The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Sorry if I took a while to reply. I went to bed.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, I just woke up, but otherwise quite well. How about yourself?

  • Well, I went to bad, didn't really have a good sleep, but other than that, goooooood.

    Good! I woke up very late though, so I have little time on here. ;-; It's super windy outside. My town's just got the tip of the hurricane. Better stay that way. :> How about'chu?

  • This game is awesome.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Never heard of this game before but watched this playthrough it's insane and I love it so unqiue and genius

  • I am so using this meme.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    My meme with my comment won't work goddamit nvm MY MEME FINALLY WORKED

  • This is lovely ♡

    blueneon posted: »

    So, I found this, I thought it would maybe make someone's day a little better. Hope you guys like it.


    Markd4547 posted: »

    Irish have 7,500 military and didn't get put on the list

  • enter link description here

    His next full game to watch if you want it's awesome so far :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    This game is awesome.

  • Absolutely true. But it doesn't invalidate the argument that we need stricter regulations for buying firearms.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Wouldn't be surprised xD My opinion is that gun laws is something everyone keeps looking at and don't get me wrong, those are important b

  • And now I wait for Anita Sarkeesian to block me on Twitter.

    enter image description here

  • My problem is that no one seems to be bringing up what I said and everyone seems to be talking about stricter gun laws and not much else, we need stricter gun laws but we need more than JUST that.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Absolutely true. But it doesn't invalidate the argument that we need stricter regulations for buying firearms.

  • And then watch as she complains to the UN that someone disagreeing with her means that she was raped.

    And now I wait for Anita Sarkeesian to block me on Twitter.

  • Actually, whenever a mass shooting happens, the automatic response of right-wingers tends to be "why is everyone talking about guns and not lack of security / mental health / media sensationalism" the point's valid, but It's become something of a political cliche, really.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    My problem is that no one seems to be bringing up what I said and everyone seems to be talking about stricter gun laws and not much else, we need stricter gun laws but we need more than JUST that.

  • The political cliche seems to be not doing shit and letting the cycle repeat itself, God politics piss me off so much.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Actually, whenever a mass shooting happens, the automatic response of right-wingers tends to be "why is everyone talking about guns and not

  • Wow....

    enter image description here

    blueneon posted: »

    So, I found this, I thought it would maybe make someone's day a little better. Hope you guys like it.

  • My points that the "what about ...." arguement is often employed by people who don't want to change gun laws. They try to shift blame in a bunch of directions and ultimately nobody agrees enough on anything to pass any kind of meaningful reform, firearm, mental health or otherwise.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    The political cliche seems to be not doing shit and letting the cycle repeat itself, God politics piss me off so much.

  • You are correct.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The sources seem legit. We didn't lose that many people in the World Wars (comparatively). I think the American Civil War accounts for the vast majority of our combat deaths.

  • You Australians, always livin' in yesterday.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Sorry if I took a while to reply. I went to bed.

  • R.I.P your twitter account. Whenever - 2015.

    And now I wait for Anita Sarkeesian to block me on Twitter.

  • I can still go on my phone and view her tweets. I'm not logged into Twitter on their.

    R.I.P your twitter account. Whenever - 2015.

  • You know it.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    You Australians, always livin' in yesterday.

  • Just beat Valiant Hearts: The Great War. Tears were shed.

  • You should probably tag a couple of mods so they can answer you.

  • This is really beautiful, Konni.

    blueneon posted: »

    So, I found this, I thought it would maybe make someone's day a little better. Hope you guys like it.

  • Ugh, why are people defacing such a nice hashtag.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I don't understand the logic here blacklivesmatter so kill white people? this world never stops surprising me

  • I was kidding.

    I can still go on my phone and view her tweets. I'm not logged into Twitter on their.

  • lol I know. Still haven't been blocked yet. She probably won't even notice me.

    I was kidding.

  • She is more likely to ignore it, because you made a completely valid point that she can not counter by pulling the patriarch card.

    lol I know. Still haven't been blocked yet. She probably won't even notice me.

  • enter image description here

    blueneon posted: »

    So, I found this, I thought it would maybe make someone's day a little better. Hope you guys like it.

