Mental Illnesses portrayed in TWD
I love the way how realistically shown mental illnesses ate in TWD. Let's go over a few
Lee may have schizophrenia. In Hershel's barn he hears the voice of his wife speaking to him and in a cut scene he hears Doug or Carley in a dream/vision
Carver and The Stranger suffer from delusional personality disorder. Carver believes he's on the higher rung in post apocalyptic society where The Stranger believes he's on a higher than Lee in every way.
Nate suffers from possible PTSD and a share of social anxiety disorders.
Lily suffers from PTSD after the loss of her father
Sarah has high anxiety as seen with her fear of herds or crowds (a common sign) but may also have aspergers or social phobia as seen when she meets Clementine
Kenny, Nick and Christa suffer from depression.
Kenny may have bipolar disorder seeing as how several times his mood changes seemingly in a more angry tone
Larry's heart attacks may be caused by combat stress or just heartaches from stress.
Jane shows traits of depression and narcissistic personality disorder
I'm studying psychology and hope to major in it someday. Did I miss any or do you disagree? Let me know
Lee is wrong.
First of all, he doesn't hear his wife talking to him, he just is having dreams about her.
Secondly, when does he hear Doug or Carley?
In deleted content of SFH there was originally planned to be some sort of dream/vision with whoever you didn't save. They blame you for it
Keyword: Deleted content
Well , the first one is wrong
Did you read the other ones
Yes, i did
I'd say EVERYBODY'S suffering from PTSD in this world.
Dunno if I fully agree with Lee. People can have crazy ass dreams, especially if there's something in particular gnawing at them. Given that a part of Lee is still trying to come to terms with the murder, it's most likely just a manifestation of his guilt. The Carley and Doug thing is in a much similar vein. It's a manifestation of both guilt and his personal feelings of inadequacy for not being able to save them both, hence why Carley/Doug taunt him and tell him that Clementine is going to die under his care. As you surely know, dreams can get pretty complex in what they stand for or what they symbolize.
Can agree with the Stranger, but a bit on the fence about Carver suffering from it. If anything, Carver seems more like a candidate for narcissistic personality disorder or some kind of superiority/god complex. He has a self-aggrandizing view of himself like you said, viewing himself as high up on the rung, and believes he's the kind of leader that people need, a perfect shepherd for the flock to follow. He believes he's the strong one in a herd of the weak, and that it's his responsibility, and other people he deems to be on a similar level as him, to help lead and protect the masses that aren't able to make the tough decisions and calls needed to survive. He tries to pass that on to Clementine because like he said, his biggest worry is progeny, having someone to pass his legacy off to. He's trying to brainwash and groom Clementine into that position, not because he cares about her or even because he sees potential in her necessarily, but because he needs someone to manipulate into acting as an heir to him, in order to ensure that his legacy and name never dies.
Having dealt with anxiety for years myself, I can definitely agree on Sarah having some kind of anxiety disorder.
Kenny being bipolar is something that I actually think could be true. Of course, bipolar is a pretty tricky diagnosis to make in the first place, so who knows?
Lilly having PTSD is a given.
Nate having PTSD... maybe. Nate is through and through a wildcard, so it's hard to say if PTSD is really the case. He seems like a really difficult dude to read.
I don't think Larry has any particular mental condition, though given his background, it's possible he suffers from some form of PTSD. What he definitely suffers from, though, is ischemic heart disease. Lilly says he has a heart condition, and that he takes nitroglycerin tablets regularly for it. When you combine a heart condition like that with an overall angry dude that's prone to outbursts, it's a recipe for disaster.
Jane? Depression, yes. Narcissistic, not so sure. She just seems like someone who has put up a lot of shields to protect herself and to repress her trauma. Clementine and Sarah remind her too much of her sister, which is why she keeps talking to them and trying to convince them to split off from the group; she doesn't want to see a repeat happen, nor does she want to just sit around and let one happen when she believes that she can stop it. Spending time with Clementine slowly starts to get her to accept what's happened and move on from it, rather than just keep compartmentalizing and projecting it onto other people like she does with Sarah.
They pretty much all have PTSD.......
Lol Larry just has heart problems.
A much simpler assessment.
Everyone is suffering from extreme stress, post-traumatic and otherwise. This stress manifests itself in a variety of irregular and/or self-destructive behavior.
It's kinda implied that Carver, Sarah Nate and the St. Johns had problems before the outbreak, but otherwise, it kinda feels like you're grasping at straws.
i find the topic you bring up interesting, however your diagnosis of their "mental illnesses" is well..... like a bit of wiki you pulled out of your ass ... to put it bluntly
Eh they may be deductions. And yes most of them may have had issues befo re but they've been increasing and magnifying. The ZA brings out the worst in people
The first one is wrong, actually. Lee's dreaming, and one instance of hearing things isn't enough to claim mental illness.
I don't think Nate suffers from social anxiety disorder since he doesn't show any signs of intense anxiety in social situations, avoidance of social situations or physical symptoms including confusion, pounding heart, sweating, shaking, blushing, muscle tension, upset stomach, and diarrhea.
I do agree with Sarah having the possibility of suffering from aspergers, though.
I'm sure everyone suffers from depression given their situation. Even Clementine has it.
This one is debatable, though. Kenny just has a really short temper given that he doesn't change to any other emotion as quickly as he does with anger.
I don't see any narcissism in Jane whatsoever.
I hope you do realize that just because things have happened once, or people seem to have one or two symptoms of something, doesn't exactly mean they have that mental illness.
I don't think the Lee one is right. And you might be right with Sarah but I always thought she had PTSD.
Everyone does at this point just some more than others
I'd recommend reading up on the spectrum between normal and maladaptive behavior and on how mental illnesses are diagnosed in real life.