[Climb down The Wall] and [Talon chapter] Great chapters as usual! I've been out the loop lately because of school, but keep up the great work! Seeing this battle makes me think of how Frostfinger says everyone will die at the wall... huh.
Hi guys! New part! Enjoy it!
Brandon Woods
''Oh no,Thomas...'' Brandon thought,and started to walk towards the yard,guard and sword up… more. A wildling came up from behind him and took him down,Brandon struggled to get his sword,which was knocked away by that wildling that was now on top of him,wielding a spear. He raised his spear and brought it down,aiming at Brandon's neck. Brandon dodged the spear by an inch and punched it in the middle,breaking it. He grabbed ahold of the now stuck in the ground pointy end and stuck it in the wildling's throat. He made gurgling sounds,choking on his blood,and Brandon pulled out the spear's end,just to hastily stick it back in again,and again,and again. He was now all bloodied and so was the wildling,who fell to the ground,dead. He got up and grabbed his sword again,it was now getting dark so the sword started to glow a blue light. As he was walking he saw dozens of crows he knew,his friends,getting butc… [view original content]
''A bear there was, a bear, a bear! all black and brown, and covered with hair.The bear! The bear! Oh come they said, oh come to the fair! The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair! And down the road from here to there. From here! To there! Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear! They danced and spun, all the way to the fair! The fair! The fair! Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair! The maid with honey in her hair! Her hair! Her hair! The maid with honey in her hair! The bear smelled the scent on the summer air. The bear! The bear! All black and brown and covered with hair! He smelled the scent on the summer air! He sniffed and roared and smelled it there! Honey on the summer air! Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! A bear! A bear! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! The bear, the bear! Lifted her high into the air! The bear! The bear! I called for a knight, but you're a bear!b A bear, a bear! All black and brown and covered with hair She kicked and wailed, the maid so fair, But he licked the honey from her hair. Her hair! Her hair! He licked the honey from her hair! Then she sighed and squealed and kicked the air! My bear! She sang. My bear so fair! And off they went, from here to there, The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair!''
Talon sung,and a group of northeners cheered him ''Thank you! Could you buy me a drink? A horn of ale,maybe?'' He asked a forrester soldier,his stupid smile plastered on his face. ''I am afraid i can't do that,now the Whitehills won't allow us to do anything.'' ''I suppose. Ale isn't good to my voice.'' Talon said,and then noticed Talia staring at him from behind a tree. He got closer to the three,and Talia looked at him ''Are you a minstrel?'' ''Yes i am,how did you know?'' ''You sound and look like one,we've never had a minstrel at Ironrath before,welcome.'' She said and clasped her hands together,looking at the poor but bright colored clothing Talon had. ''Thank you Lady Talia,i've come here to watch over Lauren and Brennan-'' ''Yes i saw them walking inside the Castle,they have been put in chambers close to mine,they are sweethearts.'' She said ''You should be telling that to Mark!'' He said ''You should refer him as your 'lord' '' ''Not at all. We are long time friends'' Talon said and showed her a dent in his lute ''I bludgeoned a soldier to death with this lute to save his life.'' Talon said,still getting some guilt sense after that. Little did he know that many great houses committed greater crimes than him,the only thing he did was to protect someone,and Talia understood that. ''You did well,the Whitehills will suffer for what are they doing to us,and what they did to Ethan...'' She trailed off,but then grabbed Talon by his small hat,which had a red feather on top of it ''I don't tell my feelings to many people,but you seem trustable.'' She continued ''They will pay...i will kill Ludd Whitehill with my own hands...just you watch minstrel...just you watch...'' She said,fidgeting very nervously with her hands,her eyes emanating anger. ''Excuse me,but i have to go,i have many things to do,and i wouldn't dare bother you anymore.'' He said and tried to sneak away,but Talia grabbed ahold of his hand ''Don't hesitate in killing,when we will go to war,and we will soon,even minstrels have to learn to wield a sword,i'll teach you myself if necessary.'' She said with a cold tone,and waved Talon away.
''So much anger in such a pure Lady.'' Talon thought ''She will get her revenge,i am sure of it.'' He then goes toward Ser Royland,who is sparring in the practice yard ''Ser,can you show me how to wield a sword?'' Talon asked Ser Royland,who grunted and gave him a sword ''I don't want any more straw men in here,so you better show some life in you.'' He warned Talon,then unsheathed his,everybody formed a circle around the two. Royland went for a shot,and Talon dodged it,then swung at Royland who parried the shot ''At least you don't move like a wounded boar'' He complimented Talon,who tried to hit Ser Royland's shoulder,but Royland parried and knocked the sword away with his hand. Royland then swung at Talon but he dodged it,then he punched Ser Royland in the gut,then in the face. Royland then tossed his sword to the ground and balled up his fists,swinging at Talon,who kept dodging. Talon then got his sword back and so did Royland,the two circled around each other before Talon hit Royland's knee with a swift motion of his right wrist. Royland then quickly lunged at him,hitting him softly in the chest. ''You put up quite the fight,but you have to be faster.'' Royland said,panting ''Can i keep the sword?'' ''You can.'' Talon then looked at the rusty sword ''Better than nothing'' He thought ''Thank you,Ser Royland.'' He said,sheathing his sword. Royland then kept on training the other smallfolk,and Talon was taken aback.
''What can i do now?'' He thought,and walked towards an almost empty crate. He saw a rotten crabapple inside,and a worm eating it. ''I wonder what happened. The apple gives her life for a humble and nimble thing like the worm,just to save him,maybe the worm fooled the apple into thinking she would've lived,maybe he promised her something,and she died for that something...'' He shrugged it off and just squished the worm. All of Ironrath fell silent,the clink and clank of swords the only thing breaking the silence. He then walked away from the area,venturing towards the Whitehill garrison ''Let's see if i can find something out.'' He then got on his fours,and crawled behind a wooden crate,everytime peeking out,to see if any life showed up. He then heard a creaking noise,as if a door opened. He trembled in fear and his eyes grew wide,he peeked and saw that a door to a smallfolk house was slightly ajar,a kid slightly gesturing Talon to come towards him. He got up,and slowly walked towards the door,every step he took the kid seemed to take a step back,into the darkness of his dimly lit house. He got to the doorstep when two hands reached for the kids' shoulders. A woman looked into Talon's eyes,shame and calmness in her expression. Talon shook his head,waiting for an explanation. ''The late lord Forrester sent Erik,my husband,to the Wall. I ask you to go there,to become a crow,and write to me about him.'' ''NO!'' Talon said,almost disgusted at the idea of becoming a man of the Night's Watch ''Please,you will be rewarded richly. I promise you!'' The woman says ''I don't know...'' Talon trailed off and scratched his head
[Refuse the woman's request.][Accept the woman's request.][Demand your reward is given to you.]
So guys! Part is over! What do you think about it? And,did you notice that Talon is a ''Redwynd''? Possible idea for maybe a next book?
App of the Week
''Oh,what is this?'' A fellow writer wondered ''It's a new thing i'm introducing!'' Thewalkingamonthrone replied ''I will say something about an app i love,or a new app,every week.''
The first app of the week is Game Of Thrones Ascent.
What is Game Of Thrones Ascent? It's an app that allows you to create your own Character with your own house,you will have the possibility to interact with some show characters,and even allow you to have a fealty with your favourite house! The Houses that are available at the moment are House Lannister,Stark,Tully,Martell,Targaryen,Baratheon,Greyjoy,and Tyrell,and House Arryn will soon be in the game. If you get the game,let me know your character's ID,so i can send you a friend request! (Edit: It's free,you have the possibility to buy gold,and there is a reincarnation system,if you are interested in further information let me know)
[Run back to the elevator] I feel like the wall is too risky, and that someone might push him off... Yikes, this was an intense chapter! I'm really worried for all three of them, maybe Kevin the most...
I guess I'm a bit of a GoT addict, you could say. I mean, it is my favorite show and one of my favorite games as well. I'm currently reading the first book, and I do know quite a bit of the lore. Not all of it as I've absorbed most of the info online and since English is not my national language, but I'm slowly catching up with it.
Looks like the next chapter is out so I don't need to vote here. Good luck on school! Take it easy, we'll wait patiently for new chapters.
Hi guys! New part! Enjoy it!
Brandon Woods
''Oh no,Thomas...'' Brandon thought,and started to walk towards the yard,guard and sword up… more. A wildling came up from behind him and took him down,Brandon struggled to get his sword,which was knocked away by that wildling that was now on top of him,wielding a spear. He raised his spear and brought it down,aiming at Brandon's neck. Brandon dodged the spear by an inch and punched it in the middle,breaking it. He grabbed ahold of the now stuck in the ground pointy end and stuck it in the wildling's throat. He made gurgling sounds,choking on his blood,and Brandon pulled out the spear's end,just to hastily stick it back in again,and again,and again. He was now all bloodied and so was the wildling,who fell to the ground,dead. He got up and grabbed his sword again,it was now getting dark so the sword started to glow a blue light. As he was walking he saw dozens of crows he knew,his friends,getting butc… [view original content]
[Refuse the woman's request.] [New Character] Sorry lady, but I don't want Talon to become a crow. She seems a bit sketchy, hmm... Nice chapter, made me calm down after just reading the previous one. Excited to hear more about the Redwynds.
GOT: Ascent is great! I've been playing it for a while now. At first I was skeptical because I don't usually really care for these kinds of games, but I soon got addicted. My user ID thingy is 11242375 if anyone wants to add me.
Hi guys! New part coming up....now! Enjoy it!
Talon Redwynd
''A bear there was, a bear, a bear! all black and brown, and covered with … morehair.The bear! The bear! Oh come they said, oh come to the fair! The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair! And down the road from here to there. From here! To there! Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear! They danced and spun, all the way to the fair! The fair! The fair! Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair! The maid with honey in her hair! Her hair! Her hair! The maid with honey in her hair! The bear smelled the scent on the summer air. The bear! The bear! All black and brown and covered with hair! He smelled the scent on the summer air! He sniffed and roared and smelled it there! Honey on the summer air! Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! A bear! A bear! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! The bear, the bear! Lifted her high in… [view original content]
Hi guys! New part coming up....now! Enjoy it!
Talon Redwynd
''A bear there was, a bear, a bear! all black and brown, and covered with … morehair.The bear! The bear! Oh come they said, oh come to the fair! The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair! And down the road from here to there. From here! To there! Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear! They danced and spun, all the way to the fair! The fair! The fair! Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair! The maid with honey in her hair! Her hair! Her hair! The maid with honey in her hair! The bear smelled the scent on the summer air. The bear! The bear! All black and brown and covered with hair! He smelled the scent on the summer air! He sniffed and roared and smelled it there! Honey on the summer air! Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! A bear! A bear! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! The bear, the bear! Lifted her high in… [view original content]
Hi guys! New part coming up....now! Enjoy it!
