection. Evem Jaime told one of Neds guardsmen (this is the show however) to not trust the kid. I'm just saying Robb didn't have to bend the knee, he just should have respected the rightful heir.

    And besides, it would be Vicerys as rightful heir, then Jon. Then Dany. If we're getting technical and calling the Starks what they technically are, usurpers. But then again this whole story wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Roberts rebellion. So stop getting super technical

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    So your saying he's idiot because he trusted someone who is almost a brother ? But didn't the Baratheons took the Iron Throne without right? If so Dany is the rightful Queen

  • I just think that if Ned made it known that he supported Stannis, then in season 5 we would have the Mannis on the Iron Throne. And he would turn his eyes onto the White Walker threat, like everyone else should. He would do right for Westeros, after he burns all the Lannisters down with Casterly Rock

    sbk12345 posted: »

    i believe ned's stupidest move was not leaving kings landing with his soldiers and the girls when renly made the offer to back him (if he wa

  • edited September 2015

    bleh.... i would rather see tommen/joffrey on the throne than stannis - never really liked him (he has no personality, a religious finatic who never wanted to listen to the only voice of reason in his camp *davos, stubborn and goal oriented but breaks at the first sign of controversy *aka as soon as it started to snow he automatically goes to burn his daughter just like he murdered other members of his family)

    honestly out of the remaining characters and who i think i would like / is likely to sit on the iron throne, i truly think there shouldn't even be one and that all the 7 kingdoms should just come together for the purpose of defeating the walkers and then go back to ruling themselves because all the possibilities right now imo are shit *the only person i would have reasonably seen ruling the 7 kingdoms and doing a good job of it is tywin (rip :( ) just out of the main families:


    • stannis (after careful analysis of that scene and spoiler rumors i, unfortunately, think stannis is still alive) would make a terrible king because of the reasons i listed above

    • gendry - interesting to see what he might do once he finishes sailing on his boat haha but i don't think he'll come into play in the story anymore


    • cersei, tommen, jaime i think are all going to die before the walkers get there (i saw a rumor about cersei burning down the sept thinking that marg is in there but burning tommen instead by accident and i think something crazy like that would be great for her character)

    • tyrion - even though i adore him, he even admitted it himself, he will never come close to ruling in westeros ever again after what he did


    • margaery, oleana, and loras - hinting at what natalie dormer said at comic con (which i hope isn't true bc marg is my favorite female character) i think they will die before the walkers come because she said grandma isn't around to save them anymore (mace is just irrelevant without the influence of oleana / margaery from what i've seen of him so far)

    stark (out of the stark clan the one i'd like to see most is hodor):

    • arya could give two craps about ruling the kingdoms and i think she is better off just killing every frey she comes across

    • sansa does have a chance to rule if she fully escapes the boltons and comes back under littlefinger's protection but i really don't enjoy the starks (other than ned and robb) so i wouldn't like to see sansa on the throne

    • bran / rickon are pretty much irrelevant to me and i could care less about their storylines

    • jon snow is probably going to be resurrected by melissandre to do azor ahai stuff and won't want to take into the politics of westeros when he's done either

    dany (since she's the only targaryen) could possibly rule (if she ever made it to westeros) but imo would make a bad leader because she can't even control a city while she's in it, how is she supposed to control 7 large kingdoms? and also i never liked her ever since she dismissed jorah (after all he's done for her) and more and more elements of her crazy father are starting to show up in her

    boltons: their trail of invincibility will eventually stop and ramsay and roose will probably die soon :( (two of my favorites but admittedly would be horrible rulers for the iron throne so they should probably die before they have the chance to take it)

    littlefinger = the most likely to come out as a ruler of the 7 kingdoms after all is said and done but i just don't like him for all the shit stirring he does and varys's quote is very true, he would burn us all if he could be king of the ashes

    varys = probably has no interest in ruling and wants to get as far away from kings landing as possible so will just have fun in essos while everything is going down

    reek or yara greyjoy = don't like either of them (so much so that i don't ever recognize the first one by his actual name) so hopefully neither of them will rule and very unlikely that either of them will

    robin arryn = probably will die soon because he has been deprived for so long of lysa's breast milk (and good riddance)

    anyone in dorne = other than oberyn (rip :( ) dorne was a disaster so hopefully no one from here gets a lot more screentime then they should in the coming seasons

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I just think that if Ned made it known that he supported Stannis, then in season 5 we would have the Mannis on the Iron Throne. And he would

  • I'd say his honour made him stupid.

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    Ned was honored, not stupid

  • The Targaryens aren't even originally from Westeros. It isn't hers until she takes it.

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    So your saying he's idiot because he trusted someone who is almost a brother ? But didn't the Baratheons took the Iron Throne without right? If so Dany is the rightful Queen

  • Robb not bending the knee to Stannis is akin to spitting in Ned's face. Ned raised him to be honourable and always obey the law.

