Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Dude.


    Awesome! x) Just updated mine, I don't think anyone who gazes upon mine will be able to sleep tonight due to the site of such hideous beasts! 2spooky4u ◉_◉

  • edited September 2015

    Well I wanted to share something but playback on other websites for the video has been disabled :P

  • edited September 2015

    tfw I get a legendary and it falls into the lava

    Well I wanted to share something but playback on other websites for the video has been disabled :P

  • edited September 2015

    enter link description here

    Also same reaction when my inventory is full of legendaries and pearlescents and I can't pick up another legendary

    tfw I get a legendary and it falls into the lava

  • enter link description here Also same reaction when my inventory is full of legendaries and pearlescents and I can't pick up another legendary

  • edited September 2015

    enter link description here

  • wonders if avatar is now considered spooky

  • enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    wonders if avatar is now considered spooky

  • Inb4 mom grounds them for an incest relationship

    enter link description here Cause why not

  • How to play as Athena in TPS

    enter link description here

    Inb4 mom grounds them for an incest relationship

  • How about a warning next time?!

    enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    wonders if avatar is now considered spooky

  • Actually I think it's beautiful

    Poogers555 posted: »

    wonders if avatar is now considered spooky

  • 3spooky5me

    Poogers555 posted: »

    wonders if avatar is now considered spooky

  • edited September 2015

    What channels are those shows on?

    Seems fun

    How to play as Athena in TPS enter link description here

  • edited September 2015

    It's Drawn Together, it's cancelled now, was on Comedy Central. If you google specific episode names, different websites have them (some of them online will be completely uncensored, just a warning) Even a couple on youtube are completely uncensored, don't know how, not gonna complain though

    What channels are those shows on? Seems fun

  • Hmm I've seen videos bypass YouTube's rules but they got removed later, shame.

    It's Drawn Together, it's cancelled now, was on Comedy Central. If you google specific episode names, different websites have them (some of

  • Good night everyone ^^ I'll see you guys in 7 hours.

  • tbh.. she does look ok, but in this picture she looks like she just hit a bong

    I'm sorry, but no. I'm not saying this as a Rhysha supporter, I'm saying this simply as a fan of the game, this is the sweetest smile on Pandora.

  • So for my devil post (666), I felt like actually putting some thought into it. But then I got an excuse to post Braxton Miller's killer spin, worth it :D Also got caught up in a steamy chat (wink wink nudge nudge) and next thing I knew, I had done over a hundred posts.

    Alright, who here's heard of the Argentinian Short Film Collection: Wild Tales? No one, okay not at all surprised. In brief, it's a really good collection of these dark comedy films (I’ll try to find a link if anyone is interested) and one of them has inspired me to try to create something Rhyiona on SFM. Well, I'm a complete nub at it, combined with procrastinating and being a perfectionist about it, it probably is going take a while. So I felt like sharing what exactly inspired me and what I am trying to create for you all.

    One of the films in Wild Tales is called "Hasta que la muerte nos separe" (Till Death Do Us Part) and it's about a wedding. My initial impression of this particular short was, I disliked a lot. But the more I thought back to it, and I processed what happened in it, the more I came to really appreciate and like it. I don't want to spoil it, because it's so short there's not too much to the plot. But it's about what happens we a couple finally realize and see the ugly sides of each other and they start to wonder can they even love this person still? (which, is something I love to see, I even shared a quote about that) And it jerks you around from pitying each character to despising them and back to pitying. And it makes for a real thought provoking view of what love (and marriage) mean.

