The Vent/Help Thread



  • Why are girls being sent home from school to change shirts because the boys in her class won't be able to focus on their work?

    Actually, boys not being able to focus is not the reason schools require girls to cover up. If a teacher is helping a student out (this goes mainly with male teachers) and sits beside them and they are having a plunging neckline or shoulders showing, it can look like anyone in the room that the teacher is checking out the student. If the student jokingly spreads rumors or a teacher or principal walks by, it could get the teacher fired because they're not going to risk a pedo/pervert working at school.

    I am so tired of people (especially guys) who judge a girl because of trivial things like what clothes she wears, how she does her makeup, e

  • That... seems like a pretty specific reason for a trivial matter like this...

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Why are girls being sent home from school to change shirts because the boys in her class won't be able to focus on their work? Actua

  • The thing that's making me feel better atm is the news they announced for TFTBL ep 5.

    I think that brightened everyone's day :)

    TellTale, Always at the right moment!

    I appreciate your comment Mark, you're awesome too. I was bummed you got ****** last time. The thing that's making me feel better atm is the news they announced for TFTBL ep 5.

  • Lol, Woodbury giving the world some shoulder action and getting hated for it. Aint nothin' wrong with a little shoulder action.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Spoooky shoulders aaaiiiieeee! That's pretty fucking ridiculous.

  • I never played :'(

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    The thing that's making me feel better atm is the news they announced for TFTBL ep 5. I think that brightened everyone's day TellTale, Always at the right moment!

  • I had been sincerely hopping that my thread about equality/gender issues wasn't going to escalate to a point to where it would need to be closed. I'm a bit confused as to why it was closed. Did it seem to be getting out of hand to anyone else?

    It helped me to read a lot of other peoples opinions... And I appreciate everyone whom took time to throw in their thoughts about the issues.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2015

    Well, from what I saw it was being derailed pretty bad by an argument between two user. I'm glad it helped you though.

    I had been sincerely hopping that my thread about equality/gender issues wasn't going to escalate to a point to where it would need to be cl

  • If it's the one I was thinking of, it didn't seem bad. I mean, people were heated but I wasn't sensing any hatred.

    Maybe things like that are still too sensitive and issue to talk about. But I still appreciate everyone taking part in the discussion. :)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, from what I saw it was being derailed pretty bad by an argument between two user. I'm glad it helped you though.

  • edited October 2015

    Geez, another thread closed down? I guess we'll have to stick to talking only about games then. :)

    I had been sincerely hopping that my thread about equality/gender issues wasn't going to escalate to a point to where it would need to be cl

  • Even though I'm attending a university and taking Jr. And Sr. level discussion classes, I still have better discussions on here than with people who are paying 5000+ a semester to be getting their education. But video games are probably better to stick to, that way we don't all have to be so serious and critical all the time. Lol

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Geez, another thread closed down? I guess we'll have to stick to talking only about games then.

  • I don't think it was getting out of hand at all. Kenny/Lee copped some shit, but enough to warrant the thread being closed? Nope. I'm not really a fan of threads being closed without a reason being given.

    I had been sincerely hopping that my thread about equality/gender issues wasn't going to escalate to a point to where it would need to be cl

  • For fuck's sake. Another thread closed down with no reason given.

  • Fuck em, I like my serious discussions.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Geez, another thread closed down? I guess we'll have to stick to talking only about games then.

  • I didn't think it was getting out of hand either. I've seen those threads that get down right vicious, I never felt like anyone was getting to that point. And what Kenny/Lee said wasn't bad, he was just expressing his opinion (even if many people disagreed) but let's not get this thread or any other involved in anymore crap like that and call it finished.

    Maybe because most gender issue threads get closed anyway, perhaps precautions were being taken because the mods wanted to avoid a possible shit storm. (I don't blame them, we don't need more crap to bring any of us down.)

    I don't think it was getting out of hand at all. Kenny/Lee copped some shit, but enough to warrant the thread being closed? Nope. I'm not really a fan of threads being closed without a reason being given.

  • Haha, yeah, there are always good threads here on the forums. To be honest, I'm totally against these threads being closed for no good reason. I think they should be closed only when discussions are gettin' really out of hand and people are insulting each other. And it wasn't the case I believe.

    Even though I'm attending a university and taking Jr. And Sr. level discussion classes, I still have better discussions on here than with pe

  • Huh, I didn't see that part.

    The Christian Caliphate of Kenny/Lee strikes again.

    I don't think it was getting out of hand at all. Kenny/Lee copped some shit, but enough to warrant the thread being closed? Nope. I'm not really a fan of threads being closed without a reason being given.

  • I understand your sentiment but lets please not name call and give a different innocent thread a reason to be shut down. :<

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Huh, I didn't see that part. The Christian Caliphate of Kenny/Lee strikes again.

  • edited October 2015

    I know I know, you ain't no gurl. But gurl, I am with ya. ;)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fuck em, I like my serious discussions.

  • I only noticed it recently myself. It wasn't exactly civil, but it sure didn't warrant closing the thread,

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Huh, I didn't see that part. The Christian Caliphate of Kenny/Lee strikes again.

