Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • ayy lmao

    enter image description here

    This would actually be my reaction to a Rhyiona Kiss now that I found a better gif.

    Love you too Probably I'd have same reaction to a Rhyiona kiss

  • Yep.

    whaaaat? for free?!

  • edited September 2015

    Can I get in on this?

    my username is: I'm a Lumberjack... (same profile pic as here)

    who else has a steam account here so i can add him/her?

  • Good morning, guys ^.^

    So today I came to check a little bit early.

    I came just to say 'Hi' cause now I'll go to school :(

    I'll probably be back in 5 hours so see you guys later ^^

    P.S. I hate typing on my phone ;-;


  • As cheesy as this may seem it fits any good romance, real or fiction. I almost use this quote as a gauge for all pairings I like.

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • You know, looking at the episode 5 thumbail, it kinda makes me scared what will happem.

  • That quote is perfect for them, it fits all they've been through (and all they'll go through in the final episode sobs)

  • Maybe it'll get changed. Happened to episode 4's thumbnail.

    You know, looking at the episode 5 thumbail, it kinda makes me scared what will happem.

  • Yeah, but it still scares me.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Maybe it'll get changed. Happened to episode 4's thumbnail.

  • Well I'll admit that it is scary :P

    Yeah, but it still scares me.

  • I'm still salty for them changing it, I wanted my Loaderbot fight! ಠ╭╮ಠ

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Maybe it'll get changed. Happened to episode 4's thumbnail.

  • enter image description here

    I think I may have something to show you guys next week! It's all about Rhyiona too! AHHH, how I need to keep the details all to myself...it's so hard!

  • it's so hard!


    kristi78968 posted: »

    I think I may have something to show you guys next week! It's all about Rhyiona too! AHHH, how I need to keep the details all to myself...it's so hard!


    That's how Fiona was woken up at the ass crack of dawn. All thanks to that clumsy idiot.

    "W...what? Rhys, it's 6 in the morning...what's wrong?"

    "Y-you gotta help me! I fell in the...I...my mechanical arm!" Rhys frantically explained his situation while the reception, at least on Fiona's end, in fuzzy and kept cutting out.

    "Rhys, you're not coming in clear."

    "ARE YOU...KIDDING ME?! Sh...this thing really is jacked up!" Fiona swear she could hear running water in the background, at least, that's what she could make out. After a loud bang or two, Rhys came back on the line.

    "OKAY LISTEN, I fell in the shower and I broke my mechanical arm! Vaughn isn't back from work. and I can't get up by myself without the danger of slipping and breaking this thing even further. Can you come over and help me up?"

    "After waking me up this early? Hell no." Fiona was about to hang up until Rhys interrupted her.

    "Pleeeaaaseeee! I would call Sasha but I'm afraid she would just point and laugh!"

    "Oh yes, I'm sure she'll have a lot to laugh at." She smirks.

    Fiona couldn't see it, but she could swear that Rhys' face turned red like the strangely long tie he always wears.

    "S-shut up! Please, come over and help me up!" Fiona groans. She really doesn't want to help this guy out, but if she doesn't, she might never hear the end of it or ever get sleep again. Knowing Rhys and his persistence, it would end up being both.

    "Fine. Sit tight." She hangs up before Rhys can take up anymore of her time.

    When Fiona finally arrives at Rhys and Vaughn's apartment, it's oddly quiet. She takes the spare key from the potted plant, yes, those two are cliche enough to do that, and unlocks the apartment door. When she enters, she could now hear Rhys' sad groaning and the shower. Is she really about to do this? Is she actually going to make herself help a naked Rhys? The thought, as much as she didn't want it to show, made her cheeks blush. Could the Hyperion be hiding...no, surely not.

    Fiona's heels click on the wooden flooring, which makes Rhys' whining stop for a second. "Fi!?"

    "Yes?" She confirms his suspicions while standing outside the door.

    "Okay good, you're actually here! H-hold on, let me grab a t-towel! C-CRAP!" A loud thud can be heard. "I-I couldn't grab the tower...See, I told you I would end up slipping." Just how much soap did this guy use while showering?

    "I-I refuse to come in."

    "But Fi, I really need to get out!"

    ...Why? The thought of seeing the Hyperion in his current state made her face continue to go into different shades of red. She can't allow herself to go in this state but if she doesn't...

    "Why me?"

    An hour passed before Vaughn got home, way more tired than our fellow con-artist. When he enters the apartment, he can see a sleeping Fiona with her head on a sleeping but tower-covered Rhys' shoulder, whose mechanical arm...is wrapped in bandage.

