Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • It's the final countdown from now on.

    Fingers crossed for the best.

    See you all soon. <3

  • So I guess since everyone else is doing it might as well give my own little speech. I have to be honest I wasn't into shipping like...at all before being on this thread, I hardly even knew what the word meant. So out of curiosity and being a big fan of Telltale I made an account, I clicked on community and two things caught my eye, a couple of shipping threads, The "Official Rhysha Thread" and "Rhys X Fiona Confirmed". Interested, I investigated deeper I saw the squabbles, the fanart and the fanfics and at first you could say I was a little confused of this thing called "shipping" and admittedly I was also a little weirded out even to today I still (though very rarely) still get traces of that feeling. lol

    But it took almost a month for me to actually post my first comment, I remembered it as something like "I like Rhysha and Rhyiona but I don't know which side to choose" or something like that and it all started from there ( and if you know me well enough you'll probably know what I choose). Over these past months I've grown love to everyone here and on the Rhysha thread including the art and fanfics. I should probably cut it short cause since I went longer than expected but all I want to say is that you've all have been great friends and hopefully it'll be that way into the near and far future. Thanks for the great memories! (゚ヮ゚)♥

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  • This is it guys, in a few more hours, TFBL will end...it's been a nice journey with you all, let's cross our fingers and hope for the best, it'll be our last chance for any Rhyiona, anything would be good at this point.

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  • This is it guys, in a few more hours, TFBL will end...it's been a nice journey with you all, let's cross our fingers and hope for the best, it'll be our last chance for any Rhyiona, anything would be good at this point. enter link description here

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    I've got to make a confession. I need to come clean. please don't berate me guys & gals for this. I used to think Yvette was kinda hot. Flinches in fear of being hit

  • edited October 2015
    All these speeches lmao

    I joined the forum for TWD. I started to lurk on the forums for about a week after the release of TFTBL ep 1 (Made the account 2 months after lurking :P). I would've never met this awesome community if it wasn't for The OriginalWeed (JoshOG now). Since I've been a fan of his before TFTBL came out he played episode 1 and I stayed to watch it since I was also a fan of Telltale because of The Walking Dead. I did see it from Cryoatic earlier but left early off the stream. I actually liked the wait for episode 2 it was hilarious. I saw this thread when Green first created it and I thought "lmao this ship...hmm seems ight, I ship it I guess." Then I was a user on the other part of the forums more than the TFTBL. I remember that Fable cover chat with Hazza and some other people about the cover of Fables issue....I forgot...and posting a throwing up gif which was my reaction to the cover LMFAO. Snow x Bigby 4 lyfe. Then I left the forums for a few months since late April for multiple reasons, then came back late July. I actually forgot about TFTBL until I received an email from Telltale saying episode 3 is released and my reaction towards it was "k" and I didn't really care but a few days later GoldGlove (Fav streamer) was streaming it (I forgot what day it was but it was less than a week after episode 3 was released). So I stayed to watch and really liked it then I decided to come back on the forums. Things didn't change but I saw that the Rhyiona thread grew a lot and I was like "HOLY SHIT LMAO." It was around the 400 or 500 comments mark I think. Then before episode 4 was released I decided to join the Rhyiona thread for the fun of it :P.

  • edited October 2015

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    i have no words

    Green613 posted: »

    Alright my beauties, time for the big speech. (Gonna have some music throughout the speech so listen when the opportunity arrives) (O

  • edited October 2015
  • Just remembered before I sleep, gonna update the title to warn people about spoilers. Night everyone, let's hope for the best! ^-^

  • edited October 2015

    I just realized all this time, I never upvoted this thread

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    (I'm sorry)

    Green613 posted: »

    Just remembered before I sleep, gonna update the title to warn people about spoilers. Night everyone, let's hope for the best! ^-^

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    Green613 posted: »

    Just remembered before I sleep, gonna update the title to warn people about spoilers. Night everyone, let's hope for the best! ^-^

  • Gives a sense of finality, no? Let's... hope :')

    Green613 posted: »

    Just remembered before I sleep, gonna update the title to warn people about spoilers. Night everyone, let's hope for the best! ^-^

  • edited October 2015

    ;_; ...wow, you guys. All these speeches are so sad and….hopeful at the same time. That said, here’s mine.

    I may be new to the group, but the hundred or so pages of this thread that I read before I joined were the entire reason I ended up joining in the first place. You all weren’t just a bunch of Rhyiona shippers that happened to be in the same place, you guys were friends, and in some cases, family. You helped and supported each other through personal problems as well as Tales-related problems. You kept (keep!) holding out hope for a good ending despite all the roadblocks we’ve had to deal with.

