Telltale shouldn't let Burch write their games



  • edited October 2015

    Anthony Burch was the head writer of Borderlands 2, he also had a small hand in writing Borderlands The Pre Sequel, I believe he said somewhere that he wrote about 30% of it. In Tales From the Borderlands, he wrote:

    • The conversation between Rhys and Handsome Jack on top of the caravan in Episode 3 (I assume both versions).
    • All of the Jack-Apedia entries in Episodes 3 and 4.
    • The Athena eye joke in Episode 3, where she says Fiona carrying the eye around is the weirdest thing she's ever seen.
    • The conversation between Fiona and Janey in Episode 4.
    • The joke about misogynism in corporate executives and the captain's brother marrying his boyfriend.

    A lot of people don't like him because he sometimes lets his beliefs show in his writing, I think it's shown more in TPS than it is in BL2, which really didn't have all that much in my opinion. He makes a lot of characters gay just for the sake of being gay sometimes (again, shown more in TPS than BL2). I think Burch is a very good writer, but it does get to a point where it does become a bit too much and, when playing these games, you can tell what lines he wrote and say, "Sounds like Burch wrote that." But that doesn't mean I think he shouldn't write for this game, I'm glad he has a hand in writing this game and I hope he will also write some stuff in Episode 5, but I do think he should cut back a bit on the SJW stuff, but other than that he's fine.

    Can someone inform me cuz I'm not sure... What parts of Borderlands did this Burch guy write that were that bad?

  • I thought Athena's reaction to the eye was extremely hilarious. I just love the way she said her line. I thought it was adorable. :)

    Anthony Burch was the head writer of Borderlands 2, he also had a small hand in writing Borderlands The Pre Sequel, I believe he said somewh

  • I like it as well, especially since I was thinking the same thing, why is she still carrying that out eye around in her pocket like that? And Fiona was going to try and defend it, that it's not that weird, was also pretty funny.

    I thought Athena's reaction to the eye was extremely hilarious. I just love the way she said her line. I thought it was adorable.

  • I really liked those scenes though. Especially the Rhys and Jack scenes on the caravan, I thought that was really well done.

    Anthony Burch was the head writer of Borderlands 2, he also had a small hand in writing Borderlands The Pre Sequel, I believe he said somewh

  • Are you suggesting misogyny doesn't manifest in some corporate executives?

  • There's not a scene that he has written in Tales that I think was really all that bad, both the Rhys/Jack and Fiona/Janey scenes were great scenes, and I even like the misogynistic joke that the OP has a problem with, it's mainly a few things in the Pre Sequel that kind of started to get on my nerves a bit, but I still think he's a good writer, it's just that he put a lot of that stuff in TPS.

    I really liked those scenes though. Especially the Rhys and Jack scenes on the caravan, I thought that was really well done.

  • enter image description here


    C9316 posted: »

    Are you suggesting misogyny doesn't manifest in some corporate executives?

  • enter image description here

    Heyoooo! :D

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Hi there,

    No idea why the OP has so many problems with Burch's writting ...
    I, for one, really love his writting, it's a shame he left Gearbox, really.

    Sure, having more or less every character kind of defined by their sexual preferences (bi, gay, etc ...) is a bit tiresome and possibly unnecessarily voicing opinions, but what the heck ...
    Anyone remember Mass Effect and the fuss around the gay romances ? I much prefer the Burch angle than this appaling fuss, years ago ...

  • Steve? Is that you?


  • edited October 2015

    I'm more bothered by his many memes/references wich date the game alot and putting huge plot holes everywhere... and Springs main trait was being a lesbian, I didn't like that. In BL2 Sir Hammerlock was better written in that aspect. Actually, if you look closer his writing is pretty damn awful compared to other writers. I'm glad he left.

    termathor posted: »

    Hi there, No idea why the OP has so many problems with Burch's writting ... I, for one, really love his writting, it's a shame he left

  • Yep!! Gotta love Steve lol.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Steve? Is that you?

  • I thought the joke was funny but I really hate Burch because he makes characters gay for the sake of representation (even though it's not very good representation) and he makes too many memes which are irritating.

  • ... really? Only because of one line? Dude, just pick another option if you hate it so much.

  • Not necessarily my own opinion, but I've seen this around a lot:

    Sorry, couldn't get the image working aside from just linking it.

