What did you originally think was going to happen?
Looking through the season 2 slides, I had many theories or predictions as to what I thought was going to happen. I remember some people on here thought Eddie would be in Amid The Ruins, while Rebecca would of given birth by episode 3. When I look back at the slides I remember thinking that Carvers men would be looking for the cabin group by A House Divided. They then get captured by In Harms Way and Rebecca goes into labor while Clem was the only one that could help her. By Amid The Ruins they somehow escape and they are now outside. And by No Going Back it would be snowing while they look for Wellington, which would just be an empty city. What did you think was going to happen? Do you think your predictions should of happened instead of what we got?
The first three episodes played out relatively similar to how I thought things would go. They begin to diverge with the escape from Howe's. I thought that we'd escape the compound by leaving a few gates and stuff open on top of us drawing the herd in, which would lead to full-blown chaos as Howe's is completely compromised, and that we'd slip out of the store and into the woods in the middle of it. Basically, a more extensive and violent version of the current escape plan. Carver doesn't get killed however, so his fate, along with the fate of Howe's is left up in the air. Episode 4 would be us trying to regroup and recover from what's happened, while a fully vengeful Carver, with the remains of his group, tries to hunt us down for destroying his community. By the end of episode 4, we'd get in one final firefight with Carver and his group, which would lead to a bunch of deaths on both sides, along with Carver finally being killed. Episode 5 would play out like it does now, more or less. Carver's dead, most of us are dead, and Wellington is the only real 'goal' left at that point for the group to trudge towards.
I thought Rebecca would of given birth by episode 3 (by the pic of that episode), that Carver would stay the main antagonist 'till the finale, that Eddie would reappear in Amid The Ruins along with some determinant 400 days characters, that there would be a final Luke VS Kenny decision, and judging by the creepy theme for episode 5 (
), I thought Clem would end up alone with everyone either dead or lost and losing her sanity.
I think they said that Kenny was not going to make a reappearance. In his original sacrifice, they said that it was very obvious that he died.
That theme should be used some time in the future. Part of me is half they didn't use it because it didn't fit the actual outcome. Hopefully they'll use it at one point in season 3. I thought Clem would go alittle bit crazy by No Going Back aswell. The theme gives you the vibe of paranoia and insanity.
I thought Clementine was gonna make some kind of black magic in Amid the Ruins. heh
I thought it would play out like it did, but instead of the Russians ambushing the group, it would be the surviving members of Howes, including Carver.
Yeah, when I first listened to it, it was painful to hear, I mean, I couldn't take that creepiness for long, I had to pause it. It's scary and very fitting.
It was creepy, I'm hoping they use it in the future. I also like the track that plays during the episode 3 slide.
Yeah, that one is creepy as well, I could swear I could listen a scream in the background of that one. I used to think those were Rebecca's screams while she gave birth. Creepy stuff. XD
That's painful to think about.
This is mostly theories that came to mind along the way with no means of being strung together, and with only a small selection being what I'd considered possibilities but...
Well if we're going back to the early days, then I was pretty certain before even Episode 2 that the group was going to get caught by Carver by how the title slides and naming of the episodes went with 'In Harm's Way', and that whatever happened, they'd escape by Episode 4 because of the title 'Amid the Ruins'. I thought Rebecca might have her baby in Episode 3 because of how she looked in the episode slide, and I thought Clem would be put in a dangerous situation in Episode 4 where her mental state of mind would be challenged, given the blood painting thing looked creepy as hell. I thought maybe at the end of the game we might return to the jewelry store in Savannah and see Lee as a walker or his corpse, either giving Clementine the chance to finally put him down or say some words.
Before Episode 2 I thought Clem and Rebecca would continue to disagree and that Nick would annoy me [so glad that didn't turn out true on the latter]. I also was convinced that the dying man from the river in Episode 1 would appear at some point or another in the season, and that whether or not you gave him water, it would impact on how he behaved towards Clem. After Episode 2, I thought Luke might've had a younger sibling before because of how well he got on with Clem, or a little out there even, I thought he might've had a pregnant girlfriend before the ZA and that they'd been expecting a baby girl...but then I thought that was too extreme and stuck with the sibling theory. Anyway, I thought that when you didn't sit with Kenny and if you didn't trust Luke and his group when Walter asked them to leave their weapons on the side, that both the 'Kenny/Luke will remember that' notifications at those points would play into something really significant much later on. I thought the conversation with Walter outside after leaving the dinner was setting something up for the future.
For the later stuff. I thought Sarah might fall into a depression after Carlos's death and might attempt suicide, and there'd be an option to try stopping her and prevent her death [sort of what Life is Strange ended up doing]. I thought Nick might die the opposite of how he died in Episode 2, by protecting his friends instead of dying a coward, refusing to admit shooting Matthew. I thought the 400 Days characters would play a bigger role in the story and depending if they were at Carver's camp might come into conflict with Clem's group, and those that didn't would be in some other group, but either way they may or may not help you. I thought after Carver's death, perhaps Nate might show up at some point as the next potential person to cause trouble for the group. I was also convinced Eddie would show up, or even Lilly somewhere.