    "...What happened?" Vaughn asks himself before walking over to the couple to get answers.

    W-well then, that was different to write. Definitely not my best work but I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless. :)

    Got the prompt from here. Maybe you guys can make something even better from this list? :)


  • I really need to re-word things better now that you're back!

    it's so hard! lewd


    kristi78968 posted: »


  • For reasl I'm gonna be so scared to play ep 5 when it comes out ;-;

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So, cuz now that Tales seems to be 100% finished and apparently is gonna make us cry... Sad Rhyiona confirmed? places a whole 1 dollar on a table Thats right. High stakes. Its happening.

  • edited September 2015

    but then BAM Vaughn awkwardly standing there in the background

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    She looks so unbelievably hot here!!!

  • ";-;"

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Rhyiona..." "...sucks!"

  • Super Max already has Chloe bruh :p

    or see something else entirely...

  • You can add me up, names "kappaquiff"

    who else has a steam account here so i can add him/her?



  • Fiona would love a sniff of Rhys then, I suppose :^)

    Hey, Rhys. Is your dad a drug dealer? Because you are dope.

  • edited September 2015

    Omg guys... just saw a picture with family tree and a background..
    Just ralized how much i miss all of you. with that damn work i have no time at all. But know, i`m with you, i am here!

  • saved as precious moment


  • Amazeballs bro!!

    See ya later then, hopefully :)

    Houpps posted: »

    My last work... for a while. I have no idea when I can return to forum. Will miss you guys. Innocence is gone. Only fear to play with

  • I'm convinced that at least one of the 'main 4' will die in this episode, as sad as that is ;^;

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Man, im starting to get nervous about the ending to Tales, I hope its not gonna be that sad ;-;

  • glad to hear that! :))

    bembiann posted: »

    Omg guys... just saw a picture with family tree and a background.. Just ralized how much i miss all of you. with that damn work i have no time at all. But know, i`m with you, i am here! hugs

  • hugs back It's been so long bembiann, so nice to se you here again!! :D

    bembiann posted: »

    Omg guys... just saw a picture with family tree and a background.. Just ralized how much i miss all of you. with that damn work i have no time at all. But know, i`m with you, i am here! hugs

  • edited September 2015

    Hey, Bembi! Long time no see! hugs

    I heard that Job Strauffer is asking you to draw a Rhysha art? Don't listen to him, he loves to annoy people around.

    bembiann posted: »

    Omg guys... just saw a picture with family tree and a background.. Just ralized how much i miss all of you. with that damn work i have no time at all. But know, i`m with you, i am here! hugs

  • edited September 2015

    AHHH Bembi! :D Hugs I'm glad to see you here.

    Don't worry about not being here much, you're stll apart of the family. :D

    Speaking of which, I need to tell Green to add you to the tree! (We just need your name which is optional, gender, and country!)

    bembiann posted: »

    Omg guys... just saw a picture with family tree and a background.. Just ralized how much i miss all of you. with that damn work i have no time at all. But know, i`m with you, i am here! hugs

  • I quit after 2 seasons, I have no desire to continue. :D But I'll still watch Heroes Reborn. :P

    I might start all over again at some point since I have no idea what happened. I've heard it gets weird and dull after first two seasons, but looks like you don't agree with that.

  • edited September 2015

    well... No, he just said something like it does not make sense, to draw Rhyiona cause Rhysha have more fans... Oo
    But it have no any influence on lack of my time to draw anything. Just have some problems with free time at the last 2,5 months

    Hey, Bembi! Long time no see! hugs I heard that Job Strauffer is asking you to draw a Rhysha art? Don't listen to him, he loves to annoy people around.

  • i`m not going anywhere. Still here.

    Vernaya posted: »

    glad to hear that! )

  • aww, glad to hear that

    kristi78968 posted: »

    AHHH Bembi! Hugs I'm glad to see you here. Don't worry about not being here much, you're stll apart of the family. Speaking of which

  • the same. Glad to have some time. That office shitty work will kill me, seriously. But, it is a designer`s work, but it takes all my free time.

    Quiff posted: »

    hugs back It's been so long bembiann, so nice to se you here again!!

  • Rhyiona is better than Rhysha. Rhysha have like 60+ members. Rhyiona here have like 110+ members.

    So... yeah. When you were away, this thread have 1,000 pages and 1 million views!

    bembiann posted: »

    well... No, he just said something like it does not make sense, to draw Rhyiona cause Rhysha have more fans... Oo But it have no any influence on lack of my time to draw anything. Just have some problems with free time at the last 2,5 months

  • Okay, I'm back from school :3

    So how is everyone today? ^-^

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