Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I heard that you were almost brave enough to come to Skype though or something like that lmao.

    Yeah ALMOST.. I'm not really sure why I'm so worried about it. We are all friends here and I'm sure they wouldn't laugh at me..at least I hope xD

    Well hopefully you will be able to! : D Always giggling, me too... I heard that you were almost brave enough to come to Skype though or something like that lmao.

  • I know...everything is 20% cooler when british...but I'm not british...cries in german

    But remember... Anything you can do, we brits can do better!

  • Yea don't worry, just do it! No one will laugh at you, only maybe with you haha. :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I heard that you were almost brave enough to come to Skype though or something like that lmao. Yeah ALMOST.. I'm not really sure why I'm so worried about it. We are all friends here and I'm sure they wouldn't laugh at me..at least I hope xD

  • I'm the new John guys.

    enter image description here

  • haha thanks, I feel better already! >:)

    Yea don't worry, just do it! No one will laugh at you, only maybe with you haha.

  • Plus I finally proved one of my teachers wrong on philosophical subject

    Wow! That's, pretty damn impressive! XD

    armis37 posted: »

    It's pretty decent, I guess. School surprisingly doesn't suck so much yet, and we're goofing with buddies all the time Plus I finally prove

  • Hey, Rhys.

    enter image description here

    You are so freaking selfish, you know that?

    You're going to have that body the rest of your life... And you won't let me borrow it for just one night?

  • Okay, I'm tired as fuck. I'm going to sleep now :(

    Goodnight, everyone. GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ~-^ <3

  • Oooooh.

    enter image description here

    Welcome back!

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    We will eagerly await your return. Trust me... the feeling is mutual.

  • Night, Wolfenus. ;p

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, I'm tired as fuck. I'm going to sleep now Goodnight, everyone. GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ~-^

  • You know what's awesome?


    Hey, Rhys. You are so freaking selfish, you know that? You're going to have that body the rest of your life... And you won't let me borrow it for just one night?

  • edited September 2015

    “10, 9, 8..” The automatic voice boomed over the forest-themed arena. The only thing that the 17-year-old boy was realising is that his seemingly imminent death was on it’s way, and soon. He looked to the female in his district, hoping that she would at least try to help him survive, but she seemed too determined to win this thing to help a weak boy out.

    The siren to declare war soon rung out, leaving Rhys startled while the other tributes ran to the middle, grabbing onto whatever weapon they could find. He first thought to make a beeline to the brush surrounding them, but - upon realising that he needed supplies to have a chance - decided to join the bloodbath in the centre.

    He sprinted from his podium all the way to the cornucopia, and he swiped for a backpack laying on the ground. As soon as that was on his back, he flung himself to the ground, dodging a metal arrow that came zooming above him. His expression showed how scared he was, and his eyes found a sneaky lens poking from one of the crates inside of the steel-built shelter, the lens focused on him, broadcasting his situation to his district back at his home.

    “Come on, Rhys…” The tribute’s best friend, Vaughn muttered as he stood tense, eager eyes drilled onto the screen on the stage. He was placed beside a girl of 14, the sister to the female tribute, who was also praying for her sister to be okay.

    In the arena, Rhys had managed to grab a mace-like weapon and a few short daggers, before he scrambled to his feet and ran haphazardly to the forest, bumping into the girl from his district, who turned around and looked terrified. Rhys doubted his decision for a while, but he did drag her with him in order to survive together. The girl only cried out to him, pleading that her life be spared. As soon as they were out of the clearing in the middle and beside a stream, Rhys let go of the girl and slid his backpack off of his shoulders.

    “Please don’t kill me,” She whimpered, visibly shaking at his sudden urge to take her with him, “I’m from District Three, too!” But Rhys merely waved her away as he filled the flask he found in his bag up with the stream water and handed it to her to drink. She looked confused, “What are you doing?” She asked him, only to be replied with a mere grunt as Rhys continued to search his surrounding, before looking back to the girl with a noticeably softer look, “Your name’s Fiona, right?” His hushed voice questioned, while he shuffled ever so closer to Fiona and put a hand on her arm.

    She nodded and relaxed her tense posture, “I know you’re Rhys, but why did you take me?” And the young boy merely shrugged his shoulders, “I think we should work as a team. We haven’t spoken yet.” His oddly calm tone worried Fiona as she listened intently to him, nodding at his suggestion, “I’m not that great at fighting, I’m better a-“ She instantly halted herself when a muscular figure emerged behind Rhys with a hollowing smirk and a spear raised. She squeaked, for she knew that the boy from her district could fight worth some food. He wasn't the strongest of the tributes but he was no idiot. In the training centre she had seen his expertise in slashing and sneaking and slamming his weapons. As soon as Fiona made a noise that was too innocent for her looks, Rhys spun on the spot and also noticed the man who stood tall behind them. He had sharp features with sandy blonde hair, and a matching beard. His blue eyes poured into Rhys’ mismatched ones as the latter rolled to the side and reached for one of the daggers he had previously obtained, twisting it the right way round once it was in his right hand.

    One deep laugh rolled from the man as he eagerly took a step forward, “You just gonna roll out of the way of a spear? I can just move my hand and ‘boop!’ I’m aiming at your head again!” As this tribute, who Fiona recognised to be from District One - a career - and named August, swiped at Rhys, Fiona decided to help his new team member out and picked up the mace, before standing up and raising her arm. The meagre boy on her side interjected as he sliced at the Career’s face with the dagger, and Fiona swung the mace into his chest.