I thought the Christmas song Sarita brought up in Episode 2 to Sarah would play into the finale nearly word for word, and I really, really thought the Kenny/Luke decision would happen, but I was sure that the pair of them would live. I thought a final decision might be between picking them as family and who you trusted most, and that regardless of who you picked, those characters would appear again in another season and regroup somewhere later down the line, likewise, I thought trust and family would be the consistent theme throughout, especially being built with Clementine between those two characters.
I thought after the Episode 4's cliffhanger, some of Clem's group would either be dead or fatally injured and that there was even a chance Clementine wouldn't be playable as a character for a short period of time if she was badly hurt too, and that either Kenny or Luke would take over for a little while if that were the case. I really thought the group would go to that town and that maybe there'd be a some other group there perhaps. I thought Episode 4 focused on Jane so much because Telltale were setting her up for a return in Season 3 and continue her story there. I really thought the 400 Days cast would return in the finale making our choices in the DLC finally matter. I thought Christa might finally show up and get the chance to be a parent to A.J, and for her and Clem to fix the problems between them.
I also thought Kenny might lose his mind with a psychotic breakdown within the finale after his behavior in Episode 4, not in the sense of beating up a random Russian kid or breaking into a rage at babies randomly being hidden, but of him becoming unhinged and unhealthily attached to A.J to where he doesn't let anybody near him, and that Clem would have to help him through it to make him see sense again; I also thought from that or some other means a whole stranger conclusion we got in Season 1 might occur where your decisions are relayed in one important scene, or do so in some other circumstances where your decisions feel like they had an impact on the story's climax. I also thought that like Season 1, Clementine might get one last badass sequence like Lee in the finale, but to her own Clemmy ways of dodges and takes down and a more struggle for survival tone.
I thought that Wellington would be the set goal and that there was a chance there would be nothing there or cannibals and the journey would be for nothing. I thought Season 2 might end how it started, with Clementine flowing behind two people, but one now holding Rebecca's baby, instead of being pregnant like Christa.
It was a long 9 months. My mind wandered a bit.
I can't help but feel that every single one of those theories would be better than what we actually ended up with.
I thought that scream noise was her too! It was so creepy. I liked the old Amid The Ruins theme too, always wondered why they changed it.
Wow. Reading this made me wish most of this happened. I also believed Wellington would be nothing but an empty city with no sign of life. I remembered being so hyped for all the episodes when All That Remains was released. It was fun just making up theories as to what you think would happen this season. Telltale had so much potential with this season. It kind of makes me sad.
You can say that again.
Current feelings. Before the finale, I made a list of things that would put me off TWDG. Although 6 of the things was merely stuff I was concerned about happening, the other 6 were truth. Out of them, 5 of 6 of the things I worried most about happening, more or less happened.
Yeah, Telltale had no chance pleasing me. I mean Jesus, look at that post it's huge!
That is some really scary music. Love it.
Any chance you'd be willing to post that list? Or link to it if you've already posted it? After reading your other post, I'm quite interested in seeing this list as well.
(This is all speculation)
Good speculations.
I'm interested in seeing that list, too
come on now, don't be shy
This is what I think would have happened, Clem separates the two shadows( who are not christa and omid ) she meets up with the eh cabin group who has Sarah,Carlos,omid,Christa,Luke,and nick. We learn that Christa's baby is not omid's and the man (carver) is hunting them. We have a choice of saving Luke or Nick. Whoever is saved is devours by walkers. Later, Clementine wakes in the middle of the night to find carver torturing whoever you did not save. Later, we come up upon Kenny. Carver comes with Bonnie,Roman,tavia and Luke/Nick naked and beaten. Omid is killed by carver at the end of episode 2 and Sarah is kidnapped by carver and taken hostage, the rest of the group is led by Bonnie and Tavia into the trucks while Roman and carver take Sarah and Christa away. Carver and Roman rape Sarah and carver. Later, Lily and Clementine meet in the camp. Later, the trio leave and Carver is left for dead. Lily kills roman and also kills tavia while Bonnie decides to come with them. Christa goes into labor while in the horse which causes Carlos to die and Sarah to run off with nick/Luke chasing after her. The group is deprecated and Clem and lily are together and have some bonding time. Lily states that Clem is like a daughter to her. Eventually Lily and Clem meet Sarah who is in a depressing state and is blaming everybody for it. In the middle of the night, Sarah murders Christa while delivering the baby and all the blood shown in the thumbnails christa's blood and also represents clementine killingsarah. The fourth episode ends with the group getting fired by many guns. In the opening everyone is either unknown or dead. Only Kenny,Lily,Baby, and Clementine survived. Clementine sees that the person who killed Bonnie was carver and that he is alive out there with the 400 days characters. The four continue to walk but Clem starts losing her insanity and he majority of the episode is In a flash and she cannot watch where she is going. the end has an emotional conclusion where Kenny eventually loses his mind and dies from wounds. Carver dies and Clem goes with Lily and the baby into Wellington.
