Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Don't worry. No one will know a thing ;)

    Your name is no longer in my reply ;)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    what are you doing? don't say my real name! it's taking all the magic away!

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    this sure has blown me away!...

    Hey, Rhys. Was your Dad in the Air Force? Because you’re the bomb.

  • I just noticed something,Fiona and Mira look strangely identical (except for the hair style).

  • somebody is trying to join the inner circle


    Hey, Rhys. You smell. You should get a shower. With me.

  • And the skin color xD

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I just noticed something,Fiona and Mira look strangely identical (except for the hair style).

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Don't worry. No one will know a thing Your name is no longer in my reply

  • They must be in the same family

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I just noticed something,Fiona and Mira look strangely identical (except for the hair style).

  • enter image description here

    buntingsir posted: »

    Aww, let's hug it out like we always used to! ;~~~;

  • Can't blame Punished "Venom" Dany for going nuclear. Lannisters played her like a damn fiddle, and she ended up being in a coma for 9 years,

    Oh the horror. My avatar turned into Punished Dany. What the hell happened to her? ;_; enter link description here

  • Have you see all their skin ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    And the skin color xD

  • I think it's just the lighting in The Hub of Heroism that makes her look like that,even Rhys's skin was darker in that place.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    And the skin color xD

  • Yes! And Molotov cocktails too! And ice cream! :D

    buntingsir posted: »

    should we bring some flamethrowers? >:D

  • Smoother than Sasha's Chest. OOH BURN BABY BURN!

    so much smoothness...

  • Just played through all of episode 1-3 picking all the dick options. Selling out Vaughn, No BroFist, Not trusting Sasha, Trusting Jack, OPENLY saying i don't trust Fiona and Going to hollowpoint yet Sasha still says "You're not as useless as I first thought." I Don't give a fuck what anyone says, This shit is forced big time. Sasha just looks stupid in my game for doing heel turn like this.

  • Maybe Mira is Fiona's ancestor?

    Eryka posted: »

    They must be in the same family

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Boys, we're in for some action, bring out the popcorn!

    Hey, Rhys. You smell. You should get a shower. With me.

  • Me too, but... she isn't all right currently. ;_;

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Please, change it. I'm going to have nightmares ;__;

  • Well i just made this, Its past 3a.m, i'm tired as hell but i finished and it was worth it, now after posting this i will go sleep :D

    enter image description here

    Made with SFM/Photoshop/ you have permission to do whatever with it, would make a good poster imo

  • I've definetely heard that one a million times.

    I fucking swear if you made these all by yourself you have my respect.

  • Sasha still says "You're not as useless as I first thought."

    enter image description here

    pls, telltale...

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Just played through all of episode 1-3 picking all the dick options. Selling out Vaughn, No BroFist, Not trusting Sasha, Trusting Jack, OPEN

  • OMG I legitimately jumped and clapped my hands, it's wonderful and amazing :'D ;~~~;

    I still have this one saved! (And as of now I have two of these c:)

    enter image description here

  • Trusting Jack

    C'mon Jack's plan is way more badass then Fiona's plan!

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Just played through all of episode 1-3 picking all the dick options. Selling out Vaughn, No BroFist, Not trusting Sasha, Trusting Jack, OPEN

  • Okay :D I kinda miss MCSmooth Rhys but MCLoser fits him better :D He's been adorkable from a beginning! :>

    I know that I made him a crybaby for some reason xD

    buntingsir posted: »

    Wolfie made him somehow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also we used to chat about his dorkyness (I'm still not sure if that's a word), maybe he got influenced by that ;-;

  • edited September 2015

    Beaaautiful... <3

    Night, Jamie!... I only came on for a few minutes... gotta go soon too.

    Well i just made this, Its past 3a.m, i'm tired as hell but i finished and it was worth it, now after posting this i will go sleep Made with SFM/Photoshop/ you have permission to do whatever with it, would make a good poster imo

  • Mira so pale she offends the KKK.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    And the skin color xD

  • G'night.

    It looks really nice!

    Well i just made this, Its past 3a.m, i'm tired as hell but i finished and it was worth it, now after posting this i will go sleep Made with SFM/Photoshop/ you have permission to do whatever with it, would make a good poster imo

  • U wot m8?

    Mira is love, Mira is life, bruh <3

    Mira so pale she offends the KKK.

  • came

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Beaaautiful... Night, Jamie!... I only came on for a few minutes... gotta go soon too.

  • Hey, Rhys.

    enter image description here

    I like that outfit. It'd look even better in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning.

  • Seriously, bruh!? How long will you be gone? ;~~;

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Beaaautiful... Night, Jamie!... I only came on for a few minutes... gotta go soon too.

  • Nice!

    Well i just made this, Its past 3a.m, i'm tired as hell but i finished and it was worth it, now after posting this i will go sleep Made with SFM/Photoshop/ you have permission to do whatever with it, would make a good poster imo

  • edited September 2015

    Aw, it's amazing like always. Wow, astonishing, really, great work!

    Sweet dreams, man!

    Well i just made this, Its past 3a.m, i'm tired as hell but i finished and it was worth it, now after posting this i will go sleep Made with SFM/Photoshop/ you have permission to do whatever with it, would make a good poster imo

  • I know that, But I'd rather gain trust of bae then my hero. I just finished the scene I agreed to let go of Sasha. No difference so far.

    Trusting Jack C'mon Jack's plan is way more badass then Fiona's plan!

  • I like that outfit. It'd look even better in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning.

    enter image description here

    Hey, Rhys. I like that outfit. It'd look even better in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning.

  • Why can't I stop liking you more?! ;~~; <3

    Hey, Rhys. I like that outfit. It'd look even better in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning.

  • If I'm honest?... no idea. :s

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Seriously, bruh!? How long will you be gone? ;~~;

  • Plot Twist : @armis37 is my son. @BigBadPaul is his father. I'm still in love with Armis and I'm now pregnant of him.

  • edited September 2015

    Well i just made this, Its past 3a.m, i'm tired as hell but i finished and it was worth it, now after posting this i will go sleep Made with SFM/Photoshop/ you have permission to do whatever with it, would make a good poster imo

  • What kind of candy...?


    Dracu98 posted: »

    come into the shelter, @TheCatWolf... I have candy...

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