Talon Redwynd
''A bear there was, a bear, a bear! all black and brown, and covered with … morehair.The bear! The bear! Oh come they said, oh come to the fair! The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair! And down the road from here to there. From here! To there! Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear! They danced and spun, all the way to the fair! The fair! The fair! Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair! The maid with honey in her hair! Her hair! Her hair! The maid with honey in her hair! The bear smelled the scent on the summer air. The bear! The bear! All black and brown and covered with hair! He smelled the scent on the summer air! He sniffed and roared and smelled it there! Honey on the summer air! Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! A bear! A bear! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! The bear, the bear! Lifted her high in… [view original content]
[Refuse the woman's request.] [New Character] Sorry lady, but I don't want Talon to become a crow. She seems a bit sketchy, hmm... Nice chap… moreter, made me calm down after just reading the previous one. Excited to hear more about the Redwynds.
GOT: Ascent is great! I've been playing it for a while now. At first I was skeptical because I don't usually really care for these kinds of games, but I soon got addicted. My user ID thingy is 11242375 if anyone wants to add me.
[Refuse the woman's request.] Yeah, I think I'll pass. Thanks.
[New Character]
I really wish I had something to play apps on. My phone won't handle them, it just crashes. Anyways, great part!
Hi guys! New part coming up....now! Enjoy it!
Talon Redwynd
''A bear there was, a bear, a bear! all black and brown, and covered with … morehair.The bear! The bear! Oh come they said, oh come to the fair! The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair! And down the road from here to there. From here! To there! Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear! They danced and spun, all the way to the fair! The fair! The fair! Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair! The maid with honey in her hair! Her hair! Her hair! The maid with honey in her hair! The bear smelled the scent on the summer air. The bear! The bear! All black and brown and covered with hair! He smelled the scent on the summer air! He sniffed and roared and smelled it there! Honey on the summer air! Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! A bear! A bear! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! The bear, the bear! Lifted her high in… [view original content]
[Refuse the woman's request] and [New Character]
Me playing ascent is just doing quests and occasionally getting silver, I don't know what's going on half the time XD
[Refuse the woman's request.] and [Merrik's] That poem/song is so catchy! For some reason it makes me think of the Mormonts. Why bother becoming rich if it means becoming a crow, you'll have no place to spend it.
Hi guys! New part coming up....now! Enjoy it!
Talon Redwynd
''A bear there was, a bear, a bear! all black and brown, and covered with … morehair.The bear! The bear! Oh come they said, oh come to the fair! The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair! And down the road from here to there. From here! To there! Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear! They danced and spun, all the way to the fair! The fair! The fair! Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair! The maid with honey in her hair! Her hair! Her hair! The maid with honey in her hair! The bear smelled the scent on the summer air. The bear! The bear! All black and brown and covered with hair! He smelled the scent on the summer air! He sniffed and roared and smelled it there! Honey on the summer air! Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! A bear! A bear! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! The bear, the bear! Lifted her high in… [view original content]
Hehe,i see what you mean...maybe some riches that will help you as a crow... (and the song is actually in the show and the books,in fact i copied it from the books)
[Refuse the woman's request.] and [Merrik's] That poem/song is so catchy! For some reason it makes me think of the Mormonts. Why bother becoming rich if it means becoming a crow, you'll have no place to spend it.
''Ludd will soon make his move...'' Maryette heard a drunk soldier talking to his colleague ''Ramsay won't allow that,he needs both houses.'' Maryette adjusted herself on her chair and put her hands around the horn of ale that was sitting on the table of an inn,where she was trying to get information for the house she now serves; House Forrester. ''Ramsay will make House Forrester join ours,we would be more useful to him.'' The drunk guard says ''So he's a Whitehill'' Maryette thought ''Are you soft in the head?! It doesn't matter what Ramsay says! It's Roose Bolton who has most power! I believe he is the most dangerous and cunning man in the Seven Kingdoms,Tywin Lannister is a joke!'' The sober guard continued ''Still,you're talking about a dangerous person in an inn,a place full of ear-'' The sober guard then looked over to Maryette's table,and saw that she was drinking some ale,and holding her head in her hands ''You really don't get it do you? Ramsay Bolton is no one,his father is dangerous'' ''Don't you know what happens to people Ramsay doesn't like?'' The drunk guard got closer to his friend,who was eating a lemoncake ''They get flayed,their skin is cut off from their bodies,their balls too,their hair burned. Ramsay Bolton doesn't spare no one.'' The drunk guard says,and the other guard shrugs his shoulders ''I still think that Ludd will go to war with the Forresters,he already has his son at Ironrath,and he will soon have another pair of ears and eyes there.'' Maryette's expression turned to calmness to confusion,but lasted a second. She masked her expression and fiddled with the horn of ale,luckily the Whitehill soldiers were stupid enough to not notice her ''It's not safe to talk about it here,tell me when we get out.'' The sober guard said and helped the drunk guard to the door which led to the outside. ''The Open Crown.'' Maryette read out loud the name of the inn ''Is that a bad joke about Joffrey's death?'' She spoke to the innkeeper ''No,i opened this inn when The War of the Five Kings started,the Crown was indeed open to everybody,up for grabs.'' The old innkeeper said ''What's your name?'' He asked Maryette,she got up and went over to the counter and shook his hand ''Violet Durwell.'' She said,the man believed her,he had a somewhat truthful light in his eyes,as she did. Maryette was the most truthful person in her family,House Nysandel,but she learned how to be cunning as well. House Nysandel is a poor,humble House of the North,it's major,and only seat was in the Wolfswood,the castle's name was Old Road Castle. ''I should write to Rodrik.'' She thought ''I am going to go over to my table.'' She said to the man ''I am Carl.'' The elderly man said to her,and she nodded. When she got over her table she sat down and took out a piece of paper from her robes.
The situation seems to get worse,there could be a traitor in your council,and if you don't stop him soon,there might be heavy consequences. Stay safe.
She then folded the piece of paper ''Do you have a raven? I need to send a letter'' The man nodded and went over to a small cage,which was unlocked. ''He is always here,the most loyal and trustable raven in all of the Seven Kingdoms,his name is Edwin.'' Maryette found it cute that Carl named a raven,and she was happy to have him fly for a bit,before returning in a cage. ''If i may ask,where are you sending him?'' Maryette found it clear that the man didn't have any bad intention ''Ironrath,Edwin won't even get tired.'' Then he nods knowingly ''Everyday i get loads of people coming here and talking about the feud between the Forresters and Whitehills! They aren't here yet,but they'll eventually come,the inn is always full from eight in the morning to when i close!'' He says,and Maryette nods,dawn was setting and Westeros was waking up. The Lannisters,the Martells,the remaining Starks,if there is any left,and her House too. She took Edwin and put the letter in his small claws,then let it fly towards Ironrath. ''Off to a new adventure,new places,new sightings.'' Carl watched as his probably best friend and best raven flew off to Ironrath. ''Hope he doesn't get shot down,the other ravens seem clumsy.'' He says,and watches the sky ''I am going to go now.'' She says and then walks out of the inn. She had to walk to Ironrath ''I'll probably arrive there in half a hour.'' She says,and looks at the dagger she has sheathed on the side of her leg,and feels the bow she has on her back. The quiver was dangling slightly on the side of her left leg,and she had light armor. She watched as the red sun set and the horses in the various farmlands began to wake up. She was now walking for quite some time when she stopped. ''What was that?'' She wondered to herself,then she heard a branch snapping. The road was quite wide,and people should start passing here soon,but she reached for her bow and her quiver,and was looking frantically around her,trying to figure out where the sound originated. She continued to walk and everytime she stopped it seemed that someone was stopping with her,alongside her. She then broke out in a mad run,dashing towards Ironrath,her vision was blurred out,and her bow was slowing her down,she then heard someone chasing her,and she turned around,and shot an arrow at her attacker,the man,who was one of the Whitehill guards that were in the inn,got hit in the shoulder. The man cried out and fell to the ground. Maryette then walked up to him and held his chin in her hands,then she looked at him in the eyes,and recognized him. ''I should make you bleed out,like a succulent pig.'' She said,and unsheathed her dagger,and held it to his throat ''But-'' Maryette pricked his cheek with the dagger,making him bleed ''I HAVE A FAMILY!'' He said. ''Every Whitehill will get out of a sticky situation like that...'' The words of Rodrik echoed in Maryette's mind. It was her duty to House Forrester,but she could've captured him and have him brought to Rodrik...
[Kill the Man][Let the man go][Subdue him and take him to Ironrath]
So guys! The part's over! Did you like it? Tell me in the comments! I want to dedicate this chapter to @SerMarve,one of my newest but most active fans! Dis your character man,and it's good!
Whose part do you want next?
[Hunter's][Merrik's][Mark's][Jarger Kieron and Philip's][Brandon Thomas and Kevin's][Korric's][Megan's][Damon's][Saya's][Talon chapter][Largonis][Daegon's][Maryette's]
I noticed that Jarger Kieron and Philip are now not chosen anymore,alongside Mark and Hunter! But there is still time,vote whoever you want,the story won't end so soon. (I planned to end this ''Book'' which turned out to be kind of a ruckus because i didn't have a precise lore,but the next ''Book'' will start in December (The Irony) and it will feature Merrik and Sylvi's story for the better part. It always will include all the other characters,but they'll be less seen (Merrik's chapter,another character,then Merrik again,a character,a character,and Merrik.)
Hi guys! New part! Enjoy it!
Maryette Nysandel
''Ludd will soon make his move...'' Maryette heard a drunk soldier talking to his colle… moreague ''Ramsay won't allow that,he needs both houses.'' Maryette adjusted herself on her chair and put her hands around the horn of ale that was sitting on the table of an inn,where she was trying to get information for the house she now serves; House Forrester. ''Ramsay will make House Forrester join ours,we would be more useful to him.'' The drunk guard says ''So he's a Whitehill'' Maryette thought ''Are you soft in the head?! It doesn't matter what Ramsay says! It's Roose Bolton who has most power! I believe he is the most dangerous and cunning man in the Seven Kingdoms,Tywin Lannister is a joke!'' The sober guard continued ''Still,you're talking about a dangerous person in an inn,a place full of ear-'' The sober guard then looked over to Maryette's table,and saw that she was drinking some ale,and holdi… [view original content]
I'm so happy how this turned out, you portrayed her perfectly! ;v; I don't even have any words for this, thanks so much for making this part! I won't make a decision this time since it's my own character, though. ^^
Hi guys! New part! Enjoy it!