    So before I post my own happy ending, I want to say this. I have never felt so attached to a group of characters before. I found Tales on accident. It was the best accident ever. Tales may be over, and Episode 5 may not turn out the way we want it to, but as long as we have our imaginations and our keyboards and screens and pencils, Rhys and Fiona can always have their happy ending. So enjoy these little scenes.


    Fiona reached around Rhys to grab the bottle of soap, accidentally brushing her hand across his hip. Normally, brief contact like that wouldn't have fazed her. Now, however, she could feel herself blushing as soon as their skin met. Maybe it was because neither of them were wearing anything. Maybe it was because they'd shared a bed last night. Gritting her teeth, she tried to fight back the heat in her face and focused on the soap instead.

    “So, Vaughn knows.”

    She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. He didn’t look too worried. “How’d that go?”

    “Well, aside from making me feel guilty and almost waking you up, pretty good, actually.”

    Fiona’s lips quirked up at the corner. “You? Guilty?”

    Rhys narrowed his eyes and flicked a spray of water at her. “Don’t act like I’m the only one who’s having problems with this. You,” he snatched the soap from her, “still have to ‘fess up to Sasha. Have fun with that.”

    She rolled her eyes, about to retort, but the sound of approaching footsteps stopped her short.


    Fiona stole a glance at Rhys, who had frozen where he stood, eyebrows high, hands tense. He'd apparently retained enough of his wit to shoot her a small smirk and mouth, "Speak of the devil..."

    Fiona resisted the urge to smack him. "Yeah, need something, Sash?"

    "Oh...I was just gonna ask why Vaughn had to be the one to tell me you and Rhys spent the night together...nothing big."

    Fiona dared another glance at Rhys. His expression had fallen flat and he had the beginnings of a scowl written on his lips. Before the silence lasted longer than it needed to, she sighed. "I was going to--"

    "Tell me? Yeah, when, Fi? After you two got married? Had a kid?"


    "I'm your sister, Fiona!"

    "I know--"

    "The least you could have done was tell me you were...seeing him, or whatever. It's not like you needed to ask for permission, even though that would've been nice..."

    Fiona gritted her teeth. "Why the hell would I need your permission?"

    "Because he--" Sasha cut herself off with a sharp noise of frustration. "I just...I didn't expect it. That's all." Her voice had quieted substantially.

    Fiona relaxed a little. "Well, neither did I." She didn't want to look at Rhys. She knew the expression he'd have. It would make her forget what she was about to say and then she'd stutter and give something away-- Instead, she shut her eyes, blocking out everything but the warm water and her own thoughts. "I should have said something sooner, I'm sorry. I didn't because...I didn't know how you'd react."

    "A lot more calmly than I am now," Sasha muttered.

    Fiona sighed. "Yeah...probably. And I get where you're coming from, Sash. I do. We...didn't trust them. For a long time. But after everything that's happened? They're...friends now. They're part of the team. And we've learned a lot about them. They're good people, you know that."

    Silence reigned for a few long moments. Fiona didn't open her eyes. Finally, she heard Sasha mumble something with a small sigh.

    "Rhys and I are...a lot alike," she continued. "I wanted to see how things would go."

    "Obviously, they went pretty well," Sasha remarked. However, despite the words, there was no hint of bitterness in her voice.

    Fiona allowed herself a smile. "Yeah...yeah they did."

    "Okay, spare me all the details." Fiona swore she heard her sister's eyes rolling. "But just promise you'll keep me in the loop from now on, yeah?"

    "Promise," Fiona grinned.

    "Good. Oh, and Rhys? Take care of her or you'll have that stun baton shoved up your ass."

    Beside her, Rhys let out a scandalized yelp. "How'd you know I was in here?!"

    "I didn't. But since I haven't seen you all morning, I figured the odds were pretty high."

    Rhys just stood there, face red, mouth open, while Sasha's footsteps faded out the way they'd come.

    Before she walked out of earshot, however, she called back, "And I meant what I said about the stun baton!"


    Somehow, the stars looked even better from Pandora. Better than they ever had through the windows of Helios. The night was clear and cool. Perfect.

    “Don’t think too much, you might hurt yourself,” Fiona muttered from beside him.

    He stuck out his tongue, but didn’t tear his eyes away from the dark sky. “I was actually admiring Pandora’s ability to make the stars look so good.”

    “Better than out there in space?”

