The Vent/Help Thread



  • I agree

    Freakin' hate clear, sunny skies, especially after four continuous days of cool, rainy weather. It's disgusting.

  • Jesus! A 15 page paper about that? That's a God damn nightmare. :(

    I have to find a place in or around my area, and write a paper about how it reflects the historically changing power relations between groups. It's quite a challenge... My area has issues but nothing worth writing 10 - 15 pages about. ;A;

  • I know this is old, but God damn I can sympathize with you 100% when I was in high school. :,( At least I think you're in high school.

    But remember that pain will only be temporary.

    Today fucking sucked. It's been spirit week leading up to homecoming today. It started okay, school colors and facepaint, you know fun th

  • It isn't that old and thank you. Yes, i'm in high school.

    If I take pride in anything, I know that one day someone will realize how much I have to offer.

    I know this is old, but God damn I can sympathize with you 100% when I was in high school. :,( At least I think you're in high school. But remember that pain will only be temporary.

  • edited October 2015

    Three months ago, I had both of my big toenails undergo surgery, whereby the sides of the roots where killed and the then-dead sides of my toenails where surgically removed. I had this done to cure me of my chronically ingrown toenail (i.e. chronic because it always became ingrown once the toe had supposedly been fixed by other, non-surgical methods).

    Prior to that, I had missed out on nearly half of my school this year up until that point because of my inability to effectively walk around without going into agony hence. After the surgery, I was back to school following a fortnight of healing.

    There is, alas, one problem that undermines the point of the surgery, in that neither of my right big toes' sides where effectively killed off, as I have just found out today upon inspecting my toes, only to find both sides of my right toe on a path of certain ingrowing.

    I thought I was past all of this years of constantly ingrowing toes, but FUCK THAT SHIT, BECAUSE I WAS SORELY MISTAKEN!!!! FUCK YOU, GENETICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    enter image description here

    I can hardly stand this! However many years of this happening, for me to believe the problem fixed for good, only to then have fate proverbially rick-roll me into insanity!


  • Shit luck man, sorry to hear that.

    Three months ago, I had both of my big toenails undergo surgery, whereby the sides of the roots where killed and the then-dead sides of my t

  • edited October 2015

    Ok, this isn't as big as the other things people have posted here, but I'm fucking sick and tired of my god damn PS3 freezing at the worst moments. I was recently playing Resident Evil 4 HD, and while I was streaming the trophies section, the fucking piece of shit garbage freezes on me. I swear to fucking God I have to work all over again to get that dumb fucking trophy. FUCK

  • Yes, FUCK GENETICS! I go through that shit too! Ugh. I hate it so much.... I wish I had metal toes instead...

    Three months ago, I had both of my big toenails undergo surgery, whereby the sides of the roots where killed and the then-dead sides of my t

  • A few things I know that causes a PS3 to freeze is basically its age, the amount of data it's trying to load and the temperature (summer heated days are the worst for it). It gets stuck/laggy often when playing Life is Strange and sometimes even Batman Arkham Origins for me though. But yeah, I would really hate it if it were to do that when I'm playing one of the older Resident Evil games that involves typewriters for saving, I get nervous of my system as I only save when I've done a lot or before a boss, saves are precious!

    Ok, this isn't as big as the other things people have posted here, but I'm fucking sick and tired of my god damn PS3 freezing at the worst m

  • I hate it when teachers/professors set a strict rule in which you have to write x long pages or paragraphs.

    I'm the kind of person who paraphrases and like to speak my ideas directly, so I need to brainstorm useless information to fulfill that needed amount of data.

    Why can't they just make you write an essay as long as you can, it gives us, the students more freedom and gives the oppurtunity to express our own thoughts and not to google someone else's essay to copy and paste.

    While I have a small distaste in essays, they're my favorite part in exams.

    I have to find a place in or around my area, and write a paper about how it reflects the historically changing power relations between groups. It's quite a challenge... My area has issues but nothing worth writing 10 - 15 pages about. ;A;

  • i got into a fight with an anon on 4chan

    4chan.user: you think your so smart with your long ass wall of text you fat potato fuck face

    me: listen you 'lil sausage factory, you better take that back or you'll get a lecture about my fists

    4chan.user: why don't you shut up and suck my d**k

    me: oh, that was your dick? i thought that was your thumb.

    4chan.user: a thumb big enough to [graphic language exceeding 9000]

    me: i bet your thumb is microscropic that even hans lippershay couldn't see it

    4chan.user: you know alot despite being a fat whore

    me: yeah, a fat whore who is fat enough to squeeze your microscopic penis into oblivion

    4chan.user #2: ooh this bitch is on fire

  • Genetics can suck. Stigmatism literally runs in my family. There is only one person in my family who doesn't require glasses.



    Yes, FUCK GENETICS! I go through that shit too! Ugh. I hate it so much.... I wish I had metal toes instead...

