Will Jack make it out alive?

For some reason I just can't see Jack continuing after episode 5. I would love to see him go on, but I feel like our time with him ends with this season.



  • He will probably be gone for good. by the end of ep 5. Jack is a great character, but his time needs to end.

  • He will probably be gone for good

    Man I hope so. He's a briliant character, but enough is enough. Then again, why go through all the troubles to bring him back in Tales... This is confusing and weird.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    He will probably be gone for good. by the end of ep 5. Jack is a great character, but his time needs to end.

  • Technically he's already dead lol

  • I'm starting to get a bad feeling that he'll be gone for good after E5... ;_; I know I shouldn't feel sad about that. Jack's an awful person and totally deserves to die twice, but I'll still miss the asshole. If it is the end, I'm super grateful that we've gotten three games with him having a starring role, and extra grateful that the talented folks at Telltale got a chance to write for him too.

    I'm still crossing my fingers that they find a way to essentially strip AI-Jack of his powers and have him as a minor NPC for BL3. I'd also settle for bringing the character Timothy back, because then at least we still get more of Dameon's voice acting. :P

  • edited October 2015

    I really hope not.



  • edited October 2015

    The part of me that appreciates a compelling character would be sad to see him go...

    On the other hand, the part of me that appreciates the gang's efforts to make it out of everything alive and not get fucked over by Jack's showboating at the end of Episode 4 would be like...

    enter image description here

  • TBH, I hope so. I love Jack, he's awesome. But he's been in 3 Borderlands games now. I think that's enough. It's time to say goodbye to Jack.

  • Jack is Borderlands to me. He is like 70% of the reasons why I enjoy the franchise so much (I never really got into BL1). So, yes, I hope he lives.

    I know many people feel like he's outstayed his welcome, but I'm honestly not sure I'd personally be interested in another Borderlands game without him, since I doubt Gearbox can create another villain as compelling as Jack and not make him feel like a knockoff.

  • I've been starting to get nervous - but I just don't understand why they'd go to all the trouble of a convoluted resurrection plot only to kill him off again (they already regretted it once).

    I do understand peoples' concerns about his overuse, however, I think as long as he isn't the big bad of BL3 that he still has a place within the franchise.

    I've said it before, but I personally would love to see him take over Angel's role in the ongoing games - begrudgingly guiding the new Vault Hunters and snarking at us over ECHO just like in BL2 (and if Dameon Clarke could do the live action parts similar to Angel and Lilith, well that'd just be the icing on the cake!)

  • There is a lot of people they regret killing off, too! But, I think the AI at least will go to the next game. A LOT of people are convinced battle born is a test run for Borderlands 3. If that is the case, we are looking at a faction based game. I don't know about you guys, but I would be Hyperion all the way! :D #TeamHandsome lol

    I've been starting to get nervous - but I just don't understand why they'd go to all the trouble of a convoluted resurrection plot only to k

  • edited October 2015

    The absolute worst thing they could do is kill Jack again...

    1. This game is awesome (and not because of Jack). I loved Tales before Jack even came into play. The characters are awesome and the setup was well done. They could have gone in sooooo many different directions with this game. Was jack added to bring in fans? Maybe. Was Jack added because he was really needed for the plot? Maybe. But personally, I don't think Jack has had that much screen time in this game. If they kill him off now it would just make me annoyed he was included to begin with.
    2. Why kill off an iconic character again? (Ya know EP 4...).
    3. It would be the Handsome Jack show...If he dies in EP 5, then that is all anyone would care about.
    4. Why beat a dead horse? What is the purpose to resurrect a character to kill them again? Redemption?

    Jack's story could have ended after BL2. Let him die the asshole everyone loved to hate. I just wouldn't understand why he would die (again) now or anytime soon...

  • DAMN IT.

    I gave your comment an upvote before I read the end of it.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    TBH, I hope so. I love Jack, he's awesome. But he's been in 3 Borderlands games now. I think that's enough. It's time to say goodbye to Jack.

