How do you feel about Clementine?



  • Clementine is the best character forever!

  • All your comments make me happy.

    Thank you.

    CuteClem posted: »

    Clementine is the best character forever!

  • I still enjoy Clementine. And I still feel as though her story isn't quite over yet

  • The only thing that made me change my opinion Clem is that I became more emotionally attached to her than ever. Yes Season 2 had it's flaws but Clem isn't to blame. She was actually the glue that kept the season from falling apart. I can't comprehend how someone would say she was boring in season 2. Yes she was stoic but that gave her some swagger and also playing as a adult can get cliche.

  • Well, I loved her both seasons and i hope we get much more of her...

    People can have their opinions, but...

    enter image description here

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    My Clem certainly has flaws, and still had to get saved frequently. She couldn't hold off all the Walkers at the lodge and had to get saved by Carlos. She tended to act quickly, but sometimes didn't think about the consequences of her choices (like when she hacked off Sarita's arm-- remembering that it saved Reg-- but didn't think about how the situation was different, or shot at the reanimated Rebecca to protect AJ without thinking about how shooting a gun during an armed stand-off would play out.) Like with any RPG, the character has as much life as you breathe into them.

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    I cared for her a lot through season 1. She was like my virtual daughter. When All That Remains was released I was more than excited to be p

  • And I agree with you on that! But it's hard to think about all these things when all the adults rely on her for everything

  • Spoiler

    Historically, the age of consent under French law in the 18th century, for example, was 11. 10 year olds worked in coal mines in the US in the 19th century. Treating people over the age of 10 as an adult and relying on them to do important jobs has long been part of human history. The harder the times, the earlier you begin to lean on them. I didn't think the attitudes towards her were unrealistic. For example, a lot of the occasions where they rely on Clem, is it only BECAUSE she is a small kid that she is useful. She's the only one small enough to shimmy up to the roof. She's the only one small enough to try to fit through the gap in the concessions stand. Just like textile mills used children to fit into tight places that adults couldn't fit, she is mostly used because of her smallness and not despite it.

    Also, when they are upset with her, they do shut her down. When Kenny blows up, he tells her to shut up because she's just a stupid kid. When they start talking about "adult stuff" at the lodge, they suggest she go help cook the food or decorate the tree. Walter wanted her to be his student, because he enjoys teaching kids. I actually thought that is was fairly realistic, how they would lean on her when times were hard but go back to treating her how they would have learned to from before in more relaxed moments.

    Again, my take on it, but I didn't see it as at all implausible. As a long-time teacher and coach, I've seen plenty of 5th or 6th grade kids as capable as Clem is portrayed (which is what grade an 11 year old would be in.)

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    And I agree with you on that! But it's hard to think about all these things when all the adults rely on her for everything

  • I do still believe it is unrealistic. I respect your opinion though.

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