  • edited October 2015

    My PS3 froze right after completing a part in The Last Of Us that I had spent HOURS on (probably a slight exaggeration, but oh well :P) and all I have to say is... I AM SO GODDAMN LUCKY THAT THE GAME AUTOSAVED


    Ok, this isn't as big as the other things people have posted here, but I'm fucking sick and tired of my god damn PS3 freezing at the worst m

  • 4chan

    enter image description here

    i got into a fight with an anon on 4chan 4chan.user: you think your so smart with your long ass wall of text you fat potato fuck face

  • And if you were to dress like they want you to you would be judged by other people in the population. You can't please everyone, pick which ones matter and continue on from there. I'm so tired of hearing people complain about not being fully accepted by everyone. . .

    I am so tired of people (especially guys) who judge a girl because of trivial things like what clothes she wears, how she does her makeup, e

  • It is specific, and dangerous. It's amazing how much a label can damage a person's personal and professional life.

    That... seems like a pretty specific reason for a trivial matter like this...

  • But what if you are?

    For all those going through some tough crap or maybe find themselves in some unsavory circumstances...

  • edited October 2015

    My PS3 is the slim version (2009), and has a lot of games on it. I think around 30+, so I'm guessing that's causing the occasional crash. You think deleting some of the games I don't play anymore should help a little bit?

    Also, I don't think it's a problem with the temperature as I have an air-conditioned room, and it's in an open area.

    EDIT: What makes it even worse is that it freezes on the god damn menu. THE MENU, NOT EVEN THE GAME!

    A few things I know that causes a PS3 to freeze is basically its age, the amount of data it's trying to load and the temperature (summer hea

  • edited October 2015

    4chan is filled with some of the worst people out there. I'm not surprised.

    i got into a fight with an anon on 4chan 4chan.user: you think your so smart with your long ass wall of text you fat potato fuck face

  • edited October 2015

    Lucky butt.

    The Last of Us crashed on me a lot on the PS4. It usually gives off obvious signs like the textures freaking out as if it were in a horror movie, or some weird color pallet situation. But what the PS4 doesn't do is literally freeze (At least it hasn't happened to me). It just crashes the game and brings you back to the menu so you could restart again.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    My PS3 froze right after completing a part in The Last Of Us that I had spent HOURS on (probably a slight exaggeration, but oh well :P) and all I have to say is... I AM SO GODDAMN LUCKY THAT THE GAME AUTOSAVED RIGHT BEFORE IT FROZE!

  • I was just mindlessly viewing about, until I saw people randomly popping in and calling everyone retards

    4chan is filled with some of the worst people out there. I'm not surprised.

  • edited October 2015

    I dunno man, I never deleted any of mine (I got 50+ games, at first I estimated 90 lol) so I wouldn't exactly know. But.... hm, this year I recently got the slim version myself (I used to play the old big, still working after 6+ years, gave it away though), and I was reinstalling a portion of my collection at a time after the save data transfer. After reinstalling several, I did play some Arkham Origins which would lag and sometimes freeze, and play LIS which would occasionally freeze (the old system never did that). This was during the summer, and would cause it all to be hot. However if I played RE Revelations 2 or GTA 5 Online, I hardly have any trouble.

    Maybe it's the game itself then, my brother often has his Last of Us freeze at a certain point, much like my Assassin's Creed 1 did on the old system. It's definitely had an error when installing the game. Maybe try to un-install RE4, keep the save/trophies, and re-install, shouldn't do that then hopefully.

    (The solution came to me as I was typing.)

    My PS3 is the slim version (2009), and has a lot of games on it. I think around 30+, so I'm guessing that's causing the occasional crash. Yo

  • Basically all of my family has sight problems. me included, but I'm the only one in my house who wears glasses. I take some really strong lens. Funny enough, my brother is the only one in my family who doesn't have asthma.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Genetics can suck. Stigmatism literally runs in my family. There is only one person in my family who doesn't require glasses. ONE. ONE!

  • I've never been there, is it really that bad as people say it is? ._.

    4chan is filled with some of the worst people out there. I'm not surprised.

  • edited October 2015

    I've never been there myself, but I did read stories about the site, and god damn are some of those people horrible. Some users have even tricked other people into making household items that were actually bombs or some kind of poison. Yea, just don't go there.

    I've never been there, is it really that bad as people say it is? ._.

  • No, I wouldn't say it was the game's fault. There was just a weird glitch when I tried to exit out of the trophy section.

    I dunno man, I never deleted any of mine (I got 50+ games, at first I estimated 90 lol) so I wouldn't exactly know. But.... hm, this year I

  • I had similar problems on both feet. Maybe this will be useful: the pain is caused by the inflammatory process, and not the toenails themselves. The nail on my left foot underwent the surgery when I was a kid, so I remember little. But the toenail on my right foot became ingrown and inflamed about 5 years ago. I went to a doctor and he said he could not operate such inflamed thing, all red and swollen and pained. He prescribed me Levomekol cream, a cream with antibiotic levomycitin (possible wrong spelling). He said to use it for a week and then come for surgery. But I never did! The pain and inflammation disappeared quickly with that cream. My nail is still ingrown, but it doesn't bother me at all. I just have to cut it very carefully not to get any open wound. Maybe you should try antibiotics to stop the inflammation.