  • I've said it before, but I personally would love to see him take over Angel's role in the ongoing games - begrudgingly guiding the new Vault Hunters and snarking at us over ECHO just like in BL2 (and if Dameon Clarke could do the live action parts similar to Angel and Lilith, well that'd just be the icing on the cake!)

    Gah! You genius!

    I've been starting to get nervous - but I just don't understand why they'd go to all the trouble of a convoluted resurrection plot only to k

  • I think as long as he isn't the big bad of BL3 that he still has a place within the franchise.

    100% agreed! Time for a new baddie, but Jack is absolutely still useful. At this time, I'd say he's without a doubt the most knowledgeable character when it comes to Vaults.

    I love the thought of him becoming the new Angel. It can kinda tie in to what I said above about them finding a way to strip Jack of his powers. He becomes a prisoner to the vault hunters, used as a knowledge base, and gets to experience something similar to what his daughter was forced to go through. It'd be a good punishment for the character.

    I've been starting to get nervous - but I just don't understand why they'd go to all the trouble of a convoluted resurrection plot only to k

  • I wouldn't bet on it. No matter what your decision was, he'll turn hostile. How can you get rid of enemy who controls moonbase systems? Destroy everything. That's why the moon is gone. He may escape somehow or jump into Gortys. Anyway, Dameon won't leave. He'll voice another clones.

  • As long as he isn't the main villain of BL3, I can deal.

  • of course jack will make it out alive because true heros never die

  • Honestly I think this should be it for jack. He's had his time as the big villain in this universe it's time for someone new to step up.but don't get me wrong I love jack He's a great villain but I think his time is up -_-

  • He's already dead bro, so no. Especially since the next Borderlands game will have a new villain.

  • Except he did die and all that left is an AI copy.

    of course jack will make it out alive because true heros never die

  • Everyone knows he is dead man :D
    I'm talking about AI jack.

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    He's already dead bro, so no. Especially since the next Borderlands game will have a new villain.

  • Your move, Telltale.

  • Apparently Jack's AI is in the Helios systems now. And the game updated not so long ago to remove Helios from the sky way back in Episode 1.

    Yeeeeaahhhh....he's dead as shit.

  • I think they need to tone down Jack in future games. With that said, I don't want him gone completely - He's too interesting a character to not have some role.

    I really feel like they should develop a few of the heroes a bit more - We know (pardon the pun) Jack Shit about Lilith, Brick & Mordecai before the events of BL1/2, and even less about the BL2 Vault Hunters. I mean yeah, we got a couple of snippets in the way of Echo logs, but they DO have interesting stories to be explored.

    Example: Lilith came to Pandora looking for other Sirens, and she's since seen three (The late Angel and Commodant Steele, as well as Maya); what has she learned? Brick was looking for his sister, did he ever find what happened to her?

  • Wouldn't it be cool to find out that Tiny Tina is Brick's sister somehow? :o I doubt it, but it would be so awesome at the same time lol

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    I think they need to tone down Jack in future games. With that said, I don't want him gone completely - He's too interesting a character to

  • Well, Brick's best class was always Blastmaster... And that would be interesting!

    I really think that they'd have made mention of it by now if she was, though. Plus, there's the whole continuity issue with her parents being reasonably young (Also, strongly hinted they're from Pandora, when Brick is from Menoetius)

    Wouldn't it be cool to find out that Tiny Tina is Brick's sister somehow? I doubt it, but it would be so awesome at the same time lol

  • That is true. Poor Tina :( At least she has everyone in Sanctuary. And you know Brick would slaughter anyone that so much as made her cry lol.

