Connect IOS purchase to Steam?

Is there anyway of connecting my purchase of the walking dead S1 to my steam account. Recently its been playing up and has been removed from the app store completely. I feel at this stage it was a bit of a waste of money. Still one of my favorite games though.


  • You cannot share games between different stores; however, you likely don't need to worry.

    The older games on the App Store prior to Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones were temporarily removed because of a sound glitch caused by the iOS 9 Update. Telltale have said they intend to return the games to the App Store as soon as they can find a fix.

    You can read this notice at the Support Center for more information:

  • Thank you for this info I was wondering why my favorite game was deleted!?

    You cannot share games between different stores; however, you likely don't need to worry. The older games on the App Store prior to Tales

  • ok thanks for the help i thought was ripped off big time

    You cannot share games between different stores; however, you likely don't need to worry. The older games on the App Store prior to Tales

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