'Cobalt' Episode Discussion


You know comment before and while you watch. Note that 'Cobalt' was the working title of Fear the Walking Dead, so there's that. Only one episode left.


  • I'm a little confused about what the man in the beginning did to Doug. Did he purposely upset him to get taken away or what? I wasn't paying attention.

  • Unclear., He might have just sent him to permanent imprisonment or hes been sentenced to death. And i think the guy basically confirmed he would steal his wife

    strawburry3 posted: »

    I'm a little confused about what the man in the beginning did to Doug. Did he purposely upset him to get taken away or what? I wasn't paying attention.

  • Damn, that's what Cobalt means.

  • Yeah......that's f***ed up

    Damn, that's what Cobalt means.

  • So is Moyers dead?

  • Pretty good episode overall. Although, I always thought Travis was a really boring character.

  • The stadium part was messed up I can't imagine the horror those people lived before getting killed by walkers, Ofelia's mother was clearly messed she was saying things like rip off my skin and stuff like that, poor woman I thought she was going to live, her husband, I think he is some kind of Larry/Shane And I hope he lives a lil longer anyone else agrees? @zeke10 yeah I think his squad wanted him dead, everybody hated him so I think everything was planned.

  • These are now officially my top 3 favorite characters in Fear The Walking Dead.

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  • So the military will presumably kill everything and everyone living or dead that isn’t wearing camouflage, and then move to a more secure location. Part of me is hoping that Daniel sets those zombies loose from the stadium to cause a ruckus, but he might be smarter than that.

    The most interesting parts of the episode belong to Nick, who’s imprisoned with Strand, he's a man who definitely knows more than he leads us to believe. I really wish we got to see more of both Nick and this new character, but the scenes they did have were engaging and made me look forward to seeing their story continue. The torture scene ticked me off because that solider is the only one who at least cared and tried to help. I wonder if he would have warned Ofelia about what they were going to do...

  • I think the military is going to carpet bomb, like how in Season 1 (I think it was a flashback scene anyhow) there was Shane and Lori watching Atlanta get bombed out.

    So the military will presumably kill everything and everyone living or dead that isn’t wearing camouflage, and then move to a more secure lo

  • The finale has so many possible outcomes it's kind of confusing.

    I mean I'm thinking they're gonna try and rescue them but I don't know how Nick is going to be there when they get there. He's gonna be gone with this Strand guy I think.

    The smartest way to get the army focused on something other then "cobalt" is to open the arena full of the 2000 walkers. Unleash that mayhem on the army so they overwhelmed and either fight and die or evacuate the area. This would be a hell of a risk as the walkers would be just as dangerous to our characters but it would offer them a way to get into that compound with the entire army occupied with the army of walkers and to attempt a rescue.

    Chris and Alycia can hang out at the rich house. I got such "witcher vibes" when they started destroying the room. Reminded me of Geralt and Ciri.

  • Those bad boys (zombies) are definitely getting out of there.

    So the military will presumably kill everything and everyone living or dead that isn’t wearing camouflage, and then move to a more secure lo

  • edited September 2015

    I'm having a hard time believing that 2000 zombies could overrun the military, which is most likely what is going to happen in the season finale. How is it that the military can repulse banzai charges or human wave attacks by thousands of armed men, but can't handle a mob of shambling morons?

    ...and what was the point of moving into the LA suburbs, if a few days or weeks (?) later, they were just going to pull out and bomb the place after meeting practically no resistance?

    And then there is the mustache twirling evil surrounding the National Guard unit, where now they seem more like villains than the walkers.

    The way the military is being portrayed in the series requires more suspension of disbelief than the zombies.

  • I really liked it.

  • This is why zombie shows/movies/games don't normally deal with the very beginning of the outbreak, because it's just not believable that they could overtake military groups.

    Scaeva posted: »

    I'm having a hard time believing that 2000 zombies could overrun the military, which is most likely what is going to happen in the season fi

  • I think they could portray the collapse in a believable fashion if they had it occur from the inside. Soldiers, just like the civilians, are getting sick and dying. As society starts to collapse from the effects of the pandemic you'd also probably start to have lots of desertions. Soldiers are people too, with families, and if their families are in trouble a lot of them aren't going to stick around. They are going to take off to go home and find/protect loved ones.

    It might have been more interesting if the writers had gone that route. The military at first is the cavalry, the good guys that come into LA and seem poised to save it. Then soldiers start getting sick and dying as well, and as the news gets worse about what is going on around the country, others simply take off in their humvees with their weapons for home. The safe area set up by the military than sort of collapses from the inside from deaths and desertions, leaving the survivors and a few military stragglers to fend for themselves.

    This is why zombie shows/movies/games don't normally deal with the very beginning of the outbreak, because it's just not believable that they could overtake military groups.

  • I dont like that they skipped everything again, it feels a few weeks in already. Also the military reaction doesn't make any sense either.

  • Who do you think will die in the finale? I don't think Liza's going to make it.

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