Think Fiona will be a Vault Hunter in BL3?

It seems like she's being built up into becoming a Badass like the other Vault Hunters.

Don't really see Rhys, Sasha or the such taking up that path though.


  • She said it herself she's a vault hunter

  • The question is whether or not she'll be playable

  • Indeed, playability is important for True Vault Hunters.

    The question is whether or not she'll be playable

  • I hope not. I don't want her to be a filthy bandit.

  • Hate to break it to you, but she's already a bandit.

    I hope not. I don't want her to be a filthy bandit.

  • God Willing.

  • enter image description here

    DeityD posted: »

    Hate to break it to you, but she's already a bandit.

  • The chances are very slim and I'm fine with that

  • Are there any mentions about these characters actually being in Borderlands 3? Because that would be awesome if it actually happened.

  • Probably she end like a Vault Hunter with the assistence of Rhys(as his partner and supporter)

  • Wait, is BL3 even confirmed?

  • It was confirmed that Tales From The Borderlands is Pre-Sequel to Borderlands 3
    That's all I guess?

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Wait, is BL3 even confirmed?

  • edited October 2015
    They confirmed that they were hiring for the 'next Borderlands game' earlier this year:

    ![enter image description here](

    Randy referred to it as 'the big one' so it's presumably BL3.

    EDIT: The picture's being super buggy for some reason, so see it here:

    DOUBLE EDIT: I have no idea what's going on, it won't show the link either even though I can see it in the preview...
    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Wait, is BL3 even confirmed?

  • Thanks for the info! :)

    They confirmed that they were hiring for the 'next Borderlands game' earlier this year: ![enter image description here](http://gearboxs

  • Well, the hint at the end of the Pre-Sequel was that they needed "all the Vault Hunters they can get". If that is true, it is absolutely a possibility that Fiona is one of those pooled in to help, perhaps along with the others as supporting characters. But yeah, Fiona's development over the past few episodes clearly nudges her towards that path

  • The 'all the vault hunters' line got me thinking about her possible inclusion as well. I'd love to see her in the next BL ... and I'm kind of hoping we'll have more VH choices from the get-go instead of having just 4. (Especially since my faves come from the DLC packs.) With as many characters as Battleborn has, I can only hope we'll get to pick from several new, and past, Vault Hunters.

    Someguy12 posted: »

    Well, the hint at the end of the Pre-Sequel was that they needed "all the Vault Hunters they can get". If that is true, it is absolutely a p

  • She better be a playable VH in BL3.

  • Yes, but not a playable one.

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