Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I had the worst day ever today... Just wanna leave everything behind and forget it all happened:

    I work with a guy who has been in rehab for a serious drug addiction, he has also been in and out of prison multiple times, been in a gang, dealt drugs etc. Anyways, he has been out of rehab for a couple of months now. His addiction was Heroin.

    Well, a dew days ago, he OD'd on the shit... He got kicked out of his rented room, and his girlfriend (my Boss) left him because he was blaming her for not being there for him. He was homeless and going his own way for the whole weekend. Sending drunken voicemails to my Boss saying either that he was sorry and needed help or that she was a fucking bitch.

    Today I came in and his whereabouts were unknown, till he called her saying he was at a rehab center in Oxford.... He didn't stay there, instead he bought more drugs and pills.

    Then he came to Budgen's (the SubWay store I work at is located inside Budgen's, it's basically a roadside service-station) and he was high off his face on drugs, he had bruises on his face as though he had either fallen over badly or someone beat the shit out of him, he could barely speak, barely walk, and he was being so difficult.

    He kept asking for my Boss, and saying that he had nowhere to go (he was carrying a fucking sleeping bag on him!) We called the Paramedics, but he refused them so that failed. Called the Police, but they didn't come cuz he wasn't being a threat to anybody. He stayed there for about an hour, sat in the kitchen at SubWay.

    At one point he came out and tried to serve a customer... That was so humiliating for me :'(

    Eventually after moaning and stumbling around in the stock room, he told me to "Fuck off" and then left. I have no idea where he is now, and I really don't care. Sadly, I don't care if he survives the night either...

    I was so disappointed in him, it broke my heart to see him this way. He was ALWAYS so funny and cheerful and respectable, got on with everyone and all that jazz. I thought so highly of him too....

    I hope he never comes back, but sadly I think he will. Tomorrow.

    My Boss is gonna try and convince him to take a train back to his hometown so that we can be rid of him for good, but I doubt he'll budge tbh. If he does come back then I'm gonna hand in my notice and find another job somewhere else. I never want to deal with him ever again...

    I'm so stressed atm that I almost don't wanna be on here. All I want is to hug you guys so much right now... :'(

  • enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the worst day ever today... Just wanna leave everything behind and forget it all happened: I work with a guy who has been in rehab

  • Do you want more?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Heh, thnx I guess...

  • Also don't, for the love of god, google: blue waffle

    Eryka posted: »

    Eryka Googled it (that's actually a joke, why the hell would I googled that)

  • Lol that's cute. also @Eryka

    No_username posted: »

    https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/100038/piggate/p1 Apparently your father green didn't know what face fucking means

  • I want enough to forget what happened...

    Eryka posted: »

    Do you want more?

  • Why? It can't be so bad! Googled blue waffle

  • What? I'm cute?

    Lol that's cute. also @Eryka

  • And now every woman ever will line up at his front door :P

  • You can't, you'll need too much hugs and you'll die

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I want enough to forget what happened...

  • Sorry about that bud. That must have been horrible. ):

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the worst day ever today... Just wanna leave everything behind and forget it all happened: I work with a guy who has been in rehab

  • Axolotl Handsome Jack is too cute!!!

  • TellTale confirmed that October will be a huge month for them.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Seeing one of those blog posts (was it a blog post?... i don't remember) a couple of days back, got me really excited for Episode 5!... E

  • I think Fiona should be a DLC Vault Hunter tbh :/

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Yes, TFTB is canon to Borderlands 3... but nowhere did it say that Fiona and Rhys will appear in it!... kinda bittersweet, but them not appe

  • insert troll face

    Eryka posted: »

    Why? It can't be so bad! Googled blue waffle

  • That you and Green didn't know what those "lewd terms" meant

    Eryka posted: »

    What? I'm cute?