    “So much better.”

    Silence settled between them again and Rhys felt Fiona shift closer, leaning against his arm. Finally looking away from the sky, he reached out and draped his arm over her shoulders. She turned to face him with a small smile that he couldn’t help but return.

    “You know, you aren’t so bad, Hyperion,” she joked, resting her head on his shoulder.

    “You’re not so bad, either. You know, for a Pandoran criminal.”

    She snorted out a laugh, then fell quiet. When she spoke again a few moments later, her voice didn’t hold any of the teasing traces he’d become so familiar with. It was pure, honest, serious. “You’ve taught me a lot over the past couple years.”


    She nodded. “Before I met you, I thought I knew everything there was to know about people. How they lived, how they thought. And then...you showed up.” She looked down at her hands. “You in your stupid suit with your stupid hair and your stupid habit of thinking you had everything under control when you clearly didn’t.” She picked at her fingernails absently. “And for some reason, you threw me for a loop. I’d learned how to talk anyone into doing anything, but when I talked to you, it all came out wrong. Nothing worked on you. You’d just...shout insults back, or fight my sarcasm with some of your own. It was annoying.”

    “Well, thanks--”

    “Hey, hey, I’m not done yet.” She swatted his knee. “But it was also fun. You were the biggest challenge I’d had in years. You just wouldn’t give up when any other corporate dumbass would have left Pandora in a heartbeat, with or without their money. And then...well, after the money wasn’t an issue, you still stuck around. I couldn’t figure out why. At first, I just thought it was for the Vault. But--”

    He placed a finger over her lips. “I get it. You’re happy you finally have friends.”

    “God, you’re an asshole.” He laughed as she sat up and turned toward him. “Rhys, I’m serious. Will you just hear me out?”

    He heaved a dramatic sigh, but humored her nonetheless. “Of course. Who am I to interrupt your monologue?”

    “It’s not a monologue.”

    “Feels like one.”

    “I just…” she shut her eyes for a second and took a breath. “I guess I’m trying to say thank you. For...being different. For not being what I expected you to be.” She lapsed into silence once again, leaving Rhys to think about what she’d said.

    He agreed with her. He’d had a set of (very negative) expectations the moment he’d set out for Pandora in Vasquez’s car, with Vaughn and ten million bucks. Any hiccups they’d faced during the deal had fit cleanly into his assumptions about Pandora and its people. But...along the way, something changed. It changed early on. It had been the thing that compelled him to hang up on Vasquez. It had been the quiet voice telling him to trust Fiona while Jack yelled in the back of his head. Some little switch had gone off in his brain that made him willing to fight and peel off faces and stare down Handsome Jack--and all for...what?

    He glanced over at Fiona. The breeze ruffled her hair, prompting her to reach up and tuck the longer strands behind her ear. Swallowing a sudden lump in his throat, he pulled her closer again. “So...hypothetically--” he could feel her turning to look up at him. “If this you-and-me-thing ends up being...long term...would you want to stay here? On Pandora?”

    She hummed thoughtfully for a second before shrugging and turning her attention back to the stars.

    “Cause, I know you promised Sasha that you guys would go out and explore the galaxy…”

    “Yeah, I did.”


    “You know, Rhys...I think I’d be alright with wherever you wanted to be.”

    He laughed. “That’s really cute of….oh, you--you’re serious? Oh. Damn. Okay… That means I have to...uh, alright.” He bit his lip. “...how about…Eden Four?”

    She looked over, eyebrow raised. “Eden Four?”

    “Yeah...it’s, uh...it’s where I’m from. I mean...I’ve seen Pandora...I could...show you where I was born.”

    She was quiet for a second, then leaned in with a smile, pressing a very faint kiss to his jaw. “Like I said, anywhere you want is fine with me.”

  • Uh, I couldn't write a speech to save my life. That said, what I want to say is that this is pretty sweet. We're getting our finale today and we'll share it with the huge community that has sprung up over time. This is the end, of course, but it's the end of an era, not the world. And I know we can adapt because that's simply how awesome we are.

    Now comes "avoid the forum like the plague" time, I'll see you at the finish line.

  • Till then. (´ー`)/

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    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Uh, I couldn't write a speech to save my life. That said, what I want to say is that this is pretty sweet. We're getting our finale today an

  • edited October 2015

    Good morning/night pals!!!

    Who is excited today?!?!?! Because I fuckin' am!

    *insert excited gif here *

  • Nice to meet you! <333

    Great to have another Spanish speaker here! ᵔ_ᵔ

  • edited October 2015

    Good morning Dary! I'm really excited.