    Now realising what they had done, they shared a grimace and shook their heads. They’d just murdered somebody. Together. Without hesitation. What would Sasha think? Fiona silently asked herself as Rhys was busy shaking while gathering his things, “We should find somewhere to stay and something to eat.” He was undoubtedly disturbed by what had just occurred. The girl nodded, zipping up her jacket that everyone was wearing, just in different shades depending on which district they were derived from, “I’ll look for shelter, you can go find food, we’ll meet back here.” She began to part ways with Rhys, but he grabbed her arm and turned her around, looking right into her eyes.

    “Stay safe, don’t get killed. Please.” He frowned, handing her the mace and adjusting his backpack.

    “The same could be said to you, but you know how to fight. I’ll be fine.” Fiona had hesitated when she answered, due to the fact that she was staring at Rhys’ face with mixed feelings swirling in her mind. With two brief nods, they had depleted from the area and were now searching for their tasked things. Rhys was fumbling with some berries while Fiona was searching the near area for anywhere to stay.

    It was only when Rhys heard a twig snap when he twirled his head to see the male tribute from District Two and the female from One pointing bows at him. An exasperated curse sounded from Rhys’ lips as he backed away slowly, before beginning to run at a fast pace. He did not want to mess with anyone else again, especially Careers. He’d remembered their names; Jack and Nisha, two strong-willed and strong altogether fighters. One had plucked an arrow out and shot it at Rhys, hitting him in the upper arm and making him yell out in pain, though he dared not stop running. His wimpish sprint had lost the two dangerous enemies, and Rhys was not back at the meeting point alone — nobody in sight.

    Rhys began to panic, but he was still hissing in immediate pain from the wound caused by the bow. He had not a single clue of Fiona’s whereabouts, and his worried-ness soon grew when he heard that scary, death-confirming noise.

    Boom. The cannon blared throughout the arena, and Rhys screamed Fiona’s name.

  • “Stay safe, don’t get killed. Please.”

    What my mom says on my first day of school.

    In all seriousness I love it :D

  • Tell me something I don't know.

    You know what's awesome? you

  • Thanks so much. :)

    “Stay safe, don’t get killed. Please.” What my mom says on my first day of school. In all seriousness I love it

  • Thank you very much, though it's far from it. :D


  • Don't mess with Jack, uhhhh... Cupcake - Timothy

    Pls appear in ep 5 ;-;

  • On a scale of shit to Gared.


    Thank you very much, though it's far from it.


    Poogers555 posted: »

    I wish you were my pinky toe so I could bang you on all the furniture in my house. "!!!"

  • T-that you brought something to this thread that we lacked?...

    Tell me something I don't know.

  • edited September 2015

    Uh Thanks, I'll totally make out with you later. - Timothy

    Tell me something I don't know.

  • I love this! It's so in character, even though Rhys is the one in charge and controlling the situation. Fiona seems like the exact same character only different (what do you mean, I don't make sense? I make tons of sense!) and I can imagine her being like this when younger.

    All in all, brilliant, Cara! :D

    Can't wait for the continuation...

  • That's amazing :D

    "Hey, Fi, will you be my girlfrien?" "Wh-" "I left out the D because you'll get that later." "!!!"

  • edited September 2015

    Hey, Fiona!

    enter image description here

    I'm not a photographer... but I can picture me and you together.

  • Thank you so much, Joey! I wasn't sure about how in-character it was, it's so heartwarming to hear that it seems in character though. :)

    I don't mind if anybody wants to continue, but I'd be more than happy to continue it myself if people prefer it like that. <3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I love this! It's so in character, even though Rhys is the one in charge and controlling the situation. Fiona seems like the exact same char

  • enter image description here

    Always good to see you!

    Oooooh. Welcome back!

  • Wow.

    enter image description here

    I'm.... legitimately flattered!

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    T-that you brought something to this thread that we lacked?...

  • I totally would, but that's Rhys's job.

    I'm sorry.

    Uh Thanks, I'll totally make out with you later. - Timothy

  • Rhys is badass, something which I haven't seen before but which surprisingly fits him. I think you've handled this very well (meaning: It was freaking awesome I loved it you're awesome!!!)

    You've made a great start on it, and I bet you've got ideas for the next part even if you're willing to let one of us finish. If no one else says anything I'd love for you to continue, your writing style is super cool.

    Thank you so much, Joey! I wasn't sure about how in-character it was, it's so heartwarming to hear that it seems in character though. I


    "Your legs are like an Oreo cookie." "Wh-" "I wanna split them and eat all the good stuff in the middle." "!!!"

  • enter image description here

    Likewise, mi amigo!

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Always good to see you!

  • enter image description here

    Thank you ;-;

    I'll attempt a part two, maybe I'll even post it to FF.net as a short story. You've really gave me confidence. <3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Rhys is badass, something which I haven't seen before but which surprisingly fits him. I think you've handled this very well (meaning: It wa

  • And you had so much potential! - Timothy

    I totally would, but that's Rhys's job. I'm sorry.

  • edited September 2015

    I'm.... legitimately flattered!

    enter image description here

    It's true, though!... you did bring some life into this thread!

    Especially with all those people getting banned, it's always nice to have someone to lift the mood up in this place. ;p

    Wow. I'm.... legitimately flattered!

  • I think I love you

    Hey, Rhys. You are so freaking selfish, you know that? You're going to have that body the rest of your life... And you won't let me borrow it for just one night?

  • Oh no. Be strong!!

    Eryka posted: »

    My mom is dying, she's doing her testament. She's only 44 years old... Help me

  • Man that's a lot of sex!!! :O

  • edited September 2015

    I think I love you

    enter image description here

    First Wolfenus, and now you...


    Kruzii posted: »

    I think I love you

  • I--

    I'm sorry, senpai... sniff

    And you had so much potential! - Timothy

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