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I definitely think so, Kenny cares about Clem almost as much as Lee did, all Kenny wants is for Clem to be safe, he's shown he's willing to do anything to make sure that happens, just like when he pleads with Edith to let her and AJ into Wellington.
Hope to See 'Em both in WDS3
Yes, maybe not in the same way as lee as Kenny when you really look at it Kenny is a different type of person entirely too lee but he would still take care of Clem & AJ no matter what, shame theres almost no chance of seeing him in season 3 atleast not for very long but we will have to wait and see
No. I really do not.
Another situation that largely depends on the player, but yeah there is stuff that suggests that he cared about her a lot (that speech about how he felt pride when they shared that meal, taking the beating for the walkie talky situation, begging the woman at Wellington to take her in)
no. kenny is Disappointed me. He was not worried about Clementine properly
Yes. Even though Kenny is not Lee, and Lee is not Kenny either, they both love Clem very much. Kenny acts more like "Uncle Kenny" tho. XD But I think Kenny wants to follow Lee's steps and take care of Clem for him.
He was, look at the Wellington endings. He would give his life to protect her.
Neither do I and I really hate that Kenny is being put up to the same standards as Lee, who came after Clementine eventhough he was dying and Kenny couldnt be bothered.
If nothing happens to AJ yeah I think so, but if something were to happen to him and it was Clem's fault....Well goodbye Clementine or Kenny (if Clem were to kill him in self defense). yay...
Lol of course not. Kenny is no where near as competent as Lee was, so that is a big, big, BIG, "NO." It doesn't really matter what Kenny's intentions are. He still fucks up big time, all the time, and that doesn't change no matter how much he's "sorry."
He does care for her just as much as Lee does.
He does. What do you think he does in his endings? Clem and AJ are the only family he has left.
I disagree. Did you really forget he saved Lee and Clem's life? Lee from the drugstore and Clem from Carver
OMG, you should play Wellington endings.
Kenny does care about Clementine, but the way he goes about it is not in a healthy way, and often puts the eleven year old girl she's supposed to care for at risk.
He's shown that he's willing to put Clementine in danger in order to help everyone escape from Carver's community by forcing her to take the walkie-talkie that would incriminate her, whether she wants to take it or not. Had Kenny not been around to take the heat for her if in the worst case scenario that Clementine is caught by one of Carver's men, she would have likely been punished, or worse, killed for the theft.
The walker herd plan is another decision that Kenny supports that gets many of their friends killed, and risks the life of Clementine that he cares for, mainly because they didn't want to wait another day until the walker herd passes by, and Clementine's vote in the matter makes little difference. We're talking about forcing everyone, including two children, to disguise themselves with walker guts and pass through a large group of walkers without being detected, and that's not even getting to the part where Carver's men are sniping on rooftop. Once chaos ensues, Kenny either ignores Clementine to aid a bitten Sarita, or is angry enough at Clementine to not drag her along as he runs out from the herd, leaving an eleven year old at the mercy of the walkers.
And then there's his Wellington plan that could have backfired horribly had it not been for pure rotten luck. He has no proof of its existence and makes no attempt to tell anyone where he thinks it is, is shown to have poor leadership skills due to threatening his remaining group to drag them along to an unknown destination that could get them all killed, and risks the life of Clementine and a newborn baby to locate a safe haven that may not even exist. What if Kenny was wrong the entire time or he couldn't find Wellington in time? Everyone could have been killed by either walkers due to exhaustion, everyone could have died of hypothermia due to the blizzard, everyone could have ran out of supplies...anything could have happened to doom everyone to a slow death.
Granted, Wellington does actually exist after all, but how do we know for sure it's safe? We barely get to look inside the place and understand how it all manage to stay stable. And then there's the option of abandoning Wellington to go with Kenny, which means that several people had died for nothing during their initial pursuit of Wellington.
So to answer your question, no, I don't think Kenny cares about Clementine and AJ in the same way as Lee does. Kenny thinks he cares about Clementine, but his actions shows that their relationship is potentially unhealthy and dangerous.