Maryette Nysandel
''Ludd will soon make his move...'' Maryette heard a drunk soldier talking to his colle… moreague ''Ramsay won't allow that,he needs both houses.'' Maryette adjusted herself on her chair and put her hands around the horn of ale that was sitting on the table of an inn,where she was trying to get information for the house she now serves; House Forrester. ''Ramsay will make House Forrester join ours,we would be more useful to him.'' The drunk guard says ''So he's a Whitehill'' Maryette thought ''Are you soft in the head?! It doesn't matter what Ramsay says! It's Roose Bolton who has most power! I believe he is the most dangerous and cunning man in the Seven Kingdoms,Tywin Lannister is a joke!'' The sober guard continued ''Still,you're talking about a dangerous person in an inn,a place full of ear-'' The sober guard then looked over to Maryette's table,and saw that she was drinking some ale,and holdi… [view original content]
Hi guys! New part! Enjoy it!
Maryette Nysandel
''Ludd will soon make his move...'' Maryette heard a drunk soldier talking to his colle… moreague ''Ramsay won't allow that,he needs both houses.'' Maryette adjusted herself on her chair and put her hands around the horn of ale that was sitting on the table of an inn,where she was trying to get information for the house she now serves; House Forrester. ''Ramsay will make House Forrester join ours,we would be more useful to him.'' The drunk guard says ''So he's a Whitehill'' Maryette thought ''Are you soft in the head?! It doesn't matter what Ramsay says! It's Roose Bolton who has most power! I believe he is the most dangerous and cunning man in the Seven Kingdoms,Tywin Lannister is a joke!'' The sober guard continued ''Still,you're talking about a dangerous person in an inn,a place full of ear-'' The sober guard then looked over to Maryette's table,and saw that she was drinking some ale,and holdi… [view original content]
No no,you can vote! Your vote actually counts two because you too have to chose where your own character has to go! And thank YOU,because all of you make interesting characters,and i really feel satisfied reading your comments. (What houses did Maryette serve?)
I'm so happy how this turned out, you portrayed her perfectly! ;v; I don't even have any words for this, … morethanks so much for making this part! I won't make a decision this time since it's my own character, though. ^^
[Subdue him and take him to Ironrath] and [Mark's] Nice, I actually do want to see the chapters that haven't been done in a while, I think I actually enjoy the ones you mentioned the most. Plus Mark's status has been Unknown for a while.
Hi guys! New part! Enjoy it!
Maryette Nysandel
''Ludd will soon make his move...'' Maryette heard a drunk soldier talking to his colle… moreague ''Ramsay won't allow that,he needs both houses.'' Maryette adjusted herself on her chair and put her hands around the horn of ale that was sitting on the table of an inn,where she was trying to get information for the house she now serves; House Forrester. ''Ramsay will make House Forrester join ours,we would be more useful to him.'' The drunk guard says ''So he's a Whitehill'' Maryette thought ''Are you soft in the head?! It doesn't matter what Ramsay says! It's Roose Bolton who has most power! I believe he is the most dangerous and cunning man in the Seven Kingdoms,Tywin Lannister is a joke!'' The sober guard continued ''Still,you're talking about a dangerous person in an inn,a place full of ear-'' The sober guard then looked over to Maryette's table,and saw that she was drinking some ale,and holdi… [view original content]
Oh, alright! In that case, [Subdue him and take him to Ironrath]
Let's see... Out of the great houses: Stark, Tyrell, Arryn, Baratheon (when King Robert was still alive), Targaryen (after King Robert's death) and Bolton (to keep them and the Whitehills off of the Forresters backs). She has served smaller houses like Forrester, Mormont, Tarth etc. as well.
No no,you can vote! Your vote actually counts two because you too have to chose where your own character has to go! And thank YOU,because al… morel of you make interesting characters,and i really feel satisfied reading your comments. (What houses did Maryette serve?)
[Subdue him and take him to Ironrath] and [Mark's] Nice, I actually do want to see the chapters that haven't been done in a while, I think I actually enjoy the ones you mentioned the most. Plus Mark's status has been Unknown for a while.
Hi guys! New part! I think this will be the longest part up to date,and i want to dedicate it to @MyMotherInsisted,because he is awesome and he has been one of my fans for a long time! Enjoy it!!
Mark Logan
''I have to write back to him,Talia will understand'' (For those who don't remember,the choice was between accepting Damon's offer and invite him to Smithon or buy a gift for Talia,for her wedding,which will be in three days.) Mark said and started to write back to Damon Ravencrest
I accept your offer,and i invite you personally to my hold,Smithon. We'll break some bread and salt at my Wedding,and then we will see to the needs of our houses. Mark Logan
He then closed the letter and ordered Talon,who was composing a new ballad,to send the raven,and he walked out of his room,his letter in his hand. Mark then sat back and enjoyed the warm chambers of Ironrath,which gave grand relief from the northern winds blowing. The words Melisandre spoke to him are still fresh in his mind ''Azor Ahai,who was born amidst smoke and salt,shall rise and protect the world when the darkness will engulf us.'' That's what he remembered. He remembered when Ebbert Whitehill cut his arm and put nettles in it,making the fresh blood smoke,and when he poured salt in the same wound. He moved his arm,and a stinging sensation came back to him. Two days had passed and the wound was still sore. He was thrown back into reality by Talon who entered his room ''I sent the raven m'lord,to Ravenrath.'' He said ''Thank you Talon,is it actually called Ravenrath? Very similar to Ironrath'' ''Indeed'' Talon said ''I still can't believe you are to be betrothed to Talia Forrester'' He added ''When Damon will come to my wedding,tomorrow,he will see that we are many,and the same day,he will sleep in my castle,in my chambers,and will see that we don't mean harm to him. We have to help him understand the most important things a lord does.'' He said to Talon ''I believe his minstrels will be coming too.'' He added ''YES! I will finally write some new songs with other minstrels!'' Talon jumped from the excitement,and drank some ale that was sitting by Mark's elbow. ''We just have to hope Whitehills aren't going to interfere tomorrow.'' Mark said,and then laid down on his bed ''It's getting late,tomorrow will be a long day,so i suggest you go to your rooms now,lest you sleep on your feet tomorrow.'' ''You are not my lord! I am a free minstrel,free to do what i want!'' He said and trotted out of Mark's room,but hit Talia on the way out ''I'm sorry minstrel! Did i hurt you?'' She asked him,and Talon shook his head ''No,Lady Talia,just a bit,and i am Talon!'' ''That is a lovely name! Do you have any house?'' Talon's eyes widened,and slowly walked away from Mark and Talia ''Yes,but it's not important! Now rest,because tomorrow will be a long day,so i suggest you lay down and get some sleep,lest you end up falling asleep at your feast!'' He said and quickly ran away. Then Talia shrugged ''Has he got something to hide?'' ''No,i know him since i was born,he is a Waters,a bastard from King's Landing,in fact i never seen any parent of his.'' Mark said and got up from his bed,and took Talia's cheeks in his hands,before kissing her passionately and putting her on the bed. Little did he know,Talon had a few secrets to hide...
''My Lord,you must get up.'' Mark was awoken by Talia ''Call me Mark,please'' He said ''Mark,get up.'' Talia repeated,and Mark did,and kissed Talia on the lips ''Today is our day.'' He said and started to dress in elegant,but humble clothes. ''Talia...i must ask you something.'' ''What is it,Mark?'' She asked him and smiled ''You don't feel...bad about marrying me,right?'' ''Of course not! I wanted you since you first showed up here!'' Talia said,and grabbed his cheeks,and looked into his eyes,before kissing him passionately. Mark hugged her and felt like the most lucky person in the world. He heard of lords,unhappy with their matches,but he loved Talia since he was little,and played with her in the grove. He smiled brightly at her ''Is Damon Ravencrest here yet?'' ''He has arrived ten minutes ago,i spent most of the time trying to wake you up.'' She then smiled,he quickly got out of his room and stepped into the great hall,where he found Damon Ravencrest sitting on a chair,his hands fiddling on the table. Just as he saw Mark,he hastily got up,hitting his knee against the table,he winced but just for a second,which made Mark laugh. ''Don't panic,we are here to talk'' Mark said,and Damon brought a hand to his golden blonde hair ''Yes,i know. I have a few things i need to understand.'' ''First off,how does your house fare?'' Mark asked him,and Damon's eyes went emotionless ''Eh?'' He asked,and a man,with a chain around his neck,maybe his maester,took him to a side. After a few seconds he came back ''Pretty well,how is yours?'' ''Perfectly,House Forrester is joining House Logan.'' ''Oh,wow,i see'' Damon was fiddling with his fingers ''My house will be like yours one day.'' He stated,Mark could see some kind of pride in his eyes,a pride he liked. ''Who are your whisperers?'' ''My friend,Harold'' Mark nodded ''My wedding will soon start,i hope you are staying here for my feast?'' Mark asks ''My castle is far from here,and staying here will mean that i am going to go home at night.'' ''You'll come with me at Smithon,my castle.'' ''Oh,perfect!'' Damon said,and Talia interrupted them. ''Mark...it's time.'' She said and smiled to him. Mark's eyes lit up and his heart started to speed up. She then took his hand in hers and started to walk towards the Grove. When she opened the doors to it she saw many people attending to the wedding: Ser Royland,Ser Duncan,Elissa Forrester,Rodrik Forrester,even Mira Forrester came from King's Landing. Talia walked towards a godswood,where an old woman was standing. The two stopped in front of the godswood and the woman,and the whole grove fell silent. The woman took their hands and bound them together “In the sight of the old gods, I hereby see you these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words.” Talia looked at Mark,and Mark looked at her. They started to speak at the unison
''Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am his/hers, and s/he is mine, from this day, till the end of my days.''
Mark then kissed Talia,and hugged her. The crowd cheered them but they didn't notice. Their minds were in synchronization,their hearts had the same rythm,and their thoughts close. A group of women then tried to take Mark to his bedroom,to start the Bedding Ceremony,but he pulled away from them. The women tried to get close again but he refused. ''It's the groom's choice! Let him be!'' The old woman said and then smiled at Mark,who looked at the big tables with all kinds of food on them. He then took Talia by the hand and brought her to those tables,then gestured to everyone to come.