  • I agree, this community is a really good one. I haven't ever run into anyone but maybe two people (a year or more ago) who made me scared to post. I understand why the mods feel it necessary to close certain ones and maybe mine was going in a bad direction... But then there's the crazy ones like the "Was the Holocaust Real?" one was closed for obvious reasons. -_-

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Haha, yeah, there are always good threads here on the forums. To be honest, I'm totally against these threads being closed for no good reaso

  • "Was the Holocaust Real?"

    I feel like it's bad that I don't know if we have actually had a thread like that or not.

    I agree, this community is a really good one. I haven't ever run into anyone but maybe two people (a year or more ago) who made me scared to

  • Do you think the mods have been getting a bit more... aggressive (not sure if that's the right word but it's the best I got). Might be the individual moderators, but I once got into a very heated argument with a few other users, which completely derailed the thread (granted, it was my own thread) with 225 (I think that was the number) posts. The argument got flagged, and all we got was a warning. We went to an extreme, and got off with a slap. Now threads are getting closed when there's no sign of a shitstorm brewing, and we're not getting notified of the reason why. I'm not exactly a fan of this.

    I didn't think it was getting out of hand either. I've seen those threads that get down right vicious, I never felt like anyone was getting

  • We did. It was first posted as, "Was the Holocaust Real?" Then after some much deserved crap, the OP changed the thread to, "Was the Holocaust's death numbers Over-exaggerated?"

    Thankfully the Mod's caught it soon and the thread was closed.

    "Was the Holocaust Real?" I feel like it's bad that I don't know if we have actually had a thread like that or not.

  • Lmao, how did I miss this thread? xD

    I agree, this community is a really good one. I haven't ever run into anyone but maybe two people (a year or more ago) who made me scared to

  • There are a lot of newer mods, that could have something to do with it. Or there are posts in these closed threads that we don't know about, that broke the rules and were deleted. Whatever the reasons, it's safe to assume that rules were broken. What rules seems unimportant.

    Do you think the mods have been getting a bit more... aggressive (not sure if that's the right word but it's the best I got). Might be the i

  • I think I might of saw that, I really want to see it again, for a good laugh.

    We did. It was first posted as, "Was the Holocaust Real?" Then after some much deserved crap, the OP changed the thread to, "Was the Holocaust's death numbers Over-exaggerated?" Thankfully the Mod's caught it soon and the thread was closed.

  • Because it was open and closed within a amount of minutes. LOL It was pretty funny though because there were the serious people like, HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU EVEN SAY THAT- and then those who took the opportunity to post their contribution to a thread waiting to be sunk... some of the posts were funny despite the stupidity of the OP.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Lmao, how did I miss this thread? xD

  • Nah, there weren't any deleted posts in Supernova's thread. If you read the last comments there you'll see what possible reason they had to close it, even though I don't agree with it.

    There are a lot of newer mods, that could have something to do with it. Or there are posts in these closed threads that we don't know about

  • Well someone probably flagged it as sexist or something.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Nah, there weren't any deleted posts in Supernova's thread. If you read the last comments there you'll see what possible reason they had to close it, even though I don't agree with it.

  • enter image description here

    Serously, it's worth your time and money.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never played

  • enter image description here

    Wtf your thread was awesome I loved it

    I had been sincerely hopping that my thread about equality/gender issues wasn't going to escalate to a point to where it would need to be cl

  • I'm very frustrated atm.


  • It's a difficult situation. They knew it was going to cause a shitstorm. But at hthe same time, they couldn't rightfully delete his post.

    I only noticed it recently myself. It wasn't exactly civil, but it sure didn't warrant closing the thread,

  • What's the matter Meg?

    I'm very frustrated atm. v_v

  • I was working on this PS3 model that I've extracted, then I figured that the reason why the head model isn't anywhere because the game was incorrectly extracted.

    Now the program that decrypts the .psarc files (think of it like Telltale's .ttarch2 files which has the models and etc,.) so I can view the models would randomly close and won't do anything.

    This has been going on for the past three hours.

    What's the matter Meg?

  • Ah, that sound really annoying, guess all you can do is wait.

    I was working on this PS3 model that I've extracted, then I figured that the reason why the head model isn't anywhere because the game was i

  • Writing the biggest and most difficult History Essay I've ever had to write in my past 5 years in college. I'm freakin out, partially mad at myself for waiting so long to write it, partially mad at the professor because he made the topic incredibly hard and obscure to research and present in a 15 page paper.

    Anxiety attack setting in. Nervous break down, about to ensue.

    Don't go to college kids, it's a trap.

    (No, go to college, just don't procrastinate. 0_0)

  • What topic?

    Writing the biggest and most difficult History Essay I've ever had to write in my past 5 years in college. I'm freakin out, partially mad at

  • I have to find a place in or around my area, and write a paper about how it reflects the historically changing power relations between groups.

    It's quite a challenge... My area has issues but nothing worth writing 10 - 15 pages about. ;A;

    What topic?

  • So like, a bank or a railroad, or something more like a town hall? Hell, write about a sporting stadium.

    I have to find a place in or around my area, and write a paper about how it reflects the historically changing power relations between groups. It's quite a challenge... My area has issues but nothing worth writing 10 - 15 pages about. ;A;

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