OMG, I've seen them already, and they're absolute shit.
i agree
Kenny endanger countless times over the 11-year-old Clementine. He relies on it too much, it's so silly. Instead of giving Mike the radio, he gave the little girl you perform the task, she could get caught and die. Kenny all day around AJ, he forgot Clementine! "The protection of AJ" It's always what he said. Clementine did not feel jealousy, that is my delight mature, but still ... he forgot the child in many cases life-threatening, it's fucking a girl of 11. Kenny, what's your problem? She did not at your age, she could be your daughter. (Is the age of the duck) and most annoying, it stimulates her and Sarita tells him not to do it. She got pretty deep scratch when she wanted to protect the nests, he did not care. She even cleaned the blood. What's your problem, people ?!
And what Lee was doing? He would not have sent such missions Clementine, where she could die. He treats her like she was his own daughter, do not forget it while walking dead are in place, it having a baby, would not cause him to stop and take care of Clementine. He understood that she was a little girl and was not threatening her. He cleans her blood and takes care of her like a father. I miss him ...
Everyone seems to forget, that Ken saved Lee in that Drugstore. Lee would die and Clem would die too without Kenny's help.
But then in Episode 3 near the beginning, if you don't please Kenny enough, he refuses to lift the door off of Lee with walkers crawling on top of him and instead stands by the exit to watch.
Suppose if Lee was killed there, how would Kenny explain to Clementine that he had him killed over a disagreement? Unless he lies, that is.
On the discussion of that scene, I think it would have been better to have Kenny decide to cover Lee instead of leave him under the door.
Let's break it down: that scene is meant to act as a 'consequence' to not helping him in the meat locker, right? It's meant to be a way to convey the strained relationship you now have with Kenny as a result of your actions. Having a strained relationship with him is perfectly fine. Having him be a bit more aggressive and argumentative towards you in dialogue is fine. The problem is, this scene in particular goes too overboard on being a consequence, and ends up making Kenny look extremely petty, as well as doing nothing to help redeem him in the eyes of the player. If you want to 'punish' the player for not siding with him, don't make him do something that just makes him look even worse. All that does is create a negative feedback loop. Look at the actions following the meat locker choice: firstly, his attitude towards you gets a lot more negative. Secondly, he freezes up in the barn and Danny nearly kills Lee because of it. Thirdly, his attitude going into episode 3 is quite hostile. By this point, the average player is most likely on the fence about Kenny now. Then you have him leave Lee under a door. It's just driving him further downhill in terms of character. It's less of a 'strained' relationship, and more of a downwards spiral.
A strained relationship should have periods of ups and downs, where it goes between the two of you butting heads to being able to get along or at least agree on something now and again, instead of a persistent downward slope. Having him help Lee in some capacity better conveys that relationship, acting as Kenny's first 'up' since the meat locker. At the very least, it'll help imprint the idea that maybe the relationship with him can be saved, and that it's possible to win him back over again. It also helps to make up for him freezing up in the barn, and acts as a positive improvement (if not potential growth) in terms of his character. It also suggests that even if Kenny has his issues with Lee, he still has some underlying amount of respect for him, and that he's trying to make up for how he's been acting before.
So, back to the point; have him decide to cover Lee instead. This way, he'll still help you during that scene, but in a less direct way than if you stayed on good terms with him. I figure that's a more fair 'consequence' to not helping him in the meat locker than Kenny deciding to leave you under the door because he decided that Lee is a nefarious, evil bastard for not helping to kill Larry.
Have him do the same thing he does now, look back at Lee, then at the exit as if he's considering leaving him, but then have him decide to take out his gun and help cover Lee in the end. It'd have the same relative effect as it does now, in terms of having a strained relationship with Kenny, but make the relationship salvageable, and Kenny as a character a little more redeemable in the eyes of the player.
Yeah. I'd sooner put Jane up with Lee before Kenny. (Mainly because my Lee acted a lot like Jane.) Hell, I'd sooner put Ben up there. Lee is Lawful Good. Ken is Neutral Evil.
Telltale did that because people would then bitch that their choices have little consequence ala S2.