  • edited October 2015

    TBH, the memes really bother me in TFTB, so if Borderlands 2 is full of memes I'm glad I didn't play it.

    It is my one issue with TFTB. The memes and references. I'm pretty sure Loader Bot only speaks in references on Episode 1 because I recognize about 80% of what he says, and that feels out of place.

    I just dislike this kind of stuff in general. In GoT, you can make a prompt show up saying Jon Snow he knows nothing, which I found really stupid (didn't happen in my game). That was Ygritte's thing; it is not like people randomly say that to Jon.

    Anyway, back to Burch, he seems to be fairly arrogant and that already gave me a bad impression. But I do not think including minorities "just because" is a bad thing: Do you need a reason to include a heterosexual character? Why would you need one to include a homosexual one? How does a guy mentioning a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend detracts from the story? Really, I'm completely fine with this.

    But the memes and references are what kill me. It is the reason why I didn't like Loader Bot when I played the first episode (I liked him on the other episodes though and now I really like him).

    Forsoothe posted: »

    Not necessarily my own opinion, but I've seen this around a lot: Sorry, couldn't get the image working aside from just linking it.

  • Yikes, whoever made that jpg has way too much time on their hands and way too many problems for me to indulge. Not you though, I appreciate you sharing this. It helps me understand the hubbub.

    What's funny is I never noticed this or cared. The game is funny. I like the game. Fuck this politics nonsense.

    Forsoothe posted: »

    Not necessarily my own opinion, but I've seen this around a lot: Sorry, couldn't get the image working aside from just linking it.

  • Because how dare there be a character who talks about real issues!

    Bad! Awful! Terrible writing!

    Whatever, pal.

  • I like his writing. But this scene wasn't even good. Keep stuff like this out of borderlands, thanks. It doesn't fit.

  • Not familiar with the guy, but I don't believe any of those scenes or dialogue were out of line or inappropriate. In fact I think the joke about the captain's gay brother was fitting, considering how it's prompted by the dialogue choice you make. If he includes homosexuality as a joke in and of itself in his other writing, it's not in this moment.

    I'm curious to hear from Missiv's perspective on other parts of the game. Hopefully less nitpicky than this thread's original post. Not to say nitpicky doesn't have its place.

    Anthony Burch was the head writer of Borderlands 2, he also had a small hand in writing Borderlands The Pre Sequel, I believe he said somewh

  • Not to nitpick, but Gared telling Jon he knows nothing is never an option. That's the "(?) BLANK will remember this" popup for if you pick the silent option I believe. I forget the option, but Gared never tells Jon that he knows nothing.

    Abeille posted: »

    TBH, the memes really bother me in TFTB, so if Borderlands 2 is full of memes I'm glad I didn't play it. It is my one issue with TFTB. Th

  • edited October 2015

    That's better. As I said he never said that in my game. It was something I heard on a sound file posted by someone on the forum. I fixed my other post to reflect that.

    And please, DO nitpick on cases like this one.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Not to nitpick, but Gared telling Jon he knows nothing is never an option. That's the "(?) BLANK will remember this" popup for if you pick the silent option I believe. I forget the option, but Gared never tells Jon that he knows nothing.

  • While i don't think that the line is a huge deal, the first time i got it i did roll my eyes quite a bit - it's cringeworthy. But i think these forums aren't a good place to discuss anthony burches writing, because everyone just seems to love him no matter what actual criticism is brought up (that isn't this specific line) . My biggest problem with him is that he doesn't understand the border of the personal and the political, if you aren't a tumblr/reddit whatever user you probably wont enjoy his writing very much (kinda like me) I actually thought the jackapadia entries in ep 3 were pretty bad... even though they are often brought up kind of like "look, anthony burch can do good!" but i guess everyone will have their own opinion on stuff that is subjective like that. As long as people can respect that not everyone likes what they like, or dislike what they like and get along i see no problem. We all like the same thing - borderlands -, but sometimes criticism will come up, it's just people experiencing things differently.

  • I really wish people would stop jumping on the New - U business. It's non-canon damnitall.

    Forsoothe posted: »

    Not necessarily my own opinion, but I've seen this around a lot: Sorry, couldn't get the image working aside from just linking it.

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