Lee Everett vs Bigby Wolf (Epic Rap Battle)
Its gotten over 5 million views so far, since its pretty remarkably good:
*Unfortunately its in Spanish but still sounds cool, whatever they must be saying.
What do you guys think, is it entertaining?
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I only understood about 1/3 of it, but the guy has a great flow.
I can translate, I speak spanish.
Man. It's moments like this I really wish I knew spanish.
Me too, so that makes two of us
Spanish is one of the hardest languages to learn.
Would someone please translate this video to English?
Took some time, but lol here. I've done the best I can, even though I think I mistranslated a few parts, but hopefully it's all right. And ah, warning, there’s some language/sex references (which I didn’t write of course). Also, I haven't played The Wolf Among Us.
Ha llegado el gangsta más agresivo del ghetto
The most aggressive gangsta of the ghetto has arrived
Llevo el don del rap en los genes
I carry the gift of rapping in my genes
Exijo respeto
I demand respect
Querido comisario, tú no puedes contra mí
Dear Sheriff, you can’t go against me
Mis rimas son duros dolpes
My rhymes are hard hits
Llámame “Bruce Lee”
Call me, “Bruce Lee”
Soy un experto en los no muertos
I’m an expert in the undead
Los pateo de norte a sur
I’ll kick them from north to south
Jacob, el de Crepúsculo, es más feroz que tú
Jacob, from Twilight, is more ferocious than you
Por cierto, he quedado con Snow hoy a las nueve
By the way, I’d stayed with Snow today at nine o’clock
Seguro que tiene ganas de probar mi blanca nieve
I’m sure that she’s willing to taste my white snow
Todo tu pueblo te teme, no hay quien te soporte
You entire town fears you, there’s no one who supports you
Te abandonó hasta tu padre, el mismo Viento del Norte
Even your father abandoned you, the same North Wind
He sido criado en Macon, soy duro como una viga
I was born in Macon, I’m tough like a steel beam
¿Crees que puedes derrotarme?
You think that you can defeat me?
¡Ja! ¡Sigue soñando, n*gga!
Ha! Keep dreaming, n*gga!
Érase una vez la historia de un negro bobo
Once upon a time there was a story of an idiotic black man
Que creía que era fuerte y podía acabar con todo
That thought that he was strong and was able to finish off everyone
Quiso enfrentarse con Bigby Wolf, vencerlo de algún modo
He wanted to go up against Bigby Wolf, to defeat him somehow
Y él solito se metió en la puta boca del lobo
And he was all alone as he stepped into the wolf’s motherf*cking mouth
¿Pistolas? ¿Escopetas?
Pistols? Shotguns?
Tan solo me hacen cosquillas
They’re only tickles to me
Yo no soy uno de esos Caminantes de pacotilla
I’m not one of those trashy Walkers
No me supones un reto, paleto, eso es lo que hay
You’re no challenge to me, hick, that’s just the way it is
Me sería más difícil combatir con Clementine
It would be harder to fight with Clementine
Ya sé que eres un superviviente, pero por favor...
I already know that you’re a survivor, but please…
Mi compañero de piso es un cerdo y huele mejor
My roommate is a pig and he smells better than you
No te pases ni un pelo, puedes darte por avisado
Don’t cross me, not even a hair, if you’re able to pay attention
Porque si me enfadas voy a dejar tus labios sellados
Because if you make me angry I’m going to shut your mouth
¡Qué orejas tan grandes tienes!
What big ears you have!
Escucha estas rimas locas
Listen to these insane rhymes
¡Qué nariz tan grande tienes!
What a big nose you have!
¿Puedes oler tu derrota?
Can you smell your defeat?
¡Qué fauces tan grandes tienes!
What big jaws you have!
Mejor, así no te ahogas
Good, this way you won’t choke
Cuando meta mi gran polla negra dentro de tu boca
When I stick my big black d*ck down your throat
Soy el audaz Lee Everett, y yo jamás te temeré
I’m the audacious Lee Everett, and I will never fear you
Mi flow es impactante y llega alto como el Everest
My flow is impressive and reaches as high as Mount Everest
Al batallar contra mí es normal que pierdas
To do battle against me, it’s normal that you’ll lose
Y que vuelvas a Fabletown con el rabo entre las piernas
And you’ll go back to Fabletown with your tail between your legs
¡ROAR! ¡Se acabó!
ROAR! It’s over!
¡No debiste jugar con fuego!
You shouldn’t have played with fire!
En este combate vas a acabar igual en tu juego
In this battle you’ll meet the same end as in your game
Siente el miedo
Feel the fear
Puedo devorarte de un solo bocado
I can devour you in one single bite
Pero mejor no, yo paso de morder a un infectado
But better not, I pass on biting infected people
Soplaré, soplaré, y a este tonto derribaré
I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll knock this fool down
Con la fuerza de mis pulmones al pozo te tiraré
With the force of my lungs I’ll throw you down Witching Well
Parece que este cuento ya ha llegado a su fin
It appears that this story has become his end
Colorín Colorado…
That’s all folks
He acabado con Lee
I’ve finished with Lee
I don't know about that. It's pronounced like it's written and the grammar is easy. It's way simple than Arabic or even French.
THANK YOU! Thanks, for knowing Spanish and translating the lyrics to English text, I can finally understand how they're mocking each other - though I think it does sound more catchy in Spanish.
Hmm, I'm not so sure about that. I can't really speak spanish but I don't believe it's that hard.
That's true. I'm currently learning Arabic and I only need to learn the grammar. .__.