The need to have S2 EP1 to play Michonne mini series?
So I've played through all the talletale games since walking dead season 1 on 360. Then when the generation switch happened, I replayed every telltale game, (even went and re bought GOT and Borderlands on 360 because of the long wait and I wanted to have a playthrough with other choices and also easy achievements the season passes was also on sale for 360 so it was really cheap). The thing is with Walking dead and wolf among us I wanted to save money since I already had bought the games previously so I bought the entire seasons retail versions, played through them and then sold them back to the store. But they say you have to own S2 Ep1 of walking dead to play the mini series. Will it be enough that I have the game installed from disc and have 4 different save files (because not knowing how s3 turns out I wanted to have all the endings) and then just buy the season pass for the michonne mini series. Or am I forced to for a third time to buy the game again? Since on xb1 you can't buy a single episode on xbox live. I just don't get it why they would force you to own S2 to play this mini series, since it's got nothing to do with the previous seasons u would think it would be a great way to introduce new people who might love michonne and get them playing that so they might go back and play s1 and s2.
Also unrelated question when I check on the telltale page of choices I've made even if I go back and play the last chapter of GOT on xb1 as an example for some reason it only shows my 360 choices. What's that all about?
Walking Dead: Michonne is going to be DLC for Season 2 like 400 Days was DLC for Season 1. You'll only need the base game (containing Season 2 Episode 1) to play the mini series. I checked the Xbox One marketplace website, and it looks like you should still be able to buy just the first episode like you can on other consoles; I believe only PC/Mac makes you buy the whole Season as opposed to providing you the option to buy individual episodes. only single episode I see is borderlands because it says that its free. could u send me a link for just s2e1?
Hmm, I might have been mistaken. I think I saw the Xbox 360 store entry and mistook that for the Xbox One store entry. In that case, I'm not sure if you will have to buy Season 2 again or not.
Telltale has not yet elaborated on many details beyond that you will need to own Season 2 Episode 1 to play Michonne, but they said to expect more elaboration on that closer to the release date. I don't know what all they intend to elaborate on at that point in time, but perhaps it might be best to just wait and see what they say. I would hold off on buying Season 2 again for now and wait until Telltale elaborates on how purchasing Michonne will work. They've been vague with various details about how buying the mini-series will work and Job Stauffer (Telltale's PR Manager) has been saying they don't directly consider Michonne to be Season 2 DLC, so perhaps that might be more to this that they just have not announced yet.
Ye the part about beeing a dlc never really made sense to me. 400 days was kinda understandable it was just one short episode and it was to semi setup characters (besides bonnie who became integral to the plot) from s1 to s2. But this must be a completely stand alone story and unless mini series also means that those 3 episode will be the total lenght of 1 normal episode then it is kinda a new season while we wait until 2017-2018 for S3(and who knows how that will turn out cause they will either have to do a big timejump and ignore everything besides clementine and AJ and them being on their own, or literally have atleast s3 episode 1 be like 4-5 episodes in one depending on what you did IF u still play as clementine) I'm guessing that the minecraft game won't be done until around late summer 2016 (which is why I'm really hoping that I'm wrong and that it will interest me cause honestly I do not care about minecraft at all). And since we are getting the miniseries starting this year it seems unlikely that S3 will be the second game that will come out along side minecraft, while I'm hoping for S2 of wolf could turn out to be a completely new series for all we now. If it's a new series really hoping for Dr Who, I literally had this dream about a Dr Who telltale game where it sort of incorporated all the doctors, the radio plays uses old actors or impressionists so a story where u could atleast switch between 9, 10, 11 and 12, and maybe even the war doctor would be amazing. yes I have weird dreams at times
But I will hold of doing any purchases until we know more, don't want to buy it for a third time for full price. I'm usually against buying season passes cause no company besides TT has been able to do it right besides the devs of life is strange. And because the TT games have been so good I end up buying season pass sight unseen or first episode played. Ep 1 of GOT is free on 360 and so is borderlands on xb1 so hopefully by the time michonne is out maybe atleast if you own it on last gen u can get ep1 for free on xb1.
would it be to much trouble to ask if you could reply to this page or send an email when you start to release details, and maybe even suggest to the devs that they should release just episode 1 if you really need it to play the dlc, especially since many players like myself have ended up buying your games since walking dead season 1 twice.