'' A bear there was, a bear, a bear! all black and brown, and covered with hair. The bear! The bear! Oh come they said, oh come to the fair! The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair! And down the road from here to there. From here! To there! Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear! They danced and spun, all the way to the fair! The fair! The fair! Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair! The maid with honey in her hair! Her hair! Her hair! The maid with honey in her hair! The bear smelled the scent on the summer air. The bear! The bear! All black and brown and covered with hair! He smelled the scent on the summer air! He sniffed and roared and smelled it there! Honey on the summer air! Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! A bear! A bear! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! The bear, the bear! Lifted her high into the air! The bear! The bear! I called for a knight, but you're a bear! A bear, a bear! All black and brown and covered with hair She kicked and wailed, the maid so fair, But he licked the honey from her hair. Her hair! Her hair! He licked the honey from her hair! Then she sighed and squealed and kicked the air! My bear! She sang. My bear so fair! And off they went, from here to there, The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair!'' Talon sung with York and Yark,Damon's minstrels,while drinking some wine. The feast was worthy of a Baratheon's: All types of food for everyone,music and merryness. Mark was taking a hearty sip of wine and noticed Mira Forrester downing the tenth glass of wine ''I am going to go talk to your sister for a bit.'' He said to Talia and kissed her on her forehead,then went over to Mira,who was sitting close to Rodrik. ''HEY MARK! THIS FEAST IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED! SINCE WE KICKED GRYFF OUT WE HAVE BEEN LIVING WELL!'' Rodrik said to him with a happy smile,then started to make small talk with a smallfolk sitting near him. Mark then put a hand on Mira's shoulder ''Is everything okay,my lady?'' Mira smiled weakly to him ''Someone tried to kill me,you know in King's Landing'' He could see that she was a little bit affected by all the wine she drank. ''How!?'' ''With a knife,he was a Lannister guard...i don't know what to do.'' She said,he then decided to leave her to herself,and enjoyed himself until the end of the feast.
''My lord! The feast was awesome!'' Damon said to Mark when the feast was over. ''We should now go to Smithon'' ''It's better if we stay here,it's being rebuilt by Baratheon soldiers'' ''What?'' ''I am important to a red priestess.'' Damon's face widened ''Good for you...'' He trailed off ''Where are my chambers?'' ''Wherever you want,you are our guest!'' Mark said,and Damon bowed to him ''Thank you my lord,i wanted to ask you help for something though.'' Mark sighed ''What is it?'' ''It's just that,a friend of mine...left me by myself,and i wanted to look for her'' ''You want me to try and find her?'' ''She should be around White Harbor...'' ''What?! It's too far!'' Mark said ''Please,my lord...'' Damon pleaded
[Help Damon find Saya][Find Mira and offer her your help]
So guys! The long part is over! Did you like it? I sure hope you did!!
Question Time
Happy for Mark coming back?
There is going to be a new POV for both of the choices,how do you feel about that?
Salt or Sugar?
Whose part do you want next?
[Hunter's][Merrik's][Mark's][Jarger Kieron and Philip's][Brandon Thomas and Kevin's][Korric's][Megan's][Damon's][Saya's][Talon chapter][Largonis][Maryette][Daegon's]
Hi guys! New part! I think this will be the longest part up to date,and i want to dedicate it to @MyMotherInsisted,because he is awesome and… more he has been one of my fans for a long time! Enjoy it!!
Mark Logan
''I have to write back to him,Talia will understand'' (For those who don't remember,the choice was between accepting Damon's offer and invite him to Smithon or buy a gift for Talia,for her wedding,which will be in three days.) Mark said and started to write back to Damon Ravencrest
I accept your offer,and i invite you personally to my hold,Smithon. We'll break some bread and salt at my Wedding,and then we will see to the needs of our houses.
Mark Logan
He then closed the letter and ordered Talon,who was composing a new ballad,to send the raven,and he walked out of his room,his letter in his hand. Mark then sat back and enjoyed the warm chambers of Ironrath,which gave grand relief from the northern winds blowing. The … [view original content]
[Help Damon find Saya] and [Jarger Kieron and Philip's] Man, Mark's chapter was awesome, unlike my play-through of Game of Thrones, Mark actually had wedding compared to Rodrik. There are a lot of POVs, so its hard to remember what has happened, but little reminders like this chapter are helpful. Well I like Salt for the actual meal whereas I like Sugar with desserts. If I had to choose purely on the grains, I'd go with Sugar.
Hi guys! New part! I think this will be the longest part up to date,and i want to dedicate it to @MyMotherInsisted,because he is awesome and… more he has been one of my fans for a long time! Enjoy it!!
Mark Logan
''I have to write back to him,Talia will understand'' (For those who don't remember,the choice was between accepting Damon's offer and invite him to Smithon or buy a gift for Talia,for her wedding,which will be in three days.) Mark said and started to write back to Damon Ravencrest
I accept your offer,and i invite you personally to my hold,Smithon. We'll break some bread and salt at my Wedding,and then we will see to the needs of our houses.
Mark Logan
He then closed the letter and ordered Talon,who was composing a new ballad,to send the raven,and he walked out of his room,his letter in his hand. Mark then sat back and enjoyed the warm chambers of Ironrath,which gave grand relief from the northern winds blowing. The … [view original content]
Hi guys! New part! I think this will be the longest part up to date,and i want to dedicate it to @MyMotherInsisted,because he is awesome and… more he has been one of my fans for a long time! Enjoy it!!
Mark Logan
''I have to write back to him,Talia will understand'' (For those who don't remember,the choice was between accepting Damon's offer and invite him to Smithon or buy a gift for Talia,for her wedding,which will be in three days.) Mark said and started to write back to Damon Ravencrest
I accept your offer,and i invite you personally to my hold,Smithon. We'll break some bread and salt at my Wedding,and then we will see to the needs of our houses.
Mark Logan
He then closed the letter and ordered Talon,who was composing a new ballad,to send the raven,and he walked out of his room,his letter in his hand. Mark then sat back and enjoyed the warm chambers of Ironrath,which gave grand relief from the northern winds blowing. The … [view original content]
[Find Mira and offer her your help] Sorry Damon... Happy about Mark coming back? YES. Talia x Mark is my OTP in this fanfic. xD Two POVs? Awesome! Salt or sugar, hmm... Depends on my mood I guess. xD [Jarger Kieron and Philip's]
Hi guys! New part! I think this will be the longest part up to date,and i want to dedicate it to @MyMotherInsisted,because he is awesome and… more he has been one of my fans for a long time! Enjoy it!!
Mark Logan
''I have to write back to him,Talia will understand'' (For those who don't remember,the choice was between accepting Damon's offer and invite him to Smithon or buy a gift for Talia,for her wedding,which will be in three days.) Mark said and started to write back to Damon Ravencrest
I accept your offer,and i invite you personally to my hold,Smithon. We'll break some bread and salt at my Wedding,and then we will see to the needs of our houses.
Mark Logan
He then closed the letter and ordered Talon,who was composing a new ballad,to send the raven,and he walked out of his room,his letter in his hand. Mark then sat back and enjoyed the warm chambers of Ironrath,which gave grand relief from the northern winds blowing. The … [view original content]
[Find Mira and offer her your help] Sorry Damon... Happy about Mark coming back? YES. Talia x Mark is my OTP in this fanfic. xD Two POVs? Awesome! Salt or sugar, hmm... Depends on my mood I guess. xD [Jarger Kieron and Philip's]
Hi guys! New part,enjoy it! (Yay finally posting dailyy)
Jarger's POV
(The choice was to allow the red head girl to come in the Vale or send her away)
''I'll open the gates.'' Jarger said to the woman and opened the gates,letting the girl in. She walked up to him and held out her hand ''I am Saya,it is nice to meet you.'' ''Why are you here,Saya?'' Jarger asks her ''Finding a job'' ''I suggest you try for the inns then,they always have plenty of work there.'' ''Not that work,i mean dirty work'' Saya says and Jarger shrugs ''You've come to the right place.'' Saya then smiled ''Oh,i didn't know. Thank you for letting me in.'' Saya said and smiled ''I am going to come with you,all this work has got me tired,feeling in the mood for an ale?'' ''Always in the right mood for ale'' Saya smirked and Jarger took her hand in his,then they started to walk towards the closest inn. ''She is rather good looking.'' Jarger thought,watching as her red locks flew in the air. ''What was your last job about?'' Jarger asked her,Saya looked up to him and opened her mouth to speak,but she broke it off quickly. ''It's nothing important.'' ''It is,if you say to a stranger you just met it's not.'' Jarger's Kingsguard job at King's Landing rubbed off on him,and could tell if people were lying to him or not. ''I was paid by a man to be his sellsword,he was really funny,but...he left me behind,he didn't need me anymore.'' Saya then sighed and continued to walk,the inn was now getting closer. ''I'm sorry,maybe he had his reasons.'' Jarger said ''He had,that's why my job is for heartless people,everybody will just 'use' you and pay you,there is no such thing as loyalty. ''Loyalty can be bought'' Jarger said ''It can't,loyalty comes from within the heart of the person who gives it.'' ''You are smart for a sellsword!'' Jarger said,and Saya playfully patted him on the shoulder. They arrived at the inn,and Jarger sat down at a table. Saya went over to a grizzly man behind the counter who gave her two horns of ale. She got back to the table and started drinking ale with her new friend Jarger.
Kieron's POV
(If you don't remember what is going on with Kieron,i really suggest you go back and read it,to avoid confusion.)