Cool! I wish they made Carver survive much more longer. Good speculation.
Rebecca gives birth during Howe's increasing tension with Alvin and Carver. In fact, this would cause Carver to hit Alvin during an argument which makes Kenny intervene saying that's not how they should be treated. They fight and Kenny begins winning, however Carver pulls out his revolver and smacks Kenny in the head with it (like in the trailer).
Instead of Carlos dying, if Clementine taught Sarah how to shoot, she would shoot a walker that attempts to kill him, saving his life. However Sarah had forgotten that sound attracts walkers during her panic to save her dad, and she is devoured. If she was not taught how to shoot, Sarah shoots and hits Carlos instead, getting them both killed.
Those are the other things i can think of right now, they kinda went to my own what if's but whatever
You know that would have been cool, making Carver a more long term protagonist over Season 2, and him hunting Clem and the Cabin Group in vengeance for destroying his warehouse sanctuary could have made for an interesting plot development.
Wow.... how did Telltale go so wrong with Season 2...
I posted it on tumblr, but I'll copy paste it here. Bear in mind that I was still thinking the Kenny/Luke decision was going to happen and that Kenny was going to have some psychotic breakdown somewhat of how I explained before, because um, I'd really been hoping to see that.
Kenny and Luke becoming determinant characters, who both die anyway.
Kenny and Luke dying in general.
The baby dying before it even gets a name.
Christa returning as a walker, and is being used as a cow catcher.
Tavia showing up with survivors of the camp only to shoot more of my favorite characters.
Lilly returning, only to die.
Molly returning, only to die.
Clementine getting bitten and having to saw off HER OWN ARM!
Clementine dying and her journey and all she’s learnt this season resulting to nothing.
The game ending with Clementine all alone again, and everybody is dead, again.
Everybody just dead; starved, frozen, eaten, you name it I hate it.
Do you want the blue explosion or the green one, or maybe you’d prefer the red?
[Edited] Wait, I think I remember what it was.
It was after the trailer and there were tweets from Job Stauffer. I can't remember the exact words, but it was do some of the lines at the end of the trailer about ''who will you become?' and he said to somebody, something like there'd been an option not to pick neither, you know with the whole icecream pizza business fans were discussing a lot about at the time. It was at that moment that I had this really sinking feeling in my gut and my excitement for the finale plummeted. I stopped looking forward to the episode after that. I think that's when I made the list, because I was scared I'd be disappointed, and I even made mention of that at the end of the list on tumblr.
Judging by the episode 4 slide, it had cricket noises and we did not see any crickets. I wonder why they did that. I am guessing they did that because they wanted a little more of a silent feel. Instead of straight up horror. It would be a self-contained episode and focus more on the characters minds.
The crickets gave you the vibe of darkness. It made you feel like it was nighttime, and that the group has now escaped Carvers and they are now outside. The original theme
) gave of a vibe of darkness. The horns made you feel like a war was in place. It also gave of a vibe of a religious cult (Clem running blood on herself). When I heard the theme and the crickets and saw Clem, I thought the episode would be dark and mysterious (which is what the theme gave off). Everyone was excited to see how Eddie or Vince would come into play. People also wanted to know why Clementine was facing left or towards the screen. It was such a mystery. It sucks that it all came to nothing. When the episode is released they change it to this one (
This does not fit the slide at all. And did not give off that "dark" feeling the first one gave. It made me upset because all those amazing theories everyone had, ended up being nothing. I hope when the Michonne series comes out, they change it back to its original theme.
I couldn't agree anymore myself.
Thanks for posting this! God this season could've turned out so well.
It was very unnecessary! What was the point of it! I think you can if you have the PC version of the game. But I don't think we're allowed to talk about that here. I hope they officially change it back once the Michonne series hits. Which I doubt they will.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did. And you know about model swapping? I assume it's the same thing but with the soundtracks.
I remember writing a really long post about how Clem was going to escape Carver's capture at the end of episode 3 (which did actually happen) and she'd reunite with Luke (whom found a new group) and they'd get ready for war to take down Carver in Episode 4. Got that idea since it looked like Clem was putting war paint on her face in the title card. I also thought the 400 Days characters who DIDN'T go with Tavia would fight alongside Clem's group to take Carver down.
I thought Episode 5 was also going to deal with an aftermath after Clementine done something in Episode 4. The "No Going Back" title made me think that. As well as that really eerie title card.
After episode 2, after the survivors has been captured by Carver. I thought episode 3 and 4 is going to focus on the group's stay in Carver's camp. Clem will interact with her group and the people living in the camp. It was a missed opportunity. Episode 3 should have been about how life was in Carver's camp and the ending should have been a lead up to the rebellion that was going to happen in episode 4. With a title as Amid the Ruins, I thought the ruin was Carver's camp. Since Carver's camp has been destroyed, the remaining survivors make the long journey through the cold harsh winter to Wellington.
That could be what happened. Maybe this season was originally going to be too dark. I also feel like the "birth" scene was too dark too maybe? Someone found "Rebecca_bloody_towel" or something in the files.