Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    I-... maybe the way I feel about you makes me feel this way...

  • Okay hmmm without saying Rhyiona fav

    Fav: Rhys X Vaughn

    Least: Rhys X Jack, and Rhys X Sasha (still _(ツ)_/¯)

    Here's a question I'd like people to think about and not do the obvious answer: What's your favorite ship in the Borderlands franchise, leas

  • Write fanfiction, eat, and wait for Borderlands 3 and TWDG season 3 and the Michonne series.

    Eryka posted: »

    What are you gonna do after TFTB ends?

  • edited October 2015

    How to have a great night before you sleep: Listen to Guilty Crown's intro song multiple times until you get bored of it. I should really watch the rest of GC .-.

    Okay, looks like the weekend is over. Yay for school ;-; Oh well. At least I don't have homework for tomorrow xD

    Good night, guys! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ~-^ <3

  • Night, Wolfenus!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    How to have a great night before you sleep: Listen to Guilty Crown's intro song multiple times until you get bored of it. I should really wa

  • enter image description here

    Nighty night. Also, I hope to see you tomorrow on the thread and on Steam so I can talk to you more ;)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Night, Wolfenus!

  • Also, I hope to see you tomorrow on the thread and on Steam so I can talk to you more

    We'll see... I think I will be fairly busy tomorrow, actually. :s

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Nighty night. Also, I hope to see you tomorrow on the thread and on Steam so I can talk to you more

  • We'll see... I think I will be fairly busy tomorrow, actually. :s

    Oh okay. I understand :)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Also, I hope to see you tomorrow on the thread and on Steam so I can talk to you more We'll see... I think I will be fairly busy tomorrow, actually.

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Well, guys... it's time for me to go. Gotta wake up early...

    Hopefully I will manage to crack on with work so that I can be with you guys... otherwise it's going to be a week of absence on this thread for me.

    Good night... until hopefully tomorrow!

  • bai...

  • Nos vemos tarde compadre! (゚ヮ゚)/


  • TFW you're waiting for your Senpai/Waifu to come online...

    enter link description here


    That's a lot of favs. You reminded me I should've added: lilithxmaya and lilithxmayaxangel cause siren love is best love

  • Hi and goodbye at the same time. Gotta go up early tomorrow for a doctor's appointment.

  • Now that I think about it you guys don't look like humans

    Dracu98 posted: »

    humanly possible do we look any like humans to you?

  • cya to whoever is still here

  • see? even you are a toilet! or a bottle...I'm not sure what I'm seeing there. but it's surely nothing human-like

    Now that I think about it you guys don't look like humans

  • High Five

    Dracu98 posted: »

    indeed. your favourite ship or the power to turn a planet into a wasteland in a matter of seconds? I choose jack. I will always choose jack. I will always choose power.

  • Vaughn: So Rhys, can you imagine getting with Sasha?

    (Rhys' Daydream)

    Rhys and Sasha are married and having breakfast in their massive office on Helios, with their maid cleaning in the background

    Sasha: What's on today's agenda lovie?

    Rhys: Well shnookems, I'm first going to check on Hyperion, you know, the company I own, then play a few holes of space golf, and then pretend to care about underprivileged people, you know: the usually.

    Sasha: Well, I'm off. I would keep an eye on Francesca, I think some of the goldware's gone missing

    Rhys glances over at the maid

    Rhys: I'll give her a talk

    They blow kisses at each as Sasha leaves

    After he's sure Sasha has left, Rhys turns to face his maid

    Rhys: You've been a naughty girl, Francesca

    Fiona turns around: Si Senor

    Rhys: Looking fine as hell today!

    He picks her up and they head off to the bedroom

    (end daydream)

    Rhys: I'm so hard for Fiona I can't even fantasize about Sasha!


    Jack: Awwww poor Rhysie

  • Sorry I have an overactive imagination and I had to be rushed to the hospital from sudden blood loss


  • Well I binged this series over the last week and I just wanted to say I'm a Rhys and Fiona shipper.


    enter image description here

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Well I binged this series over the last week and I just wanted to say I'm a Rhys and Fiona shipper.


    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Well I binged this series over the last week and I just wanted to say I'm a Rhys and Fiona shipper.

  • BROTHER!!!! :D

    ((Remember, I did promise that I would call you that. :) ))

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Well I binged this series over the last week and I just wanted to say I'm a Rhys and Fiona shipper.

  • Welcome! Hope you'll enjoy your stay! :)

    And Jack Bauer is awesome.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Well I binged this series over the last week and I just wanted to say I'm a Rhys and Fiona shipper.

  • Wanna hear Nikita's singing skills? (that's how I call my gravatar now)


  • Hey, guys. I just got back from school! <3

    How are you all today? ^-^

  • Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, guys. I just got back from school! How are you all today? ^-^

  • Wow, that red-haired bitch is rude.

    I hate her .-.

    enter link description here

  • Lmao l dunno why I posted that

    Anyways.....how was your day :3

    I didn't even start mine yet since it's 6AM over here so that's something I guess

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Wow, that red-haired bitch is rude. I hate her .-.

  • It was good. We didn't have any lessons today cause today it was 'sports' day' or something like that... :)

    ...although I spent most of my time playing games on my phone and taking pictures. x)

    I didn't even start mine yet since it's 6AM over here so that's something I guess

    Well, it's something. x3

    Lmao l dunno why I posted that Anyways.....how was your day I didn't even start mine yet since it's 6AM over here so that's something I guess

  • Lucky you for having a sports day, I have to finish an essay today before 9AM so I gotta go.

    I still got shitty classes just like every other day but at least I got friends in every one of my classes to keep me company lmao. I find that lucky tho since there are almost 1K people in my school......

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    It was good. We didn't have any lessons today cause today it was 'sports' day' or something like that... ...although I spent most of my

  • Lucky you for having a sports day

    And my luck will be over tomorrow since I'll be writing a test ;-;

    I have to finish an essay today before 9AM so I gotta go.

    Oh okay. I hope to see you soon :)

    I still got shitty classes just like every other day but at least I got friends in every one of my classes to keep me company lmao. I find that lucky tho since there are almost 1K people in my school......

    Well, at least you have friends in every one of your classes so it's a good thing x) And really? 1K people in your school? Hell, in my school, there are are like only 200 people :o

    Lucky you for having a sports day, I have to finish an essay today before 9AM so I gotta go. I still got shitty classes just like every o

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited October 2015

    Hello! What a beautiful day! How are you? What are you guys doing? EDIT : I'm still waiting for an answer EDIT2 : Always waiting... EDIT3 : Thank god someone finally replied

  • hello guys im back from "boring" school how is yu all doin?

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited October 2015

    I'm O.K., but I have a French presentation

    hello guys im back from "boring" school how is yu all doin?

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