Kieron was awoken by a burning pain on his head. He felt the cold floor of a castle,and the warmness of the blood which was trickling down his forehead. ''Bastard knocked me out.'' He said,remembering what Philip and Mord did to him. He heard a few men talking,and he slowly got up. He then noticed that the air was really cold. He turned around to notice he was locked in a sky cell,he trembled,noticing he was sleeping dangerously close to the edge. He heard a man unlock the door of his cell,and tried to attack him,but the man slammed the door on his face,making him fall. He saw it was Philip Cornay,with a dagger in his hand ''How is your head feeling? Probably better than your nose!'' He said,noticing the cut he made on his nose when he slammed the door ''Listen to me carefully,you are going to follow me,and you are going to be quiet.'' He said,and drug Kieron out of the cell ''I miss Mira...'' Kieron thought. Philip noticed that Philip was acting odd,almost as if something was about to happen. He was drug across the whole castle,when he stopped outside a door. He noticed that Mord was standing there too. ''You are going to enter that room and you are going to watch what will happen to Sansa Stark.'' Philip said,pushing the dagger into his hand. Kieron then entered the room and saw that Sansa Stark was standing on her own bed ''Hi Kie-'' She stopped when Mord entered the room screaming and running towards her. She yelled and Mord tackled her to the ground,and slapped her across the face. Sansa cried out in pain and Kieron ran towards Mord,pulling him away from Sansa ''WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!'' Kieron yelled to him,and Mord knocked him to the ground ''I SAID BE QUIET!'' He screamed to Kieron,who got up. Mord then got on top of her again,and Kieron was about to pull him off again when he saw Philip outside the room with the knife in his hand,a menacing look about him. He then understood that he couldn't do anything,for his own safety. Mord hastily undressed her,ripping her dress off,and Sansa screamed in shock,tears flowing down her cheeks ''PLEASE HELP ME KIERON,DON'T LET HIM TOUCH ME PLEASE!'' She repeated over and over again,looking in Kieron's eyes every time she said it. What Kieron saw in her eyes was pain and fear. He heard the door opening and saw Littlefinger running in the room,stabbing Mord in the back with Philip's knife and pulling him away from Sansa. Mord ran out of the room,crying and clutching his wound,and Sansa was now crying on the ground,Littlefinger soothing her and holding her. She pulled away from him and screamed at him,he then decided to exit the room. ''Let me stay here please.'' Kieron said to Philip,who glared at him. Kieron slowly got up,and caressed Sansa's hair. She looked up to him,her eyes full of pain,and relief,Kieron then noticed a tear was flowing down his cheek,and wiped it off quickly. He then was led out of Sansa's room and he was brought out of the castle ''You can wander around if you want,just keep this secret.'' Philip said,his voice changed,almost as if it went from sly,to sincere. ''I will,but please,let Sansa out of that room,i need to talk to her.'' Kieron pleaded him,and Philip nodded solemly ''I will.'' Philip said and then walked back in the castle. Kieron was taken aback,he didn't think that Philip would accept,yet a few minutes later Sansa walked out of the castle,and saw Kieron. Her face was now bright,and happy. ''What did Philip say to her?'' Kieron thought,and saw that Sansa was walking towards him. She got in front of him ''Philip explained me that Littlefinger set this up,that's why Mord was very slow.'' She explained to him ''Lady Sansa,i couldn't help you.'' Kieron said,guilt in his voice. ''I know you couldn't. That's why i asked my aunt to make you my personal guard. And now you are.'' Sansa then smiled briefly at him. ''Great! I would have asked her myself...but i decided not to.'' Kieron then smiled and took her hand in his ''Care for a walk?'' Sansa then gladly nodded and they started to walk around the castle. ''What a day...'' Kieron started ''Indeed. I almost prefer King's Landing to this place.'' Sansa said,and Kieron shook his head ''Me too...i had a friend there.'' ''Who?'' Sansa asked ''A handmaiden. Mira Forrester.'' ''Oh the Forresters! I recall Gregor being at a feast in Winterfell one time. And her daughter,Talia,always liked to play with my hair. Ned and him would go on for hours about how northern we were and if we would've grown up like northern girls. Unfortunately i didn't.'' Sansa said,and Kieron looked down at the ground ''Wow...i don't- i don't know what to say. I was...really fond of her.'' Kieron said,and Sansa looked at him,almost jealously. Kieron then stuttered ''Do ships sail to King's Landing fr-from here?'' He asked,and Sansa shook his head ''You don't want to go back there.'' Sansa said simply,her face turned from calm to upset. ''I have to.'' Kieron said,remembering his duty to Daenerys Targaryen to spy on Mira,to learn more about the Forresters,and he wanted to see Mira again. ''You don't have to go there. You are now my guard and there is nothing you can do about it,yes there are ships sailing to King's Landing,but i won't let you go.'' Sansa said,holding Kieron's hand. ''I have to go,i have to fulfill my duty to Daenerys and i have to see Mira again.'' He thought,and spoke up...
[Tell her about your duty in King's Landing,and convince her to send you to King's Landing.][Shake her hand away,and hastily get on a ship to King's Landing.][Stay with Sansa]
(@MyMotherInsisted's vote is worth two,because this is his character's biggest decision up to date)
Jarger's POV
''And he gave me these daggers.'' Saya continued her long speech about her father and showed Jarger the two double sided daggers the sellsword who found her gave them to her ''Your father must've been a honorable man'' ''He wasn't my father...he just found me.'' Saya said ''What about your story,eh? What's your background?''
[Tell her your story][Avoid her question]
So guys! Part is over! Did you like it? Tell me in the comments!
Whose part do you want next?
[Hunter's] [Merrik's] [Mark's] [Jarger Kieron and Philip's] [Brandon Thomas and Kevin's] [Korric's] [Megan's] [Damon's] [Saya's] [Talon chapter] [Largonis] [Maryette] [Daegon's]
Hi guys! New part,enjoy it! (Yay finally posting dailyy)
Jarger's POV
(The choice was to allow the red head girl to come in the Vale o… morer send her away)
''I'll open the gates.'' Jarger said to the woman and opened the gates,letting the girl in. She walked up to him and held out her hand ''I am Saya,it is nice to meet you.'' ''Why are you here,Saya?'' Jarger asks her ''Finding a job'' ''I suggest you try for the inns then,they always have plenty of work there.'' ''Not that work,i mean dirty work'' Saya says and Jarger shrugs ''You've come to the right place.'' Saya then smiled ''Oh,i didn't know. Thank you for letting me in.'' Saya said and smiled ''I am going to come with you,all this work has got me tired,feeling in the mood for an ale?'' ''Always in the right mood for ale'' Saya smirked and Jarger took her hand in his,then they started to walk towards the closest inn. ''She is rather good looking.'' Jarger thought,watching as her red… [view original content]
Hi guys! New part,enjoy it! (Yay finally posting dailyy)
Jarger's POV
(The choice was to allow the red head girl to come in the Vale o… morer send her away)
''I'll open the gates.'' Jarger said to the woman and opened the gates,letting the girl in. She walked up to him and held out her hand ''I am Saya,it is nice to meet you.'' ''Why are you here,Saya?'' Jarger asks her ''Finding a job'' ''I suggest you try for the inns then,they always have plenty of work there.'' ''Not that work,i mean dirty work'' Saya says and Jarger shrugs ''You've come to the right place.'' Saya then smiled ''Oh,i didn't know. Thank you for letting me in.'' Saya said and smiled ''I am going to come with you,all this work has got me tired,feeling in the mood for an ale?'' ''Always in the right mood for ale'' Saya smirked and Jarger took her hand in his,then they started to walk towards the closest inn. ''She is rather good looking.'' Jarger thought,watching as her red… [view original content]
Hi guys! New part,enjoy it! (Yay finally posting dailyy)
Jarger's POV
(The choice was to allow the red head girl to come in the Vale o… morer send her away)
''I'll open the gates.'' Jarger said to the woman and opened the gates,letting the girl in. She walked up to him and held out her hand ''I am Saya,it is nice to meet you.'' ''Why are you here,Saya?'' Jarger asks her ''Finding a job'' ''I suggest you try for the inns then,they always have plenty of work there.'' ''Not that work,i mean dirty work'' Saya says and Jarger shrugs ''You've come to the right place.'' Saya then smiled ''Oh,i didn't know. Thank you for letting me in.'' Saya said and smiled ''I am going to come with you,all this work has got me tired,feeling in the mood for an ale?'' ''Always in the right mood for ale'' Saya smirked and Jarger took her hand in his,then they started to walk towards the closest inn. ''She is rather good looking.'' Jarger thought,watching as her red… [view original content]
[Tell her about your duty in King's Landing,and convince her to send you to King's Landing.]
[Tell her your story]
Awesome chapter! Poor Sansa though... I want to stay with her, but Kieron has to get to King's Landing. ;-;
[Tell her about your duty in King's Landing,and convince her to send you to King's Landing.] [Tell her your story] [Megan's]
Breaking up my actually biggest OTP in this because I can. sorrynotsorry
[Tell her about your duty in King's Landing,and convince her to send you to King's Landing.]
[Tell her your story]
Breaking up my actually biggest OTP in this because I can. sorrynotsorry
Frostfinger is already dead by the time Castle Black is under siege
[Climb down The Wall]
Hi guys! New part coming up....now! Enjoy it!
Talon Redwynd
''A bear there was, a bear, a bear! all black and brown, and covered with hair.The bear! The bear! Oh come they said, oh come to the fair! The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair! And down the road from here to there. From here! To there! Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear! They danced and spun, all the way to the fair! The fair! The fair! Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair! The maid with honey in her hair! Her hair! Her hair! The maid with honey in her hair! The bear smelled the scent on the summer air. The bear! The bear! All black and brown and covered with hair! He smelled the scent on the summer air! He sniffed and roared and smelled it there! Honey on the summer air! Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! A bear! A bear! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! The bear, the bear! Lifted her high into the air! The bear! The bear! I called for a knight, but you're a bear!b A bear, a bear! All black and brown and covered with hair She kicked and wailed, the maid so fair, But he licked the honey from her hair. Her hair! Her hair! He licked the honey from her hair! Then she sighed and squealed and kicked the air! My bear! She sang. My bear so fair! And off they went, from here to there, The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair!''
Talon sung,and a group of northeners cheered him ''Thank you! Could you buy me a drink? A horn of ale,maybe?'' He asked a forrester soldier,his stupid smile plastered on his face. ''I am afraid i can't do that,now the Whitehills won't allow us to do anything.'' ''I suppose. Ale isn't good to my voice.'' Talon said,and then noticed Talia staring at him from behind a tree. He got closer to the three,and Talia looked at him ''Are you a minstrel?'' ''Yes i am,how did you know?'' ''You sound and look like one,we've never had a minstrel at Ironrath before,welcome.'' She said and clasped her hands together,looking at the poor but bright colored clothing Talon had. ''Thank you Lady Talia,i've come here to watch over Lauren and Brennan-'' ''Yes i saw them walking inside the Castle,they have been put in chambers close to mine,they are sweethearts.'' She said ''You should be telling that to Mark!'' He said ''You should refer him as your 'lord' '' ''Not at all. We are long time friends'' Talon said and showed her a dent in his lute ''I bludgeoned a soldier to death with this lute to save his life.'' Talon said,still getting some guilt sense after that. Little did he know that many great houses committed greater crimes than him,the only thing he did was to protect someone,and Talia understood that. ''You did well,the Whitehills will suffer for what are they doing to us,and what they did to Ethan...'' She trailed off,but then grabbed Talon by his small hat,which had a red feather on top of it ''I don't tell my feelings to many people,but you seem trustable.'' She continued ''They will pay...i will kill Ludd Whitehill with my own hands...just you watch minstrel...just you watch...'' She said,fidgeting very nervously with her hands,her eyes emanating anger. ''Excuse me,but i have to go,i have many things to do,and i wouldn't dare bother you anymore.'' He said and tried to sneak away,but Talia grabbed ahold of his hand ''Don't hesitate in killing,when we will go to war,and we will soon,even minstrels have to learn to wield a sword,i'll teach you myself if necessary.'' She said with a cold tone,and waved Talon away.