    Nikolizzle posted: »

    Well, Brick's best class was always Blastmaster... And that would be interesting! I really think that they'd have made mention of it by n

  • Probably it would be a chose of the player to let him live or not by part of Rhys.
    Now, if it isn´t a choice, maybe is just awesome the idea that he replace Angel´s role about talking with the Vault Hunters and be at the side of Vault Hunter Fiona and obviously with Rhys, his apprentice and new friend.
    Besides, maybe he just want to live in order to revive Angel or make her an A.I like him and work it out like father and daughter [second chance]...or probably try to revive her with a Vault or something.
    Rhys + Handsome Jack, Fiona and co must be on the next games, they were developing in this game so well:
    *Rhys started to be less coward and be more entusiastic about him and his team
    *Fiona is starting about trusting and also developing better skills with her gun
    *Sasha is being less child and impulsive with her actions
    *Vaughn has confidence now.
    *Athena found friends who accept her and be loyal to her
    *Handsome Jack [depending on your acts with Rhys] a new succesor and a REAL FRIEND (Remember that he was betrayed a lot)

    I've been starting to get nervous - but I just don't understand why they'd go to all the trouble of a convoluted resurrection plot only to k

  • He wont

    cause hes already dead

    enter link description here

  • This is something random, but I started to get nervous about Jack's fate after recently replaying Claptastic Voyage...

    When you're battling EOS (which is 5H4D0W-TP's final form that eerily takes on the appearance of Helios) he regularly yells something along the lines of "you think you can destroy an immortal machine?!" - aaannnddd of course, you eventually do beat him.

    It just creeped me out with Jack's talk about being immortal and the fact that he too has basically taken on Helios as his main form, that it could all be foreshadowing Jack's demise...


  • Duuude. you just blew my mind

    ![enter image description here](http://media.giphy.com/media/TXnBczcF3eR0c/giphy.gif)
    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    He wont cause hes already dead enter link description here

  • Shhh bshhhh! Don't say it, it might come true! I want more Jack! Give Dameon Clark a job gearbox!!!!

    This is something random, but I started to get nervous about Jack's fate after recently replaying Claptastic Voyage... When you're battli

  • I feel like the "immortal machine" line might have been a shout-out to SHODAN from System Shock 2.

    Look at you, hacker: a pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?

    This is something random, but I started to get nervous about Jack's fate after recently replaying Claptastic Voyage... When you're battli

  • Fingers crossed it's just that!

    I feel like the "immortal machine" line might have been a shout-out to SHODAN from System Shock 2. Look at you, hacker: a pathetic cre

  • Just food for thought, but we never actually killed him.

    He was still alive at the end of the campaign in which he (seemingly) sacrificed himself to bring claptrap back to life.

    This is something random, but I started to get nervous about Jack's fate after recently replaying Claptastic Voyage... When you're battli

  • Honestly, I'm fine either way. If he dies, that's fine. He ran a great course and will go down as one of my favourite villains of all time.

    If he doesn't though, I really hope they develop his character in some ways. I mean, sure, keep his 'Jackness', don't take away the character's essence, but place him in a different position. Maybe a little less crazy psychopatic. I think it'd be great if he remained an AI that helped Vault Hunters get to Vaults, but I can't see him as the big bad villain one more time. It's time for another one to take his role.

  • I want to say I wouldn't be upset if he died, but I honestly would be really upset if he did. Because why would they bring him back just to kill him again, it just doesn't make sense.

  • And we know Jack would never do that. The only possible exception would be for a certain A N G E L, but he's never been shown doing anything selfless for her.

    MrShadow posted: »

    Just food for thought, but we never actually killed him. He was still alive at the end of the campaign in which he (seemingly) sacrificed himself to bring claptrap back to life.

  • I would hope not for the love of the game, he should have some part to play. Honestly, Borderlands is flat without him and becomes just another boring grind FPS. Even if he becomes an Angel like character, I can't see going along in the game without his smart ass taunting me, even if he is sort of on my side. Maybe I'm a masochist, but his pissing me off/ make me laugh/ piss me off again is what keeps me playing the game. He wouldn't be easily replaced.

  • Hmm, that's a good point...

    :Adds it to my collective delusion that Jack's going to be fiiiiiiiiine!:

    MrShadow posted: »

    Just food for thought, but we never actually killed him. He was still alive at the end of the campaign in which he (seemingly) sacrificed himself to bring claptrap back to life.

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