    Now I know what you’re thinking, how does this apply to Rhyiona? Well... if you stop interrupting, I'll tell you all. It’s that both Rhys and Fiona, regardless of how much we act like they’re angels, are downright bastards. They’re bastards coated bastards with bastard filling. Everyone in Borderlands is, to an extent. But seriously, Rhys and Fiona are just as capable of backstabbing their friends as Yvette was. Rhys is a disciple of Jack and though he may have enough humanity to feel bad about his actions, he still admits to having done terrible things. Fiona’s career is based off of taking advantage of people’s trust and playing them, of course blood is thicker than water, yadda yadda yadda, so Sasha probably is one of few people she would never intentionally hurt. But at the end of the day, they really don’t give a rats ass about anyone and just want to move up in the world, in a way they’re just as bad as bandits. So, it’s the fact that if they truly got to know each other, and learned in detail what each other was capable of, would they still care about each other? In those segments with the Stranger, it’s clear Fiona is really hurt by what Rhys has done and Rhys isn’t showing as much but I feel he’s keeping it inside that he’s hurting and has at least a little guilt to his actions.

  • Fiona sits in the ruins of the vault, bludgeoned and bloodied. Her face is stone, gazing rather dejectedly at the ground. She makes no sound. Rhys lies nearby, just as beaten and near broken as her. Just as silent. They don’t dare look at each other, they can’t. His mechanical arm, or what was left of it, laid around him in pieces. He glares at them. If they dare to meet each other eye to eye, neither wants to think of what might happen. The fear of facing their sins and faults paralyzes both. Everything is still. Everyone is holding their breath.

    Something has to give.

    After what seems an eternity, he gets up. Fiona just barely catches the movement from the corner of her eye. But she does nothing. She hopes that he just leaves and she’ll never see him again. But a part of her hates herself for wanting that. She gets enraptured with the battle between her mind and heart, she loses track of Rhys slowly limping toward her. With each he step he takes toward her, the harder they both find it is to breathe. But it is not until he’s standing over her, that Fiona is startled back to reality. She looks up, surprised. He still won’t meet her gaze. Rhys takes one last breath and finally locks eyes with her. He reaches out his hand, in offering.

    So for my devil post (666), I felt like actually putting some thought into it. But then I got an excuse to post Braxton Miller's killer spin

  • There's so much words

    So for my devil post (666), I felt like actually putting some thought into it. But then I got an excuse to post Braxton Miller's killer spin

  • 95858484857758483/5

  • Just saying that Wild Tales is a good movie. Too tired to read or write anything else. : >>

    So for my devil post (666), I felt like actually putting some thought into it. But then I got an excuse to post Braxton Miller's killer spin

  • Idk what that means

    Eryka posted: »


  • Alright, I strongly agree too. Both on the movie and being tired to write more

    Just saying that Wild Tales is a good movie. Too tired to read or write anything else. : >>

  • Very good. :3

    Alright, I strongly agree too. Both on the movie and being tired to write more


    Eryka posted: »

    Good night everyone ^^ I'll see you guys in 7 hours.

  • Please don't eat me!


  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited September 2015


    Idk what that means

  • edited September 2015

    Awww shucks, thanks (where's that damn pic of rhys?)

    Eryka posted: »


  • Hey, hello! :D

    How are you doing? You've been gone for quite a while :(


  • edited September 2015

    I didn't do my homeworks during a week of holiday and I got myself a punishment. :(

    Edit: And it's been 9 months that I created my account in the afternoon.

  • bad boii

    I didn't do my homeworks during a week of holiday and I got myself a punishment. Edit: And it's been 9 months that I created my account in the afternoon.

  • Tfw someone calls me Pablo Picasso because I draw every day in class.

    enter image description here

    Hey, guys. I'm back from school. How are you all today? ~-^ <3

  • Hi! I'm good

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw someone calls me Pablo Picasso because I draw every day in class. Hey, guys. I'm back from school. How are you all today? ~-^

  • Oh my, you got possessed by Pablo now? Lock yourself into an empty dark room before you let him haunt this thread again!

    Anyway, I'm fairly good I guess... still need to finish some stuff and go to Uni, but the weather is nice, so I got that going for me. :)

    What about you?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw someone calls me Pablo Picasso because I draw every day in class. Hey, guys. I'm back from school. How are you all today? ~-^

  • More like friendly, but if he's up for it ;)

    Eryka posted: »


  • Brocest

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    More like friendly, but if he's up for it

  • !


    Eryka posted: »


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