''So much anger in such a pure Lady.'' Talon thought ''She will get her revenge,i am sure of it.'' He then goes toward Ser Royland,who is sparring in the practice yard ''Ser,can you show me how to wield a sword?'' Talon asked Ser Royland,who grunted and gave him a sword ''I don't want any more straw men in here,so you better show some life in you.'' He warned Talon,then unsheathed his,everybody formed a circle around the two. Royland went for a shot,and Talon dodged it,then swung at Royland who parried the shot ''At least you don't move like a wounded boar'' He complimented Talon,who tried to hit Ser Royland's shoulder,but Royland parried and knocked the sword away with his hand. Royland then swung at Talon but he dodged it,then he punched Ser Royland in the gut,then in the face. Royland then tossed his sword to the ground and balled up his fists,swinging at Talon,who kept dodging. Talon then got his sword back and so did Royland,the two circled around each other before Talon hit Royland's knee with a swift motion of his right wrist. Royland then quickly lunged at him,hitting him softly in the chest. ''You put up quite the fight,but you have to be faster.'' Royland said,panting ''Can i keep the sword?'' ''You can.'' Talon then looked at the rusty sword ''Better than nothing'' He thought ''Thank you,Ser Royland.'' He said,sheathing his sword. Royland then kept on training the other smallfolk,and Talon was taken aback.
''What can i do now?'' He thought,and walked towards an almost empty crate. He saw a rotten crabapple inside,and a worm eating it. ''I wonder what happened. The apple gives her life for a humble and nimble thing like the worm,just to save him,maybe the worm fooled the apple into thinking she would've lived,maybe he promised her something,and she died for that something...'' He shrugged it off and just squished the worm. All of Ironrath fell silent,the clink and clank of swords the only thing breaking the silence. He then walked away from the area,venturing towards the Whitehill garrison ''Let's see if i can find something out.'' He then got on his fours,and crawled behind a wooden crate,everytime peeking out,to see if any life showed up. He then heard a creaking noise,as if a door opened. He trembled in fear and his eyes grew wide,he peeked and saw that a door to a smallfolk house was slightly ajar,a kid slightly gesturing Talon to come towards him. He got up,and slowly walked towards the door,every step he took the kid seemed to take a step back,into the darkness of his dimly lit house. He got to the doorstep when two hands reached for the kids' shoulders. A woman looked into Talon's eyes,shame and calmness in her expression. Talon shook his head,waiting for an explanation. ''The late lord Forrester sent Erik,my husband,to the Wall. I ask you to go there,to become a crow,and write to me about him.'' ''NO!'' Talon said,almost disgusted at the idea of becoming a man of the Night's Watch ''Please,you will be rewarded richly. I promise you!'' The woman says ''I don't know...'' Talon trailed off and scratched his head
[Refuse the woman's request.] [Accept the woman's request.] [Demand your reward is given to you.]
So guys! Part is over! What do you think about it? And,did you notice that Talon is a ''Redwynd''? Possible idea for maybe a next book?
App of the Week
''Oh,what is this?'' A fellow writer wondered ''It's a new thing i'm introducing!'' Thewalkingamonthrone replied ''I will say something about an app i love,or a new app,every week.''
The first app of the week is Game Of Thrones Ascent.
What is Game Of Thrones Ascent? It's an app that allows you to create your own Character with your own house,you will have the possibility to interact with some show characters,and even allow you to have a fealty with your favourite house! The Houses that are available at the moment are House Lannister,Stark,Tully,Martell,Targaryen,Baratheon,Greyjoy,and Tyrell,and House Arryn will soon be in the game. If you get the game,let me know your character's ID,so i can send you a friend request! (Edit: It's free,you have the possibility to buy gold,and there is a reincarnation system,if you are interested in further information let me know)
Whose part do you want next?
[Merrik's] [New Character]
[Run back to the elevator] I feel like the wall is too risky, and that someone might push him off... Yikes, this was an intense chapter! I'm really worried for all three of them, maybe Kevin the most...
I guess I'm a bit of a GoT addict, you could say. I mean, it is my favorite show and one of my favorite games as well. I'm currently reading the first book, and I do know quite a bit of the lore. Not all of it as I've absorbed most of the info online and since English is not my national language, but I'm slowly catching up with it.
Looks like the next chapter is out so I don't need to vote here. Good luck on school! Take it easy, we'll wait patiently for new chapters.
[Refuse the woman's request.] [New Character] Sorry lady, but I don't want Talon to become a crow. She seems a bit sketchy, hmm... Nice chapter, made me calm down after just reading the previous one. Excited to hear more about the Redwynds.
GOT: Ascent is great! I've been playing it for a while now. At first I was skeptical because I don't usually really care for these kinds of games, but I soon got addicted. My user ID thingy is 11242375 if anyone wants to add me.
[Refuse the woman's request.] Yeah, I think I'll pass. Thanks.
[New Character]
I really wish I had something to play apps on. My phone won't handle them, it just crashes. Anyways, great part!
[Refuse the woman's request.] [New Character]
I'll add you right NOW!
Yah,probably the apps aren't optimized for older devices,thank you anyways!
[Refuse the woman's request] and [New Character]
Me playing ascent is just doing quests and occasionally getting silver, I don't know what's going on half the time XD
Haha,yeah it is pretty complicated,luckily i got used to it!
[Refuse the woman's request.] and [Merrik's] That poem/song is so catchy! For some reason it makes me think of the Mormonts. Why bother becoming rich if it means becoming a crow, you'll have no place to spend it.
Yay! Also, I forgot to mention the bear song got stuck in my head while reading. xD
"A bear, a bear! All black and brown and covered with hair!"
Hehe,i see what you mean...maybe some riches that will help you as a crow... (and the song is actually in the show and the books,in fact i copied it from the books)
Hi guys! New part! Enjoy it!
Maryette Nysandel
''Ludd will soon make his move...'' Maryette heard a drunk soldier talking to his colleague ''Ramsay won't allow that,he needs both houses.'' Maryette adjusted herself on her chair and put her hands around the horn of ale that was sitting on the table of an inn,where she was trying to get information for the house she now serves; House Forrester. ''Ramsay will make House Forrester join ours,we would be more useful to him.'' The drunk guard says ''So he's a Whitehill'' Maryette thought ''Are you soft in the head?! It doesn't matter what Ramsay says! It's Roose Bolton who has most power! I believe he is the most dangerous and cunning man in the Seven Kingdoms,Tywin Lannister is a joke!'' The sober guard continued ''Still,you're talking about a dangerous person in an inn,a place full of ear-'' The sober guard then looked over to Maryette's table,and saw that she was drinking some ale,and holding her head in her hands ''You really don't get it do you? Ramsay Bolton is no one,his father is dangerous'' ''Don't you know what happens to people Ramsay doesn't like?'' The drunk guard got closer to his friend,who was eating a lemoncake ''They get flayed,their skin is cut off from their bodies,their balls too,their hair burned. Ramsay Bolton doesn't spare no one.'' The drunk guard says,and the other guard shrugs his shoulders ''I still think that Ludd will go to war with the Forresters,he already has his son at Ironrath,and he will soon have another pair of ears and eyes there.'' Maryette's expression turned to calmness to confusion,but lasted a second. She masked her expression and fiddled with the horn of ale,luckily the Whitehill soldiers were stupid enough to not notice her ''It's not safe to talk about it here,tell me when we get out.'' The sober guard said and helped the drunk guard to the door which led to the outside. ''The Open Crown.'' Maryette read out loud the name of the inn ''Is that a bad joke about Joffrey's death?'' She spoke to the innkeeper ''No,i opened this inn when The War of the Five Kings started,the Crown was indeed open to everybody,up for grabs.'' The old innkeeper said ''What's your name?'' He asked Maryette,she got up and went over to the counter and shook his hand ''Violet Durwell.'' She said,the man believed her,he had a somewhat truthful light in his eyes,as she did. Maryette was the most truthful person in her family,House Nysandel,but she learned how to be cunning as well. House Nysandel is a poor,humble House of the North,it's major,and only seat was in the Wolfswood,the castle's name was Old Road Castle. ''I should write to Rodrik.'' She thought ''I am going to go over to my table.'' She said to the man ''I am Carl.'' The elderly man said to her,and she nodded. When she got over her table she sat down and took out a piece of paper from her robes.
The situation seems to get worse,there could be a traitor in your council,and if you don't stop him soon,there might be heavy consequences. Stay safe.
She then folded the piece of paper ''Do you have a raven? I need to send a letter'' The man nodded and went over to a small cage,which was unlocked. ''He is always here,the most loyal and trustable raven in all of the Seven Kingdoms,his name is Edwin.'' Maryette found it cute that Carl named a raven,and she was happy to have him fly for a bit,before returning in a cage. ''If i may ask,where are you sending him?'' Maryette found it clear that the man didn't have any bad intention ''Ironrath,Edwin won't even get tired.'' Then he nods knowingly ''Everyday i get loads of people coming here and talking about the feud between the Forresters and Whitehills! They aren't here yet,but they'll eventually come,the inn is always full from eight in the morning to when i close!'' He says,and Maryette nods,dawn was setting and Westeros was waking up. The Lannisters,the Martells,the remaining Starks,if there is any left,and her House too. She took Edwin and put the letter in his small claws,then let it fly towards Ironrath. ''Off to a new adventure,new places,new sightings.'' Carl watched as his probably best friend and best raven flew off to Ironrath. ''Hope he doesn't get shot down,the other ravens seem clumsy.'' He says,and watches the sky ''I am going to go now.'' She says and then walks out of the inn. She had to walk to Ironrath ''I'll probably arrive there in half a hour.'' She says,and looks at the dagger she has sheathed on the side of her leg,and feels the bow she has on her back. The quiver was dangling slightly on the side of her left leg,and she had light armor. She watched as the red sun set and the horses in the various farmlands began to wake up. She was now walking for quite some time when she stopped. ''What was that?'' She wondered to herself,then she heard a branch snapping. The road was quite wide,and people should start passing here soon,but she reached for her bow and her quiver,and was looking frantically around her,trying to figure out where the sound originated. She continued to walk and everytime she stopped it seemed that someone was stopping with her,alongside her. She then broke out in a mad run,dashing towards Ironrath,her vision was blurred out,and her bow was slowing her down,she then heard someone chasing her,and she turned around,and shot an arrow at her attacker,the man,who was one of the Whitehill guards that were in the inn,got hit in the shoulder. The man cried out and fell to the ground. Maryette then walked up to him and held his chin in her hands,then she looked at him in the eyes,and recognized him. ''I should make you bleed out,like a succulent pig.'' She said,and unsheathed her dagger,and held it to his throat ''But-'' Maryette pricked his cheek with the dagger,making him bleed ''I HAVE A FAMILY!'' He said. ''Every Whitehill will get out of a sticky situation like that...'' The words of Rodrik echoed in Maryette's mind. It was her duty to House Forrester,but she could've captured him and have him brought to Rodrik...