Kenny fucks up big, but he makes up for it twice as big, no wait, scratch that. There is no measure to how epicly Kenny constantly redeems himself.
You're embarassing me. Jane will definetly not protect Clem.
Lol. That's what you think, darling.
Lololol. If you're referring to Kenny's "redemption" in his endings, I've got news for you--his endings point blank shouldn't exist at all. If any of the blind Kenny fans and even the Telltale writers would bother looking at a map they'd all realize that Kenny should've never had the opportunity to "sacrifice" (with BIG air quotes there) himself for Clem or AJ at Wellington, because there's no way they could've ever found Wellington in 9 days in the first place. Seriously--do me a favor and look up how big Michigan is (as well as how big Michigan's surrounding states are, because don't forget, they didn't even know if Wellington was in Michigan but that it was only near Michigan) and then realize with the freezing cold, the fact that they had a starving baby, walkers surrounding them, no supplies, and the fact that they had no flipping idea where Wellington was that if you had any respect for REALISM that they all would've been dead long before finding Wellington in a region as huge as that.
In short, Kenny should never have had a chance to "redeem" himself when all logic and absolute FACT (the size of Michigan etc. isn't an opinion that can be up for debate) pointed to his bullheadedness and stupidity getting all of them killed. If you go by the facts, he could never have redeemed himself in such a situation, because it should've been more like Kenny saying, "Oh fuck, Clementine. We've been walking in circles because I have no idea where to go, we're all starving, Alvie won't stop crying because he's so hungry, we've got walkers on our tail attracted by Alvie's crying, we're gonna freeze to death soon, I drove everyone else in the group away because I was sure Wellington would be the best bet, but we still have no idea where the fuck Wellington actually is. I really fucked this shit up." His endings should've shown how arrogant and idiotic he can be, but because Telltale loves to kiss Kenny's ass so much, his shitty endings that make absolutely zero sense are what we got instead. Fuck him, and screw Telltale's deep Kenny bias.
Lol ok, I'll leave you alone
You realize that there's a real community in northern Ohio called Wellington, right? I'm guessing you don't have a lot of respect for Kenny's intelligence, but no matter how stupid you think the man is, you must admit that it doesn't take a genius to open a map, find the town with the exact same name as the place you're trying to reach, and then come to the conclusion that the two places are one and the same.
Aha! I actually do know that. I actually helped a friend find that exact location for a TWDG fic and I did a fair amount of research on the area; hence why I'm so frustrated with the game version of Wellington. And yes, you're absolutely right when you say I have no respect for Kenny's intelligence whatsoever.
But don't be ridiculous; Kenny clearly did not know where Wellington was. You're missing a huge plot point here. If Kenny knew where the heck it was, why the hell didn't he say that to everybody, rather than giving the impression that he had no clue where the hell it could be? Why, when Jane says to Clem, "It's suicide!" to keep looking for Wellington and when Mike and Bonnie are questioning the place, does Kenny not just butt in (like he's so good at doing), pull out a map, and say, "Don't worry your pretty little heads; I know exactly where the fuck Wellington is. It's exactly 150 miles away, and we should get there by tomorrow morning with enough gas if we keep going down this road." But he didn't say that. Because he literally had no idea where on earth it was.
Yup, you're right. And Kenny didn't even do that, because he clearly has no idea where Wellington is in the game. Otherwise he would've had a much easier time convincing the rest of the group to go there. But then again as you say, it doesn't take a genius to open a map, and by god, Kenny is no genius. Not. At. All.
On a separate note, there's no telling that that particular Wellington in Ohio would've actually been the Wellington everyone in TWDG could've actually been talking about. The Wellington from Kenny's endings could've just popped up in the middle of nowhere, with no pre-ZA town nearby that could've been called "Wellington" at all. So, sorry dude, but Kenny's lost again.
The key word in your statement is "had". It's true that Kenny had no idea where Wellington was. That doesn't mean he and Clem couldn't have found a map during the nine days they were on the road together. Hell, the Rest Stop he and Jane fought at may very well have had a selection of road maps he and Clem could have used to find Wellington.