    Three months ago, I had both of my big toenails undergo surgery, whereby the sides of the roots where killed and the then-dead sides of my t

  • I don't want to be accepted by everyone. I just want to feel like I'm worthy of being respected like any other human being despite my clothing choices.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    And if you were to dress like they want you to you would be judged by other people in the population. You can't please everyone, pick which

  • Wait. Did someone actually tell you anything, or did you just get some weird eyes and fill in the blanks yourself? From what you've said you weren't disrespected in the slightest. As it sits it seems like you were judging yourself through presumed judgements of others and casting out wild assertions on that basis. Like "Why does wearing a dress make it a verifiable reason to be sexually assaulted?" Where do you live? India?

    I don't want to be accepted by everyone. I just want to feel like I'm worthy of being respected like any other human being despite my clothing choices.

  • I'm going to take the Louis CK approach here:

    Of course that situations is wrong. Of course it is!

    But maybe. . . Maybe if you're dumb enough to accidentally follow instructions to make a bomb. . . Maybe you deserve to blow up?

    I've never been there myself, but I did read stories about the site, and god damn are some of those people horrible. Some users have even tr

  • Did you seriously not even read my post?

    I even had a guy tell me I was flat out stupid and was only good for one thing, not even marriage or a relationship.

    Does that not sound like disrespect to you?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Wait. Did someone actually tell you anything, or did you just get some weird eyes and fill in the blanks yourself? From what you've said you

  • "a guy"

    Singular? Making an incident into a pretentious show (in the least offensive meaning possible) is hilarious. When a person says something stupid you laugh at them, not try to make it into a problem. But, back to the pub. G'nite.

    Did you seriously not even read my post? I even had a guy tell me I was flat out stupid and was only good for one thing, not even marriage or a relationship. Does that not sound like disrespect to you?

  • I made it into a problem because it is a problem. He wasn't the first and, as long as I'm a female, he surely will not be the last. It's also not the first time women have been subjected to biased assumptions based on their clothing choices.

    It's really quite rude of you to claim my problems as "hilarious" because you don't understand how it has affected me and others like me in the past.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    "a guy" Singular? Making an incident into a pretentious show (in the least offensive meaning possible) is hilarious. When a person says something stupid you laugh at them, not try to make it into a problem. But, back to the pub. G'nite.

  • edited October 2015

    The occasional person telling you something you know is false is a problem? That is hilarious, yes. Mountains from grains of sand.

    EDIT: My choice in clothing is not what one might call ordinary. I definitely know about being judged from attire.

    I made it into a problem because it is a problem. He wasn't the first and, as long as I'm a female, he surely will not be the last. It's als

  • Hehe, yea I suppose. Don't always trust things you see on the internet kiddies. :)

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I'm going to take the Louis CK approach here: Of course that situations is wrong. Of course it is! But maybe. . . Maybe if you're dumb enough to accidentally follow instructions to make a bomb. . . Maybe you deserve to blow up?

  • This is coming from someone who said that it's impossible for men to be raped because they enjoy all sexual advances. You don't exactly set a good example for what's hilarious and what is not.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    The occasional person telling you something you know is false is a problem? That is hilarious, yes. Mountains from grains of sand. EDIT: My choice in clothing is not what one might call ordinary. I definitely know about being judged from attire.

  • Still don't understand what transpired during that discussion? Interesting.

    This is coming from someone who said that it's impossible for men to be raped because they enjoy all sexual advances. You don't exactly set a good example for what's hilarious and what is not.

  • Threads usually start casual, everyone is sharing their ideas, then suddenly, they tell you to shut up and insult you.

    Ah, the power of being anonymous.

    I've never been there, is it really that bad as people say it is? ._.

  • Most in my family wear contacts. (Not including me)

    Basically all of my family has sight problems. me included, but I'm the only one in my house who wears glasses. I take some really strong lens. Funny enough, my brother is the only one in my family who doesn't have asthma.

  • I have that model. It doesn't freeze much, but when it does, it's annoying. The Last Of Us autosaved right before freezing AGAIN. ALL BECAUSE I WALKED TOWARDS A DOOR. I'd say the model itself is alright if it didn't screech like a freakin' banshee after about half an hour of gameplay. I tried vacumming the ventilation ports (I really have no clue what they're called) to clear the dust, which worked for a bit, but it only took about a week before it's inner banshee came out again and squeeled all over the place. It's annoying. AS HELL. I'd probably do it monthly or something like that, but I'm getting a PS4 literally this month so I'm probably never touching that thing again :P

    My PS3 is the slim version (2009), and has a lot of games on it. I think around 30+, so I'm guessing that's causing the occasional crash. Yo

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