[Kill the Man] [Let the man go] [Subdue him and take him to Ironrath]
So guys! The part's over! Did you like it? Tell me in the comments! I want to dedicate this chapter to @SerMarve,one of my newest but most active fans! Dis your character man,and it's good!
Whose part do you want next?
[Hunter's] [Merrik's] [Mark's] [Jarger Kieron and Philip's] [Brandon Thomas and Kevin's] [Korric's] [Megan's] [Damon's] [Saya's] [Talon chapter] [Largonis] [Daegon's] [Maryette's]
I noticed that Jarger Kieron and Philip are now not chosen anymore,alongside Mark and Hunter! But there is still time,vote whoever you want,the story won't end so soon. (I planned to end this ''Book'' which turned out to be kind of a ruckus because i didn't have a precise lore,but the next ''Book'' will start in December (The Irony) and it will feature Merrik and Sylvi's story for the better part. It always will include all the other characters,but they'll be less seen (Merrik's chapter,another character,then Merrik again,a character,a character,and Merrik.)
[Subdue him and take him to Ironrath]
I'm so happy how this turned out, you portrayed her perfectly! ;v; I don't even have any words for this, thanks so much for making this part! I won't make a decision this time since it's my own character, though. ^^
[Kill the Man] [Largonis]
No no,you can vote! Your vote actually counts two because you too have to chose where your own character has to go! And thank YOU,because all of you make interesting characters,and i really feel satisfied reading your comments. (What houses did Maryette serve?)
[Subdue him and take him to Ironrath] and [Mark's]
[Subdue him and take him to Ironrath] and [Mark's] Nice, I actually do want to see the chapters that haven't been done in a while, I think I actually enjoy the ones you mentioned the most. Plus Mark's status has been Unknown for a while.
Oh, alright! In that case, [Subdue him and take him to Ironrath]
Let's see... Out of the great houses: Stark, Tyrell, Arryn, Baratheon (when King Robert was still alive), Targaryen (after King Robert's death) and Bolton (to keep them and the Whitehills off of the Forresters backs). She has served smaller houses like Forrester, Mormont, Tarth etc. as well.
Yeah,probably the Lord of House Logan is now hanging out with Rodrik at Ironrath
Hi guys! New part! I think this will be the longest part up to date,and i want to dedicate it to @MyMotherInsisted,because he is awesome and he has been one of my fans for a long time! Enjoy it!!
Mark Logan
''I have to write back to him,Talia will understand'' (For those who don't remember,the choice was between accepting Damon's offer and invite him to Smithon or buy a gift for Talia,for her wedding,which will be in three days.) Mark said and started to write back to Damon Ravencrest
I accept your offer,and i invite you personally to my hold,Smithon. We'll break some bread and salt at my Wedding,and then we will see to the needs of our houses.
Mark Logan
He then closed the letter and ordered Talon,who was composing a new ballad,to send the raven,and he walked out of his room,his letter in his hand. Mark then sat back and enjoyed the warm chambers of Ironrath,which gave grand relief from the northern winds blowing. The words Melisandre spoke to him are still fresh in his mind ''Azor Ahai,who was born amidst smoke and salt,shall rise and protect the world when the darkness will engulf us.'' That's what he remembered. He remembered when Ebbert Whitehill cut his arm and put nettles in it,making the fresh blood smoke,and when he poured salt in the same wound. He moved his arm,and a stinging sensation came back to him. Two days had passed and the wound was still sore. He was thrown back into reality by Talon who entered his room ''I sent the raven m'lord,to Ravenrath.'' He said ''Thank you Talon,is it actually called Ravenrath? Very similar to Ironrath'' ''Indeed'' Talon said ''I still can't believe you are to be betrothed to Talia Forrester'' He added ''When Damon will come to my wedding,tomorrow,he will see that we are many,and the same day,he will sleep in my castle,in my chambers,and will see that we don't mean harm to him. We have to help him understand the most important things a lord does.'' He said to Talon ''I believe his minstrels will be coming too.'' He added ''YES! I will finally write some new songs with other minstrels!'' Talon jumped from the excitement,and drank some ale that was sitting by Mark's elbow. ''We just have to hope Whitehills aren't going to interfere tomorrow.'' Mark said,and then laid down on his bed ''It's getting late,tomorrow will be a long day,so i suggest you go to your rooms now,lest you sleep on your feet tomorrow.'' ''You are not my lord! I am a free minstrel,free to do what i want!'' He said and trotted out of Mark's room,but hit Talia on the way out ''I'm sorry minstrel! Did i hurt you?'' She asked him,and Talon shook his head ''No,Lady Talia,just a bit,and i am Talon!'' ''That is a lovely name! Do you have any house?'' Talon's eyes widened,and slowly walked away from Mark and Talia ''Yes,but it's not important! Now rest,because tomorrow will be a long day,so i suggest you lay down and get some sleep,lest you end up falling asleep at your feast!'' He said and quickly ran away. Then Talia shrugged ''Has he got something to hide?'' ''No,i know him since i was born,he is a Waters,a bastard from King's Landing,in fact i never seen any parent of his.'' Mark said and got up from his bed,and took Talia's cheeks in his hands,before kissing her passionately and putting her on the bed. Little did he know,Talon had a few secrets to hide...
''My Lord,you must get up.'' Mark was awoken by Talia ''Call me Mark,please'' He said ''Mark,get up.'' Talia repeated,and Mark did,and kissed Talia on the lips ''Today is our day.'' He said and started to dress in elegant,but humble clothes. ''Talia...i must ask you something.'' ''What is it,Mark?'' She asked him and smiled ''You don't feel...bad about marrying me,right?'' ''Of course not! I wanted you since you first showed up here!'' Talia said,and grabbed his cheeks,and looked into his eyes,before kissing him passionately. Mark hugged her and felt like the most lucky person in the world. He heard of lords,unhappy with their matches,but he loved Talia since he was little,and played with her in the grove. He smiled brightly at her ''Is Damon Ravencrest here yet?'' ''He has arrived ten minutes ago,i spent most of the time trying to wake you up.'' She then smiled,he quickly got out of his room and stepped into the great hall,where he found Damon Ravencrest sitting on a chair,his hands fiddling on the table. Just as he saw Mark,he hastily got up,hitting his knee against the table,he winced but just for a second,which made Mark laugh. ''Don't panic,we are here to talk'' Mark said,and Damon brought a hand to his golden blonde hair ''Yes,i know. I have a few things i need to understand.'' ''First off,how does your house fare?'' Mark asked him,and Damon's eyes went emotionless ''Eh?'' He asked,and a man,with a chain around his neck,maybe his maester,took him to a side. After a few seconds he came back ''Pretty well,how is yours?'' ''Perfectly,House Forrester is joining House Logan.'' ''Oh,wow,i see'' Damon was fiddling with his fingers ''My house will be like yours one day.'' He stated,Mark could see some kind of pride in his eyes,a pride he liked. ''Who are your whisperers?'' ''My friend,Harold'' Mark nodded ''My wedding will soon start,i hope you are staying here for my feast?'' Mark asks ''My castle is far from here,and staying here will mean that i am going to go home at night.'' ''You'll come with me at Smithon,my castle.'' ''Oh,perfect!'' Damon said,and Talia interrupted them. ''Mark...it's time.'' She said and smiled to him. Mark's eyes lit up and his heart started to speed up. She then took his hand in hers and started to walk towards the Grove. When she opened the doors to it she saw many people attending to the wedding: Ser Royland,Ser Duncan,Elissa Forrester,Rodrik Forrester,even Mira Forrester came from King's Landing. Talia walked towards a godswood,where an old woman was standing. The two stopped in front of the godswood and the woman,and the whole grove fell silent. The woman took their hands and bound them together “In the sight of the old gods, I hereby see you these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words.” Talia looked at Mark,and Mark looked at her. They started to speak at the unison
''Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am his/hers, and s/he is mine, from this day, till the end of my days.''
Mark then kissed Talia,and hugged her. The crowd cheered them but they didn't notice. Their minds were in synchronization,their hearts had the same rythm,and their thoughts close. A group of women then tried to take Mark to his bedroom,to start the Bedding Ceremony,but he pulled away from them. The women tried to get close again but he refused. ''It's the groom's choice! Let him be!'' The old woman said and then smiled at Mark,who looked at the big tables with all kinds of food on them. He then took Talia by the hand and brought her to those tables,then gestured to everyone to come.
'' A bear there was, a bear, a bear! all black and brown, and covered with hair. The bear! The bear! Oh come they said, oh come to the fair! The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair! And down the road from here to there. From here! To there! Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear! They danced and spun, all the way to the fair! The fair! The fair! Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair! The maid with honey in her hair! Her hair! Her hair! The maid with honey in her hair! The bear smelled the scent on the summer air. The bear! The bear! All black and brown and covered with hair! He smelled the scent on the summer air! He sniffed and roared and smelled it there! Honey on the summer air! Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! A bear! A bear! I'll never dance with a hairy bear! The bear, the bear! Lifted her high into the air! The bear! The bear! I called for a knight, but you're a bear! A bear, a bear! All black and brown and covered with hair She kicked and wailed, the maid so fair, But he licked the honey from her hair. Her hair! Her hair! He licked the honey from her hair! Then she sighed and squealed and kicked the air! My bear! She sang. My bear so fair! And off they went, from here to there, The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair!'' Talon sung with York and Yark,Damon's minstrels,while drinking some wine. The feast was worthy of a Baratheon's: All types of food for everyone,music and merryness. Mark was taking a hearty sip of wine and noticed Mira Forrester downing the tenth glass of wine ''I am going to go talk to your sister for a bit.'' He said to Talia and kissed her on her forehead,then went over to Mira,who was sitting close to Rodrik. ''HEY MARK! THIS FEAST IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED! SINCE WE KICKED GRYFF OUT WE HAVE BEEN LIVING WELL!'' Rodrik said to him with a happy smile,then started to make small talk with a smallfolk sitting near him. Mark then put a hand on Mira's shoulder ''Is everything okay,my lady?'' Mira smiled weakly to him ''Someone tried to kill me,you know in King's Landing'' He could see that she was a little bit affected by all the wine she drank. ''How!?'' ''With a knife,he was a Lannister guard...i don't know what to do.'' She said,he then decided to leave her to herself,and enjoyed himself until the end of the feast.
