Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited October 2015

    Well, I'm not exactly in the best of moods right now, and I really, REALLY don't want to ruin the mood for you, guys. (or what's left of it, anyway...)

    It was a fairly rocky day for me today, and coming back to see a post (even though it was a jokish post) saying that I wasn't a "good friend" because I haven't replied to someone (when I couldn't) hasn't helped either.

    Just need a little time off...

  • Comment? Ce n'est pas compliqué de faire une présentation en France : mettre son plus beau berêt, agiter une baguette sortie du four depuis peu en corrdination avec son drapeau blanc. Et bien sûr danser façon grenouille devant toute la populace en chantant la marseillaise.

    Eryka posted: »

    Plus, it's my "main" language. So it's worse

  • Uh oh :(

    I saw the post and tbh I didn't think it would make you feel that way... I was surprised.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Well, I'm not exactly in the best of moods right now, and I really, REALLY don't want to ruin the mood for you, guys. (or what's left of it,

  • edited October 2015

    I saw the post and tbh I didn't think it would make you feel that way... I was surprised.

    It probably wouldn't if I wasn't in a bad mood already...

    p.s: it just wasn't a thing I was expecting after coming back to the thread from working nearly the whole day... that's all.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Uh oh I saw the post and tbh I didn't think it would make you feel that way... I was surprised.

  • Someone got hurt over that comic I posted on tumblr LMAO!

    Anyways I better go, I've got stuff to do then I got to head to bed.

  • which comic?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Someone got hurt over that comic I posted on tumblr LMAO! Anyways I better go, I've got stuff to do then I got to head to bed.

  • Ohhh...

    Sorry brah. I know that feel all to well sadly :(

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I saw the post and tbh I didn't think it would make you feel that way... I was surprised. It probably wouldn't if I wasn't in a bad

  • What happened because you did what??

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Someone got hurt over that comic I posted on tumblr LMAO! Anyways I better go, I've got stuff to do then I got to head to bed.

  • The codename comic.

    which comic?

  • edited October 2015

    It's one of those days... + Monday actually, combo.

    Eh... it probably is.

    Yeah, sometimes people shouldn't joke about things at all, sadly it can also hurt other people :/ That's why my sarcasm is gonna get me killed one day.

    I just took it the wrong way... doesn't mean that it still didn't annoy me greatly.

    Hope you'll feel better soon, maybe a good night's sleep will do :)

    That's probably where I will start, actually... and now that I managed to do all of my work, I will be able to show up earlier tomorrow! ;p

  • They got pissed off at that codename comic.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    What happened because you did what??

  • Yeah... not very used to that feel on this thread tho. :v

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ohhh... Sorry brah. I know that feel all to well sadly

  • Lol who'd get mad at something like that?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Someone got hurt over that comic I posted on tumblr LMAO! Anyways I better go, I've got stuff to do then I got to head to bed.

  • edited October 2015

    People on Tumblr, because abusive ships are a higher moral because they're m/m meanwhile healthy m/f ships must burn.

    But I'll give them this much: All of a sudden I want to make more Rhyiona content.

    Lol who'd get mad at something like that?

  • Did you get someone criticizing you for not being an allistic ally? XP

    Fucking SJW's....

    lottii-lu posted: »

    People on Tumblr, because abusive ships are a higher moral because they're m/m meanwhile healthy m/f ships must burn. But I'll give them this much: All of a sudden I want to make more Rhyiona content.

  • Haha that's the spirit buddy! You show them!! >:)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    People on Tumblr, because abusive ships are a higher moral because they're m/m meanwhile healthy m/f ships must burn. But I'll give them this much: All of a sudden I want to make more Rhyiona content.

  • Another reason I stay away from Tumblr: People are so easily offended.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    They got pissed off at that codename comic.

  • It's such a shame because I really enjoy the fun side of Tumblr but the members can be so ridiculously toxic sometimes :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Another reason I stay away from Tumblr: People are so easily offended.

  • edited October 2015

    goddammit tumblr

    I love it so much (that comic not tumblr)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    The codename comic.

  • I went on Tumblr once to find some Snigby fan works. And I found some amazing ones!!!

    But I would never post on there. SJW's would kill me quickly. I have a very close friend irl who has high-functioning Asperger's (so high-functioning that you would have to chat with him for a little while to finally see it)

    But he goes on Tumblr sometimes, and he just laughs at/pities SJW's for the things they say and do :P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    It's such a shame because I really enjoy the fun side of Tumblr but the members can be so ridiculously toxic sometimes :P

  • insert DO IT gif

    lottii-lu posted: »

    People on Tumblr, because abusive ships are a higher moral because they're m/m meanwhile healthy m/f ships must burn. But I'll give them this much: All of a sudden I want to make more Rhyiona content.

  • edited October 2015

    What really bugs me about people hating on Rhyiona (and Rhysha, for this matter) because they blindly assume I ship it because it's hetrosexual, which is 100% false. I ship them because I enjoy them together and I would like them to be romantically involved. Athena and Janey, I ship them because I like their relationship. Rhys and Vaughn, I ship them because I like their bromance. The list could go on and on.