  • what in the fuck goes on in this thread

    Kawaiii posted: »


  • I have some ideas... But I'm not Googling this shit

    That you and Green didn't know what those "lewd terms" meant

  • I saw an outlier called Wolfenus and voted for it :)

    http://strawpoll.me/5604120 Pls vote

  • yeh cute shit bae but look at her fucking eyes holy shit, i'm questioning my sexuality

    Hey, Rhys. Did you get those pants on sale? 'Cause they're 100% off at my place.

  • If Snow White and Fiona get the nasty on then I will sell my soul to watch it happen!!!! >XD

    So this isn't exactly rhyiona related but ill post it anyway, its also not one of my more serious artworks, just something fun/testing i did

  • I'm not actually googling this

    insert troll face

  • Paul, cuz Ray isn't on the list :/

    http://strawpoll.me/5604323 Are ya happy now?

  • I'm 14. And female.

    Reinstall it right now and draw penises for 10 minutes.

  • edited September 2015

    For the sake of your innocence, good for you

    Found a better version

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm not actually googling this

  • Thnx, I'm afraid he'll be back tomorrow though.... :(

    Sorry about that bud. That must have been horrible. ):

  • PM me, I don't want to be innocent

    For the sake of your innocence, good for you Found a better version

  • Not me :P

    ayy, we're all gonna change our avatars for halloween

  • Death by hugging wouldn't be so bad.

    Eryka posted: »

    You can't, you'll need too much hugs and you'll die

  • Still better than other deaths

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Death by hugging wouldn't be so bad.

  • sorry to hear that, I hope he won't bother you anymore

    enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the worst day ever today... Just wanna leave everything behind and forget it all happened: I work with a guy who has been in rehab

  • I don't want to sound like a dick here man, but when you took on that job, you accepted him as your responsibility. While I can understand that you would be distressed, but letting him leave in that state, and saying that you don't care if he survives the night means that you failed him.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the worst day ever today... Just wanna leave everything behind and forget it all happened: I work with a guy who has been in rehab

  • It's ok, just go look it up on urban dictionary

    Eryka posted: »

    I have some ideas... But I'm not Googling this shit

  • Cultist is telling me what it is

    No_username posted: »

    It's ok, just go look it up on urban dictionary

  • edited September 2015

    One of my best friends right now has a friend from back in middle school who has turned into pretty much garbage. Like I don't believe that anyone is a "leech on society" but this guy is an exception. He left his parent's home because they wanted him to either go to college or find a job, or at least seek counseling and wouldn't let him sit around at home doing nothing but smoking all day. So he bounced between his friend's places, living there for free, eating their food, doing nothing to help out, taking their money to get drugs (thank god it was only weed) and then moving on after they got fed up with him. So my best friend, he didn't take in this scumbag, the guy already owed him over a thousand from the mooching he's done off of him, so this asshole goes to my friend's parents and they remember him from middle school and they let him live like that for 5x longer than anyone else did before. This is the same friend whose mother is going through chemo (she is a saint). Finally they politely asked him not to come back. So the guy finally moved into a homeless shelter.

    To be fair to him, he did have some difficulties in his life that weren't his fault. But knowingly ran towards so much trouble and away from people that cared about him, over and over again. And even though I never liked him, just human nature does make me hurt for this guy whose so sick but doesn't want to get help.

    So I guess, what I'm meaning is, it sucks and is terrible, and I can relate in a way

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I had the worst day ever today... Just wanna leave everything behind and forget it all happened: I work with a guy who has been in rehab

  • I accepted no one as my responsibility. He was so happy to be on the straight and narrow. This is HIS fault, and no one else's. I didn't want to look after him either! He was dumped on me by everyone else!!! T_T

    I couldn't stop him! He wanted to leave...

    Yeah well he failed the rest of us when he decided to be selfish and mean, he can't go around asking us for shelter and everything else when he's on drugs and we're busy with work!

    I don't want to sound like a dick here man, but when you took on that job, you accepted him as your responsibility. While I can understand t

  • I doubt he's gone that easily...

    sorry to hear that, I hope he won't bother you anymore

  • hey iam back guys did i miss something?

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