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    Daryace posted: »

    Good morning/night pals!!! Who is excited today?!?!?! Because I fuckin' am! *insert excited gif here *

  • Oh belive me, I did it... And I still doing it!

    Bye Bye. Don't forget to pray for Rhyiona in Ep5

  • <33333

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    And we are glad to have you!

  • edited October 2015

    Hello Daryace :D

    Really excited and nervous!

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    (also I probably replied wrongly FRICK)

    Daryace posted: »

    Good morning/night pals!!! Who is excited today?!?!?! Because I fuckin' am! *insert excited gif here *

  • edited October 2015

    GMorning Sir Handsome!

    I still counting the minutes to get Episode 5... I feel myself as a survivor waiting a ship to save me (?)

    (Gosh, those Jack's gifs makes me feel comfortable being in class)

    Good morning Dary! I'm really excited.

  • Hero, friend and a hero

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    kristi78968 posted: »

    I will make sure as President to keep this place in order for you! I'm sure the others will as well. Thank you for the incredible speech, Green. LongLiveRhyiona

  • I know that feel, bro ;_; hugs hard

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    Hello Daryace Really excited and nervous! (also I probably replied wrongly FRICK)

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, minutes feel like hours in this craphole.

    (Get the reference?)

    Daryace posted: »

    GMorning Sir Handsome! I still counting the minutes to get Episode 5... I feel myself as a survivor waiting a ship to save me (?) (Gosh, those Jack's gifs makes me feel comfortable being in class)

  • Of course I do, cupcake <3 and I couldn't be more agree with you

    Yeah, minutes feel like hours in this craphole. (Get the reference?)

  • Amazing drawing, I just wish I was in it, but I am not very active here, so I understand. Anyway, amazing work. ;)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hello Rhyionas! I'm happy to tell you guys that the long wait is finally over! :> Sadly Tales is coming to and end and Grumpydof and I

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited October 2015

    The Rhyiona hype train is on full speed. And Telltale cut the brakes. I have a feeling this episode will go out with a bang. I know I haven't been active here much, but I love you guys. Each and every one of you, it's been fun, and this is easily the best Ship community I have ever been a part of. Sorry for the short speech, but I was never good with speeches.

    My erect Penis


  • group Rhyiona hugs

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    The Rhyiona hype train is on full speed. And Telltale cut the brakes. I have a feeling this episode will go out with a bang. I know I haven'

  • It's very erect

    Vernaya posted: »

    group Rhyiona hugs

  • edited October 2015

    tfw u have a day off when the episode releases

    enter image description here

    fak... having nothing to do until the episode releases makes the wait so much harder than it already is.

  • "When you play it, everything will be much better :) And sad and cool... And stuff..."

    -Marteen 2015

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    tfw u have a day off when the episode releases fak... having nothing to do until the episode releases makes the wait so much harder than it already is.

  • Tfw u have vacation when the episode releases

    enter image description here

    fak... having nothing to do until the episode releases makes the wait so much harder than it already is.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    tfw u have a day off when the episode releases fak... having nothing to do until the episode releases makes the wait so much harder than it already is.

  • Well... Rhys and Fi finally travel to... where? I guess that means that SEASON 2 CONFIRMED. :D
    Yeah i watched just ending but... what can i say? We have same dialogs which smb posted on tumbler.
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    I really waiting for release in TTG store to choose "just friends" option.

    But those sights... Oh thats really hot.
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  • I wonder what happens if you claim no interest in Sasha. Totally gonna do that on my own playthrough. Although... it'd be great... if someone else could upload it...? I'm so lazy.

  • edited October 2015

    So Rhysha is optional! Good. :)

    Dies because from your comment, there is a lack of Rhyiona in the episode

  • Why? "Interesting in somebody else" is Rhyiona i guess. I really wanna see Rhys face while he says it. xD

    kristi78968 posted: »

    So Rhysha is optional! Good. Dies because from your comment, there is a lack of Rhyiona in the episode

  • True. Granted, I need to see his facial expressions when he says that. If he looks at Fiona weird, THEN RHYIONA CONFIRMED.

    Vernaya posted: »

    Why? "Interesting in somebody else" is Rhyiona i guess. I really wanna see Rhys face while he says it. xD

  • God has MC gotten that popular already? I have to play Ep.1 still (tomorrow most likely)

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    You know... Maybe for yes... But ABSOLUTELY NOT for no I'll always be here, everyday I come up and check every post, I just don't wr

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