An Interesting Possible Plot Point...
I think most of us have given up hope of Lee ever coming back (if we even had it). But he doesn't have to be ALIVE to come back. Look at it this way. In the comics, Rick's wife, Lori, is shot by the Governor's men. Rick, eventually, moves on. But he often had 'conversations' with his wife through a telephone, which his brain made up out of desperation of wanting to see her again. I think something like this would be perfect for Clementine's character. It would make sense for her mental state to slowly start deteriorating (after all she's been through), up to a point where she starts imagining things. It doesn't have to be through a telephone - she could start seeing him appear next to her, or every-time she goes to sleep. And it doesn't have to be restricted to just Lee! She could start seeing other people like Luke or Kenny(If you shot him) - or maybe even Duck! I feel there's a lot of potential in this and I would love to see this be implemented as a plot point in S3. Of course, this could only happen if Clementine actually APPEARS in S3, but that's a discussion for another day...
EDIT: Changed the name of the thread as people keep mistaking it for a 'LEE IS ALIVE' thread.
I actually love the idea of Clementine (as the protagonist) to start having psychological problems, seeing things and such. My Clementine tends to blame herself for peoples deaths so this would be perfect for my playthrough. It could even create interesting situations where the player would try to figure out what's real and what isn't. I love this idea! You sir are a genius! It's funny because I thought this was going to be another annoying 'Lee is alive!' thread.
I think it would be good, because almost all characters from both seasons are dead, which makes connections between seasons weak. So bringing Lee back as ghost or some kind of won't hurt.
i love it!!!!
You know what would be really heartbreaking? If Clem had hallucinations of Lee, Ben, Chuck, Luke, Sarita, Omid, Kenny/Jane/both etc and they told Clem their deaths were her fault? It crushes me just thinking about how she'd react to that.
I was trying my best to not give off that vibe :P
You know, there's cut dialogue for a deleted scene in S1 E2, where Lee has a dream about the person he didn't save in E1, and they were blaming Lee for their deaths. I wish it made it in! (Especially after hearing the cut dialogue. I'll try and find a video of it.)
EDIT: I couldn't find one
I've seen it. Though it was interesting it made more sense to cut it out, it seemed a bit soon for Lee to have dreams like that.
Well it was Four Months Later... but for US, yeah, probably.
that would be unreal, clementine dosen't really have many flaws in her characteristics so just this would or something like this would be a very good addition and would make her even more interesting then she already is
I was getting sick of the constant CuteClem threads, thanks for saving me
You are a goddamn genius. I thought that this would be another dumb bring Lee back thread but I'm glad I was wrong!
That's not a nice thing to say.
I know they spam a lot in the forum but dude, do your really think it's a good idea to meantion it?
I want AJ to grow up and remind Clementine of Lee through his actions and personality. In a way, Lee was Clementine's guardian angel as such, and now the roles are reversed as Clem looks after AJ as he grows. A hint of re-incarnation...although not actual re-incarnation I think that would hurt the lore. AJ is the perfect character to achieve this through, and I believe it would be excellent story-telling if TellTale did something like this.
I was prejudiced towards this thread with BAH NO HE AINT ALIVE but then I read, 10/10 won't be prejudiced again thanks CosmicSouls :P