But who?!

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I really still cant decide which one should i save xD Rodrik or Asher. I think Ashers death is much more dramatic and fits his story. Because liek his mother said "Ahser doesnt hesitate. he reacts." But Rodriks death makes more sense, because Rodrik would never Asher allow to die. I just cant decide T_T



  • But why flip a coin.

    When you can flip 3?

    Flip a coin.

  • I choose to let Asher live for a number of reasons, but it was one of the thoughest decisions in any game I have played and I still question myself about if it was the right one for me :S It's like Asher was one of my favourite characters in game, but also Rodrick :P But I thought Rodrick is a cripled guy who yeah will never take shit from no one, and let that incapacity affect him or his rule, but an army would allways question him because of that and there is going to be a war (apparently, even though our army is like 40 archer and 5 ex-slave fighters :P). Also I see Asher really likes his house and family but Rodrick has bene the one suffering trough it all and living on the edge of the political problems, so Rodrick would be more inclined to sacrifice himself towards his house than Asher (that I think would have the kind of personality to don't have this quick thinking and try to figure a way out for both of them). I think Rodrick would realize that he's the better lord but not for taht moment and this moment is too important for the future of the house (or there will be no house) so he dies saving Asher so he can become the lord the Forrester house needs right now.
    I understand that the process of getting a nwe lord AGAIN!! will be hard for the people and the house itself but there's also the problem hthat as few as they are the slaves are good fighters and I don't know if they would follow Rodrick if Asher stayed and died :S

  • How could you possibly let this grin die?

    enter image description here

  • Iron from Ice. That is the answer.

  • enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But why flip a coin. When you can flip 3?

  • Very easily.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    How could you possibly let this grin die?

  • Just choose whoever you like more.

    Asking your question here is not going to yield any satisfactory, unbiased answers. :/

  • but, thats like choosing your favorite child ;-;

    Just choose whoever you like more. Asking your question here is not going to yield any satisfactory, unbiased answers.

  • edited October 2015

    Well, ultimately, just save whoever's your favourite. But my opinion on the matter is...

    Save Rodrik, because:

    1. He's in the minority, the statistical underdog (40% or something, now!). He needs all the help he can get!

    2. How many lords are House Forrester going to lose this season? We couldn't prevent Lord Gregor's death, or Lord Ethan's, but we can prevent Rodrik's.

    3. From episode 1, we're told of how Asher "Doesn't hesitate, he acts!". We're told how, he was always first, in protecting Ethan and Talia. Whereas, with Rodrik, we're instead told he was always dutiful and diligent. Asher would stay behind to save his brother, and find redemption. Rodrik would leave, to fulfil his responsibility of leading House Forrester, and extract revenge on the Whitehills.

    4. When / if we kill Gryff and Ludd in Episode 6, whose it going to be more satisfying to have done it? The man whose been humiliated and oppressed by them the whole game, or the man who hasn't even seen or had contact with any of them in half a decade?

    5. Asher fulfilled his mission of gathering an army. Rodrik, however, has not fulfilled his mission of getting revenge on the Whitehills. So in other words, Asher's destiny is somewhat done by the ending of Episode 5's, while Rodrik's is not.

    6. Rodrik has an alliance with the Glenmores. And a betrothal with Elaena... whose brother just got brutally flayed and murdered.

    7. Rodrik's death would have far more negative impact on Ironrath and the House, than Asher's would. After all, they haven't even seen him in years.

    8. Asher may have the respect of the Pit Fighters (though only barely, as pointed out by Beskha) but how do you think they'll feel when their leader is brutally murdered? I think Asher's death will inspire them to fight the Whitehills, more than Rodrik's ever could. People keep saying the Pit Fighters won't follow Rodrik, but that makes no sense. They follow the strong. Both Asher and Rodrik qualify for that position equally.

  • Let them both die and continue seeing the Valor Mogulis screen until you decide

  • For the greater good :(


    TheCatWolf posted: »

    How could you possibly let this grin die?

  • Save Asher because of the fact Rodrik is his big brother and should sacrifice himself for Asher. And Asher may create peace with the whitehills marrying gwen

  • Excellent idea!

    See whose death hits you the most and then proceed not to choose that character.