''My lord! The feast was awesome!'' Damon said to Mark when the feast was over. ''We should now go to Smithon'' ''It's better if we stay here,it's being rebuilt by Baratheon soldiers'' ''What?'' ''I am important to a red priestess.'' Damon's face widened ''Good for you...'' He trailed off ''Where are my chambers?'' ''Wherever you want,you are our guest!'' Mark said,and Damon bowed to him ''Thank you my lord,i wanted to ask you help for something though.'' Mark sighed ''What is it?'' ''It's just that,a friend of mine...left me by myself,and i wanted to look for her'' ''You want me to try and find her?'' ''She should be around White Harbor...'' ''What?! It's too far!'' Mark said ''Please,my lord...'' Damon pleaded
[Help Damon find Saya] [Find Mira and offer her your help]
So guys! The long part is over! Did you like it? I sure hope you did!!
Question Time
Happy for Mark coming back?
There is going to be a new POV for both of the choices,how do you feel about that?
Salt or Sugar?
Whose part do you want next?
[Hunter's] [Merrik's] [Mark's] [Jarger Kieron and Philip's] [Brandon Thomas and Kevin's] [Korric's] [Megan's] [Damon's] [Saya's] [Talon chapter] [Largonis] [Maryette] [Daegon's]
[Find Mira and offer her your help]
[Help Damon find Saya] and [Jarger Kieron and Philip's] Man, Mark's chapter was awesome, unlike my play-through of Game of Thrones, Mark actually had wedding compared to Rodrik. There are a lot of POVs, so its hard to remember what has happened, but little reminders like this chapter are helpful. Well I like Salt for the actual meal whereas I like Sugar with desserts. If I had to choose purely on the grains, I'd go with Sugar.
[Find Mira and offer her your help]
Salt or Sugar? Salt.
Great part!
[Find Mira and offer her your help] Sorry Damon... Happy about Mark coming back? YES. Talia x Mark is my OTP in this fanfic. xD Two POVs? Awesome! Salt or sugar, hmm... Depends on my mood I guess. xD [Jarger Kieron and Philip's]
Talia x Mark...ooh,i love destroying otp's,thank you for reminding me
Don't. You. Dare. glares
you break up OTP i stop reading... just kidding... or am i? [Find Mira and offer her your help] and [Jarger, Kieron and Philip's]**
I see what you did there...
As my homie George RR Martin says
''I don't care,it's for the sake of the plot.''
Hi guys! New part,enjoy it! (Yay finally posting dailyy)
Jarger's POV
(The choice was to allow the red head girl to come in the Vale or send her away)
''I'll open the gates.'' Jarger said to the woman and opened the gates,letting the girl in. She walked up to him and held out her hand ''I am Saya,it is nice to meet you.'' ''Why are you here,Saya?'' Jarger asks her ''Finding a job'' ''I suggest you try for the inns then,they always have plenty of work there.'' ''Not that work,i mean dirty work'' Saya says and Jarger shrugs ''You've come to the right place.'' Saya then smiled ''Oh,i didn't know. Thank you for letting me in.'' Saya said and smiled ''I am going to come with you,all this work has got me tired,feeling in the mood for an ale?'' ''Always in the right mood for ale'' Saya smirked and Jarger took her hand in his,then they started to walk towards the closest inn. ''She is rather good looking.'' Jarger thought,watching as her red locks flew in the air. ''What was your last job about?'' Jarger asked her,Saya looked up to him and opened her mouth to speak,but she broke it off quickly. ''It's nothing important.'' ''It is,if you say to a stranger you just met it's not.'' Jarger's Kingsguard job at King's Landing rubbed off on him,and could tell if people were lying to him or not. ''I was paid by a man to be his sellsword,he was really funny,but...he left me behind,he didn't need me anymore.'' Saya then sighed and continued to walk,the inn was now getting closer. ''I'm sorry,maybe he had his reasons.'' Jarger said ''He had,that's why my job is for heartless people,everybody will just 'use' you and pay you,there is no such thing as loyalty. ''Loyalty can be bought'' Jarger said ''It can't,loyalty comes from within the heart of the person who gives it.'' ''You are smart for a sellsword!'' Jarger said,and Saya playfully patted him on the shoulder. They arrived at the inn,and Jarger sat down at a table. Saya went over to a grizzly man behind the counter who gave her two horns of ale. She got back to the table and started drinking ale with her new friend Jarger.
Kieron's POV
(If you don't remember what is going on with Kieron,i really suggest you go back and read it,to avoid confusion.)
Kieron was awoken by a burning pain on his head. He felt the cold floor of a castle,and the warmness of the blood which was trickling down his forehead. ''Bastard knocked me out.'' He said,remembering what Philip and Mord did to him. He heard a few men talking,and he slowly got up. He then noticed that the air was really cold. He turned around to notice he was locked in a sky cell,he trembled,noticing he was sleeping dangerously close to the edge. He heard a man unlock the door of his cell,and tried to attack him,but the man slammed the door on his face,making him fall. He saw it was Philip Cornay,with a dagger in his hand ''How is your head feeling? Probably better than your nose!'' He said,noticing the cut he made on his nose when he slammed the door ''Listen to me carefully,you are going to follow me,and you are going to be quiet.'' He said,and drug Kieron out of the cell ''I miss Mira...'' Kieron thought. Philip noticed that Philip was acting odd,almost as if something was about to happen. He was drug across the whole castle,when he stopped outside a door. He noticed that Mord was standing there too. ''You are going to enter that room and you are going to watch what will happen to Sansa Stark.'' Philip said,pushing the dagger into his hand. Kieron then entered the room and saw that Sansa Stark was standing on her own bed ''Hi Kie-'' She stopped when Mord entered the room screaming and running towards her. She yelled and Mord tackled her to the ground,and slapped her across the face. Sansa cried out in pain and Kieron ran towards Mord,pulling him away from Sansa ''WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!'' Kieron yelled to him,and Mord knocked him to the ground ''I SAID BE QUIET!'' He screamed to Kieron,who got up. Mord then got on top of her again,and Kieron was about to pull him off again when he saw Philip outside the room with the knife in his hand,a menacing look about him. He then understood that he couldn't do anything,for his own safety. Mord hastily undressed her,ripping her dress off,and Sansa screamed in shock,tears flowing down her cheeks ''PLEASE HELP ME KIERON,DON'T LET HIM TOUCH ME PLEASE!'' She repeated over and over again,looking in Kieron's eyes every time she said it. What Kieron saw in her eyes was pain and fear. He heard the door opening and saw Littlefinger running in the room,stabbing Mord in the back with Philip's knife and pulling him away from Sansa. Mord ran out of the room,crying and clutching his wound,and Sansa was now crying on the ground,Littlefinger soothing her and holding her. She pulled away from him and screamed at him,he then decided to exit the room. ''Let me stay here please.'' Kieron said to Philip,who glared at him. Kieron slowly got up,and caressed Sansa's hair. She looked up to him,her eyes full of pain,and relief,Kieron then noticed a tear was flowing down his cheek,and wiped it off quickly. He then was led out of Sansa's room and he was brought out of the castle ''You can wander around if you want,just keep this secret.'' Philip said,his voice changed,almost as if it went from sly,to sincere. ''I will,but please,let Sansa out of that room,i need to talk to her.'' Kieron pleaded him,and Philip nodded solemly ''I will.'' Philip said and then walked back in the castle. Kieron was taken aback,he didn't think that Philip would accept,yet a few minutes later Sansa walked out of the castle,and saw Kieron. Her face was now bright,and happy. ''What did Philip say to her?'' Kieron thought,and saw that Sansa was walking towards him. She got in front of him ''Philip explained me that Littlefinger set this up,that's why Mord was very slow.'' She explained to him ''Lady Sansa,i couldn't help you.'' Kieron said,guilt in his voice. ''I know you couldn't. That's why i asked my aunt to make you my personal guard. And now you are.'' Sansa then smiled briefly at him. ''Great! I would have asked her myself...but i decided not to.'' Kieron then smiled and took her hand in his ''Care for a walk?'' Sansa then gladly nodded and they started to walk around the castle. ''What a day...'' Kieron started ''Indeed. I almost prefer King's Landing to this place.'' Sansa said,and Kieron shook his head ''Me too...i had a friend there.'' ''Who?'' Sansa asked ''A handmaiden. Mira Forrester.'' ''Oh the Forresters! I recall Gregor being at a feast in Winterfell one time. And her daughter,Talia,always liked to play with my hair. Ned and him would go on for hours about how northern we were and if we would've grown up like northern girls. Unfortunately i didn't.'' Sansa said,and Kieron looked down at the ground ''Wow...i don't- i don't know what to say. I was...really fond of her.'' Kieron said,and Sansa looked at him,almost jealously. Kieron then stuttered ''Do ships sail to King's Landing fr-from here?'' He asked,and Sansa shook his head ''You don't want to go back there.'' Sansa said simply,her face turned from calm to upset. ''I have to.'' Kieron said,remembering his duty to Daenerys Targaryen to spy on Mira,to learn more about the Forresters,and he wanted to see Mira again. ''You don't have to go there. You are now my guard and there is nothing you can do about it,yes there are ships sailing to King's Landing,but i won't let you go.'' Sansa said,holding Kieron's hand. ''I have to go,i have to fulfill my duty to Daenerys and i have to see Mira again.'' He thought,and spoke up...
[Tell her about your duty in King's Landing,and convince her to send you to King's Landing.] [Shake her hand away,and hastily get on a ship to King's Landing.] [Stay with Sansa]
(@MyMotherInsisted's vote is worth two,because this is his character's biggest decision up to date)
Jarger's POV
''And he gave me these daggers.'' Saya continued her long speech about her father and showed Jarger the two double sided daggers the sellsword who found her gave them to her ''Your father must've been a honorable man'' ''He wasn't my father...he just found me.'' Saya said ''What about your story,eh? What's your background?''
[Tell her your story] [Avoid her question]
So guys! Part is over! Did you like it? Tell me in the comments!
Whose part do you want next?
[Hunter's] [Merrik's] [Mark's] [Jarger Kieron and Philip's] [Brandon Thomas and Kevin's] [Korric's] [Megan's] [Damon's] [Saya's] [Talon chapter] [Largonis] [Maryette] [Daegon's]
[Tell her about your duty in King's Landing,and convince her to send you to King's Landing.]
[Tell her your story]
I liked the stories. all of them were pretty good.
[Tell her about your duty in King's Landing,and convince her to send you to King's Landing.] [Tell her your story] [Megan's]
Great part!
[Tell her about your duty in King's Landing,and convince her to send you to King's Landing.]
[Tell her your story]
Awesome chapter! Poor Sansa though... I want to stay with her, but Kieron has to get to King's Landing. ;-;
Fake sad tone of voice Oh! You'd leave the poor Sansa heartbroken?! How cruel of you!! Smirks
[Tell her about your duty in King's Landing,and convince her to send you to King's Landing.]
[Tell her your story]
Breaking up my actually biggest OTP in this because I can. sorrynotsorry
Game Of Thrones is not about otps...
Talia X Mark..