    Eddard was willing to execute a child because the king and law required it.

    Theon's betrayal isn't something I fault Robb for, though. Theon betraying Eddard would be 1,000,000% predictable, him betraying his one and only friend was not. I agree on that.

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    So what if Ned acknowledged Stannis ? Maybe he wanted to be King? And if won the war he would've For you after watching the show trusting Theon is a mistake, but Robb grew up with him so I think he had reasons to trust him

  • Stannis is the bestest thing evar

    Damn straight. This is the only correct viewpoint.

    DillonDex posted: »

    Does anyone else think Robb Stark was an idiot? Well yes, everyone does. Or so it feels like. The GoT fandom is getting quite monoto

  • He was blinded by honor and it was stupid enough to get him killed. He could have avoided death so easily if he knew anything about playing the game

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    Ned was honored, not stupid

  • He's really, really not though. Everyone loves to blatantly ignore all the things he's done wrong and how horrible he is to people. He's easily the most over-rated character in the series.

    Stannis is the bestest thing evar Damn straight. This is the only correct viewpoint.

  • Agree, but Robb was worse.
    Ned was honored and that was not good in the game.
    Robb was stupid and had no honor

    Clemenem posted: »

    He was blinded by honor and it was stupid enough to get him killed. He could have avoided death so easily if he knew anything about playing the game

  • She was too emotional. She stupidly captured Tyrion and let Jaime go

    Brodester08 posted: »

    See what happens when you dont do what your mother insists?

  • Stannis is half a joke to me but he's also the more focused leader to become king. Though melisandre is not a good priestess of the lord of light to heed advice from, he still isn't far off the right track. Now, maybe if Thoros of Myr was on his council instead, they would be doing well and burning less bodies and gaining more support for their claim to the throne. But Stannis is desperate. If the show runners decide to do the right thing and continue his story, it's time for him to redeem himself, and out of all people (besides maybe the Hound) he's fit to do it.

    He's really, really not though. Everyone loves to blatantly ignore all the things he's done wrong and how horrible he is to people. He's easily the most over-rated character in the series.

  • But the dead wrong woman.

    He was an idiot for falling in love with the woman.

  • Yea cause the game is'nt corrupt and a bit broken or anything like that.... Right.

    Clemenem posted: »

    He was blinded by honor and it was stupid enough to get him killed. He could have avoided death so easily if he knew anything about playing the game

  • The usurper's brother is the rightful king. Right. Stannis who personally killed his younger brother, because said brother was challenging him for the throne and ordered the death of his daughter. Rob couldn't have known what kind of man Stannis would become, but that's hardly the kind of man I'd support or want for king. I do not admire his ambition one bit.

    If Robert was justified for taking power away from the Targaryens (because the king was mad, and abusive with his authority) then why doesn't Rob have just justification for wanting to claim it? After all, wasn't independence from King's landing what the Northeners wanted initially? Since the powers-that-be in Kings landing kept fucking with the Stark family (and the North generally), why wouldn't it make sense to want to defeat them?

    tanjanboo posted: »

    Robb dishonored his father by accepting the King of the North deal. His dad held a grudge against Jamie Lannister not because he killed the

  • It was never confirmed that Jon is a Targaryen. That's still all speculation.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    From the shows pov, I didn't see the brother connection. Evem Jaime told one of Neds guardsmen (this is the show however) to not trust the k

  • enter image description here

    ^ Thank you for reminding me this x3

    Brodester08 posted: »

    See what happens when you dont do what your mother insists?

  • You're welcome, sweet prince.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    ^ Thank you for reminding me this x3

  • I ship it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Brodester08 posted: »

    You're welcome, sweet prince.

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    SerMarve posted: »

    I ship it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Show Stannis is a cunt, yes. Stephen Dilane's acting/sexiness is probably his only saving grace. Though in all fairness to him, all of Melisandre's magic has worked (except the leeches, but he doesn't know that) shitty as she may be he has no reason not to trust her.

    However, there's no reasonable argument against Book Stannis (the One True Mannis.) He hasn't done anything particularly bad. He's just an introverted and sardonic arsehole. Which is why I like him. He's dedicated and funny (if you read closely) and is severely underrated.

    He's really, really not though. Everyone loves to blatantly ignore all the things he's done wrong and how horrible he is to people. He's easily the most over-rated character in the series.

  • how??? The Starks just wanted to stay in Winterfell, they didnt care for anything south. so when NEd went south he didnt know how deep in shit and corrupted was he was getting in. yes doing the honorable thing got him kill but most of you talk like you would have done better, pretty much almost knowing the outcome, given the circumstances. also i dont see why no one faults that lil bitch in renly. had he stayed and helped ned that shit wouldnt have happened. he could have help ned, but no he wanted to be king. he wanted to the power. fuck renly im glad he is death.

    ohhh also in the end Ned wizened the fuck up letting his pride out the window, but no one knew that Joffrey was a crazy, vicious, basard.