  • I actually have them all! :3 I'm gonna try to review each one, I'm watching in order and last night I just finished Live and Let Die. I'll make a post of that one.

    Goldeneye is definitely in the top of my favourites list, but... hmm... it's a close one between The World is Not Enough and Skyfall. Both were awesome to watch. x)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Kewl, a Bond marathon! Have you seen them before and you're reviewing or is this your first time seeing them? Regardless, which one is your favorite so far? My fav's Goldeneye.

  • Last night, I have watched Live and Die to continue my 007 marathon. It was a very bizarre film for me, interesting but bizarre. This marks Roger Moore's first Bond film, bringing a more comedic twist to the series (which I really didn't mind since I love comical humor). There was some great scenes, from the plane chase to the country/river chase, to the battle of Baron Samedi (loved his character, shame he was defeated so quickly) to the train fight with Mr. Big (was that his name?). But this scene will always make me go "WHAT THE FUCK?????"

    enter link description here

    I find it crazy that basically everyone in the population was in on this drug wing, Bond basically couldn't trust anyone except for the fortune teller, law enforcers and CIA. Oh an Querrel Jr, yay he had a son (Querrel Sr. was one of my favourites from Dr. No). Unfortunately I probably missed some important details since I only had the VHS and it's very easy to not be able to hear what the actors are saying. Hopefully one day I can get the DVD version of this movie and I can read the subtitles if I missed a detail.

  • Nice :)

    My top 3 are Goldeneye, Skyfall, and my pick for #3 changes from time to time but I'll go with Goldfinger now. Seaking of the World is Not Enough, I think that and Tomorrow Never Dies are under-rated and I think it's a shame that my favorite Bond actor Pierce Brosnan will be remembered as a shitty Bond when nothing bad that happened like Die Another Day was really his fault..

    I actually have them all! I'm gonna try to review each one, I'm watching in order and last night I just finished Live and Let Die. I'll mak

  • I think it would be a good idea to contact them through PM instead of asking them in public, unless they already messages you.

  • Just wanted to post this here...

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  • I think he's still very popular, you probably just see a lot of negativity of his role in the films because it's the internet, home to the bashers. Plus it really depends where you look, I've found plenty of positive remarks on his role as Bond. Since Pierce played as Bond, he's been real big in spy films and left a real positive affect for his future career as an actor. While Die Another Day was one of the weakest films, it was still interesting with their approach. I've seen some Diamonds are Forever influence in that film. There was still some great moments, but at the same time some meh moments (I still chuckle a bit how in the one scene, Bond looked like Steve Martin in the tidal wave surfing scene in one of the shots). Pierce did a phenomenal job as Bond, just sometimes the production of film doesn't go too well. Most criticism goes to the over use of gadgets, which I was okay with since they looked cool. Tomorrow Never Dies also had a very strong story along with The World is Not Enough. There's so much I want to say about those films but I want to save it for my future posts regarding the films as I continue my marathon. lol

    But yeah, the Bilbao scene you posted the other day, influenced me into making 007 posts. xD

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Nice My top 3 are Goldeneye, Skyfall, and my pick for #3 changes from time to time but I'll go with Goldfinger now. Seaking of the World

  • Oh, I found this on the James Bond reddit, and it's pretty good!

    enter link description here

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Nice My top 3 are Goldeneye, Skyfall, and my pick for #3 changes from time to time but I'll go with Goldfinger now. Seaking of the World

  • Internet gotta hate....about a month ago I saw the movie No Escape and Pierce was easily the best thing in it and I've liked his roles in other movies he's been in since Bond including The Matador, Mama Mia, and the November Man, also he's been confirmed to appear in an Expendables movie eventually. Die Another Day might just be my 2nd least favorite Bond film, ahead of Quantum of Solace. I thought it had lots of potential when Bond was captured in North Korea but it went downhill after that even though I did enjoy the sword fight scene. I'm looking forward to seeing your reviews on more of the Bond movies :)

    I think he's still very popular, you probably just see a lot of negativity of his role in the films because it's the internet, home to the b

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