    It'll require a lot of tissues, though. :(

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Let them both die and continue seeing the Valor Mogulis screen until you decide

  • i can agree with you in some points. But Rodrik is the elder brother. And Beskha T_T

    DillonDex posted: »

    Well, ultimately, just save whoever's your favourite. But my opinion on the matter is... Save Rodrik, because: * He's in the minorit

  • Rodrik could marry gwen Either^^ It would be much more dramatic

    Save Asher because of the fact Rodrik is his big brother and should sacrifice himself for Asher. And Asher may create peace with the whitehills marrying gwen

  • Does not matter , they are gonna both die anyway in ep6
  • Since you can't really decide, I would suggest to you to create 2 save files which in one you will have Rodrik saved and in the other one, you will have Asher saved ^^

    But if you don't want to do that, I would suggest to you to save Rodrik because:

    • He was there in the beginning of the war, so he should finish it.
    • He was bonded more with his family than Asher.
    • Asher finished his task. He brought the army to Westeros so it would make sense for him to die instead.
    • He survived the goddamn RW and it would be a shame if he would die in the hands of a fourthborn (Although Asher went through a lot, too but you guys know what I mean) T_T

    Anyways, theses are my points why you should save Rodrik but it's up to you who you will save. :)

  • HelloMyLord posted: »

    Does not matter , they are gonna both die anyway in ep6

  • well fair enough, but i find those points for asher too xD

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Since you can't really decide, I would suggest to you to create 2 save files which in one you will have Rodrik saved and in the other one, y

  • Welp, someone has to say it...

    Such a lust for decisions! WHOOOOOO???!!!

  • Rodrik is cannon but I got rid of asher.
  • Just chose whoever you like more. If you don't have a preference between the two just save Asher.


    Welp, someone has to say it... Such a lust for decisions! WHOOOOOO???!!!

  • edited October 2015
    Ughhh when the decision first popped up I was so shocked that I did nothing for the longest time and then decided since it was so red to just see what happened. I was literally screaming.
    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Let them both die and continue seeing the Valor Mogulis screen until you decide

  • Well if it makes you feel better..... You're, pretty good.

    papai46 posted: »


  • I won't let you play me like fiddle.

    Well if it makes you feel better..... You're, pretty good.

  • If I could've ended episode 5 with the decision that they both died, I'd be perfectly fine with it

    lilithnight posted: »

    Ughhh when the decision first popped up I was so shocked that I did nothing for the longest time and then decided since it was so red to just see what happened. I was literally screaming.

  • Oooooh, that's stone cold. I appreciate the tragedy of it because I'm a masochist like that but I would dread having Ryon as lord. Not that I don't like him but um yeah. Doesn't help he's still with Ludd and potentially Gryff too at this point. O.o

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    If I could've ended episode 5 with the decision that they both died, I'd be perfectly fine with it

  • TeamRodrik

    Save Rodrik.

  • edited October 2015

    I saved both. Two savegames. Why decide if you can get both. JUST DO IT!

    enter image description here

  • Exactly. I have four savegames:

    2 are exactly the same, except for the brother who survives.

    One is saved right before the Royal Wedding and the other is right before the Coronation Feast so I can load them and talk to Morgryn whenever I want.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    I saved both. Two savegames. Why decide if you can get both. JUST DO IT!

  • Phew i made an decision

  • So who will/did you choose to save?

    Xemnes posted: »

    Phew i made an decision

  • I saved Rodrik. :( Because its much more dramatic. And i love dramatic storys (thats why I love GoT). And it fits more Ashers character into an epic warrior. Like his mother said. Asher didnt hesitate he acts. So it was him who react first at this situation Like: Ah fuck it. "Rodrik I know what I'm doin" T_T this was by far the hardest decision yet. Even the Kenny/Jane decision wasnt so heartbreaking like this.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So who will/did you choose to save?

  • I'm sorry, I kept you waiting huh?

    papai46 posted: »

    I won't let you play me like fiddle.

  • Telltale Games + Game of Thrones = Makes you create a river of tears ;-;

    R.I.P. Asher ;__;

    Xemnes posted: »

    I saved Rodrik. Because its much more dramatic. And i love dramatic storys (thats why I love GoT). And it fits more Ashers character into a

  • I didnt cry actually. I was just shocked and felt pretty bad. I felt like i had to abandon a child for another child. And I really questioning myself and it still feels like i made the wrong decision

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Telltale Games + Game of Thrones = Makes you create a river of tears ;-; R.I.P. Asher ;__;

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