    Clemenem posted: »

    He was blinded by honor and it was stupid enough to get him killed. He could have avoided death so easily if he knew anything about playing the game

  • Not to mention the biggest Tywin mistakes ever: He didn't realise the potential of his own dwarf son, who despite his short length actually had an intellect more than can be said about his other two idiot children. He doesn't even realise that Cersei's children in fact are Jaime's. With the kind of logic some people use on here a lot of characters would be morons. No, I don't think particulary that he was a major idiot. Sure he made some big fuckups but so did Tywin.

    his truly only flaws. the Lannister wouldnt have been shit w/out Tywin. Cercei is a fucking idiot, Jaime doesnt give a fuck, and no one cared for tyrion;s opinion.

    now im just basing this on what i saw on the show, im barely in book 2, but the lannisters, im mean everyone in their army are a bunch of fucking morons. i seen them get destroyed, and they were justs a bunch if retards that could only kill by surprise or defenseless people. (only going by the show right now)

    lindblom posted: »

    Quite ridiculous how many people in here thinks he was a complete idiot. It's the same people who believe that Tywin Lannister was a genius

  • One difference I really didn't like between the show and book is Robb's plan for after the wedding at the twins. In the show, he wants to secure the freys and then plans to attack Casterly Rock which is honestly a bone head decision. Especially with the Tyrell's aligning with the Lannisters. In the book however, he comes to realize that he can't keep warring around in the south and plans to march north and root out the ironborn from the north. I believe in the books the first move he intends to make is take Motte Calin. After doing that, he intended to liberate the north from the ironborn and was going to settle down. I really didn't like the whole were gonna take Casterly Rock theme the show ran with.

  • If all the Stark fanatics gathered you would be able to conquer the entire world. And a fun fact the war was lost from the beginning for the north.

    DillonDex posted: »

    Does anyone else think Robb Stark was an idiot? Well yes, everyone does. Or so it feels like. The GoT fandom is getting quite monoto

  • edited September 2015

    Underrated? In what way? He gets more praise than nearly every other character.

    Show Stannis is a cunt, yes. Stephen Dilane's acting/sexiness is probably his only saving grace. Though in all fairness to him, all of Melis

  • Ned was *honorable.

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    Ned was honored, not stupid

  • Maybe he means underrated in Westeros? Like in-universe, not by the readers.

    Underrated? In what way? He gets more praise than nearly every other character.

  • Robb and Dany get more praise and have a much larger fan base.

    Stannis' fanbase is simply a lot more vocal.

    Underrated? In what way? He gets more praise than nearly every other character.

  • On the contrary, his honour his why he married Jeyne/Talisa.

    He felt more obligated to marry the woman he slept with over a woman he promised to marry.

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    Agree, but Robb was worse. Ned was honored and that was not good in the game. Robb was stupid and had no honor

  • -AsherGrin--AsherGrin- Banned
    edited September 2015

    Robb and Dany get more praise and have a much larger fan base.

    Lol no way. Come to the forums, all I hear is Stannis is great, Robb is stupid, Daenerys is a bitch.

    Go on any YouTube video, all I hear is Stannis is great, Robb is stupid, Daenerys is a bitch.

    Go to the official show forums, all I hear is Stannis is great, Robb is stupid, Daenerys is a bitch.

    So many Stannis supporters, justify themselves by saying how they're sick of all the overpraise Robb and Daenerys get (which is hilarious irony within itself) but I have to wonder: where did they find this praise? Because, as I said, I visit a lot of Game of Thrones hotspots, and nearly 100% of the time the consensus is always disappointingly the exact same.

    Stannis is great, Robb is stupid, Daenerys is a bitch.

    Robb and Dany get more praise and have a much larger fan base. Stannis' fanbase is simply a lot more vocal.

  • lol I didn't read any of the books so I didn't see the red wedding coming at all, and at the time I was really thinking Robb would be able to win the war. So when the red wedding actually happened my mind was just blown and I was pretty upset haha.

  • That is a POV that I did not take in consideration.

    On the contrary, his honour his why he married Jeyne/Talisa. He felt more obligated to marry the woman he slept with over a woman he promised to marry.

  • more vocal

    more vocal

    more vocal

    more vocal

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    Robb and Dany get more praise and have a much larger fan base. Lol no way. Come to the forums, all I hear is Stannis is great, Robb

  • There is literally no chance he isn't Targaryen.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    It was never confirmed that Jon is a Targaryen. That's still all speculation.

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