The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread




    ._. No, no fight. Please. We just settled it yesterday, let's not bring this up again and drag it out.

  • Is she still muttering unintelligible Spanish?


  • Did you skrubs try asking a mod for help?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, I can't even post some goddamn GIFs ;-;

  • edited October 2015

    Half asleep, makes me lazy, didn't think of that, I'll do that.


    papai46 posted: »

    Did you skrubs try asking a mod for help?

  • "¡Hijo de puta! ¿Por qué esas personas siguen hablando de mi?"

    Is she still muttering unintelligible Spanish?

  • Thanks for the heads up. OzzyUK and I are in the process of trying to let Telltale know. As far as we know, this is out of the blue. I don't believe there were any notable updates to the site that we know of.

    Half asleep, makes me lazy, didn't think of that, I'll do that. EDIT: DONE

  • ¡Cállate perra! Es porqué yo quiero!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    "¡Hijo de puta! ¿Por qué esas personas siguen hablando de mi?"

  • I like this. I have family in Hungary, which video doesn't seem to address but it has become a bottleneck for refugees who took advantage the Schengen Agreement and use it as a quick route to Germany despite that is breaking the EU's policy on refugees and migrants. Hungary is not the most welcoming place for foreigners, especially those Islamic faith, and this massive influx of people forcing themselves into the country just plays to their fears which causes them to hate them. Like how the refugees were supposed to be kept in camps while the paperwork was being processed but that wasn't fast enough for them, hence you get all those images of Syrians running over the borders and taking over the train stations. Let me rephrase that last part. What I've been told from relatives is the refugees were "getting rowdy" so the government, which had previously closed the trains to these people, reopened them to get them out of the country (which would be breaking EU regulations) but that just led to chaos at these stations.

    In short it seems like an unhealthy blend of the governments being so reluctant to help, with the exception of Germany who doesn't have to immediately deal with this refugees, and the refugees having no patience for the lack of help they're getting, or I guess not.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    This is a must watch video about the refugee crisis in Europe. Check it out.

  • edited October 2015

    Yur welcome, and thank you!

    Thanks for the heads up. OzzyUK and I are in the process of trying to let Telltale know. As far as we know, this is out of the blue. I don't believe there were any notable updates to the site that we know of.

  • ¡Pinche idiota! ¡Tu madre es una puta fea!

    ¡Cállate perra! Es porqué yo quiero!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    ¡Pinche idiota! ¡Tu madre es una puta fea!

  • edited October 2015
    ![enter image description here](

    >Making a point with statistics and percentages and not providing source of the findings

    AND NO the question is how they get the weapons to these crazy people and how they end up being so f**ked in the head

    Provide schools with more psychologists to help students maintain a healthy mind not be a killer and classes about gun safety and the consequences of your actions with guns get people early to see the dangers and understand the effects on the families etc to do a talk at these classes.

    Just saying hurdur white people while making a crazy claim with no evidence just makes him look like a complete idiot

    Sorry guys, here's the image I was meant to post.

  • edited October 2015

    My meme with my comment won't work goddamit

    enter image description here



    Markd4547 posted: »

    ![enter image description here]( >Making a point wit

  • Forum's been a bit derpy today. I dunno if mine's fully fixed (I see my tabs are back, thank the mods!) since I'm on vita, I'll try it out tomorrow when I share a 007 clip. c:

    Markd4547 posted: »

    My meme with my comment won't work goddamit nvm MY MEME FINALLY WORKED

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2015
    In my opinion, the root of the problem is fear and panic from all sides.

    And yeah, I can't say I have a terribly high opinion of Hungary right now, given its recent flirtations with bringing back full-blown fascism.

    I like this. I have family in Hungary, which video doesn't seem to address but it has become a bottleneck for refugees who took advantage th

  • edited October 2015
    edit: bugged forum ,
  • edited October 2015
    Nvm the post. Looks like I'm banned or something from post pics and videos.
  • Nu

    Is she still muttering unintelligible Spanish?

  • What a shithead. This is why I tune these people out.

    Sorry guys, here's the image I was meant to post.

  • No one can post the site is being fixed bro

    Nvm the post. Looks like I'm banned or something from post pics and videos.

  • He's right.

    Sorry guys, here's the image I was meant to post.

  • The site is actually bugged for now, so don't worry :p

    Nvm the post. Looks like I'm banned or something from post pics and videos.

  • [removed]

    Cope49 posted: »

    He's right.

  • Then we must kill all white people to stop mass killings!

    Cope49 posted: »

    He's right.

  • No Max. I..will...not...

  • Or just change our gun laws.

    Then we must kill all white people to stop mass killings!

  • To stop men from purchasing them?

    Cope, you do know what you agreed with in that picture, right?

    Cope49 posted: »

    Or just change our gun laws.

  • [removed]

    Cope49 posted: »

    No Max. I..will...not...

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2015
    I think the web team has found the source of the issue. I don't imagine it will take an extended amount of time to fix, but it's probably best to just wait either way.

    EDIT: Actually, it seems to already be fixed? That's good.
    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    The site is actually bugged for now, so don't worry

  • Word has it that people datamined Smash Brothers and found that three more characters might still come as DLC (which weren't spoiled, this time). Previously, there were two placeholder character files after Mewtwo/Ryu/Lucas/Roy, but with the recent update, they added another placeholder character.

    I'm really excited to see which characters get in the game later as DLC!

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited October 2015

    I do. To stop the wrong person from purchasing them.

    The theaters , the high schools ,colleges. Mostly my young men . How are they obtaining these guns ? These weapons .

    To stop men from purchasing them? Cope, you do know what you agreed with in that picture, right?

  • No, he says to stop white men from getting them.

    Your logic is stop white men from getting guns, you're agreeing with that. To you, the wrong person is a man.

    Cope49 posted: »

    I do. To stop the wrong person from purchasing them. The theaters , the high schools ,colleges. Mostly my young men . How are they obtaining these guns ? These weapons .

  • edited October 2015

    But if we change the gun laws they will still be dangerous white men out there who cause 95% of mass murders if we take away there guns they just be more dangerous and probably use knifes instead and they hurt so much more :'(

    It's like a horror movie :(

    looks around

    OH sheet my house is full of dangerous white people

    looks in mirror


    Cope49 posted: »

    Or just change our gun laws.

  • But then, how exactly would you know if a person who buys a gun is bad/wrong?

    Cope49 posted: »

    I do. To stop the wrong person from purchasing them. The theaters , the high schools ,colleges. Mostly my young men . How are they obtaining these guns ? These weapons .

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Edit: That's a testing GIF. Not sure if it is completely fixed, though. It may have still some issues.

    I think the web team has found the source of the issue. I don't imagine it will take an extended amount of time to fix, but it's probably best to just wait either way. EDIT: Actually, it seems to already be fixed? That's good.

  • We hetero white guys will make do with whatever's handy: knives, clubs, gardening equipment. We just can't help ourselves.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    But if we change the gun laws they will still be dangerous white men out there who cause 95% of mass murders if we take away there guns they

  • Is it a white man? Then bad.

    But then, how exactly would you know if a person who buys a gun is bad/wrong?

  • enter image description here

    It's like we all share the exact same opinions, beliefs and actions on everything just because our skin is white curses if only we were a different colour or had different private parts we never have to bear such a curse as being a white male who all act the exact same because of our skin colour and gender no one deserves this sheet

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    We hetero white guys will make do with whatever's handy: knives, clubs, gardening equipment. We just can't help ourselves.

  • enter image description here


    Happy birthday kerny hoped you enjoyed your pizza your the best have a great day we remember :P

    enter image description here

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