You're right. That could have been the case. And if it had been, Kenny and Clem would have been screwed. However, the fact that they did make it to Wellington indicates to me that the two towns must be one and the same. Or at least that the post-apocalyptic Wellington is in the general vicinity of the pre-apocalypse Wellington.
To say Kenny endangered her countless times is bullshit. EVERYTHING is dangerous, there is nowhere where it isn't. You just don't like him, the radio thing was smart- Clem was best suited for the task. What, he's supposed to trust a stranger he knew for all of 2 days instead of his long friend that he knew? For all he knew, he could be spying for Carver. And did you also forget how Kenny stood up for Clementine when called out by Carver? He lost a fucking eye! Clementine is his family. My Lee was Kenny's best friend. You are a hypocrite and you are in denial. So take your deep-bottled hatred of Kenny to your playtrough please.
It's a little sad knowing that the writing made Kenny always appear in the right regardless of how the odds are against his plan in succeeding when following trains of logic, to the point where you suspect that the writers were that much in love with him that the were willing to sacrifice writing quality, as well as demonising every other character who challenges his logic, just to ensure that Kenny succeeded in his mother-of-all brainless plans.
It does not change the fact that he risked a little girl, the opposite, he had to send a grown man he did not know, than to endanger his old friend, 11-year-old!
So lucky and convenient they found that after the big confrontation with Jane then. If they had found that map, then I doubt Jane would've ever started a plan to take Kenny out, and she wouldn't be dead at all. The main reason she decided to put a stop to Kenny was because he was driving them all on what should've been depicted as a suicide mission, after all.
Sorry, but that's just a cop-out to me. I'm just tired of Kenny's explanation of being able to survive the apocalypse to be, "I'm just really lucky, and no one else is!" while everyone else around him, who should be more likely to survive because they frankly aren't as foolish, dies instead. Kenny should've died 1) in the herd at the end of "In Harm's Way" when he was just kneeling on the ground by Sarita, not paying attention to any of the walkers all around him, screaming his lungs out at Clementine, and attracting so much attention from walkers to himself. He should've died 2) in his ill attempts to find Wellington, as I've explained already. He should've died 3) in season 1 when he was gut-shot and when people who get that kind of injury even pre-ZA will die in the hospital, with all the medical help they could possibly get under the best circumstances. He should've died 3) and 4) at the end of season 1 in either his Christa or Ben ending, and he should've died 5) when Carver beat him to unconsciousness. The fact that the writers keep deciding to bring him back doesn't make me think Kenny is "lucky" or that he's "tough." It indicates to me that the writers don't know what they're doing and they can't move a plot along without relying on a controversial character such as Kenny to move the plot for them, and so they feel the need to bring him back, even when it doesn't make sense. The writers don't do enough research and they don't rely on facts to accomplish their jobs--to tell a good story--and that's the definition of poor writing right there. By all facts and figures, going with Kenny should've resulted in Clem's death. So tell me, how, in a decision-based game, am I supposed to make a life-or-death decision to shoot Kenny or not, when the game takes the facts that it's presented to the player (that we're supposed to make those decisions based off of) and flat-out ignores them and instead just throws them back in the player's face? It's just unbelievable! In more ways than one.
I want to butt in with one small tidbit of information here: Wellington is actually just the name of the company that the shipping containers come from. There's a chance that it's not even in Michigan, Ohio, or anywhere in particular for that matter. Hell, it could be a couple miles north of wherever the hell they were by episode 4. Of course, that's not exactly any better than the other locations, since it means that it's a deliberately vague location that can be conveniently ret-conned to be located wherever the writers want it to be, but yeah.
I'm willing to lay down money that this is the case (actually no I'm not, no one is getting my money). That being said, the game really could have benefited from simply having a small scene of Kenny pulling out a map while they're going up the hill. Or they could have had him find one earlier in the episode, like saying that Arvo's group was traveling there too, and that they had a map with them.
The old "show, don't tell" rule is pretty useful. However, it's not very useful if you don't show or tell anything in the first place.