    And overall, they get offended when I say don't like Rhack, because the multiple of abusive fanarts I've seen (and let alone it would be abusive in canon) make me really uncomfortable, and those are valid reasons. But however (I don't mean all when I say this, I've spoken to a couple of Rhack shippers who aren't assholes) they're so big tied over their ship they don't look into reasons why people are disturbed by it.

    To conclude, Tumblr logic: The abusive gay ship is a higher moral, the two interracial (something commonly rare in the media) healthy ships must die.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Did you get someone criticizing you for not being an allistic ally? XP Fucking SJW's....

  • Thanks, I can't wait for them to see my upcoming fanfics >:)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Haha that's the spirit buddy! You show them!!

  • That comment is a mess of a double post btw :P

    I already know all that thnx to my friend. And it's funny you talk about interracial relationships cuz my attraction is afro-american women. If I have my way, I'll spend the rest of my life with one :)

    I'll be happy with anyone obviously! But a man can dream :D

    lottii-lu posted: »

    What really bugs me about people hating on Rhyiona (and Rhysha, for this matter) because they blindly assume I ship it because it's hetrosex

  • Yeah I edited it, I don't know how the actual hell that happened.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That comment is a mess of a double post btw :P I already know all that thnx to my friend. And it's funny you talk about interracial relat

  • edited October 2015

    I just saw this on YouTube and I will first of all say congratulations to Sam Smith for being picked to sing the theme to the new Bond movie! I'm not really a fan of his music, but this song is so beautiful I may have to buy it later...

    Sam Smith - Writing's On The Wall (Spectre theme song)

    I am a huge James Bond fan. HUGE.

    And this should be the Rhyiona theme!

  • Oh my

    Sorry I have an overactive imagination and I had to be rushed to the hospital from sudden blood loss

  • This is like PewDieCry all over again

    Shipping is inevitable....

  • rhyiona ftw

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Okay hmmm without saying Rhyiona fav Fav: Rhys X Vaughn Least: Rhys X Jack, and Rhys X Sasha (still _(ツ)_/¯)

  • "You ship it cause it's a heterosexual pairing?"......

    Those dumb asses make me laugh. They like Rhack entirely because SM Yaoi is their fetish but they want to pretend that's not the reason so they insult others.

    Why is abusive pairings so common in shipping. Like I found this one artist who does Korrasami Ryona and I'm just like: Why? Neither of them are like that, neither of them would do that, even they were trying to be kinky? WTF is wrong with you? But turns out that artist admits to just trying to troll tumblr, I still think it's messed up.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    What really bugs me about people hating on Rhyiona (and Rhysha, for this matter) because they blindly assume I ship it because it's hetrosex

  • Tfw you search Rotten Tomatoes for the Fables movie that is currently being developed, and you see that the screenwriter for the Fantastic 4 Reboot is writing the screenplay for the film...

    Although I heard that it got changed to whoever wrote the screenplay for Kick-Ass and Kingsman: The Secret Service (both amazing films!)

    Either way, I hope this film isn't fucked up. I love Fables too much to see it butchered by the movie industry :'(

  • edited October 2015

    enter link description here

    This is still my favorite theme for Bond, but this next one is amazing too and should've been used

    enter link description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I just saw this on YouTube and I will first of all say congratulations to Sam Smith for being picked to sing the theme to the new Bond movie

  • That is also one of my favorite Bond themes cuz it's so intense!!!

    My other 2 favorite's are actually the original Bond theme from Dr. No and the techno-version used in On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

    Weirdly enough, On Her Majesty's Secret Service is probably my favorite Bond movie, if not there then on my Top 3 list. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, George Lazenby was actually pretty good, and the ending... made me cry :(

    enter link description here This is still my favorite theme for Bond, but this next one is amazing too and should've been used enter link description here

  • Well the classic goes without saying.

    Never heard the techno before, gonna go look it up

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That is also one of my favorite Bond themes cuz it's so intense!!! My other 2 favorite's are actually the original Bond theme from Dr. No

  • I still think Fables should be a tv show, I dont think a movie can get in dept enough ;-;

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Tfw you search Rotten Tomatoes for the Fables movie that is currently being developed, and you see that the screenwriter for the Fantastic 4

  • Handsome Mira

    She should've been called "Leng Lui Mira". xD

    You know, kiddos. This mask kinda fits me. I get betrayed by pretty much everyone cough cough Handsome Mira cough cough and people are claiming me to be the bandit.

  • This is actually the worst theme song after Die Another Day. A shame, I bet the movie's going to be fantastic.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I just saw this on YouTube and I will first of all say congratulations to Sam Smith for being picked to sing the theme to the new Bond movie

  • yay i replied to the first comment now i can kill myself

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I LOVE IT. But RhysxSasha always finds a way, Green. Always.

  • enter image description here

    You're in the danger zone

    This is actually the worst theme song after Die Another Day. A shame, I bet the movie's going to be fantastic.

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